Fury of the sun chapter 1

I met a traveller from an antique land,

Who said—"Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;

And on the pedestal, these words appear:

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away."

"Kacchan leave him alone!" A boy with green hair cries. Behind him on the ground is a kid the same age as him. Covered in bruises and scratches.

Facing him are three other children. In front is a red eyed, spiky blonde haired kid. Behind him is a fat and lanky kid. The fat boy can be seen with a pair of wings, and the lanky one had long fingers on his hands

"Or what deku! What can a quirkless loser do!" The spiky haired kid named Katsuki yelled at the green haired green eyed kid, Izuku. Izuku was terrified of kastuki. But he couldn't just let him beat up on the other kid.

"I don't know but I'll stop you!" Said Izuku, standing his ground.

Katsuki fumed at this. "Oh yeah!? Let's see you stop this!" Shouted Katsuki as he used explosions from his hands to blast Izuku. He landed on the ground with a hard thud. The boy behind him saw his chance and ran. But Katsuki wasn't concerned with him anymore. He was too focused on Izuku.

As Izuku lay there being beaten to a pulp he couldn't help but hope someone would come help him. Help him escape the beating he received from Katsuki and cronies. And not too long after praying, his prayers were answered.

"Oi! Bakagou! Leave Izuku-chan alone! Before I pummel you into next week!"

Peeking up Izuku caught a glimpse of his savior. She was tall and had tan skin, red eyes, and long white hair. But the most eye catching feature about her had to be her bunny ears. This girl was Rumi Usagiyama. His next door neighbor and only friend. She often had to help Izuku out with the local bullies.

But being that she had interrupted Katsuki, he had become even angrier.

"Get lost you muscle bound rabbit freak! I can do whatever I want! Don't think just because you're older and a little stronger that you can boss me around!"

Rumi's forehead grew a tick mark. Izuku knew she was angry because like Katsuki, she had a short fuse. But then she took a deep breath and calmed down. She drew in a breath then shouted.

"Aunt Mitsuki, Katsuki's bullying Izuku and trying to fight me!"

At this Katsuki paled. On more than one occasion Katsuki had been discovered bullying Izuku. And since their mothers were friends the result had never been pretty. Not 30 seconds later Mitsuki ran up infuriated.

"Katsuki Bakugou! What have I told! How many times do I have to punish you before you get it through your thick skull you can't bully others!"


In that instant Mitsuki had closed the distance between her and Katsuki. The other bullies long gone since Rumi showed up.

"No buts! I've had all I can take with you! When we get back your father and I are signing the papers and sending you to military school"

And just like that, Izuku's beating came to an end. As he was brushing himself off, Rumi came up to him.

"Hey Izuku. You alright over there." He looked at his neighbor. She was the only one besides his mother who ever supported him. Him and his dream. To become a hero. And he would accomplish that dream. Because he promised they would heroes together.

He smiled and replied, "Yeah. And it's thanks to you rumi-chan. You're my hero." Izuku smiled at her. A smile of pure admiration and affection. Rumi looked away from Izuku trying to hide the blush on her face.

Rumi had always been outspoken so people tended to steer clear of her. Except Izuku. He took everything of hers in stride. And from that she had developed feelings for the boy. Yeah it was bad that that had 10 years between them but that didn't matter since she had aunt Inko's approval. But she wouldn't let him know that. Oh and she almost forgot.

Rumi looked at Izuku and smiled a megawatt smile.

"Happy birthday Izuku!" Rumi exclaimed while holding out a box. Izuku was taken aback.

"R-rumi-chan, you shouldn't have," Izuku replied with a sheepish look on his face. She patted his back and waved off his modesty. "Nonsense, every birthday boy needs a birthday present." Izuku smiled and opened the box. Inside was a white rabbit keychain.

Izuku looked at Rumi and smiled. " A white rabbit from my favorite white rabbit." Rumi chuckled sheepishly. "Well since I got into U.A. I won't be around as often so I wanted to give you something to remember me by." At this Izuku deflated.

"I know getting into U.A. is our dream but I'm sad to see you go Rumi." Then once again Rumi patted his back. "Don't worry Izuku I'll be sure to come and visit. Now I have to go to a friend's house to study. You better head back and I'll eat dinner with you when I return, how does that sound."

Izuku smiled. "I'd like that."

Rumi smiled then ushered him home with a wave of her hands. They didn't want Inko to turn into a waterfall worrying about where her son was.

But upon making his way home he smoke billowing in the air. Worried for his mother he rushed to get home. Only for him to be stopped by a crowd of onlookers and a police blockade. As he got close he could see the flame hero Endeavor battling against a villain that looked like some sort being made of water.

But that was not his concern. His concern was his burning apartment building. And his mother nowhere to be found. As he made his way through the crowns to the front he became more and more worried. Finally when he reached the front he heard it. Screaming. Screaming coming from his apartment building. Screaming coming from a woman.

Ignoring the police and the other heroes On the scene Izuku made his way to his apartment. Taking a shirt and wetting it he put it over his face as he made his way inside. Everything was burning. It must have been well over 150 degrees. Izuku was getting blisters just being in his burning apartment. But he was scared. Not because he was burning but because the screaming had stopped. He made his way to his mother's bedroom. No sign of her.

So he made his way to the bathroom. Where he found his mother with burns all over body. Not caring for modesty he dragged his naked mother out of the apartment. He made his way to the door there was an explosion. It threw him and his mother from the balcony.

He ignored the pain of his broke arm and tried calling for help again. Except nothing came out. He hadn't realized it but dragging his mother he lost the shirt that covered his face burning his vocal cords. So he cradled his mother. Hoping and praying she would be alright.

Before any medical staff could make his way to them his mother spoke to him. "Izuku. My sweet baby boy. Please for make sake live happ-."

Fearing the worst he shook her. He shook her like an earthquake shakes a skyscraper. She had just been ok this morning. She couldn't die. Mothers weren't supposed to leave their children alone so young. He was so tuned out that he didn't notice the medics and heroes walk over to him.

He still couldn't hear due to the explosion but from the gestures they were making they wanted to take his mother. And he wouldn't let have her. He needed her. Soon his hearing came back and he looked around. The police surrounded him asking him questions. But before he could answer the man who ccaused all this walked up to him.

"You, boy. Stop all this nonsense and release the corpse. She could have been saved had you not clung to her like the child you are." The world came to a standstill. The man who set his whole life ablaze dated pin his mother's death on him. HIM.

Izuku looked at Endeavor. His vocal cords were burned but he forced them to work. His voice came out at a shrill volume. "You did this. You and your fire took everything I love."

Endeavor regarded Izuku then spoke. "I'm sorry that your home was burned but that woman has none to blame but herself. She should have evacuated like everyone else." At this Izuku and all the bystanders balked. This man had caused a death and he chalked it up to her being incompetent. Among the backlash of those nearby for Endeavor's behavior Izuku started steaming. The area's temperature rise significantly.

The Izuku spoke once more. "How dare you," His voice came out dark and menacing. "You burn everything. Property, people and lives. Then you have the gall to call the victims the cause. You are no hero. You are a murderer."

Izuku's body started to produce green flames. The temperature in the area continued to rise. The bystanders fearing another fire started running. But the police and nearby heroes got ready to subdue Izuku. But before they could fire burst forth from Izuku. A fire so hot even Endeavor himself felt the heat from it.

As the fire continued to grow in heat and intensity Izuku spoke. "You. You will pay for what you have done. You will burn. Everyone and everything you love will burn. It will burn until nothing but dust is left."

At this moment a green inferno erupted. It spread so fast most people, heroes, and police officers were caught up in it. It burned so hot as soon as it touched something it was reduced to ash. And Izuku Midoriya was the center for it all.

The fire had engulfed over 20 city blocks. But the most peculiar thing about the fire is that it seemed to be alive. In the center of it, the only thing that could be described a monster head roared for the duration of the fire. It caused over 12 billion dollars in damage and claimed 612 lives.