S: Hi guys welcome to the rewrite version of my story- "Dragon Dynasty- Legend of the Dragon Emperor"

S: The reason to rewrite this is because.. well to say that story was my first story so it was like very familiar with a story that name- "Rise of the Dragon Empire: Naruto the Conqueror" that being written by DealtShadow35

S: The book was very nice indeed and I also borrow some scene in that book and add it into my story but after thinking whether to continue the story I decided to rewrite one instead since there are too many things being limited in my previous story and too many details haven't been told.

S: So~ Tadaa~ Now I decided to write a new story and here you have it, hope you guys will enjoy the story~ Let's begin the story shall we?

Let's begin

There is a place where two legends once fought, a valley that saw the growth of both legendary shinobi and creation of the Village hidden in the leaf and the time Hashirama Senju became the First Hokage.

Years later both legends fought there and only one was able to walks out the battle flied alive. To honor the victor and his foe, the waterfall is used as a border to memorialise both heroes, their giant statues carved Hashirama on the Land of Fire's side of the waterfall and Madara on the opposite side to symbolised his defection from their village.

Decades later, a blonde can be seen chasing after the now missing-nin and also ex-teammate, Satsuki Uchiha to the valley in order to bring her back to the village before she falls for Orochimaru's trap.


Yelled the blonde as the nine tails Chakra began to cloak his body as he glares at the said Uchiha female.

"Stop chasing after me! Why are you so obsessed with me?!"

Retorted the girl as Orochimaru curse has affect her mind and fills her with pure anger and hatred, with her once snow white skin turns into a muddy black color and has two wings sprouted from her back.

"Get loss before I kill you dope!"

Threaten the girl as lightning Chakra begins to gather around her hand.

"I won't give up on you Satsuki and I will bring you back to the village no matter what!"

Stated the blonde with full determination.

"So be it"

As the lightning Chakra on the Uchiha hands soon turns into Kakashi's famous technique- Chidori.

"You are coming back with me whether you like it or not!"

Was all the blonde said as he quickly forms a Rasengan in his hand, with the power of nine tails adds into the wind spiral, the ball slowly turns into a vibrant orange color.


With that both teens charge toward each other-

Time seems to slowed for both friends, the instant when their attacks clashed appeared to be an eternity to both of them.

"Rasengan!" "Chidori!"

(After the fight)

"Why didn't you kill.. me.. you dope.."

Asked the injured Uchiha maiden as she lays on the back of her blonde friend as they slowly moved back to the village.

"Same as you too.. teme"

Replied the blonde tiredly as he gave a smile to the said maiden who he is now piggy back carrying.

The battle was majestic but both opponents didn't aim to kill their foes just to simply knock out but when their attack crashed together it resulted in a large explosion- which they didn't expect.

"Why are you so obsess with me.. dope"

Asked the maiden tiredly as her legs were injured during the battle and most of her Chakra was being used in that battle and the left is being used to suppress the curse seal.

"Because you are my teammate teme.. and you are my only friend who would always stand with me"

Answered the blonde, though he also got several wounds here and there because of the explosion but with the nine tails sealed inside of him, his wounds are beginning to heal as well as his Chakra.

"Say… now you have prevent me to fulfil my dream ..what do you.. expected me to do?"

Asked the girl as she looks quietly waits for the reply of the blonde.

"Well.. we can train together and grow stronger together.. nothing can stop us.. believe it!"

Said the blonde cheerfully.


Mumble the maiden with a healthy blush.

"Hm? Did you say something?"

"Nothing… thanks-"

Just when both teens imagine that their conversation can continue.

A group of anbu suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way back to Konoha.

"Uzumaki, you are requiring to hand out Uchiha Satsuki to be safely guard back to the village"

Order a muscular man with bear mask who seems to be the leader of the small squad.

Doubting the request Naruto was going to refuse at first because who knows that maybe they are the spies send by Orochimaru? Looking among the squad he then saw a female anbu with purple hair and wearing a cat mask.

"Cat-san, can you please take care of Satsuki-chan?"

Asked the blonde as he walks toward the anbu with cat mask as he is sure that this anbu is surely under Tsunade baa-chan as he saw her before at Third Hokage's office.

Being shock a bit by the request the anbu quickly nod back to the blonde.


"Don't worry I will see you later 'kay?"

Said the blonde with a promising smile before he hands Satsuki to the anbu and looks at her.

"Please take care of her okay?"

Asked the blonde with the female anbu give a nod and give Satsuki a piggy back ride but before she move back to the village she seems to have some worry as she turns to looks at the blonde for a few seconds like telling him to be careful.

"See you later.. dope"

Said the Uchiha maiden before she fell asleep due to overuse of Chakra but little did she knows this might be the last fare well or the last meeting with the blonde teen.

After seeing that the female anbu send the Uchiha maiden away the blonde turns his gaze to the squad leader.

"Alright what do you guys want from me?"

When the moment Naruto saw the squad of anbu he already knew something was seriously off as Tsunade baa-chan said no anbu was available at the moment and that's the reason why Genins like him was being send to the retrieval mission instead of Jounin or Anbu.

And not to mention even after Satsuki was being taken away the whole squad of anbu still standing in their place without moving have clearly show him that their target was him all along.

"By the order of Hokage, we were ordered to take you down"

Said the squad leader as look sternly at the blonde.


Ordered the squad leader without a single emotion in his voice.

"What if I refuse?"

Asked the blonde as he begin to gather his Chakra, tiredly, although he knew well that Tsunade baa-chan will never give an order as such, but he can't think about the worst as all anbu are being control by Tsunade right?

"Kurama" "Be careful kid, you are still in no shape of fighting not to mention against a whole squad of anbu"

"Then we will take you down by force"

Said the leader and with his word just spoken, several anbu leaped out from the bushed and swung their blades toward the blonde.


With the blonde counter one blade with his kunai and dodge the other but immediately another one aim straight forward his head, giving him no time to react.

With the blonde dodge the blade in last second but got his belly cut by another blade so as his legs grazed by wind blades sent by an anbu that hid on the trees.

"Argh" 'Kurama, why aren't my wounds healing?' "Kid! There seems to be some seals on the field that prevent my Chakra from helping you!"

Replied the giant nine tails fox but it was all too late as the blonde was not in shape for battle in the first place and now his wounds can't be healed, thus the battle ends just after Kurama warns Naruto as a thunder bolt hit the blonde directly.

"Argh!!!" "Kid!!"

Without the healing factor and being hit directly by a thunder bolt cause the blonde to lost all his remaining power to fight or even escape and cause the blonde to fall to the ground.

"Capture the jailer of the Kyuubi and begin to extract the beast"

Ordered the leader as immediately two anbu took hold of both Naruto right and left arms and a anbu with snake mask begin to flashing through hand seals and slam his palm onto Naruto's abdomen.

"Sir, the seal seems to be tightly seal"

"Break it even it means to uses brute force"

Ordered the leader but suddenly the group was interrupt by two voice.

"Oi! What are you doing with our target?"

Asked a rather lazy voice and the owner of the voice is a man with medium-length grey hair that was slicked back and distinctive purple eyes, without wearing any shirt, but instead he wears a cloak with red clouds. But the most unique part is he has a Triple-Bladed Scythe on his back.

And beside him is a very tall man with long dark-brown hair. His eyes had an unusual color: green irides, no pupils and red sclera. He has a black mask over his lower face and his clothing is the same with his partner a black cloak with red clouds.

"Akatsuki, we are just helping you to extract the Kyuubi-"

"Help my ass, or you guys just want to keep the Kyuubi to your one eye leader and give us a useless jailer?"

Asked the man with grey hair as he pulls out his scythe and point toward the leader.

"We will take it from here, summon the statue Hidan"

"Whatever you said Kakuzu"

Replied the grey hair man as both Shinobi begin to flash through hand seals- "Summon technique: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path!"

Exclaimed both men as a giant earthen-coloured humanoid entity with a mummified appearance, a body shaped similar to a robe, and a number of spike-like protrusions on its back. It towers over even the tailed beasts in size, it has nine eyes, which all remains closed. The statue's wrists and ankles are bound by shackles and it bites down on a scroll, which is held in place by two ropes extending from beneath its blindfold on either side of its head.


With both Shinobi slam their hand onto the ground the scroll in the statue mouth fell from the statue's and nine dragon-like entities burst forth, encompassing Naruto's body.

"Tch, we don't have much time here. Increase the speed of the process"

Said Kakuzu with that more dragons brush out from the statue mouth and encompassing the blonde.

With the blonde Jinchuriki being force wake up because of the large amount of pain that send through his whole body but he has lost all his energy and didn't even leave him any much strength to yell in pain.

(Twenty minutes later)

"Is it done yet?"

Complain the grey hair Akatsuki member as he sits lazily on the floor.

"Your leader does remember our deal right?"

Asked the leader as he looks at the taller man with black red cloud cloak.

"Don't worry, our leader will keep our promise to help your one eye leader to be the Hokage once we get the nine tails"

Replied Kakuzu but just when everything seems fine-

"Fire technique: Great fire ball!"

Exclaimed a voice and a large fire ball was suddenly breath out and aim toward Kakuzu, with the said Akatsuki quickly jump backward to dodge the attack.

"What the?!" "Lightning blade!"

Exclaimed another voice that aim toward Hidan but was being block by his scythe.

"Naruto-kun are you okay?"

Asked a man with long white hair and pull Naruto out of the blue array create by the demonic statue.

"Jiraya and Kakashi.. is "good" to see both people that have large money for their head meeting me here"

Said Kakuzu with his eyes looking at both Konoha Shinobi with Jiraya holding on their target.

"Ero.. sannin.."

Mumble the blonde weakly as he can barely stand.

"You all aren't anbu right, I once heard about Danzo has his own army- root but I never believe it he would do something like this for his own good"

Stated Kakashi as he glares at the squad leader, if it wasn't Yugao return Satsuki safely but without Naruto follow behind they wouldn't have notice that something has happen if Yugao didn't inform them.

"Can you run Naruto-kun? We will hold them off"

Asked Jiraya as he looks at Naruto, he must give his best in this battle as their opponent consist of two S-rank missing nin and a whole squad of anbu, with a little bit of careless could kill all of them.

"You aren't getting away Jinchuriki!"

"Run Naruto-kun!"

Exclaimed Jiraya as he and Kakashi rush forward to buy some time for his apprentice.

'Ku..rama' "…"

No respond… that shouldn't be possible right? He is still alive that means Kurama is still inside of him right? Then why isn't there anyone answer his call? Dammit!

Thought the blonde while trying to get away from the battle flied.

The sky begins to rain, the rain is pouring down on the ground. He can't think of anything he can only keep running forward, he doesn't know where he is heading whether he is heading the right direction or not. His body hurt it hurt so much, he felt weak, like he was made of straw. He once again force his body to move, to survive he knew this is the only way if he want to survive to meet Satsuki, Hinata, Tsunade baa-chan and many other people…

But why did he feel like crying? Why did he want to scream out and complain why the God treat him so unfair? Just when everything seems to settle down and he could have a good life, everything once again change, first was his parents that he never has chance to meet, next is his grandpa figure and now he finally found his feeling toward the Uchiha but now it was all a dream.

He knew he couldn't go back to Konoha, with the Danzo guy there he would never stand a chance against him who know will he threaten the life of those that he cherishes very much. Why was he now remembering the smile of those he cares so much?

Trying to move forward with his injured body, he decided to shut his eyes and took a deep breath and stop thinking about those thoughts.

He heard the sound of roaring water, he can feel the rain drops hitting on his body and when he once again opens his eyes he is now standing on the edge of Hashirama's statue head.

"Hold it right there Jinchuriki!"

Ordered the leader with him alone as he has his hand bleeding, it seems Jiraya and Kakashi really do keep their promise.

Without any fear or any other emotion, the blonde slowly turns his head toward the said leader-

"Tell me why are you guys.. keeps chase.. after me?"

Asked the blonde as he looks at the furious leader.

"You are simply a war machine, a tool to be used by Konoha, to claim Konoha victory! But the Kyuubi was being seal in a weak vessel and being a drag for Danzo-sama plan!"

Yelled the leader as he rushes toward the blonde.

"You are simply a war machine that can bring Konoha victory!"

Exclaimed the leader as Naruto just standing at his spot and looks at the man with a weak smile.

"Is that so?..."

But when the leader almost grabs him, the blonde took a step back and fall into the roaring water.

"I will bring Kurama with me.."

Was all the words that the leader heard while he tries to grab the blonde before Naruto disappear into the roaring water and leave the furious leader to look at the roaring water.

(With Naruto)

'Is my whole life a short joke? Just being a simple war machine and being seen as a tool that can bring victory?'

'Is my whole presence just for the victory of Konoha.. my dream after become Hokage is to achieve peace and have a family of my own is just all illusion?'

'In that case.. I will make myself disappear then… no war should be occur then without my presence..-'

Thought the blonde as his spirit seems to leave his body already as he can't feel any pain anymore.

'No one can hurt me anymore.. I am so tired…'

But just when the blonde almost close his eyes a light appear.

"My descendant, your journey shouldn't end so soon"

Said a mysterious voice as a giant creature with yellow eyes open it eyes and looking at the teen that has fall unconscious.

"My friend, please guide my descendant and show him the right path, the future that is waiting for him"

Said the mysterious voice before it disappears and turn into a yellow ball of light before disappear with the giant creature.

Soon after, the rain stops.

S: And done well that's all for the first chapter xD Like my previous story- Dragon Dynasty: The legend of the Dragon Emperor it will also include some dynasty warriors elements into this story but this time it will be more well plan. Anyway hope you guys enjoy this story~ And next chapter- An angel from Kumo~

See you guys next time~ Bye~

Thanks for reading~