Hello guys

Another short DW fanfic of well went to sleep last night with this idea in my head so it's going to get written.

Frankly, the comment River makes of The Doctor flies with the parking brake on all the time I always have found annoying. One reason throughout all the classic series the TARDIS's all had the same noise, so Steven Moffat your telling me every person on Gallifrey who ever used a TARDIS is a brainless moron who keeps leaving the parking brakes on?

Yeah, Moffat, I don't think so, go check your research.

Also, I address in this the whole mess created by The Wedding of River Song episode because goodness grief Moffat you really screwed up there.

So, if you can't stand River bashing then turn away now.

TARDIS console room

"Why do you fly with the brakes on? Doesn't that hurt the TARDIS like it would a car if you did that all the time?" Amy asks walking over to the console.

At one of the sides of the console The Doctor looks up at her replying "I don't fly with the brakes on, River was wrong. All the TARDIS's throughout Gallifrey's history or other transport devices made that noise. Because it would be a very massive impossibility of every Time Lord who ever used one of those devices always left their breaks on. And yes, Amy you are right it would hurt the TARDIS."

"So why did River say you did?" Amy inquires.

Pressing a few switches down "Oh I don't know, maybe I told her at some point in my future or River just likes to feed her own ego by thinking she's better than me in that area and every other Time Lord who lived. It's annoying regardless" The Doctor says.

"Sounds like you might be the one with a bit of offending ego raggedy man" Amy points out.

The Doctor stops his movements at the console with pinning Amy a light stare.

"Let me get one thing straight Amelia Pond, I can handle comments about my ego since I know I have one, but for the TARDIS it's fact. Nobody can fly the old girl better since no one has been flying her as long. I've flown her for over nine hundred years, and during one regeneration I was exiled to earth by my own people where I took this console apart with rebuilding it like you would a car. The console may be a different casing, but the software stays the same" The Doctor says firmly.

"Okay," Amy says.

The Doctor returns working at the console.

On top of the pyramid in Area 52

The Doctor finishing listening to Melody Pond's little speech about how nobody loves him more than her, with not even caring about how this massively screwing up a fixed point is going to ruin destroy the entire universe with everybody in it, including her own parents.

Maybe he considered the possibility of marrying her and was attracted to her, but after this not going to happen. Rose ignored his warnings with building a canon to break down the universe walls to go find him and got sealed off in another universe forever. Mind you with a clone of him, but well The Doctor tries to not think too much on the actions of his past self.

Right now, he's got bigger issues, with turning around to face River and pinning her with a look for the furry of the oncoming storm. This actually has River take a step back in fear.

"You know I finally realized it how everything fits together, one day you'll whisper my name in my ear or at least a version of it because I'm for sure never going to tell you my real one. I guess I'll have to tell you a version of it to ensure certain events will happen but, in your timeline, you've never met me again until after Berlin correct?" The Doctor inquires.

"Yes," River replies unsure of where he's going with this.

"Then how in all the universe do you explain this sudden you're in love with me, River? You're not, you're a damaged young woman who got brainwashed to kill me and decided to rebel by switching all those feelings into a twisted toxic form of love. You're a psychopath River Song, not really a woman I want as my wife" The Doctor says angrily and coldly.

"Hey," Amy says in protest since, after all, she is their daughter in another world.

Walking over with increased speed The Doctor grabs River's wrists which he holds firmly despite causing the woman pain, and frankly the last of the Time Lords really does not care. River's putting all of creation at stake, and she thinks he's actually going to love him because of this? Yeah right. Also given how Amy and Rory are seemingly going along for the whole put the universe at risk plan, he's considering changing his mind about having them travel with him as well.

"Let go of me" River snarls.

"Forget it, you're going to spend the rest of your days in Storm cage until one-day managing to be let out for good and while I'll play along following the knowledge from this point on in my timeline to keep everything on track you will never be anything more than a passing associate. You will never have my full trust Melody Pond. A punishment you will get to live with" The Doctor says coldly "And one day far in the future you'll understand I chose to have mercy on you."

Before River can say anymore the timeline begins to reform as the universe goes back to normal and the machine The Doctor is in gets to fake his death.

Hope you enjoyed this and leave a review letting me know what you think if you want.

l never could stand the Wedding of River Song episode for two reasons, one River from the Let's Kill Hitler does a sudden 180 in loving The Doctor with no set up in the Wedding of River Song episode. Frankly, at times a bit of staple of Moffat's writing for things just happens and we are not supposed to question it or as Moffat says on leaving the audience to fill in the blanks.

Yeah like Steven Moffat not explaining how Sherlock Holmes managed to survive falling face front onto concrete in Sherlock season 2 finale.

Anyway, that's the first thing that does not make the Doctor and River relationship come off looking too great in these two episodes.

Second River does not even bat an eyelash at the entire universe is going to be torn apart, with it her parents and yet the show aka Moffat rewards her by letting River marry the Doctor, go off to have adventures, etc.? Goodness grief this is so dumb.

I mean even when The Doctor pulled some similar with Clara in the series 9 finale, there's whole other mess, but that's beside the point. The Doctor suffered consequences of losing his memories of Clara, and mention getting called out repeatedly. We as the audience were not supposed to view the Doctor in the right.

Yet River pretty much gets off free with no punishment is total BS. Yes, I know The Doctor regained his memories, but Moffat was planning on leaving after series 9 so Steven intended for the Doctor's loss to be permanent before later changing his mind.

This episode made River as somebody who is unworthy of The Doctor's care, and certainly love with really leaning a bit too much towards being an actual psychopath, especially when not caring about the rest of the universe.

My views on River Song and her relationship with the Doctor are complicated. I like Alex Kingston who plays River, and the idea of what The Doctor/River relationship could be, there are times in the series I enjoyed their interactions but overall, I seriously dislike the mess Steven Moffat created.

Oh, my line The Doctor says in this for one day choosing to have mercy is creating a data ghost to be uploaded into the library. Instead of just letting River die for good.

Also, in this episode, I showed what The Doctor if kept in character, instead of Moffat's River can get away with everything poorly done fan fiction story, would have been like towards her, for now, River's just one more enemy to him.

Until next time