I've been a part of this fandom since 2013 and I can't believe it's taken me this long to try writing something! I've seen plenty of OFC's but liked the thought of changing things up, so Yuki will be replacing Misa in this, however, this won't just be Yuki doing everything Misa did in canon.
I'm going to make Yuki a conflicted character - he supports Kira's cause but doesn't think killing innocent people is ok and will clash with Light on a lot of his morals/choices.

The cover for this story is what Yuki looks like!

"It's today, isn't it? The end of his life."

Within the vast expanse of a barren wasteland, sat two distorted figures. One crouched upon the dusty floor, their body looking like a patchwork of materials haphazardly stitched together, while the other stood imposingly tall above, skeletal frame casting an eerie shadow behind them.

The lulling voice was more eerie than soothing and had a feminine pitch to it.

The tiny figure that was sat upon the floor was hunched over a small black notebook, a writing utensil clutched in their shaking hand.

"He looks so healthy…I wonder why today?"

Their voice was deeper than the other but held a monotone quality to it; one dulled with apathy yet a tilting sense of unease was heard at the final words. A question rather than a statement. Genuine worry.

Both figures stared into a shimmering void that overlooked their decaying wasteland into the human realm below; their sights set on a young-looking man who was leisurely riding the train while reading a book.

Glasses rested on the tip of his nose while wide, soulful eyes scanned the pages quickly, a small smile quirking pink lips that showed his enjoyment of the novel he was reading. Messy hair was pulled into a low ponytail, giving the young man a delicate look compared to the others that sat around him.

"Why…today…" the small figure pondered, their voice breaking at the end as they continued to stare at the pretty human below.

The skeletal being could only stare at their companion in silence, their one eye held a mixture of confused sympathy, for it knew that nothing could be done for the human they'd become so attached to. They stared at the rapidly decreasing numbers above the young man's head and felt nothing but apathy for the passing of yet another human life.

Regardless, both beings sat there for hours staring down into the void of the human world, one too entranced by their obsession to look away while the other knowing that nothing of more interest ever happened in their own wasteland.

They both watched as the young man – barely passed boyhood if his youthful features and happy demeanour were any indication – went about his final day on earth. The boy only did mundane things, of course, unknowing of his final moments rapidly approaching. He spent the day at what seemed to be his job, a substitute lecturer who held his own against his older associates but was humble enough to listen and eager to learn more.

The boy was walking alone at night, having just exited the train, making his way down a deserted alleyway when both beings knew at once what was about to occur. If the single digits above the boy's head weren't indication enough, then the seedy-looking man who was approaching would.

The man looked much older than the boy, likely in his early 40's and had a crazed look in his eyes. The boy stopped and called out to the man, his sweet voice asking what was wrong and if he could help in any way.

"He hasn't seen the knife," the taller being commented, eyes unwavering from the scene below. They didn't notice their companion who was now visibly shaking in fear at the altercation and was gripping their writing tool tightly.

After getting a frenzied reply from the man, the boy visibly stiffened and began trying to shuffle away from the obvious stalker, but it was already too late. The sharpened blade he wielded glinted under the streetlamp and within a second of him trying to escape, the man had already lunged forward to grab a hold of his victim.

He professed his love for the boy, screaming that if he couldn't have him then nobody could.

Panicked wheezing interrupted the manic scene and looking down at their companion below, they could only stare in shock.

"Hey! Stop!"

But their warning was too late and the small being had already frantically written the man's name into their notebook, their figure shaking uncontrollably as they watched wide-eyed at the scene down below.

The young boy had tried shielding his arms from the oncoming knife attack and cried out in pain when the sharp blade nicked his skin. He cried out for help, for anybody to come and save him, but to no avail.

Or so he thought, until all at once, the man had stopped in his tracks and now clutched at his chest in agonised shock. The boy whimpered at the sight and curled into himself, scared and confused.

The small being watching from above was relived and despite moaning in crushing pain from their actions, couldn't stop the small content smile from crossing their patched mouth.

As the man in the human realm fell to the ground from a sporadic heart attack, the small being above shook as their body began crumbling into dust around them.

The skeletal figure could only watch in horror. It was a beautiful yet harrowing sight as their body fell apart at the seams, their very being diminishing within seconds. Before completely disappearing, only a murmur could be heard.


The name was whispered like a prayer and Rem, with her looming skeletal figure hunched over and watching their companion turn to dust in front of them, could only hear the desperate plea and stare at the lone notebook that lay before the pile of remaining dust.

If you like this so far even though it's so short, please leave me a comment so I know to carry on writing more chapters! I'd love to carry this on but for now, I'm not sure if anybody would even be interested in reading it...