I don't own Star War or Naruto

Former Ninja and Sith

Naboo Part 2


Naruto jumped out of the transport. He stretches out with his senses. "I sense Master Jinn and his padawan. He starts to run toward his allies. He quickly finds Master Jinn along with a Gungan. "It's been a while Jar Jar."

"Ambassador, mesa so happy to see you," shouted the Gungan.

"Same," said Naruto. "Master Jinn have you found your padawan?"

A STAAP flies by and is quickly destroyed by a quick shot from Naruto. "Master," said the young Padawan. "Who's this?"

"A local," said Jinn. "We must warn the Naboo.'

Naruto turns to Jar Jar. "Can you take us to see Boss Nass?"

Bink shakes his head. "Nope, it's embarrassing but I've been banished."

"I will talk to Bass Nass," said Naruto.

"If isa return, they will do horrible thing to me," said Jar Jar.

"Jar Jar, I will vouch for you," said Naruto. "But you must help us."

"Ah," said the Gungan. "This way."

The group heads to the edge of the lake. Taking out breathing tools they go down into the depth. The after an hour of swimming the group get to the underwater city. "So good to be home," said Jar Jar.

Several Gungan ride up on Kaadu. "Jar Jar, you going to the Boss. Yousa in big dodo this time."

Naruto walks up. "It's a pleasure Captain," said the blond.

The Gungan looks at Naruto. "Honorary, corporal, it's good to see you again."

"Same," said Naruto. "I need to talk to Boss Nass, something has come up."

"Take the prisoner to his cell," said the captain. "Follow me.'

Naruto was walking next to Master Jinn. "I am surprised you're friendly with the Gungan.'

"When I become a diplomat, I was first in my class, as such I got my pick of where to go," said Naruto. "I requested a meeting with the Gungan.'

"How did that go?" asked Kenobi.

"They did not trust the Naboo nor do they still," said Naruto. "I have to give to receive. I had to serve as a member of their army."

The captain heard their conversation. "We asked him what rank, Naruto's response surprised us."

"What rank," said Kenobi. "I take it you would have been an officer."

"That is why you are wrong, you assumed. I asked to be placed as a private," said Naruto. "It was for about a month."

"I see," said Master. "You respected his humility."

"A lot of these alien respect humility over arrogance," said Naruto. "My teacher where baffled in my classes due to my thinking.'

"What do you mean?" asked Obi Wan.

"The sad truth is the Naboo look down on the Gungan, they still do, however; not as much as before. But there is still bigotry in the Naboo people."

"We are here," said the captain.

Naruto turns to the Jedi. "Follow my lead and let me do the talking," said the blond.

"Understood," said Jinn.

Naruto walks into the chamber followed by the Jedi. He quickly takes a knee in a show of humility. The Jedi do also. "It's an honor to be in your grace Boss Nass."

The big Gungan smiles. "Corporal Turles," said the Boss.

"When I joined their rank I had to adopt their name," said Naruto. Getting confused look by the jedi. "I have grave news and a request. If you'll hear me out old friend."

"Speak," said the Gungan leader.

"I know you don't trust the Naboo," said Naruto. "With good reason. However, the planet has been invaded."

"Other then you we don't like the Naboo," said Nass.

"I am not asking you to aid us. I need a bongo to go through the planet core, two I would like to borrow Jar Jar as a guide. Three prepare your troops and have them on standby just in case."

"I will accept the terms," said Nass.

"Thank you, Boss Nass," said Naruto. Giving a quick bow the three leave to find Jar Jar.


The four where in a submersible craft. "I most impressed at the diplomatic skill with the Gungans," said Jinn.

"Thank you, Master Jinn, the force is your ally, word are mine," said Naruto. "I can turn an enemy into an ally with my word. It had been noted that inspire loyalty with my presence."

"What is the plan?" asked Obi Wan.

"The waterfall outside Theed has a secret passage we can use to infiltrate the city," said Naruto. "You two will go in close I will provide cover fire.'

They head to the waterfall.


In Theed a group of Naboo including the Queen, her handmaiden, Panaka and the Governor of Theed. "The senate won't let you get away with this," said the Governor.

"That is where you're wrong Governor," said the Viceroy. "Once the queen signs the treaty making this occupation legal."

"I won't cooperate," said the young queen.

"Now, your highness you people will suffer for it," said the Viceroy. "Process them."

Jinn, Obi Wan and Jar Jar stealthy walking into the city. Naruto broke off from the group to hit the escort from behind.

The queen and her escort walked under a arch. Both Jedi jumps down and take out several droids. Ten more droids appear but are shot from a blaster. The small fire fight ended quickly as the droids are quickly destroyed. Naruto walks out from a pillar. "Your highness," said the blond with a bow. "I found the chancellors ambassadors."

"It seems your negotiations failed," said the governor.

"They never took place," said Master Jinn. "We must get you to Coruscant."

"My place is with my people," said the Queen.

"That is not wise," said Naruto. "If you stay, they will kill you and put a puppet in your place."

"Plus I sense something else is behind this," said Jinn.

"The Trade Federation actions are unusual," said Naruto. "Maybe someone coaxed them to invade."

"Could be," said Jinn. "We should take you to Coruscant."

"I will follow Naruto's and your advice Master Jedi."

The group walks to the hanger. Naruto puts his hand up. "Wait a sec," he said. "The pilots could be caught in the crossfire.'

"What do you recommend.?" Asked Jinn.

Naruto walks up and throws grenades they explode shocking the droids deactivating them. "Ion grenade," said the blond. "Let's free the pilots."

Naruto, the Naboo and the Jedi quickly locate a ship. The sleek sliver ship takes off. They are quickly attacked by the blockade. "Any ideas?" asked Panaka.

"I planet some detonators on eh ship we were on," said Naruto. "I don't like doing this but we have no choice."

"Do what you have to do ambassador," said the queen with a sigh.

"You highness," said Naruto as he takes out a detonator. "This will take out a ship or two. Find an opening and then punch it."

Naruto presses the button.

On the droid ship. A tech runs up. "Shield are failing, not sure what they did.'

The ship explodes destroying two more. And damaging a few others. The sleek Naboo cruiser jumps to hyperspace.

"I took not joy in that," said Naruto. He drops the detonator. Breathing heavily. "The sad part is they were just following orders."

An hour later

"Hyper drive is damaged," said Panaka.

"How bad are we talking about?" asked Naruto.

"We jump once before it fizzles out," said Panaka.

"Where are we right now?" asked Jinn.

Outer Rim," said Naruto. "Tatooine sector."

"We have our destination," said Jinn.

"You can't be seriou8s," said Panaka. "Tell him Naruto."

"I will have to side with Jedi on this.'

"Why?" asked Panaka. "It's controlled by gangster."

"The Hutt can be used by their greed," said Naruto.

I then you agree with me?" asked a surprised Jinn.

"Yes," said Naruto. "I have think several moves ahead in order to be a diplomat. No different than being a commander"


In the main room with the queen and her handmaidens, Panaka was glaring at Master Jinn. "With your permission I would like to land on Tatooine . It's out of the way and the Trade Federation has no presence of any type.'

"I don't agree with the Jedi," said Panaka.

"What is your advice Naruto?" asked the Queen.

"Tatooine," said the blond. "It's possibly the best choice. The Hutt aren't issue."

"Then, that is the best choice," said the queen.

The three bow and walk away. Jinn looks at Naruto a frown on his face. "Something wrong master?" asked Padawan Kenobi.

"Ambassador Naruto is an enigma," said Jinn. "Good or bad, the force is not telling me. I sense the force in him even if its small."

"Are suggesting he is suppressing the force intentionally?" asked Kenobi.

"Perhaps. Most I being I sense the force even a little but it about the same level," said Jinn. "When ever in combat, Naruto force signature slightly rises."

"Maybe he is using it subconsciously," suggested Kenobi.

"Perhaps," said Jinn. "The force is telling me he is not a threat."


Naruto was around the corner frown. "He is quite perceptive," thought the blond. "He is excellent Jedi from what I have seen."

It has been a few days since the ship escaped the blockade. Naruto was walking with Jinn. "If you would allow me, I would honored to spar with your padawan."

"May I ask why?" asked Jinn.

"I think if I ever fighting a fallen Jedi. I should have an idea of what I am up against," said Naruto. "I am asking for your padawan because against you it would one sided. Plus, I saw an issue with his style."

"Mind explaining?" asked Jinn.

"First the form you and Kenobi have used is similar with one difference," said Naruto. "Yours is grounded and there for able to react to offense. His is fast paced, dynamic; but what happens if he is outnumber."

"I see, I think I can arrange it," said Jinn.

"The queen has requested a demonstration," said Naruto. "If you will allow it."


A hours later Naruto and Kenobi were in front of the queen. "Rules are non-lethal strikes. I put my blaster low setting. The one to land three perceived kills shot wins.'

"I have put my saber on training mode," said Kenobi. Jinn was in the middle of the two.


Kenobi ignites his saber as Naruto draws a blaster. He shots Kenobi directly gauging the padawan response. "That's it?" gloated Kenobi.

"Better focus," said Jinn. Kenobi is shot in the leg.

"An enemy will not hesitate," said Naruto. "Had you been aware you could have the attack."

"Understood," said Kenobi getting up. "You get first point."

"Nope, it would have injured you but not killed you," said Naruto before shoot Kenobi in the chest. "That would have."

First point Naruto," said Jinn. The two bow and walk to their ready stance.

Kenobi throws his hand out sending Naruto back a few feet. Flipping and landing on his feet. "That's more like it," said Naruto. He takes out a training saber and goes in close with Kenobi. Blocking a strike Naruto is found on his back foot. Slightly retreating a few feet. Kenobi flips over Naruto hoping to get his blind spot. Taking out a small blaster Naruto send Kenobi on the defensive with quick shots. "There are more ways to fight. By assuming I was going in close, you forgot my blaster."

Jinn was watching in amazement. Getting in close Naruto disarms the padawan. "What now Kenobi, you are unarmed."

Kenobi goers for a round house. Naruto blocks the kick and grab the leg. Igniting the padawan saber and get another kill shot through the torso with Kenobi own saber."

"Impressive," said Jinn. "Hopefully my padawan come out stronger because this lesson."

"You not mad that he is literally manhandling your padawan?" asked Panaka.

"I would rather the lesson be given now in controlled environment then in a battlefield," said Jinn. "Naruto gets second point."

"Lesson two, you enemy can use weapon against you," said Naruto. "You physical strike would not suffice against anyone.'

"What do you mean?" asked Kenobi.

"If you fight a bounty hunter, they usually have armor or protection of some kind," said Naruto. "Understand."

"We have one more dance," said Kenobi.

"Yes," said Naruto throws the padawan his saber back.

Kenobi using the force pulls Naruto forward. Naruto presses a button and a small shock hits them both. "I lost?" asked Kenobi.

"I had anticipated you pull me forward using your force," said Naruto. This is a low powered stun grenade. In this exercise it would have been a frag grenade. We both lose this round but you lost the last two so that make me the winner"

Kenobi bows. "I apricate the spar, it was enlightening."

Naruto bows. "I see great potential in you," said the blond. "I recommend you pick up a defensive form to supplement you aggressive form."

"Thank you Naruto," said Obi Wan. "Hope to have another spar with you."

The intercom sounds we are almost to Tatooine," said the pilot.

"We will be landing shortly," said Naruto the everyone.


End chapter


So Naruto has not shown any abilities with the force. The spar was more to show Jinn and Kenobi the failing the Jedi arts against a prepared enemy. If Naruto used the forced it would have less of a spar and more or less a harsh schooling.

Hope you all enjoy