Shortly after Finn left, Rey popped out to scrounge up some fresh men's clothes and boots for Ben. When she returned, she found Ben strewn out across the bed with his long legs dangling off the side. He had the book 'The Jedi Path' hovered above his face as he read but shut the book quickly as he heard her enter.

Ben propped himself up on one arm, "You were gone a while."

Rey tossed the clothes on the bed next to him, "Not easy to find men's clothes in your size." Her eyes scanned his body as he chuckled in reply.

Ben rose from the bed and dressed quickly. Rey watched in pleasure as she noted the perfect fit of the garments. He wore a loose fitting white tunic with a deep v that displayed the top of his chiseled white marble chest. The shirt was tucked into a pair of dark brown leather pants with a utility belt strapped low around his hips. He tugged on a pair of new leather boots and as he rose, Rey immediately noticed the few extra inches they gave him. As always, he was a tall, overwhelming figure, but now he would fit in a little better without the intimidating solid black First Order gear.

Rey grabbed his grandfather's lightsaber from the bookshelf behind her, where it had waited for him for the past few weeks. She approached him with it extended in her hand. His dark eyes flicked down to it and he took the saber with a hint of a smile. Rey sensed the pride radiating off of him as he was finally reunited with his lightsaber.

They didn't need the sabers, but now they carried them more out of habit and comfort more than anything else. Ever since she was a child, Rey had never been without some form of a weapon. Even now, she still wore Han's blaster strapped to her thigh along with Leia's saber on her hip.

"Is Lando still here?" Ben said suddenly as he strapped the saber to the utility belt at his hips.

Rey blinked. "Well, yes, I believe so..."

Ben fixed his jaw and nodded as he looked towards the door and frowned in his usual way. "Good. I need to talk to him."

Ben didn't wait for an answer as he started towards the door. Rey just barely grabbed his wrist as he reached for the handle. Ben's black hair danced across his face as he swung his head down to meet her confused gazed, but he kept his body aimed towards the exit.

"Um - you sure that's such a good idea right now? I'm sure Chewy is with him."

"Ah, good." Ben said as he turned back towards the door. Rey felt her eyes bulge as she reached for him again, but her efforts were useless as he pressed on through the exit.

Ben marched intently down the hall as Rey trotted behind him, hot on his heels and trying to keep up with his long strides. "Ben! Ben." She whispered loudly over the rhythmic thudding of his boots on the polished stone. "What are you doing?"

Ben smirked down at her, "Going to see old friends. Or really old family if you think about it-"

Rey shook her head in exacerbation. "I mean - are you sure you shouldn't just let things simmer down just a bit before going to see the Lando and Chewy, the two closest people to your father after your mother? Chewy's likely to throw you into the ocean if Lando doesn't shoot you first."

Ben scoffed, "Have a little faith in me, Rey. It'll be fine." Ben smiled softly down at her as they continued down the hall. Rey knew he was using his senses to seek them out as they drew closer to the hanger. Lando would likely be readying his ship with Chewy to make sure everything was in order before he blasted off towards his next gig.

They turned a sharp corner as they marched closer towards the hanger. Rey walked beside him in silent defeat as she plotted out the 'what-if' scenarios in her head.

"Stop that. You're making me nervous." Ben said.

"Dyad." Rey replied matter-of-factly as she shrugged.

As soon as the hanger entrance came into sight, Ben stopped suddenly and grabbed Rey's shoulders to stop her in her tracks.

"Rey. I love you." She took in a sharp breath and her insides warmed at the sudden intimacy of his words. Her shoulders relaxed slightly under his hands. "But this is a meeting I'd rather have alone."

Rey's face hardened into a scowl. "Not a chance. I'm not leaving you alone in this place, I'm coming with you."

Rey felt her resolve melt as he entered her mind. His eyes shimmered as they bore into hers and she felt every cell in her body give way to him as he said, "You will not come."

Rey shook her head violently as she reeled back and punched his shoulder hard with the flat of her palm. "No mind tricks! You know it won't work on me."

But it had, ever so slightly, enough to seed a little voice in her head that told her to listen to him, to trust him. Ben was the moon and she was the ocean, and her tides had bent and molded to his will. But he didn't need mind tricks for that.

"Please, Rey-" But Ben trailed off as his eyes floated behind her to an unseen presence rapidly approaching down the hall.

"Everything alright, Rey?" She spun as she heard a familiar voice approach. It was Rikk.

Rikk looked as fresh as ever, with a dark grey tunic and long over coat. He sported shimmering black leather boots and a blaster at his hip of some origin Rey couldn't make out. Rey caught his blue eyes as they danced between Rey and Ben but he was careful to remain stoic and unconcerned. A true politician.

"This one is making a trip to see General Calrissian and Chewy." Rey said with annoyance as she cocked her head to Ben. She eyed Rikk and waited for his objection. Rikk was an advocate for peace and after the oscillator disaster she knew he wouldn't want any more chaos in the capital.

But Rikk smirked and crossed his arms as he raised his eyebrows at Ben. "Oh that should be interesting."

Men are idiots. She thought. She hadn't been this frustrated since Poe had lightspeed jumped the Falcon.

Rey turned to Rikk, "What he is about to do is suicide-"

Ben scoffed, "Oh, please Rey-"

"Do not interrupt me." She whipped her head to Ben as she glared at him with finality. A darkness built in her chest and she felt her eyes burn like searing charcoal. Ben's mouth snapped shut as he straightened and eyed her, surprised.

"Rikk," Rey continued as she returned her gaze to the tall politician, "Thank you for giving Ben a second chance. But don't you think he should lay low for a while? The capitol has had enough excitement after the events of yesterday."

Rikk twisted his face, "I'm sorry, Rey. But he's not a prisoner. I'm not here to order him around and tell him what to do, where to go, who to see. I forfeited that when I released him. I have to honor that."

Rey sighed, "And you are a man of your honor." Rey ground her teeth together but she knew he was right. Ben wasn't a prisoner here and shouldn't be treated like one. But no one could understand how much a part of her Ben was and how protective she was over him.

Then she turned to Ben and said, "And you are your father's son."

Ben smiled softly and took a step closer to Rey. He placed a warm hand under her chin and commanded her eyes to his.

"It'll be ok. I promise." Ben said as he grazed his thumb across her cheek.

Before she could open her mouth to speak, Ben turned briskly and walked off down the hall, the warmth of his hand on her cheek like a shadow. She stood with Rikk in the long corridor as they watched Ben float away towards the hangar.

The capitol was alive with chatter about yesterday's events, buzzing in her ear like a fly she couldn't shoo off. Rikk escorted Rey to the dining hall to eat breakfast and as they walked, Rey could sense the searing stares of the people around her. The voices grew louder around them as they sat down to dine, and Rey found herself wishing she could switch off the force for once. They thought they were being quiet when they whispered about her and Ben, but she picked up on enough.

'The Supreme of the good guys...never...should kill him before he kills any of us...was she always a part of this?...can't believe we're letting him walk through these halls...what is Rikk thinking?...not fit to lead us...plotting something together...heard they're rebuilding another empire...the Sith...'

Each comment she heard and each stare she sensed fueled her blood like individual drops of kerosine to a spark until the flames licked white hot in her chest. Her vision narrowed. Perhaps she should've let fate play out and let the oscillator consume them...

Rikk's hand was suddenly on hers as he silenced the voices in her head. She jumped slightly and hadn't realized she was about to bend the metal fork in her hand.

"Everything alright, Rey?" Rikk whispered across the table.

Rey shook her head and smiled weakly. "That's the second time you've asked me that this morning."

Rikk squeezed her hand and looked around the room. "Don't worry about them. They're just bored. They'll be on to the next exciting thing that happens around here in a few days."

"Why are you so forgiving, unlike the rest of them?" Rey said.

Rikk smiled shyly as he pulled away and shrugged, "It's complicated."

"You don't seem afraid that any of this will ruin your reputation." Rey continued. "They're already questioning whether you're still fit to lead them."

Rikk frowned, "I could care less about that. I'm always going to do what I think is best for the people of Hanna City and Chandrilla. Regardless of what they think of me. It's how I was raised."

"And you were raised with Ben. You care about him." Rikk opened his mouth to protest but Rey continued, "I can sense it."

Rikk didn't reply as he stared at her for a moment then continued to eat. Long ago, Ben had been like a brother to Rikk. Two kids both overshadowed by their parents' political aspirations and hopes for a better galaxy.

Rey didn't press the matter as she continued to shovel eggs into her mouth.

"You two...seem to have a complicated relationship." Rikk said after a while.

Rey swallowed hard and took a sip of her caff, clearing her throat. "Yes" she said plainly.

Rikk pressed on. "Poe and Finn, they told me about how you two were always trying to kill each other. And now..." He shook his head, "Well, I'd never guess you were once enemies."

"I'm not sure we ever really were enemies." Rey replied, "I mean, just two halves of the same whole who happened to be on opposite sides of the war...and the force."

Rikk stared at her and blinked, "So that's how you see it?"

"That's how it is." Rey replied, suddenly defensive. "He was a victim, a puppet, like so many others. Though I don't expect anyone in the galaxy to understand that."

"But I do." Rikk said simply.

Rey swallowed and stared into his ice blue eyes and realization flooded her. Rikk was right. For the first time, she wasn't alone in knowing who Ben Solo truly was.

Rikk broke the silence as he sat back and sighed. "I'm sorry, not trying to pry. Just want to make sure you're safe, that's all. He's an old friend but doesn't mean I still completely trust him after all he's done." Rikk paused and said his next words carefully. "Especially not with you."

"Don't worry, I can handle myself." Rey said with a grin as she tried to brush off the intimacy of his words.

Rikk laughed, "I know you can. I've heard the stories and I've seen you practicing up on the terrace. You could kick my ass if you wanted to."

They were silent for a while longer until finally Rikk continued. "So, I've never really gotten the chance to ask you about your life before all this." He flung his hand in the air. "Jakku, huh?"

Rey nodded, "Ever since I could remember. My parents left me there for good reason and I raised myself." She shrugged, "Now that I think of it, I wouldn't be the person I am without all the things I learned there, even from nasty ole Unkar Plutt."

Rikk cringed, "I've heard that name before. A thug who practically ruled that Neema Outpost area."

Rey nodded, "Yep, he did. But he took favor to me when I was a child which now I'm thankful for else I wouldn't've survived. I was small, able to fit into the tiny spaces of old wreckage that no other scavenger could get into. He payed me well in portions for that."

Rikk leaned in closer, his forearms crossing on the table. He was silent as he waited for her to continue. She wasn't used to talking about her life like this but she felt a strange relief in speaking about it outloud. The words seemed to pour out of her now.

"Shortly after my parents left I went into instant survival mode. I found an old AT-AT downed from the Battle of Jakku years ago. It was still in decent shape, preserved perfectly from the dry air. So I made that my home." Rey paused at a memory and felt herself smile. "I found a spinebarrel flower once while I was out scavenging a starship. That puny flower stuck with me my whole life there. I told myself that if it could survive Jakku, then I could too."

"Do you ever miss it?" Rikk asked suddenly.

Rey's eyes snapped up to his. "No one's ever asked me that before. But..." she paused as she considered his question. "Yes, I guess there are some things I miss, in a strange way. I miss the simplicity and the silence. Now, everything is so complicated...and loud." She frowned as she glanced around at the people in the room. "But I would never want to go back. I would never trade what I have now...the family. Finn, Poe, Leia,"

"And Ben." Rikk finished. She met his shimmering blue eyes, bluer than any sea or sky she had ever seen.

Rey nodded but remained quiet as she thought about how Ben had really always been there. He was the presence she had always felt, the tingle at the back of her neck. She thought she had been so alone on Jakku, yet he had always been right there with her, through all those sleepless nights. The nobody from Jakku was a part of a rare dyad all along.

Suddenly as if on cue, Ben's force signature struck Rey as he passed through her electrical field. The automatic door to the large dining hall swung open as Ben emerged. Rikk and Rey's head both snapped up towards the entryway and they pulled away. Rikk cleared his throat and Rey could have sworn she saw Ben's eyes narrow slightly.

Ben's tall, dark form floated towards them. The few others in the room whispered silently to themselves as their voices echoed off the tall ceilings. Some even elected to scurry out of the room, like mice to a wolf. That angered Rey all over again. Had they forgotten this was the man who saved all their lives just yesterday?

"You're alive. That's a shock." Rikk called out as Ben approached.

"Don't sound so disappointed." Ben's eyes were liquid obsidian as he stared at Rikk.

Rey looked him up and down, expecting to see some part of him missing or blood to be soaking his clothes somewhere. "Ok but how are you not...bleeding?" Rey asked, confused with his nonchalance.

Ben grinned at her as he forced pulled a chair to him, the legs loudly skidding across the floor. He sat down swiftly between the two of them. "I'm alive, aren't I?" He leaned in towards her and nudged her mind through the force, a reassurance that he would explain later.

Ben leaned back and looked to Rikk. "I've come back with a...job." Ben worked his jaw as he searched for the word. "Lando spoke about Pasaana. You're familiar, I know." Ben looked to Rey as images of their force connection and her destroying his beloved TIE Silencer in mid-air flooded her thoughts. She had been fascinated with the excitement and bacchanal of the Aki-Aki festival and filled with warmth at the happiness of the inhabitants.

She smiled as she remembered Nambi Ghima and the necklace the Pasaana girl had given her.

"What's Pasaana got to do with it?" Rey said as she straightened up.

Ben's eyes were hard as he replied. "It's the First Order." Rey's stomach dropped. "Well, sort of. Lando's got some old connections there. Says there's some First Order sympathizers who're trying to rebuild." Ben replied. "Small, but still a threat."

Rikk shook his head and Rey's stomach twisted at the thought of anyone taking advantage of the peacefulness of the isolated planet. She thought of Nambi Ghima and willed her to be safe and away from any harm.

"They'll work quickly to gain power, especially in a place like Pasaana where they're so out of reach from the other systems." Ben continued. "Lando was hiding out there for a while so he knows the area well."

"Well, we knew we would have to put out these little fires after the war was over." Rikk said.

"And we have to snuff them out. This is what we fought to protect." Rey said. She stood abruptly and looked down at the two men. "I'll talk to Poe and Finn. When do we leave?"