
HI I added a little more to chapter 1 since I cut it off in the most least interesting way.

Peter sat next to Harry while Gwen was a few seats away from them. She must have been cold because she suddenly put her hoodie on and flipped the hat up.

The principle then walked drawing everyone's attention. "Morning students, I have some exciting news to share! We are going to have a musical play and you are all going to participate!" there were groaning students in the audience, "now, now, you don't even know what we're preforming; besides it will be part of your grade for the semester." The groans suddenly got louder, the principle still carried on.

"The play we'll be doing is: The Emperor of Music." The groans suddenly halted and then several girls began squealing in delight. Peter looked over to see if Gwen was one of them, but just saw the girl tighten the strings of her hood to hide her face as the principle continued. "We'll be having seniors auditioning first this week, so be sure to decide quickly on what you want to do."

When the assembly was over, Flash listened to Liz and Sally gush over the announcement with minor annoyance. He was in an alternate reality and no one else but him and the boys of the nerd heard knew about it.

"Flash you're not still mad that Mr. Warren wanted me to be tutored by Petey, are you?" Liz asked seeing that he had an annoyed look on his face. So they we're still dating, but why was she being tutored now, when it happened when they became Juniors?

"And if I am?" he asked making seem like he was still annoyed. He actually didn't know if his doppelganger was or not but he wanted to play it safe. Flash may not be the smartest student in midtown but he was far from an idiot…most of the time.

"C'mon Flash, it's not Liz's fault she got stuck with the King of the Geeks." Sally said and then chuckled, "it's hilarious, though, that he thinks that ditching Spacy-Stacy will make him less of a dork!"

"Speaking of the Space cadet, why is Glory talking to her?" Liz pointed to the dark skinned girl as she was having a pleasant conversation with the nervous looking blond. Gwen then pulled a ragged stuffed bunny toy from her bag. It had stuffing poking out and an eye hanging by a string.

Sally then looked at Liz frantic, "I don't know but we better save her before she catches nerditis."

The two cheerleaders walk over to Gwen as she was speaking to Glory, "so I was think about turning it into a change purse and-."

"What do you think you're doing?!" Sally practically yelled, making Gwen jump from the pitch. She instinctively covered her ears as Sally continued. "Who says you can talk to our friend?!"

"Yeah sure, yell louder, it's not like I need to hear or anything." Gwen muttered whilst Liz pushed Glory away by the shoulders while her friend protested.

Taking notice that people passing and staring, Sally lowered her voice, "Look weirdo, just because Parker is tutoring Liz doesn't mean you can just hang out with us now, so why don't you just go away?" Sally said pointedly.

"Fine, whatever, Glory and I will just get Fs on our sewing projects, then," Gwen said glaring angrily but started to walk away as she saw Sally's jaw drop.

Then Glory gave her friends a sour look and said dripping in sarcasm, "Thanks a lot Sal. Now I got to go and repair the bridge you just burned."

"W-what project were you doing?" Liz asked nervously.

"We had to trade items from our childhood that need repaired. Then we give each other preferences on what we want to fix of change. But thanks to you two, I got to pull teeth to even get a list from her." Glory reprimanded.

Sally looked guilty for a minute but then covered it by saying, "well if she acted normal then there wouldn't be a problem." Flash couldn't help but shake his head, why does Rand put up with her?

Their first class was math Peter and Harry filed in the room, but they noticed that Gwen seemed to be dragging her feet as she came into the room. Whatever was bugging her seemed to have caused her mood to shift drastically. She was tense and looked rather uncomfortable.

As she sat down in the desk next to Peter the teacher spoke, "alright class, the results of last Friday's test." The woman with pointed glasses spoke, Mrs. Huckabee, Peter recalled. She passed out the papers. "Mr. Parker, Mr. Osborne, job well done as usual. Eugene good job, nice improvement…"

Then the woman the sighed in frustration as she got to Gwen, "Miss Stacy, I honestly don't know what to say about you." She laid her paper in front of her, "if only you would spend less time listening to music and more time paying attention in class you might actually improve. Please try harder next time and keep your doodling in art class."

Peter saw that she had a D on her worksheet. The paper also had tons of eraser marks showing how she was trying to solve the problem, and then it looked like she gave up halfway and started drawing hearts, cats, and facial expressions. She finished the sheet but it was cluttered in silly faces.

Gwen mustered up a smile, "sorry, Mrs. H, I'll try harder."

The woman sighed again but didn't stop there, "Gwen, you said that the last time. You're on medication but you still never seem to improve in my class. It makes me even wonder if you even have a condition in the first place. I heard that you do excellent in Mr. Warren's class as well as English and most of History. So why can't you make the same effort here in my class?"

Gwen started to fidget with her sleeve and avoid eye contact, "I don't know. I-I guess I-I'm tired." Peter could her Liz and Sally snicker in the back, and he had to keep reminding himself that they weren't friends yet. Flash frowned as well but it was directed at the teacher.

"You're always tired Miss Stacy, Perhaps you should think about going to bed at a better time, then." The teacher said near sarcastic.

Gwen lowered her head and refreshed her smile, "yeah, okay, thanks for the suggestion Mrs. H." when Mrs. Huckabee walked away shaking her head, Gwen's face dropped to a frown. She was like that for the rest of the period.

Art was next on the list and as the classes transitioned, Peter went to Gwen and asked if she was okay. She didn't look at him as she got to her locker to get her supplies, "what do you think," she muttered softly with a downward gaze. "She called me out in front of the class. I'm barley making it by the skin of my teeth as it is." She paused to close her locker and continued.

"The only reason I even get the other classes is because I cram most of the stuff, heck if not for your family, I'd forget to eat." She paused taking a breather. "I'm sorry, I don't putting all this on you, and you've got enough to deal with tutoring Liz and the internship at E.S.U."

Harry then came up to them, "oh man guys I have an 'A' in math, this is fantastic!" his joy didn't last, though, as he heard Gwen mutter something under her breath. He didn't catch it but Peter did, causing the boy to do a double take.

"Whooped-doo for you, Gobby."

Peter was defiantly sure he heard that right. Now Harry took note of Gwen's sour mood and then he asked her the same question that Peter did. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, now will everyone stop asking me that," she said exasperated. "I collapse once and now everyone is treating me like glass." She said storming off in a huff. Peter and Harry turned to look at each other unsure how to make of her.

Lunchtime seemed to come all too quickly as Peter, Harry and Gwen just got out of History and each were feeling burnt out.

"Finally out of that stuffy room, any longer and I was gonna die," Gwen commented.

Harry grimaced at her words, "well that's a morbid thing to say. It's just history class."

"Yes, long, dull, boring, history class." Gwen said drawing out every word with sarcasm. "I just want some food, I'm hungry!"

Peter was hungry too and the fact that he skipped breakfast didn't help at all. They sat down with their food gathered at the usual lunch table (at least that was still the same.) Gwen sat next to Harry but then eagerly scooted over and Eddie then placed himself right in between them.

"Hey guys, how's it hangin'?"

"Fine bro," answered Peter trying to pass as 'normal' with a wide grin lighter tone. He sitting across from the three unsure how to feel about this Eddie, he felt that any minute he could turn into Venom. Eddie smiled at him happily though and nodded. Harry crossed his arms and jutted his chin out while Gwen gave Eddie a pleasant smile.

"I'm glad to see you're feelin better, you were giving me daggered this morning. I hadn't seen you glare that much since the time I hit a baseball through the garage, and broke your chemistry set." He said taking a bite of spaghetti.

A chorus of cackles then caught Eddie's attention. Again he saw his ex-girlfriend and a group of senior girls looking at a pink book.

Ann Weying's green eyes then sparked in recognition and she smiled cunningly and waved. Eddie wasn't sure why and scowled back at her. Seeing this Peter realized that Gwen was quietly staring back at the table as well but with a crestfallen expression.

Why did those girls seem to distress them?

"So Bro when are you going for in the musical, you going to work back stage?" Peter asked trying to get Eddie's attention away from the senior girls; it had worked because the sunny blonde turned his head in Pete's direction. He pondered the question for a moment, before answering.

"I don't know yet. What bout you, Bro?" Eddie asked with his eyes looking less heated. This Eddie held no hatred for Peter it would seem. He wasn't going to take a risk and ask him just yet.

"What are you doing here, anyway," Harry asked annoyed that Gwen was no longer sitting next to him. "Shouldn't you be with the jocks?"

Eddie's eyes flashed at Harry for a moment and answered, "I don't know, shouldn't you be with the rich kids. They don't call you Green Goblin for nothing." The comment caused the other two boys to nearly choke on their food while Eddie gave Harry a mocking smirk.

"Wait, what did you call him?" Peter asked wide eyed. Harry was too stunned to even speak.

Eddie cocked his head to the side confused, "Green Goblin, remember? It's the name all the rich kids and jocks gave him." He told Peter simply as he took another bite of his food. He then wiped his mouth and turned to Gwen.

"Hey Gwen, are you goin' to try for a singing role?" Eddie asked giving her an encouraging smile. Gwen's face suddenly flushed as she made eye contact with her empty tray. She clearly was lost in her own thoughts while they were speaking.

"N-no way, besides I'm not that good," she reasoned pitifully. Eddie then mimicked her pose mirroring the girl on his left.

"Yeah, sure, and I'm the blob from outer space," he remarked not knowing the uncertainty he instilled in the other two boys. Eddie then placed a hand on her shoulder and grinned, "C'mon Gwen you're a natural when it comes to music, it's in your blood."

She brightened at Eddie's words, "maybe, I'll try but I probably get some kind of lame part like tree or something…"

Eddie gave a hum and tapped his chin in thought; he then looked to Peter and Harry with a huge smile. "Hey guys… why don't we give Gwen, here, a little boost of encouragement and try out for some of the roles?"

"Oh c'mon guys, you don't-" Gwen protested feeling that was asking too much of them.

"Sounds good to me, bro," Peter replied smiling thought she needed it after the day she's had so far.

"I'm in!" Harry answered quickly; his motivation though, was for an entirely different reason.

"Great!" Eddie cheered as he wrapped an arm around said girl and pressed her against his chest and Gwen turned pink with a smile.

Seeing the affectionate looks that passed between the two blonds, a feeling of jealousy ignited in Harry. The rusty-headed boy excused himself for a minute and headed to the bathroom. As he opened the heavy doors Harry threw Eddie a heated glare.

"You don't have to try out if you don't want to, Pete." Gwen said as they sat on the bus. The day had finally come to a close much to Peter's relief.

"Why wouldn't I, after all what are friends for?" he asked rhetorically with a smile.

Gwen gave a humorless laugh, "and here I thought you were getting tired of me. You were starting to live up to being a 'stuck-up Egg-head' as Flash would put it."

"I-I'm sure I didn't mean it like that," Peter assured as Gwen tilted her head curiously. Speaking of Flash, Pete saw that he was reading a newspaper. As their stop came up all three of the teens got off and then the blond football player the addressed Peter.

"Hey, Puny-Parker, check out forty for our 'science project.'" The jock said shoving the paper in his face.

"science project, what science," Gwen asked suspiciously as Peter took a wide-eyed look at the article headline: