This Fanfic is getting a rewrite. I'm sorry for those who were waiting SO LONG for a new chapter but I can't write this, not with the way I am nor the state this story is in.

- WHY?

1) Writing: Even if there is improvement throughout chapters, the indication of how I improved feels too slow in my opinion. Also, some of you complained of my character being OOC and that sorta got in my head as evidence when reading the fic. Also, I wasn't using a grammar check at that time nor have a beta because I was new in this territory.

2) A different vision: My vision of this fanfic started to change as time goes by, only by a small margin. I feel like I need to change the elements of this story to match this new vision rather than following the abandoned one. Sorry.

3) Lack of Enjoyment: Every time I tried to write a new chapter of this, it didn't felt the same anymore. Ever since, I published my second story, "Genuine Courage", I was enjoying writing that more than this crossover. For all of you readers, the ride in this is bumpy. REALLY BUMPY. I feel the same way when writing this fic. I was a beginner at that time, both in working in this community and writing stories in general. It's not your fault that my enjoyment is ruined, it's only my emotions.


A rewrite.

I don't want to abandon this because this story's concept is very interesting so I want to continue this but in a different direction.


1) Change in rating: As evident in the first sex scene, I wasn't good at writing in that area and I'm still not good today. Even though some of you enjoyed that scene, I don't in my opinion. Reading the scene made me feel awkward and cringe. I'm sorry but maybe rated M is not my expertise. Who knows? Maybe I will maintain the M rating when I feel like I improved but for now, this is my decision.

2) Character Personality and Development: Again, The OOC-ness. I'm gonna get rid of that. Also, I want 8man's development to be slow and steady before turning into Accelerator or MIGHT be. I can't wait for that

3) Different setting: There may be a chance that I might move away from the fic "A Certain Infinite Possibility" as the setting of this story. Maybe in New Testament or during the first volume of Genesis Testament? Or in a different Toaru fanfic? I don't know but I'll make my decision.

4) Other characters still remain: Everyone will still be there, even the crossover characters and some of my villains.


I don't know really. I'm busy writing my other two fanfics and I got my own life to enjoy as well. I hope that I can publish it very soon.

So yeah. Again I'm sorry to everyone who was waiting for a new update so long. I wasted your time only to tell you that this is getting a rewrite. Please understand.