Oritel stared at the teenagers, but mainly Princess Tsuyu and supposedly sister to Arashi Namikaze. Oritel can see the similarities of the two and can believe that's their siblings. Oritel asks them to sit, which they did and after he told them that Naruto is in their bed, unconscious with Domino's doctor. Arashi angrily asks why Bloom and her so-called friends didn't protect Naruto. Bloom defeated herself and her friends, and was going to say what truly happened-

"Bloom, stop" Marion demanded

"Why?" Bloom asks

"They may not know as Naruto may not want them to know," Oritel told his daughter

"Know what?" Tsuyu asks, confused

Arashi knows what Bloom was about to say, Naruto used that other power during their fight. He knows all about that power and what damages it does to his brother as he once saved him using that power. Afterward, Naruto had been burned by that very same power that had saved him although Naruto tried to hide it from him. But he figured it out after following him to the hospital, well Naruto had his team of doctors and nurses just for him. He doesn't even think his parents know about the power and all the burns Naruto gets from that power.

Arashi turned to his friends who like him knows all too well what kind of power Naruto has as well. He then turns to Princess Kousagi, who also knows about Naruto's power as he saved her with it once and had to be the one to treat the burns. He knows Naruto might not want either Tsuyu or Haku as he already doesn't like him or the others knowing about it. Naruto is the type to protect people from any harm and from seeing any harm done to him like the burns for example.

"Can you at least tell us if my brother going to be okay?" Arashi asks

Marion can see that Arashi cares deeply for her son and his brother. At least her son had one person in that family that cares for him and stayed by his side. Arashi too was ignored by his parents and since he and Naruto only had each other.

"What? I want- "Tsuyu was interrupted

"Well, then you should have stayed in the village with us, for us." Arashi snapped at her

Tsuyu knew deep down that running away from the village would hurt her twin, but she had no choice she couldn't handle the abandonment by her parents. She couldn't stay and watches her parents pay more attention to Naruko and Ashina, she just couldn't do it. But she never thought that Arashi would hold this much resentment for her and she can hear it in his voice. She looks at her twin's friends who all apart from Princess Kousagi averted their eyes away from her. She wonders if Naruto holds any anger at her too.

"He will be alright; he just needs his rest and the King, as well as the Queen, have their doctor with him," Hotaru told them

Kousagi was glad that Naruto will be okay, she wouldn't survive if Naruto would've died or dying. She had loved him, ever since she was saved by him and continued helping him with his secret missions. One of which was on the planet Dyamond, Dyamond was one of the places he had helped by getting rid of the witch who took over the planet. He also uncursed the youngest Princess who was turned into a fox, Princess Sapphire by defeating the witch. She remembers that day as the Queen who was locked in a tower had hugged her youngest daughter and named her as a Crown Princess, meaning she banished her oldest.


Fifteen-years-old Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze had told the Fourth Hokage that he has a request for a mission of his choosing. The Hokage had accepted and so he went on his missing with Kousagi tagging along as well as Arashi. Both Kousagi and Arashi were worried about Naruto as it had been three years since the Uchiha massacre by Itachi or whoever. Naruto hadn't spoken a word about it anywhere. They met up with Naruto's man who will take them to the right place.

It's turned out that the mission was on another planet called Dyamond. Their mission was to defeat the witch who had taken over the planet and the frozen everyone except for the Queen who had been locked inside a tower by magic. Naruto then met a small snowy fox; the fox was wary of them at first. But it's soon warmed up to Naruto and only to Naruto; for some reason, it causes Kousagi to be jealous as the fox was getting cuddles from Naruto. Arashi found her jealously to be funny as he was laughing.

Naruto had decided to send both Arashi and her to the tower to get the Queen out of the tower. He was going to head straight to the castle to meet the witch. Kousagi wanted to protest to that plan as did Arashi, but a glare from Naruto stopped them. So, they went to the tower with Naruto's "friend" and once they were there; Kousagi saw that it was a tall tower. They looked at each other and wondered how they were going to free the Queen.

Kousagi later had a plan, even if she had yet to so to school to learn how to use her magic, she still can control her magic. So, she had used her magic to blast the magic barrier around the tower. She then told Arashi to use a Jutsu to make an even bigger blast, once her magic gets through and made a hole in the barrier. Once she and Arashi got through, it was also the moment that they saw the flaming-red coloring of Naruto's power in the air, Kousagi, and Arashi looks at each other. They had to hurry, so they can get back to Naruto, but it's wasn't that simple as it seems that the witch had put traps inside the tower as well.

When they had finally reached the top, Kousagi had reached her limit and had just blasted the door open. Inside the room was the golden-blond haired Queen and Kousagi was shocked. Dyamond's Queen Serenity, Kousagi's Aunt and twin to her mother Queen Serenica of Lunaray. But when they heard another booming sound coming from the direction of the castle, Kousagi rushes out of the room and down the very long steps. Arashi, the Queen and the "friend" ran after her with Arashi little faster as he too is worried for his brother.

When they finally reached the castle, they were all out of breath and the battle was over with. Naruto was on the ground with burns on him, the witch was on the ground as well. There's was an eight-year-old girl with wavy light-blue haired with some ivory streaks and deep-blue colored eyes standing over Naruto. Kousagi could only stare at the scene, but in a rush, her aunt rushes past her with her arms out.

"My Sapphire" her aunt called out

"Mommy" the girl cried and ran to Serenity

Kousagi looked at her Aunt and her cousin, but she soon turned her attention to Naruto with Arashi. Her Aunt soon let go of Sapphire and both ran to Naruto. Her Aunt ordered Arashi to help get Naruto into the castle, she then ordered the man who came with them to put the witch in a caged. When all Dyamond unfreezes itself, the guards came to their Queen who ordered them to get the healers. The healers-well the ones who were unfrozen came and look at Naruto.

It's was a week, when Naruto finally opened his eyes and been a week since Sapphire told her mother that Icy decided to be a witch to try to defeat the witch herself. Kousagi saw her aunt's eyes narrowed at that and Kousagi knew that by becoming a witch, her other cousin and the one she does know Icy had doomed herself. She knows that Dyamond had a law about that ban witches, even if that witch, is one of their people. She also knows the reason behind that law, she knows that her Aunt must follow the law. When Naruto was well enough to sit in a wheelchair was also the day that Queen Serenity made the sorrowful announcement.

"My people of Dyamond thanks to these people our home, our planet, our Kingdom have been freed from that witch. We will always be thankful to these three people and one of them is my very own niece Princess Kousagi." Queen Serenity said and waited until everyone stopped cheering for Naruto, Arashi, and Kousagi

"But my daughter Princess Sapphire had informed me of my other daughter Crown Princess Icy's fate. Princess Icy after my youngest was cursed to be a fox, decided to be a witch."

Grasps was heard throughout the groups of people, Kousagi saw every woman cover their mouths with their hands.

"I know and because of this, I'm truly saddened to know this, and I wish that the Crown Princess had thought about it. We have laws about witches, and I must follow the law, even if it breaks my heart. From today, Princess Icy is banished from Dyamond and Princess Sapphire will be the next Queen of Dyamond." Queen Serenity announced with a heavy heart.

Kousagi saw a tear going down her Aunt's face and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sapphire running back into the castle with tears in her eyes.

End of Flashback

Kousagi explained to Sapphire the reason why witches weren't allowed on Dyamond and why her mother doesn't trust witches. Naruto listened too and he understood, but Sapphire didn't. Naruto said something to her that Kousagi couldn't hear, but it seems Sapphire understood what Naruto said to her as she jumped on him. She could see it had hurt Naruto, but for Sapphire, he didn't say a word about his pain. When it was time for them to return to Elem, Sapphire didn't want to let Naruto go and all Kousagi could think of is that she doesn't want to meet Icy again as then she will have to the one to tell her the good and bad news.

"Kousagi, what are you thinking of?" A voice asked from behind her and she turned around to see Naruto with the doctor behind him

"Prince Naruto, please you have to rest" the doctor pleas

"And I told you I heal fast" Naruto snapped back

"Naruto- "Tsuyu started but stopped as Naruto walked-well limping past her

So, Naruto does have anger at her for leaving, she watches as Naruto walked toward the couch and sat down next to his father. Oritel turned to his son to see Naruto making himself comfortable, he turned to Marion who looked at him. They'll work with Naruto to get him comfortable with them as parents. Bloom looked at her brother and then at Princess Tsuyu who now looked even sadder that she knows she lost both her twin and Naruto by her on hand.