Characters: Elliot/Olivia.

Summary: Contact; one to one hundred.

Note: I write a lot of very short fics as writing warm ups, and I wanted try doing semi-related ones. This WIP is a 100 chapter look at different types of touch. There's no real plot but all of it looks at EO. The rating will eventually increase as I add more explicit drabbles.

Warnings/summaries/whatever will be found in chapter notes when appropriate. You CAN leave prompts!

Title comes from the poem Permission by Seema Reza. Gave me major EO feels.

chap one - prompt: shake | rating: g.

The first thing Olivia notices about Elliot is that he has a nice smile.

It's bright. Lights up his whole face, the stretch of his mouth wide and full. His eyes crinkle at the sides, expression genuine even through the obvious exhaustion, making him look much softer than he had when they'd entered the room. She's only seen it a second before she decides it's something she wants to see again.

The second thing she notices is that his hands are cold.

"Olivia Benson, Elliot Stabler," Cragen is saying, their hands locking together as he informs them they'll be working together.

Olivia smiles, feels the calloused skin of Elliot's hand against her palm, feels the chill seep into her own warmer flesh. He has a firm grip: strong and assured. It's something that seems present in all of him; the next thing she notices the hard lines of his body, the way his suit conceals solid muscle. The way he holds himself.

Her tongue runs across her bottom lip before she says, "It's nice to meet you."

He shakes with his right hand. She doesn't notice the ring until later.