A/N: Hey guys! This is a new fic! I honestly just wanted to share of how much of an asshole Bug can really be. Bug is my cat who is 2 and a half, he is a cutie and I got this idea from just watching some of his actions, thinking of how funny it would be if he did this to Regina and how pissed she would be of his actions and his words if he could talk. Please review! Thank you and enjoy the fic!

Blonde locks flowed through the air as Emma huffed, walking through the woods. Her mom and dad were suffocating her, with her mom being the new mayor, that Hook following her around, hell- she even almost died of hypothermia because of Elsa trapping her in an ice cave. Then there was Regina, the Evil Queen herself. She'd locked herself away and refused to even see Henry. She knew the brunette was doing her best to try and redeem herself.

The woman could be infuriating at times, but she knew she was trying. She had Henry. He was her happy ending, right? She refused to see him, thinking he hated her. He loved her unconditionally and even went over there before Emma left to deal with the snow cave thing.

She was snapped out of her thoughts, stopping in her tracks as she heard dogs barking and a cat hissing. She immediately leaped into action. She started darting towards the barking, leaping over the creek, falling onto the other side.

"Son of a bitch!" the blonde cursed as she tripped over an overgrown tree root. The cat's cries were becoming more higher pitched and louder as she grew near. When she moved past some brush, she saw three stray mutts surrounding a white cat with orange markings. The dogs had the poor, hissing cat cornered between two rocks. The cat made an attempt to swipe at one of the dogs, but missed.

Emma looked around for something and then grabbed her pistol from her pants, lifting it up in the air. She fired off two warning shots as the dogs stopped and looked at the blonde before scurrying away, leaving a shaking kitty behind. Emma slowly approached the white feline.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here to help. I won't hurt you." she smiled softly at the cat as she slowly knelt and put her hand out for the cat to slowly come to her. Seeing the cat now, he was on the heftier side for sure. Maybe 12 to 17 pounds, somewhere in there. The cat had an orange streak on the left side of his nose, his eyes were pure black from the adrenaline. He had an orange patch on his ear and a large splotch of orange on his left side. He was an adorable little… okay big cat.

"T-Thank you, Emma." the cat spoke.

"Woah! What the fuck?!" Emma jumped away and looked at the cat's expression.

"I said thank you and now you're going to sit here and curse at me?"

"N-No. I-I didn't- you- how do you know my name?" the blonde stuttered as the cat slowly walked over to her, his gut almost touching the ground. Emma then sat on a nearby fallen over tree, running her hands through her wild blonde mane. The feline jumped and tried to get onto the rounded surface, his body dangling from it as his front paws were gripping the tree. Emma chuckled and gently helped the cat onto the tree.

"I know your name because you're the Savior. I'm not stupid." the cat sat and started licking and cleaning his paw.

"O-kayyyyyy. What's your name?"

"Milo Easton, but everyone calls me Bug now that I'm a cat."

"Why do they call you Bug?" the cat looked as if he were to answer then something caught his eye. A lady bug crawling on top of the wood. He licked his lips before eating it and swallowing. Emma made a disgusted face.

"God, that is gross!" the cat looked at her.

"Oh, that's not the only reason my name is Bug." the cat said as Emma arched her eyebrow. The cat walked over and smacked Emma on the cheek with his paw.

"You like to Bug people too, don't you?" the cat just showed his teeth, grinning. Emma smiled. "I got just the person to show you to." she sang happily with a certain brunette in mind. Bug looked at Emma with an odd look.

"Jesus, you must be pretty evil yourself." he chuckled.

"You really gonna call me evil when I just saved you from a pack of dogs?" Just as Bug was about to say something, David and Hook ran over to Emma.

"Emma! Are you okay? We heard gunshots." David said, rushing over. Hook stood behind him, noticing the cat.

"What's with the cat, love?"

"I found him… he was cornered by some stray dogs so I fired off some warning shots so they'd leave him alone." she spoke as she picked the cat up. Jesus, he was heavy for a cat, he felt like a 6 month old baby with fur in her arms.

"So you decided to save the cat instead of one of the dogs?" Hook frowned. "Felines are so…"

"So what, guyliner?" Bug spoke. Hook fell back and his eyes widened.

"That thing can talk?!"

"Yes I can and I have a name asshole." Bug growled. Hook stood and attempted to walk to Emma. Bug hissed and swatted at Hook's boot. "Step closer and I'll gouge out your eyes, Pirate."

"Can't you make him be a little nicer?" Hook asked, getting angry.

"Hook, relax." David raised a hand to silence him. "What's your name?" he asked the cat. Bug walked over to David and rubbed against his leg.

"Thank you for silencing guyliner, human." he addressed David as. "My name is Bug."

"Bug, I'm David. That's Hook." David smiled.

"That's a horrible name! Why do they call you Bug?" The white cat walked over to Killian, looking him up and down before lifting his leg, peeing on Hook's shoe.

"EW! Fuck!" Hook cursed, kicking the cat off of him. The cat flung and hit the fallen tree, falling to the ground on his side.

"Killian! You could have hurt him!" Emma screamed before rushing to Bug. The cat simply stood and shook it off.

"I hope I bloody did!" Killian tried to shake his boot clean from the cat urine.

"I'll do it again, big boy. I'm coming to getcha."

"Bug." Emma said sternly, picking him up and noticing she was covered in white fur. "You shed a lot, cat." she sighed.

"Well, I'm sure you do too, human." he addressed.

"Okay, Emma.. take him to Regina, she'll know where he came from or figure out how to fix this." David sighed, rubbing his temples. Emma nodded before starting the walk to her car.

"So, what's the deal here? Can I pet you or are you gonna attack me if I try?" Bug chuckled at this.

"No, you are good to pet me. Just not guyliner. He's very rude." Bug frowned, but soon smiled as Emma began to pet the cat's harder fur.

"I know he is. He's an ass. Anyway, why are you here exactly? How come nobody has ever found you until now?"

"Ah, I was waiting for that question. That, Emma, I cannot say. I can tell you that it's good and nothing but, however. And I can't leave until my purpose is fulfilled. I was chosen for this special mission because frankly, I am adorable." he grinned.

"O-kay." Emma said as she placed the cat in the passenger side of her car before getting in the drivers side. "Well, let's just see if Regina can help, okay? She has magic and knows how to use it. I'm still... figuring mine out." Emma admitted.

"Oh a newbie to magic, huh?"

"You have magic?"

"None other than my talking ability but I really hardly think that counts as magic. I don't know why everyone is so surprised I can. Let's just hope her majesty can do something."

"You know Regina?"

"Of course I do, I was her man in charge of her army."

"Oh, will she remember you?"

"The queen better after everything I've done. I died thanks to her and that stupid curse. Your father killed me before putting you in that wardrobe. Once my deed is done, my spirit will be laid to rest." Emma smiled at this.

"We'll get you help, don't worry, Bug." she spoke as she started her car and grinned. "Ah, Bug is in a bug." she giggled. Bug rolled his yellow eyes at her.

"Really? Must you be so childish?"

"Shush" she said before speeding off to 108 Mifflin Street to visit the Queen herself.