a/n: I'm sorry this is a day late, very sorry, I had somethings come up. Thank you to everyone who reviewed/followed/faved! You are too kind and thank you so much for reading


"Toni," Hermione moaned in between kisses from his magnificent lips. She felt so dizzy and high from his touch, like he immediately brought her into another state of mind. A dangerous state of mind where she quickly could get carried away if only listening to her body's senses instead of her head. Antonin ground his hips against her and a tingle went violently down her spine and to her core, though he was locked tightly in his pants. While she wore only a long shirt with nothing beneath. He slid a hand up her leg and pushed the fabric of the shirt up so he could behold her.

"Oh yes, my darling, v'you are precious."

Hermione blushed, realizing, Antonin had used this moment to look upon her naked womanhood.

She shuddered. He'd seen everything now. Her naked chest earlier when he'd walked in on her bath. And now he'd seen her bare lower half.

Antonin breathed in huskily and then whispered something else in Russian but his intrusive action had been like a splash of cold water, bringing her back to her senses.

How could she have let this happen? How could she be so brazen. To jump in bed with a Death Eater, well technically, she was thrown into bed by him, but still she should have fought him more. She should still keep fighting him now, instead of wasting time kissing him and getting further attached to this villain. This stupid, confounding, tragic yet villainous man. A man of so many contradictions, kindness and cruelty, that she never knew whether she was coming or going with him, wanting to attack him or wanting to make out with him.

She tried to slide out from under him to stop everything before she got anymore carried away. "Please, Toni, don't," she panted. "I shouldn't."

"Shush, v'you are my v'wife now. I v'will be gentle."

"No please I am serious. I am not ready to be married, and especially not to you. Good Merlin." She pushed back, this time violently, at his chest, and finally he sat up and let her slip out from under him. He turned in agitation to stare at her.

She stood up and fixed her shirt over herself before smoothing her messy hair back out of her hair. "You have to let me go. I would not be happy here. This is not who I am."

"V'you don't know v'wat you v'want," Antonin said undeterred. "I can make v'you happy."

"You don't know the slightest thing about me, Antonin," she said with more than a hint of bitterness. She was wasting so much time here when she should've been with Harry and Ron helping them find the horcruxes, something Antonin apparently didn't know anything about. Since he seemed to think she was fine with being locked here or that she had nothing better to do than cook and clean for him, or Merlin knows what else, he had in mind to make her do for him on the regular.

"I know v'more than v'you think."

"Really? Like what?" Hermione began to argue with him on why he wouldn't be a good husband for her. Though the argument was moot and pointless from the start, for the obvious reason that they had nothing in common, were on opposite sides of the war and he'd abducted her, not even giving her the chance to consider him by choice. Bloody hell, she was starting to think Antonin's powers of reason may have been dulled by his time in Azkaban. Couldn't he see this wouldn't work? Why did he even risk everything to keep her?

"I know v'you like to read."

Hermione rolled her eyes. Everyone knew that about her. It was common knowledge.

"I know v'you like to argue and v'are resilient, and even brave, my ptitsa. You are Gryffindor house at Hogwarts, like a lioness. Strong."

Hermione shrugged. Again, these characteristics were sort of self-evident to anyone who knew her name or knew she regularly fought by Harry Potter's side and was one of the brave and bold of Gryffindor. Who else didn't know these things about her?

Antonin continued none the less, convinced that he could convince her. "I know v'you are a v'woman of a great mind."

Hermione shrugged. So word had got out she was intelligent. Not a surprise there either.

Antonin stepped closer to her. "More than that, I know v'you are a woman v'what hides and suppresses her need to be touched."

Her eyes widened but Antonin continued, stepping even close to her.

"...A woman, not a girl, who blossomed into a most beautiful v'woman. A woman vhat needs to be loved and held and have a husband in whom to trust."

Hermione took a sharp intake of breath. Had he really managed to say something so romantic out of all this mess? Good Merlin why did he have to confuse her like this!

"I don't know, Dolohov, I really don't know," she stammered. "I'm so confused right now, you're a Death Eater, for Merlin's sake! We're supposed to be killing each other, or something else bad should be happening. You shouldn't be trying to say cutesy love things or making out with me!"

"Love overcomes v'all boundaries," Antonin said. "Don't v'you know that?"

"How can you say love? I don't even know you!" And yet she knew that wasn't completely true anymore, even as she said those words. Yet she wished it weren't true. She didn't agree to any of this or to get to know Antonin or to even start to tolerate him.

Antonin shook his head. "Yes v'you do. V'You know about my life, my Oliviana and why I chose v'what I chose in da war. You have get to know me, 'Ermione, as I get to know and care about v'you."

"Love though Antonin? Really?" How could he speak of love so prematurely. She was sure that even Antonin couldn't pretend he loved her yet, it barely had been a day into their so called marriage or wedding.

"Maybe not yet. Lust just now, ptitsa. But can v'you honestly say v'you are not starting to love me 'Ermione?" Antonin said and grabbed her hand, rubbing it between his own hands.

Oh god.


a/n: Thank you so much for reading! Just to be clear, Antonin didn't say he loved her or that she loved him. He says only lust exists between them at this point but he's asking her 'isn't that changing?" Obviously antonin is mature enough to know it isn't love yet, just mutual attraction. but is he mature enough to see it will never work? or can he convince her it could work despite all odds?

cheers and thanks