Disclaimer-Theses characters don´t belong to me, and yes to DC comics and Eiinchiro Oda. All the rights are from them not me.

Summary- After escape the big Mom Pirates the straw hats end up in a weird portal and appear into the waters of the Dc Universe were they bump heads with the Justice some heated arguments they decided work together to Wano to help the pirates to defeat Kaido;

A few days after the 1.5 billion bounty discovery.

Luffy and his crew were sailing with no problems. The coordinates given by Kinemon were sure helpful for Nami because these waters were sure a mystery to of the crew were just relaxing Sanji was cooking some meals,Chopper was separating some medicine,Carrot was sniffing Robin flowers,brook was checking the perimeter for any enemy ships in case some of Big Mom ships was near.

While they were not under attack. Luffy was just sitting the front of the Sunny still smiling like there is no tomorrow because of his new couldn´t believe the valor. 1.5 billion berries. In his mind he just said one thin.

"I did it. I finaly surpass Ace."Said Luffy all happy looking at the sky.

The fact that he was now almost double of his brother Portagas D. Ace was enough for him to be so crew was not in the chill mood that he was having,Nami and Chopper were actually super scared now,Luffy with this bounty will attract more Marines more bounty hunters and more trouble.

"Don´t be so happy with that. It means more trouble for us."Said Nami all sad.

"Relax Nami we can defeat any kind of weird guys."Said Luffy.

''You are easy to say,you beat two Yonko commander. "Said her with an angry expression.

"But you guys and Jinbe defeated Big mom."Said him.

"A weaker Big Mom,if she was full of Sanji cake when the attack started will would be dead."Said her.

"Stop be so paranoid. Hey Sanji, I am hungry."Said Luffy wanting some food.

"You just eat a few hours ago."Said him.

"But I´m still hungry."Said Luffy whining.

" will wait for dinner like everybody else you bootless pit of a captain."Said Sanji all grumpy but then he start to grow a weird smile.

''Sanji-kun,why are you so happy ?"Asked Nami,

"I just think what I am going to say to moss head after showing off my bounty, finally the world sees that I am way better than that stupid swordsman."Said Sanji just imagining Zoro reaction about his new bounty.

''I think you are pretty cool Sanji."Said Chopper.

"Thanks Chopper."Said Sanji.

Suddenly the air around the ship star to change and goes into a blue sky into a grey and cloudy one.

"Nami-san what´s going on ?"Asked Sanji.

"I don´t know. According to my previsions this clime change was not supposed to happen. "Said Nami looking at the log pose.

"So is the weather now different ?"Asked Carott

"I guess so carrot. "Said Chopper.

After this whole weird clime, the straw hats now see a fog way mysterious that only said ´´Stay Out´´,the whole crew new that it was not to go there, however a certain boy in a straw hat was thinking different.

"Man this seas are awesome guys how about we go around here to explore for today and then go to wano."Said Luffy with star in his eyes.

"Why are you even thinking of that ? We need to reach Wano as soon as possible. "Said Nami

"But Nami this look cool and I feel that we are going to be at Wano to long."Said Luffy all excited.

"Don't you wanna meet some Samurais."Asked Sanji.

"Yeah but I hope they are cool as Kinemon."Said Luffy imagining the samurais.

The situation were they where was already bad enough. Later the fog starts to get worst to the point that was just grey left and right.

"This fog is increasing. "Said Nami in fear.

"This sea is scary."Said Chopper hiding behind Sanji

"Don´t say that Cho-bro or I will also get scared."Said Carott hiding together with him.

"Nami-swan is this a natural thing of this waters ?"Asked Sanji now worried.

"I don´t know but I don´t like this. Where Zoro when I need him to cut this."Said Nami all nervous.

"Brook can´t you do that ?"Asked Luffy to the musicion on the top of the ship.

"I am sorry Luffy-san but my swords skills are not at this level."Said Brook

"Ok not panic maybe this would be just a natural fog and then we will be on our way safe and sound.'Said Nami starting to sweat in fear because she did not predict this.

The fog kept increasing and increasing to the point that they could not longer see the ocean around Sanji rescue team was still navigating but what they didn´t know was that once that fog had consume the Thousand Sunny the ship was no long in the New World waters.

Bermuda Triangle. DC World

The Sunny was now free of fog but something seen kind was the first one to see this.

"Everybody I don´t know if we should take this as even worst news." Said Nami trebling looking at the Log pose with a horror expression.

"What it is Nami."Asked Luffy

'The fog is gone but look at the eternal Log pose." Said Nami looking at the wrist.

"Is not moving."Said her and the entire crew got nervous with that.

"How is this possible ?"Said Chopper.

"We are not in the same waters."Said Nami looking paranoiac.

"What."Said most of the crew.

"I don´t know how to put in to words but…I feel a complete different energy in this sea."Said Luffy

"Come to think I also feel it."Said Sanji.

"You too Sanji ?''Asked Chopper

"Must be a Haki thing. "Said Nami

"Hey Brook do you feel something different in these waters ?"Asked Chopper

"No Chopper-san,I am still not in the same level of user as Sanji-san or the captain."Said the squeleton.

Then suddenly Luffy start to run to the front of the sunny and looks in the waters like there is something there.

"Huh."Said Luffy all confused.

'What it is Luffy-kun ?''Asked Carott.

"There is something in the water.I think maybe a fishermen. "Said Luffy

"Fisherman aren´t they all ok with humans."Said Carott

"From the island yes,but who knows what kind lunatics Hody or Arlong inspired." Said Nami looking at a map.

Deep in the sea. Atlantic troops.

5 figures look from a safe distance the large ship that appear in these waters. The area around the Bermuda triangle is already a mess to begin with but now when appear problems is other level. The league dealt with sea menaces before like Atlanteans monster and rebellious ocean people but this seen a bit odd.

"Jackson what do you think ?"Asked Dolphin

"I don´t know. At first, I thought it was a party ship but then I saw what looked like a silly Jolly Roger. I think they are real pirates."Said Aqualad.

"I can only see six people aboard and by the looks like this ship could carry about 100 people so why only this ?" Said Garth.

"Tempest you are the senior what should we do ?"Asked Lagoon Boy.

"This is might be a form of threat. I will inform king Arthur. In the meantime try to sneak up and confirm if they are enemy."Said Tempest looking at Aqualad,Dolphin and Lagoon boy as the research team.

"Yes sir."Said the troops.


The crew looked at a map that Nami had of the new world to make sure that they had some kind of clue of where they promise Kinemon,the minks and the rest of the crew to arrive at Wano after getting Sanji. Now was not the time to get lost at some random sea.

"I really don´t like ."Said Nami all nervous.

"Don´t be so nervous Nami." Said Carott

"Brook any side of land."Asked Chopper seeing the musician at the top of the ship try to see any land.

"No miss Nami but I will sure to inform. I may not have eyes but I am not totally ." Said Brook looking through a lunette.

"Urhg this sucks. I hate being lost with no lands, this is not what I imagined. "Said Luffy all sad.

''What do you think that every part of the seas is full of monsters to battle ?"Said Nami with angry voice.

" I don´t see any sea king anywhere Sanji do you..."Said Luffy noticing the waters were way to calm.

"Now you do make a should be swimming in this waters."Said Sanji smoking a cigarette.

"Do you think there is some fishman ?" Asked Carott looking at the waters.

"I don´t know. I just hope Jinbei is ok."Said Luffy thinking about his new crewmate.

The atleantean team consist of Aqualad,Dolphin and Lagoon boy entered in the back of the Sunny and start looking around for clues until Garth and the reinforcement appear. So far they see is that the ship was advance by the modern technology but not in the same level of alien or Atlantean technology.

"Man this some weird ship."Said Lagoon boy

"So far nothing suspicious. "Said Dolphin

"But let´s not judge everything by the first 5 minutes we need at least some reason about this ship and it´s purposes on…"Said Aqualad giving order but then their stealth mission was ruined thanks to a white rabbit.

"Luffy-sama I heard some voices here and…"Said Carott going to the ship main room to see what noise was that,but then encounter three suspicious people that she never seen before. The three look at her in confusion because you don´t see a rabbit girl human side this days, not even metahumans could reach this level.

Carrot stood there confused and blinked.

" ."Said Lagoon boy.


"Carott what´s wrong ?"Said Nami.

"There are invaders fisherman in the ship!"Said her.

"Fisherman ?"Said Aqualad confused.

"Is that how they call us now ?"Said Lagoon boy

"Hey better than guild head."Said Dolphin remembering Garth nickname.

While the Atlanteans are discussing the rest of the straw hat team arrived at the main room of the ship.

"Who is here ?''Said Luffy looking at the new intruders.

The Atlantean team only blink and try to process what they saw in front of them. There was a boy with a straw hat, a young woman with long orange hair and a blonde with hair covering one of his eyes. But then their minds got more baffled when they saw what it looked like a tiny and furred animal that could talk just like the bunny girl. And to top everything off there was a large skeleton walking around like it was alive and with a giant afro of all things.

''Whoa there is more than one of those animal people on board."Said Lagoon boy

"Is that skeleton ?"Said Aqualad with all confused.

"Maybe some of them know magic or some form of sorcery. "Said explanation could make a lot sense, some powerful warlocks and sorcery are know to resurrect the dead.

"Did you say magic ?Said Luffy with star in his eyes.

"Luffy this is not the time to be all curios."Said Nami smacking the captain on his head.

"Sorry."Said Luffy all sad.

"I had to say that mermaid is a beauty. Hello there.."Said Sanji start to flirt with Dolphin

"Uh."Said the white haired woman all confused.

Aqualad start to get to frustrated with the ways that the blonde was giving to his comrade and friend such vulgar ways.

"Takes your hands of her"Said Jackson blasting Sanji.

"Sanji."Said most of the crew all shocked.

"Dude what the hell." Said Lagoon boy

"Ok,so you guys are not allies with Jinbei so get off my Gomu no jet pistol"Said Luffy delivering one attack. It didn´t hit any of the Atlantean but the shock wave was enough to make them off balance.

"Did he just stretch ?"Said Dolphin all confused. She had heard of people that can stretch, there were famous heroes like Plastic man and Elongated man but she had never seen one in person.

"I will handle this Dolphin."Said Aqualad take his swords that stated to glow.

"He uses some weird -san I can take him;"Said Carott seeing the situation. The swords of the man in orange seen to transmit some form of electrical attack so she would be perfect to counter attack.

The mink girl jumps and with her electro she was able to hold of Kaldur sword.

"Good Carrot."Said Luffy smiling

"What that heel."Said Kaldur actually having difficulty to hold the the bunny girl.

"Eletrical Luna."Said Carott activating her lectro and shocking the Atlatean man.

"Kaldur."Said Dolphin in horror.

"Hey what don´t you pick someone of your own size."Said Lagoon boy now in his bigger form to attack the intruders.

"He got bigger."Said Nami and chopper super scared.

"Scared."Said Carott also in fishman was not as scared as big mom but it never know.

"Nah we see guys bigger than you."Said Luffy seeing this guys was a show off.

"Oh yeah."Said Lagoon boy punching luffy in the face and sending him to a wall.

"Luffy."Scream Nami and Chopper

"Ok brat you mess with my captain you got a foot in your face."Said Sanji stepping in to fight.

"Wait this is your boss ?"Said Lagoon boy all confused.

Sanji then start to run fast that Laggon boy couldn´t see.

"Collier." Said Sanji sending a powerful kick to the young hero face.

"Argh."Said Lagoon boy now going back to his normal form but with a broken teeth's and blood in his face.

"La´agaan!"Said both Aqualad and Dolphin.

"What is the commotion here ?"Said Brook showing of with his sword.

"The skeleton is the meaning of this"Said Aqualad confused to that.

"Dark magic probably. "Said Dolphin trying to give a probably explanation.

Brook then checks Dolphin in her costume.

"Oh my what a beautiful young there I´m brook can I see your panties ?"Said Brook with his usual question.

"What."Said Dolphin all red in embaressed.

"This is not the moment to ask for that."Said Nami punching Brook in the skull.

"How much until back up ?"Said Dolphin in the most confused state that she has ever been before.

"5 minutes "Said Kaldur holding on Carrot attacks.

"Brook,Chopper help them."Said Nami pointing to Luffy that was still stuck on the wall.

"Aye."Said the two.

Chopper then grow to his human form and help his captain get in feet.

"Man I feel like a whale hit me with its tale."Said Luffy all dizzy

"Can you still fight?" Said didn´t need to ask but it was best to make sure.

Luffy only gave his usual smile and told his doctor.

"Yes."Said him.

"Look out here comes the skeleton. "Said Dolphin to aqualad.

"Urgh."Said Kaldur now holding his own against the skeleton that had a sword,but unlike the bunny girl he didn´t see to produce eeletricity.

"So, you also use a sword fishman. I would have to raise my eyebrow at that but I don´t have any eyebrows, Yohoho."Said Brook

"Shut up."Said Aqualad.

Aquald was holding the best that he could but the skeleton despite having no muscle was surprisingly strong. That's until he got an had been learning atlatean sorcery with Garth and others, maybe her magic could work.

"Dolphin use a tranquilize spell hold the animals hybrids."Said Aqualad

"Sure Kaldur."Said Dolphin and she stated to chanted something in a weird language.

"Cho-bro what is this ?"Asked Carott not getting what the girl in white haired was doing

"I don´t…'Said Chopper but before he could answer he and Carott immediately found a sleep.

"Chopper,carott."Said Luffy worried to his friend.

"It uses on the others."Said Kaldur.

"Alright."Said Dolphin now chanting the spell faster so it could work immediately.

"What are…."Said Nami and then in a second her,Luffy,Sanji and Brook fall asleep.

"They are all in sleep."Said Lagoon boy now getting back had his face all damaged thanks to sanji kick.

"Yuck,yes."Said Dolphin with a relied signed that this weird thing was over.

"Lagoon boy, report to Garth that we took care of the situation but we need medical treatment."Said Aqualad.

"Ok."Said Lagoon boy starting to do the communication.

A Few minutes

Tempest and a group of Atlanteans soldiers appear on the deck of the sunny inspecting the place. So far this was just an odd ship, but these people were not of the ordinary they managed to leave some damage in Aqulad and his group. They tied up the knock out team, consisting of two man, a woman, two human looking animals and a skeleton. What in the world was that?

"What should we do ?"Asked Aqualad to his superior.

"Put in some underwater prison until they wake up."Said Garth

"This will not be necessary. "Said another voice but this one was different. It was the voice of their king.

"King Orin."Said most of the team bowing before him.

Aquaman takes a closer look at Aquald.

"Are you ok Jackson ?"Asked him.

"Yes my group suffer some damage, but thanks to Dolphin we managed to put them to sleep."Said him giving the report.

'We were save because of sorcery and not because of our own strength. "Said Lagoon boy feeling down.

"Easy there Lagoon boy,I believed that you fought well. But you are still young so keep training."Said Aquaman

"Yes my king."Said Lagoon boy better now emotionless.

"Who is apparently the leader of this band of pirates."Said Aquaman.

"My king how do you know that they are pirates ?"Said Dolphin confused.

"Did none of you notice the Jolly Roger ?"Said Aquaman pointing at the straw hat jolly roger.

"Wait is that a Jolly Roger! I thought it was some kind party symbol. "Said Aquald all baffled.

"Well by the looks of the skull and the hat,I believe….this kid."Said Aquaman looking at Luffy who was snoring like a pig.

"Me..at."Said him in his dream.

"How ?"Said Aqualad all dumbfound he didn´t wanna believed that this kid was actually the owner of this huge ship.

"I don´t know but somehow I feel weird energy coming from appear that this is something way bigger to deal with."Said Aquaman looking at Luffy all weird.

"What do you mean my King."Asked Dolphin.

"I need to call the league."Said Aquaman.

He then starts to walk on the Sunny deck just looking around. The grass, the trees, this was nothing common for him.

"Keep an eye on them and watch the ship."Said him picking his communicator.

"Yes sir."Said all the troops.

Aquaman then dial the Justice League communicator to contact someone about this.

"Justice League this is Aquaman speaking. "Said Aquaman.

And all of the members who was in duty in mountain of justice had to be him.

"Yes Aquaman this is Batman,over."Said the dark Knight.

Aquaman only signed this was not gonna be easy.

"Hey wouldn´t believe what my soldiers discovered circling near the Bermuda triangle. "Said Aquaman.

"Try me.''Said Batman interested.