Bella sat down on the bench as she watched the kids run around the track as she tied up her runner. After about 5 minutes she blew her whistle and called them over to her. She told the group of students to go inside, change and head home. The woman grabbed her bag and went towards her car lost in her thoughts.

Isabella Swan's life had changed a lot since she was 17 years old. After the Cullen's left, Bella's life changed around. She had graduated school, attended a college close to forks and graduated with a degree in Health and Physical Education. She had just moved to Denali, Alaska to start a new job at the local high school. It was her first day and she had yet to meet any of the other staff members.

She had quickly realized she needed to find something to do with her life after the Cullen's had left her life. Bella had taken up running to help her clear her head and to help with her clumsiness and realized quickly how much she actually enjoyed doing her physical education class and being active. She went into college wanting to do something in physical education and ended up being a teacher.

She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and accidently bumped into what she thought was a wall then realized quickly it was a human and was quick to apologize to the person. She looked up at the person she ran into and the first thing she noticed was the golden eyes that were focused on her.

"I am so sorry. I was lost in my thoughts." Bella said hoping to get out of the conversation quickly. The vampire before her just blinked. She shook her head quickly and smiled at the brunette in front of her.

"It's more than alright. My name is Kate Denali." She stuck her hand out and Bella had to repress the urge to groan and shook the hand in front of her. "Are you new here?"

"Yes. I'm Bella Swan. I'm the new physical education teacher." Bella nodded slightly. The blonde in front of her just shot her a stunning smile.

"I'm the English teacher. I also happen to have a sister who is the math teacher." Kate motioned to the blonde who was walking towards them at the moment. "It was nice to meet you Bella." She sent the brunette a smirk and she pulled her car door open and slid into the drivers side. The two vampires quickly drove off leaving a stunned Bella behind.

The gym teacher shook her head trying to shake off the feeling she had after the run in with the vampires. She got into her car and started to head into the direction of her house. She then realized quickly that she had no food at her house so she had to make a pit stop at the grocery store. Her mind was wandering as she pulled into a spot and got out of her car.

Bella grabbed all the things she needed and swiftly made her way out of the store towards the car until her life was replaying in front of her eyes as she was quickly pushed down and had vampires arms wrapped around her as a car was wrapping around the vampires other hand. She looked up at the golden eyes as they bore into hers. She heard people screaming and sirens as her world went dark.

Kate's world was quickly falling apart as she held her mates body in her arms as she collapsed. Irina was next to her and prying Kates arms off Bella pulling her away from the scene as the ambulance pulled up into the parking lot. She watched as Bella was loaded into the ambulance and they drove off. Irina rubbed her arms as Rosalie and Esme came up to the two blondes.

"Kate she'll be fine. Carlisle is the doctor in Emerge today. Bella will be fine." Irina helped her sister into the car and drove them all home.

Carlisle was sitting at the desk in the emergency room when he heard the sirens and got up grabbing his gloves. The door flung open and a stretcher came in. The scent was familiar to him but he couldn't put his finger on it until he saw the brown curls and a face that he hadn't seen in over 6 years. Bella Swan lay unconscious on the hospital bed before him. He quickly read the chart and learned that she had been hit by a car.

He looked over at her and quickly took in her appearance. He noticed the similarities between this car accident and the one she had been in in high school. He quickly did what he needed to do to help her.

It was about 30 minutes later when Bella slowly woke up. She blinked her eyes and noticed the fluorescent lights above her quickly realizing that she was in the hospital. She groaned and tried to sit up but was quickly pushed back down by a cold hand.

"You can't quite sit up that fast Isabella." Bella instantly recognized the smooth voice of Carlisle Cullen. She pried her eyes open and blinked a few times before her vision finally cleared and the perfect face of the vampire doctor before her eyes. She slowly sat up and he slid a couple of pillows behind her to prop her up. "How are you feeling young lady?"

Bella just snorted in response as she looked at the golden eyes of the man she once considered a father.

"Technically doc, I'm older than you now." She raised her eyebrow at the man who chuckled rolling his eyes at her. "But I'm fine… it seems Kate has the same reflexes Ed- your son has." Carlisle just nodded at the brunette as said blonde peeked her head around the curtain. Kate gave a small smile towards her cousin and stepped fully into the little room.

"Bella. I was so worried." Bella furrowed her eyebrows at the vampires worry. Kate sat beside the bed wringing her hands nervously which just confused the human more. Bella looked over to find her doctor but just saw curtains.

"Kate… why are you here?" Kate sighed looking down at her lap squeezing her eyes shut. Bella reached over and squeezed the shoulder of the vampire. "Kate. What is happening in that brain of yours?" Kate looked up and sent a small smile to the human.

"I'm just… I'm not sure how to tell you this… I know you know what I am… I need to know if that's okay with you…" Kate bit her lip looking at the brunette in the bed.

"I'm not… Kate are you worried that just because you're a vampire I won't be your friend or talk to you at school?" Bella asked quirking her eyebrow looking at the blonde. Kate shrugged lightly placing her hands on the railing on the hospital bed. Bella placed her hand on top of hers. "Kate I'm not going to run away from you screaming if that is what you are worried about."

Kate chuckled at the human in front of her as she rolled her eyes. "Yes Bella. I'm so scared that you are going to run off screaming." Bella smirked at the blonde in front of her.

Carlisle walked in the room with a small smile on his face. "Alright Bella. I'm going to let you go today because you have no actual injuries." He smirked at the blonde who ducked her head biting her lip. "It was really nice seeing you again Isabella." Bella shot a small forced smile to the golden haired doctor without even looking at the man.

The brunette turned to put her feet on the floor and grabbed her bag. She stood and started to wobble which brought Kate over to place her hand on the small of her back. She nodded slightly to the blonde woman and pulled her jacket on.

"So your car is… kind of ruined so I could drive you home?" Kate asked perking up the end of the sentence to make it a question. "Or Carlisle could… his shift is over?" Bella quickly shook her head which caused both vampires eyebrows to thread together. Kate squeezed her hand and helped the brunette out of the hospital towards her car.

"What was that reaction to Carlisle?" Kate asked quirking an eyebrow at the brown-haired girl. All she got was a shake of her head and a small sigh.

"I'd rather not get into that part of my life right now." Bella sighed looking at the vampire. "If I'm being honest with you i want nothing to do with the Cullen's Kate. If that's going to be an issue…" Kate cocked her head to the side eyebrows furrowed.

"Can I ask why not?" Kate asked as she unlocked her car and opened the passenger side door for Bella. Isabella slipped into the front seat after placing her bag on the floor in front of her. She bit her lip contemplating.

Could she really trust Kate with the information? She was sure the Cullen family had told the Denali's their version of the story but she didn't know what that was exactly. She watched the blonde slide into her seat next to her and put the key in the engine. Bella looked down at her hands in her lap.

"No. You have to realize that we've only met today and well… im just going to say that I don't have any kind of relationship to the Cullens. I used to be very close with them but it did not end well with them." Bella chewed on the inside of her lip staring out the window watching the cars go by. "Turn here." She motioned to the next exit.

"You don't have to explain anything." Kate said going off the exit and following the directions Bella gave her as the drove home. The two teachers sat in silence until the blonde pulled into the driveway of the brunette's house. "If you need a ride to work tomorrow I can pick you up?" She asked glancing over at the blonde who just nodded slightly as she slid out of the car.

"Yeah. I'll go car shopping tomorrow after school. Thank you Kate." Bella said with a small smile and closed the car door.

The following day had Bella up and waiting by her front door for the vampire to pick her up. She was scrolling through her phone as she nibbled on an apple. She heard the car pull up in front of her house so she threw her jacket over her arm and pulled her bag over her shoulder. Bella opened the front door and saw Kate standing, leaning against her car arms crossed over her chest.

Bella's heart skipped a beat as her eyes glanced over the blondes body then made eye contact with Kate. The smirk on the blondes face meant she had heard the small intake a gasp of breath that the brunette had taken in. Bella bit her lip and made her way to the car after locking her front door.

The car ride to the high school was silent. Not an awkward quiet but a nice comfortable silence. The two teachers got out of the car and made their way to the school and to their respective classrooms. Bella gave the blonde a small wave as they passed the gym. She opened the door to her office and flipped her light on trying to keep her breath steady. Her heart beating a mile a minute she flopped down on her chair and closed her eyes, the image of the English teacher flashing in her mind.

Her entire day went by like any normal day and she found herself knocking on the English teachers classroom door at the end of the day. She heard a voice say "come in" so she entered the room. "Hey… could I catch a ride to the car dealership?" She asked shoving her hands in her back pocket of her jeans. The blonde looked up with a small smile on her face.

"Of course Bella." She closed her laptop and slipped it into her bag. The two women found themselves in the car and driving towards the dealership. "What kind of car do you want?"

"I want a truck. Similar to the one I had before. It's the last thing I have from my dad." Kate looked over with her eyebrows furrowed. Bella sent a sad smile her way and continued. "He passed away a couple of years ago. That's why I moved away from Forks." The blonde nodded pursing her lips as she pulled into the car dealership.

The next couple of weeks went by in a nice routine for the two as they found themselves becoming quite close. Bella found herself becoming fast friends with Kate and Irina. The three spending nights at Bella's house laughing and talking until the human would start to drift off. It was two weeks later when Bella's birthday came up.

The three teachers were sitting in the teacher lounge at lunch time, the two blondes pushing their food around on their plates.

"So what are we doing for your birthday?" Irina asked stabbing a piece of lettuce with her fork. Bella didn't respond right away not realizing they were talking to her about her birthday. She looked up at the two blondes when neither of them answered the question to see them both looking at her eyebrows quirked.

"Oh my birthday. I don't really celebrate my birthday… the last time I had any kind of celebration ended really badly…" The brunette bit her lip as her mind wandered back to her 18th birthday at the thought of the party. She was quickly brought back to the room she was in at that moment when Kate snapped her fingers in front of her face.

"That wasn't what she asked. What are we going to do?" Bella groaned running her hands over her face. Vampires.

"Last time I spent my birthday with a bunch of… well with your cousins I ended up bleeding after being shoved in a glass table after a small papercut." She shoved the bite of pasta in her mouth avoiding the questioning glances from the two vampires. The two then waved her off and looked at each other.

"So we'll all go back to our place and watch movies then?" Irina asked Kate who nodded with a small smile. "We'll make sure Laur is there. Tanya, Carm and E will be excited to meet her finally."

"Do I have a say in this at all?" The human asked looking between the sisters with her arms crossed over her chest. All she got was two head shakes and responded with a hum. Figures she wouldn't get a choice. How did she always end up with a bunch of vampires in her life?

"So tomorrow after school we'll all head back to our place. Is it cool if some of the Cullens are there?" Irina asked looking over at the human. Bella slapped her palm on her forehead leaning back.

"No Rina. I… no. Tonight if you guys come over I'll explain what happened with me and the Cullens. Bring everyone else as well." After agreeing when to meet at Bella's place that night the three teachers all headed back to their respective classrooms. The day went by uneventful and the three teachers found themselves sitting on the couches around Bella's living room waiting for the rest of the Denali Coven to arrive.

Kate had just made an awful pun when the doorbell rang and Bella got up rolling her eyes. She opened the door to see 4 golden eyed vampires. 3 of which she didn't know but one was a familiar face. Her heart skipped a couple of beats when she looked into the golden eyes of Laurent. She quickly composed herself and welcomed them all in to the house, stepping aside to give the French vampire a wide berth.

"Kate came up and wrapped one arm around Bellas waist looking over the brunettes face. Bella for her part felt herself relax slightly into the blondes grip as she sent a small smile towards Laurent. "Nice to see you again Laurent."

"You as well Isabella. It's been what… 7 years?" He asked quirking an eyebrow up. Bella nodded, closed the door and made her way into the living room leaving a very confused Kate in her wake. "How is your life going?" He asked the brunette as he sat beside Irina on the couch taking her hands in his.

Bella just nodded in understanding. "It's going alright. I see you found your mate when Carlisle and Esme sent you up here." Laurent nodded pressing a kiss into Irinas temple with a slight hum in agreement.

"What is happening?!" Kate asked as she plopped down on the loveseat next to Bella with an exasperated look on her face. Bella just patted her leg with a slight smile.

"He's actually part of the story of the Cullens'." She said then took in a deep breath and explained her story of the Cullens. How she had dated Edward. The baseball game. How close she was with the rest of the family. The birthday party and Edward leaving her in the forest. After she finished speaking she glanced over at Kate who looked ready to kill. Bella squeezed the blondes hand with a questioning look in her eyes.

The blonde shook her head slightly in the direction of her friend and took in a deep breath. "Sorry Bella… I just… the Cullen children said something different. Luckily Esme and Carlisle were fairly honest with us about what happened. We just didn't know what Edward and said to you when he left."

Tanya looked up from her hands which were folded in her lap in the arm chair. "Maybe… look Bela I hate to be this person but Esme and Carlisle miss you a lot… Esme isn't herself." She bit her lip glancing at her sister who gave a small nod. "Could they maybe come?" Bella closed her eyes looking down.

On one hand, she was nervous to see them again and have that pain brought back to her. On the other hand, she really honestly missed the two. She had always seen Esme as her mother figure, true she had Renee but Esme gave her what Renee never could. She gave her the comfort she needed from a mother. She saw Carlisle in a similar fashion and now more than ever could use a father in her life.

She felt someones hand squeeze her own and she looked up to see the golden eyes swimming with concern of Kate in front of her. She searched through the golden orbs for any kind of lying or anything else but saw nothing but love and concern.

Bella could feel herself slowly falling for the blonde woman in front of her. She knew she had to stop herself before she got to caught up with that world again. "I'm fine Kate." She squeezed Kates hand then looked over at Tanya. "Yes. But only Carlisle and Esme."

Bella felt her stomach doing somersaults as she walked up to the Denalis house to knock on the door. She had seen Carlisle's black Mercedes as she had pulled up which meant they were already there. Kate and Irina had been well behaved at school and didn't bring much attention to the humans birthday aside from decorating her office in balloons and streamers and forcing her to eat some cake at lunch.

She knocked on the door and wrung her hands together as she saw the door open. Kate grinning like the Cheshire cat, opened the door and pulled the brunette into her arms. "Hey Bells!" She said loudly. Her arm linked with the humans next to her and the two of them made their way into the living room.

Bella took a deep breath as they rounded the corner. Her eyes did a sweep over the room until they landed on the eyes of the woman she once saw as her mother. Esme's eyes were swimming with venom that would never fall as she studied Bella's face. Bella bit her lip and looked down at the ground as she felt tears start to swell up in her eyes.

She tried to take a shaky breath then felt two hands placed on her shoulder. She looked up to see Esme standing right in front of her. Two tears leaked from her eyes and she felt a cold hand wipe the tears from her warm cheek.

"Bella… I am so sorry for leaving you…" She looked into the eyes of the woman and noticed something in her eyes was missing. The woman in front of her looked tired, her usual motherly appearance seemed gone. Her eyes looked lost as she stared into the eyes of the girl who they had left. "I know you don't want excuses but… our family is broken… the only kids left are Alice and Jasper… our family broke apart after leaving you. I love you Bella. I miss you so much."

The sincerity of the womans voice as it quivered in trying to hold back the sobs cracked what little anger she held towards the woman. The human lept into the womans arms and buried her face into her shoulder as she took a large shaky breath taking in the womans scent. She had missed her scent of vanilla and cinnamon. Of home.

"I missed you…" The brunette breathed as the caramel haired woman wrapped her arms around her and held her close. "I missed you so much Esme…"