A/N: Thank you so much for sticking to the end of the story, guys! I greatly appreciate all of you, especially all those that have reviewed! This is the end of this story, but I will be working on a one-shot with the letter C next. So stay tuned for that! Anyway, hope you enjoy this conclusion! Just a bunch of fluff, and again, no lemons. Enjoy! R&R!


Epilogue: Bump

Things that were broken were starting to repair themselves, slowly but surely. Ben had been estranged from his father for most of his life, and now they were close for the first time. Han wanted everything to do with him, even teaching him about mechanics and helping him run the business they took over from Luke. Han remained a constant part of both of their lives, which was welcomed since he'd been gone for so long. Han had been working things out with Leia at home, too. They were getting along very well so far. They even talked about moving away to Naboo, but Han had refused to do that since Ben and Rey would not be coming with them. Rey noticed that Han was trying his best to be family-oriented. It was very nice, and even sweet, dare she say. She could tell he was truly trying to make up for lost time.

It had been a little over a year since their wedding. So far things were going smoothly for them as well. They'd just heard that Finn and Rose were engaged to be married in the winter, which was only a few months away. They were excited for the couple. Rey had spent a lot of time around Rose since Finn started working for them. Rose had developed her own company of parts and services, which Rey relied on heavily for supplies. They had a good working relationship and an even better friendship. Ben was happy to see Rey getting out of her comfort zone and get closer to other people. It was promising for the future. Rose had been coming over frequently with Finn and Poe, sharing dinner and watching sports together. Ben had gotten into multiple conversations with Finn, using the Speed channel as a way to teach Finn about cars. They'd gotten along fairly well, even if Ben hadn't wanted to admit that the other man was actually cooler than he thought. He still got annoyed with Finn, but Rey chalked it up to Ben not having people skills. It was actually cute to watch the awkward exchanges of them while they sat on the couch, drinking beer and watching the cars fly down the drag strip.

Poe, on the other hand, was always milling around, looking for something to get into. He'd found pictures and had asked about them, but Ben just shot him a glare and told him it was none of his business. Apparently Ben was sentimental. Poe was always trying to get a deeper understanding of the enigma that was Ben Solo. Rey hadn't told him that the picture that Ben glared at him about was actually a picture Rey sent him when they had first started dating. Along with pictures on the bridge of their first date. She smiled warmly at those pictures. She had a clear view of them right from the kitchen where she stood. Rose had asked her about it a couple of times and Rey just smiled and said it was one of the best times they had together. Of course, pictures from their wedding littered their walls now, too. Ben wasn't really a picture person, since he didn't really want people to see the side of him he'd reserved for Rey, but when they did, it seemed that people wanted to get closer to Ben, which made him awkward. It was a long process. One that Ben would eventually welcome sometime later, she thought.

Amilyn had moved away along with Paige, who were apparently doing some sort of business together. Rose told her not to ask, and seemed to shrink back a little. Whatever her sister and Amilyn were doing, Rey knew Rose didn't agree. She decided not to ask anymore. She kind of wished that the two had stayed here with them, but they decided that it would be better for them to go off somewhere else. She forgot where. She wasn't familiar with it when she heard about it and she didn't solidify it in her mind now.

She snapped from her thoughts with a grunt, her hand gripping the counter as she sighed heavily, eyes closed. Ben was at her side in an instant, arms around her as he rubbed her back gently. "Another strong one?" he asked gently as he kissed her temple, helping her steady her breathing. Rey nodded with a small laugh.

Rey smiled up at him and grabbed his hand, placing it on her stomach to rub the bump there of their growing child. "She's going to be strong."

"Just like her mother," Ben agreed as he pressed his lips to her, drawing gently shapes on her stomach to calm the wiggling baby. Their wedding night was a disaster, but eventually they got it right. It took them several months though. They had both wanted to on their wedding night, but Rey got as far as her clothes coming off. When Ben's hands started to roam, she started to get really scared and he stopped. The apologies were relentless as Rey cried in his arms, worrying that he would never be able to do anything with her. He had shushed her and held her anyway, assuring her that it was all right and they could try again when she was ready. It kept happening that way. It would slowly, very slowly, progress from clothes coming off to light petting until Rey couldn't take it anymore. She'd tried to drink to relax herself, but Ben declined her advances, stating that he wanted her sober and willing, rather than drunk and fuzzy and not even remembering their first time. She'd tried one time after that and Ben had left the house for a run to calm himself down. He'd gotten angry and hurt that she tried again. But when he got back, she was sober enough to talk to him about it. She was trying to deal with it her own way, rather than just taking it easy and letting it happen. She was trying for him, but Ben had told her that he wanted her to do it for her.

They'd had a really nice heart-to-heart talk that night. One that neither of them had forgotten. They'd talked about ways that they would try to keep pushing farther without damaging anything and once they had a plan, they tried again. And again. Now, Ben had wanted to rip his hair out with as sexually frustrated he was getting, but he kept calm and patient and kind with Rey, knowing that it was just as difficult for her. She'd decided after the last failed attempt to at least help him alleviate himself. And it was nice. She'd apologized for essentially teasing him, but he just held her and chuckled in her ear, telling her that he would wait an eternity for her if he had to.

Rey finally had enough and pushed past her mental fragility. Once she had made up her mind about that night being the night, she wasn't going to let anything stop her. They'd taken it slow. Ben was cautious and loving, much to her surprise, but it wasn't unwelcome. It was one of the best nights of her life, she had to admit. To experience that closeness to him after so long was simply amazing. And it wasn't a one-off either. They'd succeeded in overcoming that last part of her mental fragility and now, they were a normal (somewhat) couple. She still had relapses every once in a while, and Ben still had anger flare ups... But together, they managed to help each other through their issues.

Just as they would help their baby. They'd never talked about children. Until she found out she was pregnant at the shop one day. She'd gone into work feeling really nauseous, figuring it was the alcohol from the prior night. It wasn't the alcohol. Luke had bought her a test, giving her a look to take it immediately, and when she found out it was positive... Ben was all but tackled to the floor. Rey was a sobbing mess in his arms as she cried out that they were going to have a child. They were scared, sure, but the happiness overrode everything. As she got further along, Ben had all but locked her out of the shop, saying it was too dangerous for her and his baby to be around heavy machinery with the impending risk of something falling on her and crushing them both. Who knew he would be so protective?

Rey finally settled for taking a seat at the computer, ordering parts and handling the phones and scheduling. Ben, Finn and Poe had all taken over the working side of it as Rey watched from a distance, tossing tools to them every so often when she saw them rummaging around like blind people. She'd felt a surge of emotions watching her husband though. She'd found her thoughts leaning more toward the intimate part of their relationship, pulling him aside mid-work day for a quick session in her old bedroom. He hadn't minded it so much. In fact, Rey noticed that he hadn't complained once. Of course, when they came back, the other guys were just staring at them and chuckling under their breath, shaking their heads as they continued to work. Rey had actually had a pretty stable pregnancy. Her mood swings were few and far between, but her morning sickness was beyond terrible. She'd noticed that it had stopped just a week or so ago. She was about to pop, and she was just now finished with morning sickness. It was such a hindrance. But it was well worth it, she decided. This precious life growing inside of her was well worth any amount of throwing up.

She let Ben lead her to his car, gently helping her into the passenger seat, smiling down at her as she grunted as another kick was sent flying at her rib cage. He chuckled and kissed her belly. "Don't hurt your mom," he said as he rubbed her belly, giving it a little press. The girl pushed her heel against his palm and Rey smiled as she watched Ben's face light up. He was enjoying this, and so was she. She noticed the baby scurry lower and calm down and she sighed in relief.

After a few moments, they were back home. He helped her up the stairs and into the house, sitting her in her chair as he set out to make dinner. As she watched him, she realized that he was smiling so much now. There were few days when she saw him without a smile. She could tell he was truly happy. With her. He fixed her some tea and set it in front of her, earning him a small smile. This was their routine. Ever since she was pregnant, she was craving sweet tea, which was something she never drank before this. Now, Ben was setting the glass in front of her every night when they got home, as if he knew when her cravings would come on. He kissed her forehead and made them some dinner, but she realized he made more than just for the two of them. "Ben-"

There was a knock at the door, making her jump and eye her husband suspiciously. He winked at her and walked to the door, opening it and letting in their guest. In walked Leia, Han, Luke, Rose, Finn, Poe and... Maz?! Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she received hugs from all of them. She got out of her chair and hugged Maz tight. She hadn't seen her for so long. She'd been away on vacation, helping Amilyn and Paige get set up with their business. Rey continued to hold onto Maz, a tight grip around the smaller woman's shoulders as she cried into her shoulder. Maz gently shushed her, petting her hair and rubbing her belly. "It's good to see you, too, dear."

Rey sniffled as she giggled at Maz. "What brings you all here?" she asked, looking up at her family.

Ben helped Rey up with a small smile. "Changes." It was one word. But it made her heart race and her mind whirl. So confusing... She looked up at him curiously.

Before she could ask, Luke stepped forward, holding his hand out to her in a fist. She held out her hand, palm up, and Luke dropped something into her palm. A key? Her brows furrowed in confusion. "What's going on?" she asked, looking at the key that looked oddly familiar.

Han, being as abrupt as he usually was, answered for the group. "You're moving, kid." Rey gawked at him and shot a look up at Ben, fear in her eyes. "Not far. You and Luke are going to switch places."

Rey's eyes widened as she looked at Luke. "Luke, I don't-"

"Hush up. You're going to have a kid any day now. You need more room than a one bedroom apartment. Ben and I already worked out the details. The girls are going to take you out for some baby shopping," he wrinkled his nose, "and us guys are going to stay and move everything over." She tried to object, but he put his hand up at her. "Non-negotiable. You're going to take it. There's no leave it option. I don't need a lot of space anymore, but you do. So the best option would be for it to be my house since it's right there close to work."

Rey's eyes started to spill over with more tears as she threw herself at Luke, wrapping him in a tight hug. "Thank you," she whispered as Luke patted her back. They both grunted then and Rey pulled away. The baby had kicked Luke through Rey, which made the whole room burst into laughter. Until the contractions started.



Clanking. More clanking. Squeals. Giggles. Pitter patter of feet. Rey sighed as she walked down the stairs, rubbing her eyes in utter exhaustion. She made her way to the kitchen and saw her family already sitting at the table. Ben sat, drinking his coffee with a full cup next to him. Across from Ben sat Kylo, who was four. His dark hair and eyes made him the spitting image of his father, especially with the scowl on his face. Next to Kayden sat Ren, their five year old daughter, smirking mischievously at her younger brother. She looked like Rey, complete with the trademark three buns at the back of her head. She was reaching over the table to try to get daddy's coffee, who gracefully moved it and shot her a look, making her giggle and retreat to annoy her brother, who scowled at her. Ben looked up and saw Rey, smiling at her as he pulled the chair out beside him to give her room. She smiled softly at him and took her seat, mindful of the small bump on her belly. There was a symphony of "Mornin' mama!" from the kids and a chuckle from Ben as he kissed her temple, giving her his own good morning.

She smiled as she lifted her coffee to her lips, leaning into Ben's hold as he rested his cheek on her forehead. "Finish eating, you two. We have a lot to do." The two children eat their breakfast quickly and bound up the stairs to go get changed and wash their hands, leaving their parents at the table in peace. Ben looked down at Rey, who hadn't budged since she found her spot against him. "How are you feeling?" he asked gently.

Rey flicked her eyes up at him. "Like a cow." Ben chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Tired, too."

Ben lifted her head with his knuckle under her chin, a loving grin on his face. "I love you, Rey."

She smiled at him. "I love you, too, Ben."

They shared a kiss, only to hear a loud chorus of "EWWWW!" coming from the top of the steps.

Rey broke away and laughed as Ben threw a slipper at the children, who scattered with giggles. He looked down at Rey again and smirked. "Thank you."

"For what, Ben?"

Ben smiled softly at her as his fingers lightly skimmed her belly. "For our beautiful family. For you. For... everything," he replied as he kissed her lips again. Rey smiled into the kiss. What was broken... was repaired with three simple words and the presence of Ben Solo.