Chapter 14

The sun was streaming in the window when I woke. On my feet laid a very large dog other wise known as Sirius. In a close by chair was Remus who was sleeping away. I then maneuvered myself so sit up just as the door opened.

"Careful," Daphne said rushing over to set the try to carried down before assisting me. "You busted you shoulder blade pretty bad,"

"Tends to happen when you skip like a rock on water," I said as she adjusted my sling and checked the bandages. She then set up the tray which had brunch ready to go. "How long was I out for?"

"Well its now eleven so," she said sitting on the bed. "You gave us a scare you know,"

"I did not mean to," I said eating my toast with jam. "Could have been worse,"

"That it could have," she said then kissed my cheek. "I am glad you are safe though and in one piece. Would have been tedious to find another to court me,"

"Oh yea so tedious," I said with an eye role and she laughed. "Would have taken ages I am sure,"

Just as we were going to continue the floo chimed announcing a visitor. This woke Remus and Sirius who jumped up wand drawn or in Sirius case teeth barred. The door was open so we were able to hear as the visitor announced themselves.

"Lord Black it is Ragnok," he said and it caused everyone to calm down.

"In the bedroom," Sirius said transforming back. Ragnok then came and peaked his head in. "So it worked?"

"That it did," he said before looking to me. "I hope you are feeling well Lord Potter as we have a lot to discuss,"

"Lord?" I asked confused.

"Yes as of yesterday you are officially emancipated and thus Lord Potter," he said with grin. I looked to Sirius then Remus who seemed surprised as I was.

"But what about school and…," I said. I had learned the duties I would have as lord and I needed to be available for meetings and the like.

"Emancipation works differently then in the muggle world Lord Potter," Ragnok said "Though you get your title and all that comes with it you are not magically mature and wont be mature enough to actually sit in the seat until you are seventeen. So instead you will name a proxy to sit in your seat or seats in your case. Agenda's are sent a week before to you so you can discuss them with your proxy. You will though be able to attend some meets and speak your own points but your proxy will need to be their for voting."

"Why does my magic need to be mature?" I asked a but confused.

"Remember how I told you that the largest growth of your core is between thirteen and seventeen," Sirius said and I nodded. "Well if you tax it to much during that time you can also injure your core and unlike physical injures it does not heal back to what it use to be. If you drained your core to often then it would hamper any further growth."

"But I will be fine right?" I asked "I mean I had like twice this summer I passed out and it was related to my magic and core,"

"They were different reasons," Remus said. "The first time was not due to exhaustion but rather your body needing to adjust. Your core was maturing but was not seeming to because of the binding. So not only did your body have to adjust to the more magic then it was use to but had to adjust to the maturing core. If this binding would have stayed on another year or so it would have damaged the maturing process. As for the second time it was in a display of power and it did not injure your core though it could have as you are young. Sharpclaw assured us your core was fine but you will need to be careful with that as if it happens at a similar level again it likely will injure it and if often wont heal right,"

"As for why you need mature magic the seats require on to have magical energy to cast votes" he said "Though you have much more then normal at your age your core and system, thus possible could handle one seat I don't believe you could handle to casting of votes on multiple seats. It is safer to use a proxy either way and as you are young it would be expected. Many wizards who get their seat young use proxy's to deal with the seats even after their magic has matured enough to sit. It might not be every meeting but that way they can have some form of normal life. Your father did this but at his death the proxy lost the power to keep the seat."

"Then who has been casting my Potter vote?" I asked.

"Dumbledore has," he said "I am not sure if the Wizengamot is even aware that the vote is in play. Typically if the child is to young to even name a proxy like you were the seat goes into a hibernation state unless there is family members. The Gringotts records show that this never occurred with the Potter seat,"

"What of the Black seat?" Sirius asked.

"Lord Malfoy stated it was his due to Draco," Daphne said and we all looked to her. "I remember my father upset about it. Arcturus died in May of 1991 and the following meeting Lord Malfoy said his son was the only male with Black blood left hence he would sit proxy. The minister more declared it and the seat was not properly tested. My father wanted the room to be brought into Imperium Paratus but the Chief Warlock refused."

"One does not have to ask for Imperium Paratus," Ragnok said. "As it would have been the Summer solstice meeting the room should have already been in that state."

"Fleamont once said that Imperium Paratus was not being used often and more then not thought to old fashion," Sirius said. "I don't think James once mentioned it in the meetings he attended after his fathers death."

"It would work in favor for Dumbledore as well," Remus said.

"What is so important about Imperium Paratus?" I asked.

"The chamber room was designed by Merlin," Ragnok said "In his time it was often the both muggles and magical to try and claim rights that were not theirs or meetings to do. Imperium Partus as the function of determining those rights. The main function though is to keep order in the larger or important meetings. Typically it is the Chief Warlock that that sets this in motion there for he is the one to indicate who speaks but the room may chose. Also if one does not have a legal voting seat they have to be acknowledged to speak."

"Father said that is ignored now when imperium is not in play," Daphne said. "There are people that do not vote that get speaking rights as if they have a seat. One in particular has put bills on the floor to vote without going through the proper protocol. They have passed much to my fathers dismay."

"I think we need Amelia here," Sirius said. "She will be a big help in getting things ready for claiming the seats and my trial,"

"I think that would be smart," Ragnok said. "We need people inside of the Wizengamot,"

"What about my father?" Daphne asked. "Madam Bones is head of the DMLE but she is only a regent of the Noble House of Bones. My father is Lord of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Greengrass. We are also a neutral family so it won't be seen as taking one side over the other but supporting another Most Noble and Ancient family,"

"Will he believe my innocence though?" Sirius asked.

"If Madam Bones is already here and apparently believes it then he should have no issue accepting it," she said.

"Why don't you call Madam Bones Remus well we move to the living area," so that is what we did. Sirius and Daphne helped me walk towards the chair and settled a pillow in it for me. Daphne went back in to get the try which had my breakfast on it before settling down on the couch. I had started eating when Madam Bones arrived.

"Remus said there was important information on the case," she said getting right down to business.

"Its more that we can now move," Ragnok said. "Harrison Potter is no longer a minor and has been emancipated,"

"How?" she said surprised as Tipper brought tea out for everyone.

"When Harrison's name came out of the cup he was acknowledged by ministry officials, including the tournament head and chief warlock, and the headmaster to be able to compete. Magic recognized the rule that one must be of age as it was placed in the contract that one had to be but they never changed the goblet. We at Gringotts go notification of this the moment the task date was given. As you know emancipate of a minor you need ministry approval, the headmasters acknowledgment that the child is mature enough, and magical guardian. We contacted Lord Black as it was mentioned just prior to the start of this term. If he refused we would point it out to the ministry who would have stopped it from happening. It still could have been stopped anytime before the first task,"

"Since I competed in the first task the ministry nor Dumbledore can take back the statement," I said. "Is that right Ragnok right?"

"That is correct," he said. "Over the course of the next month we will have Lord Potter claim his ring and with it as well unseal the will. On the solstice meeting he will claim his seat and name proxies. The will might also hold something for Lord Blacks case,"

"How has that been coming Amelia?" Sirius asked.

"Just needed a reason to bring it up," she said "I have had Shacklebolt and a new recruit working on it privately. The wand was tested by an unspeakable and was found not to have cast the curse that would cause an explosion. The same unspeakable will check all memories of the incident back in May. These would be needed to show that Peter Pettigrew is truly alive."

"What of the Time Tuner?" I asked.

"This unspeakable is the one to have signed it out there for can justify the use," she said
"I have told him of the situation he said he would class it as needed and it appears there was no time line changes if the time turner is brought up."

"Perfect," Sirius said.

"Now is timing on introducing the trial," she said.

"What about after Harry claims his seat," Daphne said "If Harry calls for Imperium Paratus which would be protocol then there is nothing Dumbledore or the Minister can do should the room wish to grant it right?"

"You would be correct," Madam Bones said "The could still try though and with Harrison only just claiming a proxy they might not yet have the power,"

"What if my father backed him and his proxy?" she asked and the room thought on it.

"Lord Greengrass is another Most Ancient and Noble house," Remus said "Even if everyone tried having the proxy and him means the room won't be forced to shut it down. We need to make sure we have a good proxy though for Harry,"

"Well that's easy," I said "You,"


"Its Perfect Remy," Sirius said "You know the history and the laws. Harry claims you for House Potter Proxy and as Heir to House Black he can claim you proxy for that house until my trial is complete. That would give us plenty of power over others,"

"More then enough with the Champion seats," Ragnok said.

"Champion seats?" Madam Bones asked.

"Yes young Lord Potter is not only Lord of Potter House and Heir of House Black but is champion to both Gryffindor and Slytherin," said the voice of Godric from the paintings. "Sorry I did not speak sooner but did not realize you were awake Harrison,"

"Its fine Godric," I said then turned to Madam Bones, "As you know I showed everyone the Chamber of Secrets and Salazar's personal chambers. What was not published, likely due to Dumbledore not thinking I knew, was that I am the Champion of Slytherin by his test and defeat of his blood heir. I already knew before finding the living chambers as I had to take the blood rights test at Gringotts to confirm me as the Potter and Black Heir. It also showed I was champion to both Slytherin and Gryffindor,"

"We figured the test was the hat and sword he killed the basilisk with," Sirius said.

"You are the most powerful member of the Wizengamot," she said.

"Yes he is," Ragnok said. "Though we have suggested not to merge the Potter and Black family,"

"Ragnok said it would be best to keep them split," I said "One son will take the Potter house and the Gryffindor Champion seats and the other the Black and Slytherin seats."

"Still Harry I can't be proxy," Remus said.

"But why? As Sirius said you would be perfect and when he gets cleared you can stay the Potter and Gryffindor proxy,"

"I am a werewolf Harry,"

"Yea why should that matter," he was about to start but Ragnok beat him to it.

"It doesn't," he said "No law has ever been passed stating a werewolf can not hold or be proxy to a seat in Wizengamot. It seems in making the laws after last year the forgot one major place to exclude them,"

"Even if the law is passed after proxy," Madam Bones said "You would have already been accepted by the seats and be grandfathered in."

"See so there is nothing they can do Remy," Sirius said.

"My father will back you as well," Daphne said "He was pleased last year when you got the job and upset when you resigned. He also has never backed those laws. He believes the registry should be use for those like Greyback not honest people."

"Fine," he said "I will hold proxy should the chair accept me until Harry's magic matures enough to sit."

"Now that is settled over the next month Lord Potter will need to come take his oath as Lord of House Potter," Ragnok said. "The will would have also unsealed and I will set that up so it can be fully read after the trial. I would say before but word of the reading could get around. We will do a private reading with Madam Bones and maybe Lord Greengrass to witness."

"That sounds good," I said. With most things settled it was time to call Cadoc Greengrass. He was able to come right over and was given the password to the floo. For safety at first Sirius turned to Padfoot before he arrived. Things were explained and he sat quietly during taking in the new information.

He did not seem surprised when Sirius turned back and had accepted it rather quickly. He had always though something was off but had no way to prove it. He had never be close friends with my
parents and after they had declared for the light there was not much contact as he had stayed neutral. He agreed to back my claim and call for Imperium Paratus in the solstice meeting. He would even sit to witness. After that it was time to rest for me though so I was settled back in my room well our guests left.

~Time Skip~

Monday came and I was moving so much better. Daphne, Sirius, Remus, and Hermione had taken care of me over the weekend. We did hold a party though in Gryffindor tower on Saturday as I promised the twins and I was feeling better. Though tied for first Gryffindor was proud and was ecstatic at the brave performance.

Cedric congratulated me at breakfast along with non Gryffindor students. Ron seemed to sit closer to me then he had in over a month and I knew something was brewing but kept to myself for now. I was getting a lot more attention though from people and a lot of girls.

"Hermione why are the girl giggling?" I asked as a group of Ravenclaw's passed us in the hall as we headed out to Care of Magical Creatures.

"They think you might ask them to the Yule Ball," she said

"Ball? Wait is that why we needed dress robes?"

"Yes it is," she said "Apparently it is a tradition for the hosting school to put on a ball. That is why we have to meet McGonagall tomorrow so she can show the house how to dance. Apparently the first dance at least will be formal."

"Why do I feel I am going to hate this," I said rubbing my head.

"Cause you get the feeling as champion you have to do something," she said with a smile.

"Which is?"

"All champions open the ball with their partners," she said then pointed to the giggling girls gathered whispering in our class. "They want you to pick them as not only do they get a Triwizard Tournament Champion but an upper class to be lord famous wizard. Even if you weren't in the tournament you would likely be a target,"

"But I am with Daphne," I said "I mean we are openly courting,"

"Courting and dating are not the same," she said proud of herself for looking into it. She had actually started learning culture from Sirius who was raised in it and was starting to understand that though a bit old fashion we had some great culture. "Unless you ask her formally they will keep coming after you. Also you asked her to court privately so some don't believe you are officially courting. Draco still insists he is the only one officially courting her,"

"Are you telling me to do it publicly?"

"Would be the best option," she said fining a place on the fence line. "If you do a public gesture then they will have to accept you are at least courting though as courting does not mean exclusivity here so they may still try,"

"You really looked into this," I said.

"Well I should," she said "Honestly all of us not raised in the world before Hogwarts should know what to expect. It should be taught if it was there would likely be far less issues."

"It use to be but apparently they got rid of the class," I said "Back on point though is yea I should ask her to truly date. I really like her and the ball is a great opportunity for that. One problem though,"

"Whats that?"

"I don't know how to dance,"

"I am sure between McGonagall's thing tomorrow and the rest of us we can get you up to snuff," she said with a laugh before Hagrid started class.

Hermione was right of course. McGonagall had taught as all the basics to dance during her information meeting. Sirius and Remus also both offered to help me with dancing. They also offered to help me asking Daphne out more publicly. So on Friday at dinner I was ready.

Remus had gone to diagon alley and gotten a bouquet of flowers. Many older families taught meaning of flowers so I needed it to be perfect. So I went with light blue calla lilies which represented grace and refined beauty along with orange roses which signify desire. With it was a locket that would play moonlight sonata.

Sirius as Padfoot trotted with flowers and gift gently in his mouth and brought her them along with a note. I watched from the doors as she grabbed the items with a smile. Her friend Tracy said something before she looked over my way. She then got up and came over.

"So will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" I asked still everyone's eyes one us.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," she said giving me a kiss on the cheek. From there we enjoyed a walk around the grounds.

~Time Skip~

"Mate!" I turned to see Ron getting closer. We really had not talked much since the dorm indecent but I had stayed civil. Over the two weeks though he started trying to be friendly. I would talk with him but we did not hang out but it is not like I had much time. Now though he stopped me in the empty hallway to my chambers.

We were making sure we had all our ducks in a row for the Wizengamot session. I also was still training for the tournament. We had opened the egg two days after the task to just hear horrible screeching. I had to figure out that clue before I could do more focused training but some would never hurt. I also had to get my dress robes finished and practice dancing.

"What do you want Ron?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you want to hang out in Hogsmeade this weekend," he said

"Ron you can't even go to Hogsmeade until next month," I said "Plus have some stuff I got to get its the last trip before break,"

"I can use your cloak like you did last year,"

"Ron why are you even asking," I said "we have not even really talked since before Halloween then you called me a glory hog and thought I put my name in the cup,"

"Come one mate I was just jealous," he said "I mean you get so much attention and all and that gold would be good for may family. Then I saw the task and realized how stupid I was to think that I could do any of it,"

"and now that I am in the papers you want to be buddies again," I said. Over the last two weeks Skeeter had written a few more colorful articles. The Prophet stuck to facts but Witch Weakly was not bond but the same rules. There was rumor that Hermione and I were a couple and she was cheating one me with Krum. This got her sent some nasty letters even one from Mrs. Weasley. McGonagall started putting checks on all her mail for the time being after one burned her hands. Even if it did not paint him in good light being in the papers would have been good in his mind.

"No way mate," he said "Just figured you would want some guy time. I mean you are always hanging out with girls,"

"I do not always hang out with girls," I said "I got the whole quidditch team and Neville as well. So the answer is no Ron we can not hang out in Hogsmeade. I was serious when I said we were no longer friends."

"Come on mate I am sorry," he said "Honestly thought you wouldn't mind,"

"Wouldn't mind, that's what you thought," I said "That cloak is older then my grandfather and that map I have been updating. That broom was a gift from some one special and as Deans said cost more then a years tuition. Not only that but you decide to steal money from me,"

"Not like you noticed before," he grumbled and if it wasn't for my newer animagus hearing I would not have heard anything.

"So you did steal it before," I said and his eyes went wide at what I said. "My answer does not change. You are clearly not sorry about anything you did. We are not friends any more Ron and you did it,"

"No you did!" he yelled as I started walking away. "Every since you left the Dursley's you changed. Now with that snake has a hold of you."

"Maybe your right I did change," I said turning back around. "and its because I saw clearly. I have been manipulated and used for peoples own gains. I am done with being someones puppet for their own purposes. I have have people that care about me now Ron. I know things other tried to hold back from me. As for Daphne she is not a snake. She is kind and caring and actually listens when I need to talk about things. So shut your god damn mouth and just stay away from me,"

"See that snake and the others have twisted you mate," Ron said "Maybe some potion I can take you to Madam Pomfrey and we can get this cleared up,"

"No one has twisted me," I said "I told the truth things my so called guardian tried to hide from me. He lied to me about important thing that he had no businesses lying to me about. You know what believe what you want I don't care anymore."

"So your just going to throw away your best mate of 3 years for what? Two of your parents old friends and a snake,"

"I threw away nothing you did!" I yelled. "I should have seen it coming. You never cared about me as a person but rather the Boy-Who-Lived. You wanted to feed of my fame that I got from surviving an event I can't even remember. So yea I am choosing my family and real friends over you,"

"Leave and I will tell everyone about…," he tried to say as I turned to walk away but he could not finish. I had to laugh as it seemed their oath had worked but then I realized if it was working it meant we weren't alone.

"You can't Ron as you just notice," I said turn back. "They created an oath to protect that secret. We can talk about it with others who know or if given permission. Reason you can't say it now means someone can hear us. The only one you could even try to expose is that rat but that won't look good for you or your family so keep that in mind."

With that I finally left him speechless. Over they summer Remus and Sirius explained the rule though I was still careful as they did not know if the oath was fully broken with Peters betrayal. Seeing as Ron could not say Sirius was an animagus showed me that their oath truly had worked even with us. Peter could freely be exposed as he was an oath breaker hence I easily said rat when I spoke. My father could also be exposed as he was dead. The only way around it was verbal permission from Sirius or Remus though not so much Remus as he was made public last year. They oath would only be fully broken when Sirius identity became known. Either way my family was safe and that is what mattered.

So sorry for the delay but some reason this chapter was giving me the hardest time. Surprising cause its basically a filler but the fun starts next chapter. Did not even realize until I just looked that it had been almost a month. At least the next chapter is hopefully going to flow much quicker. Well as long as I don't get distracted. I have so many idea so but before I post anymore Harry Potter stories I want this closer to 30 chapters but that gives me more time to make sure any other story will also last. For those who do read my other works I will come back to a few of them but I have had no inspiration to even really touch them as of late when I do I will let you know.

For anyone new I realize I have not put in that I have a Twitter and Facebook page. I try to remember to post on them but honestly forget I have them most days. I am going to try and get better. Twitter is Covley Hatake and Facebook is Covley Hatake Fanfic but again I forget I have them. Guess I will just put it out there I also made a tic tok was suppose to be just for watching but got bored one day so there is vids there mostly Harry Potter Stuff honestly. Even a sneak peak at a back story to a character I am creating for another fic cause they were the easiest to cosplay for me really. So I might put some fanfic related stuff there as well probably not when things are up though. The name on my tic tok is Covley94.

Another note I got the term Imperium Paratus from asking in a Facebook group months ago. It means the government is prepared which would essentially bring the room to order. None voting seats are silenced during this unless the one the room recognizes acknowledges them. Normally this would be called by the Chief Warlock who would run the meetings but Dumbledore has not called it in many years as stated. It is suppose to be used every solstice and equinox meeting but can be called for regular meetings if important things happen also it is to be used to make a true claim on a seat.