Almost Blanc-

Adrien walked out of the school when the horrifying sight of an Akuma flying towards sweet Marinette.

"Princess Look Out!" He yelled as he ran forward, transforming into Chat Noir to give himself a boost.

He activated Cataclysm before grabbing the Akuma, mere inches from Marinette's face. He sagged in relief that he was able to save her, until a dark voice spoke in his head.

"Chat Blanc, I am Hawkmoth. I can give you the ability to protect everyone you care about, but you must give me Ladybugs and your own Miraculous"

Chat groaned and tried to fight Paris's enemy, but a strange feeling of protecting those he cared about grew more and more.

"Chat! Block Him Out!"


"Come on Chat, you are stronger than him!"

Chat stumbled back, clutching his head as he tried to fight the Akuma off. Pain built up inside of his chest. He felt soft, cool hands on him, pulling him into a hug.

"Chat, Kitty, fight him. Whatever he's promising, it isn't worth being controlled" Marinette's soft, sweet voice whispered in his ear and her fingers carded through his hair.

"IGNORE HER! SHE KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT YOU! SHE'S JUDT DOING THIS TO SAVE A HERO, SO YOU CAN FIGHT TO SAVE PARIS! SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU!"Hawkmoth's voice yelled and Chat couldn't stop himself from believing the evil man.

Chat opened his eyes and saw Ladybug's worried face as she gazed down at him.

"Chat?" she asked softly.

"M'Lady?" Chat groaned out and he winced.

"Yeah Chat, it's me" she whispered, smiling slightly.

"Everything hurts" He whispered.

"I know, I know" she carded her hands through his hair, "do you know where the Akuma is? Is it in your ring?"

He winced before nodding.

She gently removed his ring, transforming him back into Adrien, and broke the ring. The Akuma flew off, she quickly caught it in her yo-yo before releasing it. Chat sagged in her lap and closed his eyes.

"Thank you M'Lady" he whispered.

Ladybug smiled kindly as she placed the ring back on his finger, "anytime Kitty"

Chat looked up at her and noticed her eyes were closed.

"M'Lady, I want you to know" he said softly.

"We can't Chat, I keep telling you" her voice had a hint of sadness.

Adrien looked down and sighed, "I know"

Ladybug suddenly brought him into a hug, "I'm glad you're alright"

Adrien smiled softly as the familiar scent of baked bread and strawberry shampoo hit his nose.

"Me too M'Lady" he said as he hugged her back.

Marinette landed on her balcony and detransformed before jumping going into her room, her mind having a meltdown.

"Oh My God! Chat is Adrien! How could I not have seen it before?!" she collapsed on her bed and continued to mumble while Tikki watched in concern.

Adrien landed in his room and detransformed with a sigh, the almost Akumatization and getting home took all of his strength. The boy collapsed onto the bed with a groan. Plagg hovered over his Chosens head, worry clear in his gaze, instead of getting Camembert.

"Adrien?" The Kwami asked softly.

Adrien looked at him, his eyes flickering between blue and green.

"I'm fine Plagg" the teen said, just tired.

Plagg nodded slowly, "maybe you should take a sick day from school tomorrow, that Akuma took a lot of your energy"

"I'll be fine after a good night's sleep"

Plagg reluctantly agreed.