The Lost Kingdom Rises

Chapter 1

Timely Intervention

"Through Fire, and Age, and Strife, and Time,

This Kingdom here, it stays sublime,

Though Sickness falls upon this land,

Hallownest, it will naught but stand,

The Bug, and Beast, call this land home,

For them, I write this solemn tome,

For Bug, and Beast, and Man once stood,

Allies in the long war for good,

Though Man forgets, and time erase,

Some still will hold, and Bug embrace,

For told a time, not near but far,

They come, they come, from land afar,

Bug and Beast and the ones that creep,

Fulfill the solemn vows they keep.

-Lost Valean Poet, about the mythical Kingdom of Hollownest


This. . . Was not how Qrow expected his day to go. His mission was simple enough, and supposedly safe enough that he felt comfortable drinking beforehand. Watch Amber, the Fall Maiden, as she made her way to Beacon to meet up with Ozpin to plan out their next moves against Her. Simple. Only, it wasn't. On the final stretch three people attacked Amber, and did something to her. He had barely gotten there in time to interrupt it but that wasn't the kicker. Reinforcements came, reinforcements in the shape of a woman in a red cloak and an odd horned mask covering her face framed by equally white hair. Qrow thought he was fast but this person took it to a whole new level. It looked like she incorporated dancing into her fighting style, what with how she was all over the place: vaulting over them, jumping off of trees, dashing around. It was only complemented by her weapon, a sewing needle? He didn't know, but he wasn't complaining, the way she handled it was downright terrifying. Both of them scared Amber's assailants off but she was still injured. They needed somewhere safe to go, those three would be back for sure.

Qrow picked up Amber in a bridal carry and briefly panicked as he thought of what to do, where to go. There weren't any villages close nearby and the area obviously wasn't safe. Apparently he didn't have to worry at all. "Follow me. . . Bring her with you. . ." The stranger's voice sounded young, maybe as old as his niece or a little older. He stared after her as she stepped into the trees, turning around, "Well?" She said with distain. "R-Right, yeah," Qrow said as he shook himself out of his thoughts, following at a brisk pace to match his savior's. "So. . . Where are we going?" He asked, ". . ." And received no response. "What's your name?" He tried again, and again he got no response. "Do you. . . Have a name?" This time he got what sounded like a growl as she picked up the pace. "Come on! I was just—" She turned and stopped abruptly, making him stumble back as she advanced on him, radiating killing intent. "Hold your tongue intruder, the only reason I don't strike both of you down for treading on our ground is because of time's vows. My patience is already withering, do not hasten it's disappearance." She finished with venom practically dripping from her voice before turning away and continuing. Qrow stood there wide eyed and gaping like a fish before following once again. "Okaaay then, no talking. Got it." He said to himself as they kept moving. After about ten minutes they stopped in front of a large cave opening, where she turned to a dress him again, "Beyond these earthen walls lies the land of King and Creator. Upon stepping across this threshold know that you are relinquishing yourselves to our laws. Ours is the land of Bug and Beast. The eternal Kingdom that has withstood the test of time and will continue to do so until time itself is nothing but dust (1). The Kingdom of Hallownest lies beyond, as does her salvation." Every word she spoke was laden with pride as she stared at him and then Amber with the parting words. "What? What do you mean her salvation?" He breathed out, he stored her speech for later, they knew what happened to Amber? Could they reverse it? "Our land has many wonders and secrets, the nothing is beyond the Pale King and the White Lady. The Maiden will live, but you will have to do whatever we say, and exactly how we say it. Do you understand, agent of the Wizard?"

He went stock still. They knew?! What else did they know? They knew about the Maidens, about Ozpin's true nature, what else did they know?! Did they know about the Silver Eyes Warriors? Did they know about Her?

"W-What, but how? That's—" he started blabbering before she cut him off, softer and with a hint of melancholy. "We know many secrets, our kingdom is no stranger to them and the harm they can cause. If you want the Maiden to live, you must relinquish both of your fates to us for the time being. It is the only way." He stared long and hard at her before giving a tired sigh, looking down at the dying woman in his arms. He looked back up at her, his fate be damned, Amber had to live even if it cost him his life. "What do I have to do," he said with determination. The woman looked at him long and hard, her featureless and horned mask giving no indication to her thoughts as her red cloak billowed in the soft breeze, before turning and walking into the cave, "Follow me," was her simple reply as she descended into the cave, darkness covering her retreating form. Qrow looked at Amber, "hold on, we're gonna get you through this. We're gonna get through this," he said to her, not that she could hear him. He gave one last look behind her before following the masked woman into the cave.


Hornet grumbled under her breath as she led the intruder and his injured friend down to the Stag Station that connected the surface to the rest of Hallownest. She could see fine in this dark, her traits allowing it. The one behind her however, more than a few curses losses themselves from his lips as he stumbled in the sparsely lit tunnels. Eventually, her patience wearing thin enough to make a few minutes into 'eventually,' they reached the Stag Station. "What the hell?" Came the intruder's drawl as he looked at the large room they found themselves in, she sighed in contempt as she moved to the edge of the station. She took her nail and lightly smacked the bell, its chime echoing down the halls of the Stagway and signaling for a Stag Beetle to come pick them up. "What is this place? A train station? How did you build a train station so far underground?" He asked in innocent ignorance. Oh how she wished to kill him, kill or gravely injure. Hallownest has little mercy in it's inhabitants, they were kind and loyal to each other for the most part, but the challenges and betrayals the kingdom had faced led them to be. . . Distrusting of outsiders. "This is the Surface Stag Station, one of many connected to the Stagway." She tempered her reply, reminding herself that he was an outsider. And as such had no knowledge of their land.

Any reply he had was cut off at the rumbling beneath their feet as something came from the tunnels. She already knew what it was and gave no reaction, the other though? He squinted ahead and stumbled back as a massive Stag Beetle ran to the platform and stopped, grunting as it looked around.

"What the hell is that?! Are those. . . Does that thing have seats on it?!" Qrow asked, making Hornet sigh again. "It's a Stag Beetle, it's our primary form of travel across the kingdom," Hornet said as she approached the beetle. "We need to get to the City of Tears," the stag beetle looked at her before nodding, surprising Qrow even more when it began to speak. "Of course, the ways are busy this time of day but I'll take you there." Hornet stepped up into the harness and offered her hand to Qrow as he stepped forwards. She gently took Amber in her arms and layer her next to herself. Qrow hesitantly stepped onto the back seat, the stag beetle immediately starting to run down the tunnels. After roughly twenty minutes they arrived at the King's Station, not a word was spoken as Hornet gently handed Amber to Qrow again. "Follow me, you will bet he first human to set foot here in centuries, expect eyes to be on you," Hornet warned him as she started walking, with him quickly following. They soon stopped again though as they approached someone sitting on the bench on their platform. Already eyes were on them, muted whispers being exchanged about the Princess of two nations and a human. The one they were approaching had a book out while sitting relaxed on the bench. He had what looked like a mask that doubled as his hat, and another one that showed pale skin and two dull blue eyes. His attire consisted of a worn out blue/grey jacket and similar pants and boots. A weapon similar but different to Hornet's was on his hip. He turned to look at them, "Ah, Hornet. Welcome back. I hope your travels are going well? And who is this? An outsider! I bid you welcome stranger, this kingdom has many mysteries, I've hardly seen them all." Hornet shook her head fondly and responded, "Hello Quirrel, graveling again? Where to this time? The Wastes? Deepnest? It's always somewhere adventurous with you. How is the capitol at this time?" Quirrel hummed before giving his response, "Ah, I'm off to Greenpath actually. It's been far too long since I've been on the pilgrimage. The capitol is raining, what a surprise there, the streets aren't too busy right now, is recommend taking your friend where you need to go now, you'll draw less of a crowd. Farewell Hornet, until next time!" He said in parting as Hornet nodded and walked past him with Qrow in tow.


When Qrow stepped outside with the woman he now knew as Hornet, he was greeted with one of the most awe striking sights he had ever seen. It was an entire metropolis, bathed in an ethereal light with buildings entirely as tall as Beacon's tower. Except every building was that tall. There was a constant downpour here as well, but that only added to the beauty of this place. A few denizens were wandering about, tending to their daily lives and seemingly unaware of the rain, but they didn't pay them heed, yet. It was round this time that Qrow noticed that most if not all of the people living here were wearing a mask of some sort, resembling different types of bugs more than anything. Hornet was kind enough to hold a type of umbrella for him, they weren't used to rain like this and with Amber's condition he didn't want to risk anything that subterranean rain could bring her. As they were walking Qrow saw something that had him stop, it was a statue of what looked to be a person similar to Hornet. Their mask was larger with three jagged points, and it wore a cloak that covered its entire body. There was a sign underneath it, but he couldn't understand what it said. "In the Black Vault far above. Through its sacrifice, Hallownest lasts eternal." Hornet said from behind him, having seen what he was looking at. "He was a hero, in a way. He fought our greatest enemy at the cost to himself. I do not know his fate, but the King has plans set in motion." She said while looking at the statue. Qrow nodded, staying silent in respect to the fallen. A drunkard he might be, but he knew what sacrifice like that meant. "Come, we need to speak with the White Lady, she's your best hope for saving the Maiden," Hornet said as she began walking towards what looked like a palace.

As they stepped through the doors the pressure changed. Qrow immediately felt it, if Hornet did she didn't show it. Hell, she was probably used to it. The whole area was teaming with. . . Something. It was hard to describe, it felt like Aura, but that couldn't be it. Unless the room was alive that there couldn't just be soul energy in the air, could there? He didn't have time to think further as his guide never stopped or slowed her pace. She approached one of the Beetles?—What the hell? Qrow figures he would be asking that question a lot in the near future—and began speaking in what must have been their native language. After a few terse moments she turned left and gestured for him to follow. He was getting anxious, Amber was looking paler than she should, they couldn't delay.

As they stepped through another doorway Qrow felt it. It was the feeling from before but here it permeated the air like a thick fog. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was so foreign, and yet with it it brought a sense of serenity. It didn't take long for him to find the source of the energy. Standing by a window that overlooked the city, stood something that Qrow simply couldn't describe. It absolutely towered over them, standing near ten feet tall, perhaps more. It turned to face them and did so with a gentle and kind smile. The "White Lady," it seemed, turned out to be the Queen. She wore a long white robe that hugged her body and was connected to a shawl around her neck. Her face itself appeared to be like the mask everyone wore. It didn't really have any features, but her eyes stood out, looking like foggy ovals. Where he had expected hair there were white roots that extended from her head. Only her hands were visible, aside from her head.

Hornet immediately took to one knee, leaving Qrow to stand there awkwardly holding Amber. The Queen however took notice and spoke with an amused smile, gesturing towards a simple yet ornate looking bed, "Child, you can lay the Maiden here. Let her rest, she has been through much." Her voice was soft and gentle yet he could feel the power behind it. Qrow shook himself out of his stupor and stopped gaping like a fish. He put Amber down on top of the covers and backed up, only now realizing how sore his arms were. Again, breaking himself from his thoughts he settled himself on one knee as well. The White Lady laughed, a musical sound, before regarding them. "Please, there is no need to bow here, I am Alba. Most however, call me the White Lady." Qrow and Hornet stood back up, the latter had no need to introduce herself. The former took a moment to compose himself before introducing himself, "Uh, I'm Qrow. Huntsman of Vale and former member of team STRQ. It's a pleasure to meet you, your majesty." The Queen gave a small bow of the head. "And it is a pleasure to meet you, Qrow. Huntsman of Vale. Tell me, why have you come here? An outsider, a surface dweller, belonging to the Kingdoms that have long forgotten our kind and the strife that we overcame together." She asked, her voice still gentle yet with an undertone of curiosity and suspicion. Well, it was now or never. He—

"It was I who brought the two here. A Maiden was attacked close to our borders, he was being overwhelmed so I intervened. It was I who brought him here so that the Maiden might survive. Many have forgotten, but I know of the vows we had made the Kingdoms. I know the promises that we have been waiting to keep," Hornet had interrupted him before he could speak, head lowered and ready to accept any punishment or reprimand the Queen had. "You willingly intervened in a Surface matter, exposes yourself and possibly the Kingdom in order to save a Maiden and her protector? And then brought them into our Kingdom when an Outsider has not been present in over a century?" The queen questioned, her tone completely neutral. ". . . Yes," Hornet responded, her head lowering that much lower. ". . . I applaud you, Hornet." What? Hornet has obviously been thinking the same thing, as she had visibly recoiled at the Queen's response. "You saved an innocent, though they were not one of our own. Not only that, you saved a Maiden, you went above and beyond to put yourself in harm's way so that others might live. Your actions are everything a daughter of Hallownest should aspire to do. Well done." Hornet was speechless, somehow the surprise was able to be seen on her mask. The Queen turned to him now, "The Maiden. What is her name?" She asked. "Amber, her name is Amber. She's the Fall Maiden. Your Majesty, something happened before I was able to get to her. It was like they were stealing her powers, and it's taken its toll on her. She's getting weaker and weaker, please save her." He tried not to but he was letting his desperation deep into his voice, their enemies could not have access to a Maiden's power. If Amber died then the process would be complete and their enemies would have that power. The Queen did not lash out or say anything regarding his demands, she responded, "You are right, she cannot die. And do not fret, child. Amber lies in Hallownest,, we shall take care of her as if she were one of our own. And I will do everything in my power to make sure that she survives. She will not be touched, you have my word as Queen."

Hearing that, Qrow let out a sigh that he didn't know he was holding until that point. All of the pressure that he had been under made itself known as his objective was finally completed. It was close, it had been extremely close, but Amber had lived. The power of the Fall Maiden was still mostly secure and out of Salem's hands. Even if she was in some unknown and previously mythological kingdom, she was safe. With that thought Qrow slumped and reached for his flask, groaning as he felt an empty space in his coat. He must have lost it during the fight earlier that day. Speaking of which, he checked his scroll and saw that it was 8:30pm, he had been underground for five hours. Ozpin was probably going nuts, no one had heard from either him or Amber in five hours. He was probably considered dead or missing at this point.

Before he could delve further into panic he felt a soft hand on his shoulder. Looking up he was met with the faceless mask of the Queen, radiating a calm and gentle aura. "Calm yourself, you are alive, and your charge is alive." He took a few deep breaths and nodded, pinching the ridge of his nose to stave off the exhaustion that was creeping its way into his system. Apparently the Queen has noticed that as well, apparently she was good at that. "Hornet, dear, can you escort our guest to one of the free rooms? He's exhausted and needs rest." Hornet nodded and walked to the door, opening it and looking back at Qrow. "Come, we'll get you settled down and move the Maiden to somewhere where she can be healed properly." Hornet told him as he followed her out of the room, leaving the White Lady and the Fall Maiden alone.


The White Lady watched as a few doctors moved Amber into one of their rooms of healing. They were guarded by three sentries, wearing segmented armor and wielding great nails colored a dull light blue and grey. They resembled Beatles, and were some of the finest warriors that Hallownest had seen. Of course, there was one that stood next to the Queen who would play a far more pivotal role in guarding the Fall Maiden from harm. And if she was lucky, he would be that one step closer to reclaiming what was stolen from him. The Pale King has agreed as well, though he couldn't oversee any of this as he was negotiating in Deepnest.

"She is your mission, you are to follow her everywhere you are able and watch over her while she is in this kingdom." She told the small being next to her.

". . ." Was its response as it turned its head from Amber to the Queen.

"This is good for you, you haven't had anything to do in a long time, and it could help you in ways you don't yet understand." She said as his eyes stared at her, and her at him. He moved his head back to the doorway where Amber had disappeared, his empty eyes giving away nothing. He had a blocky mask that seemed to double as his head, two voids were carved into it as eyes and two horns curved upwards with small prongs at the end. He wore a tattered grey cloak that covered most of his two foot five body, and a small Nail was on his back for when he would need it.

"Go, my little Ghost, guard her with your life and make sure that she stays safe and happy while here." Ghost looked at his mother one more time before walking out of the door, a soft pitter-patter of his feet being the only noise that marked him as being there. A single tear escaped her eyes as she watched her fallen child walk dutifully to his next objective. She hoped beyond hope that this would work. A Maiden's powers, regardless of season, brought life and joy to whatever she touched. Maybe, just maybe, it would work on her little Ghost. Maybe he could be brought back, maybe his soul could be brought back. He was the last one, she vowed never to have another child. The sins of her other children weighed heavy on her heart, their shells forgotten beneath the kingdom. It wouldn't redeem her or her King, but she could still try and undo some of the wrong they had committed, couldn't she?


It walked down one of the many palace halls, towards its new objective that it had received. It was supposed to keep a strange bug safe, from what it didn't know, but that's as my what was important. It had its objective, and it would complete it no matter the cost. Its other objective was to keep her calm and happy, so it took preemptive measures. If she was to get up and wander around eventually, she would easily get lost. The City of Tears and the palace were some of the most confusing places it had been to, so it decided to make things easier. Ghost was a bug of many talents, oddly enough, one of these talents was cartography. So here it was, walking towards her healing room with a map in one hand and his old compass charm in the other. Perhaps it could give her a map as well? He would have to make a separate copy of his, but she would need it when she was up and about. She would really meed it.

Its thoughts were cut short when it entered the room where the Maiden was kept. She was in a white soft tunic now, and was in a very comfy looking bed. It was more of a fan of benches, but the bed still looked comfortable. Ghost walked over to the side of her bed and jumped onto it, placing both the map and the charm onto a small desk next to her. It stared at her for a few moments, there was something. . . Off about her, it stirred something deep within it, in a location where there usually wasn't anything but an empty void. Ghost shook off the feeling and jumped back down, it had a flower to get. It walked out of the door and pondered on the odd feeling that being close to the Maiden had given it


Quirrel walked out of the mouth of the cave, it was night now. He didn't like having to lie to his friend but unfortunately it was necessary in this case. The Pale King and the White Lady has given him a mission. However he saw it more like an adventure than anything, his mission: explore Remnant. Not Hallownest, his mission was to explore ABOVE ground. He had always been an explorer by heart and by nature, a spy as well but that wasn't important right now. Excitement didn't cover what he was feeling when he first stepped outside of the cave. Trees, grass, and the stars greeted him. He lost track of time as he simply took it all in, all of the stars were different. There were patterns and colors in the night sky that he had only heard of in books. He was one of the first people in Hallownest to see the sky in centuries. It was beautiful, if he had a spare piece of paper he would try and recreate it. The shattered moon, the stars, the trees, everything was just so absolutely stunning.

His musings were cut short as he heard a growl coming from his left, and his hand drifted towards his nail that rested at his hip. Let it be known that Quirrel was many things; an explorer, a spy—Something resembling a wolf lunged at him and consequently had its head taken off as it passed harmlessly by Quirrel, who had his nail raised straight towards his right—and damn quick when fighting. He sheathed his nail and looked at the odd creature as it dissolved into a black miasma, something he noted for later documentation. Although an attempt was made on his life it did nothing to dampen his excitement, many things in Hallownest tried to kill him, this was no different. So he set off, brave new lands awaited him, and new experiences aplenty sat in front of him.



(1) A version of a quote inspired by story: No cost too great, by MementoMori115.