Prologue - November 2018

"Sometimes small changes to the timeline can have big impacts."

It was warm in Lucifer's loft, as the air conditioning was out and the repair man was scheduled to come the next morning. Because of this, Chloe took her coat off and left it on the piano. Her phone was in her coat pocket on the piano when she stood with Lucifer on his balcony.

Lucifer sighed, saying the speech that he had prepared for weeks, "The other side of me is it's bad. It's monstrous, even. But you wanted the truth, and you deserve the truth. Right now, I can't show it to you, so I'm just gonna have to tell you. Detective Chloe I am the Devil."

"No you're not, not to me." She leaned in, pulling him down, and gave him the biggest, longest kiss, putting all of her love into it. At that moment, her phone rang, but neither of them heard it.

Chloe took Lucifer's hand and pulled him into the bedroom, and worked on reducing the clothes that they were wearing while also continuing to kiss him.

"Detective, are you sure about this?"

"Yes, and you can call me Chloe." She said giggling.

He smiled, and kissed her neck, and then pulled away as she pulled off her t shirt, and ripped off his dress shirt, and pushed him to the bed. She kissed his chest, moving lower, and smiled at Lucifer, as she started working on his belt buckle.

"You are very determined." Lucifer said, and he turned and flipped Chloe on her back, and smiled, he kissed her neck, and moving down, gently sucking her breast through the silk of her bra. He then moved lower, dragging his tongue over her stomach, circled on her belly button, and reached the edge of her jeans. As she had undone his pants which were now half open, he did the same, unbuttoning her pants.

In only minutes they were both naked, and in the most amazing moment of Lucifer's eternal existence, his manhood entered Chloe's center. Chloe cried in pleasure at the moment that she never could have dreamed was possible. And as they reached the most amazing climax, she looked up at Lucifer, and was amazed by what she saw, as the most brilliant white wings sprang up, reaching the edge of his bedroom, knocking his bookshelf over.

"What!" She cried. "You're an Angel!"

They were laying on the bed, as Lucifer explained everything. "I was born an Angel, well, not born so much as appeared fully formed. I was never very good at being good. I always liked to push the envelope. So, I rebelled against my father, and as punishment, my father kicked me out of heaven, and sentenced me to rule over Hell. I decided to come to earth, and for a while, I just had fun, and then I met you. Working with you to avenge the victims, not just punish the guilty, has changed me. Made me better. When I first came to earth, I had Maze cut off my wings. And now they are back, and my devil face is gone."

Chloe turned on her side, "You kept saying that you are the Devil, but you started an Angel. Maybe being here, with me, with humanity, the good and the bad, gave you back your Angel side."

Lucifer smiled, "I think that it's being here with you." He raised his hand, and gently caressed her cheek. "When you are with me, I want to be my best possible self. I would hate for you to see me and be afraid."

"I could never do that. I know that you are a good man."

Ella ran in suddenly, "You didn't answer your phones!" She stopped to see the two of them in bed, "Oh, sorry, it's just. Something terrible has happened. Charlotte is dead. She was shot!"