"So, where are we going?" She whispered on his ear, getting on the back of his Harley, holding her ball gown up her thighs, arms wrapped around his middle, before she pressed a mischievous kiss on his cheek.

"Party's over, I'm going home" He responded, with a hint of seriousness in his tone she hadn't heard in quite some time.

"I'm coming with!" she chirped, then continued on a mocked seductive voice, "you know what they say about graduation"

He scoffed at her implication, "We've already had sex before, Sakura" He explained, trying to rid himself of any feelings she was bringing up in him, to get out of going home with her, to remember his plans. Knowing if he waited longer, she'd end up changing his mind and making him stay. That just wouldn't do.

"Yes, but it's expected! we might have lost our virginities a loooong long time ago" She explained between drunken giggles, taking another sip of the small flask of alcohol they sneaked into their graduation party. "Still, expected it is, and we shall not disappoint! Come on, my parents are not expecting me tonight"

"Fine, let's go" He relented. He would have to do this the hard way.

She didn't even question him when he took roads that lead nowhere near his home or hers, assuming, since it was a special night, they were heading to a hotel or something. But when he pulled over the side of the empty highway, and held her hand into his shaky one, she finally wondered, "Sasuke-kun… what's going on?"

"I'm leaving" He said sternly.

"Where… why?" She asked, shivering when the cold wind caressed her bare shoulders.

He took off the blazer she had forced him to wear to the party over his jeans and t-shirt, since he'd refused to wear a tux, and wrapped it around her, taking one last selfish moment to kiss her forehead, before getting back on his bike and revving it up to speed away.

"Sasuke-kun wait! please don't leave…" She screamed behind him. Watching as the lights of his motorcycle faded in the distance, her tears felt cold against her face, clouding her vision from the last glance he gave to her. To the beautiful girl, in a bright shinny gown, whose heart he'd just broken.

She felt lost, scared, and alone in the highway that promised nothing more than a long way home, with no one to come back to her. She didn't know how much time it passed before she started making her way back, nor did she know how long she walked before she reached the corner of their street, where Sasuke's now abandoned house stood, dark and imposing as the boy himself.

It was then, as she looked into the former Uchiha household that her sadness turned to anger. The numbness that masked the pain she felt from her bleeding blisters, started to fade away. She took off her heels in anger and threw them at the front facing window of his house.

The sound of shattering glass was so loud, it echoed in her ears even as she woke up from her vivid nightmare. She almost thought someone had broken into her apartment as the sound felt so real, the dream so convincing she actually felt as if she was walked all those hours to reach her home.

Her ability to remember details and facts always surprised other people. Sakura always had a knack for memorizing. But this didn't feel like remembering, this dream felt as if she was reliving one of the most traumatic events of her life, she thought it must be some kind of karmic punishment.

She was fully awake then, much too early for her liking on that Saturday morning, considering the sun wasn't even up by then, still she was unable, as much a she tried, to go back to sleep, she thought she might as well take advantage of the early start, thinking of the mountain of documents she had procrastinated in completing during the week, on account of all the drama she had to deal with her new employer.

She also remembered she had pending work in the case Naruto had assigned her to. After her glorious day at court, she received a ridiculous settlement offer for her client, so pathetic it must've definably be a delay tactic by prosecutors office, she denied it without consulting either Sasuke or the defendant, still she had to draft a counter proposal, which she had also postponed.

So, she decided to take a run before that, to get rid of the jitters that had her practically bouncing up and down. She put on her sneakers and took off as fast as she could, trying to leave her anxieties behind with every step. She continued until she felt breathless, and her lungs ached in the wake of that cold morning, she noticed was closer to the building where the firm was located than to her apartment, by that point she decided it made no sense to go back, if the documents she needed were only a few miles away.

She was covered in sweat by the time she reached the office building, her pink tresses sticking uncomfortably to her neck, she had really pushed herself this time, her legs felt unpleasantly numb, lungs practically burning, she wondered how unprofessional it would be if someone were to see her like that.

Ino had explained to her that the office was mostly empty during the weekends, with the exception of the whichever assistant was scheduled to keep watch. So, she pushed the thought of her disheveled appearance out of her mind, it's still so early and I'll definitely just be in and out in a flash, she thought.

The offices were open, but every light was off, and no one was at the front desk, since the clocks were barely hitting 6:30am she paid no mind to it. Turning all the lights on as she stepped in, she made a mental note to bring in some flowers and plants to brighten her office up a little, the minimalistic style was much too sterile for her liking.

She threw herself into her pending work, typing almost furiously a much more decent amount for the settlement of her proposal, being a doctor herself, she knew reputation was very important for a surgeon, so she factored in a public apology from the hospital board to Dr. Senju. She was in the zone, although having to wear business attire and heels every day instead of comfortable shoes and scrubs was annoying, she couldn't deny the fact that negotiations made being an attorney almost as exciting as performing surgery.

Her flow was interrupted by the sudden appearance of red hair behind her laptop, one hand at her hip, the other one holding her expensive purse, Karin stood right in front of her desk, "What are YOU doing here?" she asked. The way she enunciated YOU brought only one word to Sakura's head. Vicious.

"Sorry Uchiha-san" Sakura said. "I just had some work to do, I didn't think anyone was in, I didn't mean to scare you"

"You don't scare me" Karin replied, although pleased at how Sakura addressed her by her husband's last name, she couldn't help when her insecurities towards the pinkette bubbled up inside of her.

It was Karin's turn to man the office, and although she usually didn't, she decided to show up that weekend. She woke up before Sasuke did, her actions keeping her up during the night. She couldn't bear to look at him, knowing that without an actual reason, she had rat him out and without having anywhere else to go at that time, she showed up at the office on whim. She didn't expect to see Sakura already at the office, typing away with self-satisfied smile on her face.

"Ah… that's not what I meant…" Sakura said, a drop of sweat rolling down her forehead.

"Whatever just turn off the lights before you leave" Karin answered before she continued, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, no worries, say hi to Sasuke for me" Sakura told her.

That riled her up. That seemingly innocent comment hit her like a slap to the face, she knew what she was doing, Karin was sure. She was going to destroy everything she had work to build with Sasuke Did she even know what she was doing to her and her husband? She pursed her lips and turned to walked away in anger, the clacking of her heels loud in the empty space.

It occurred to Karin then, that she hadn't had the opportunity to give Sakura the keys to the office. Of course, for security, the entrance to the practice was controlled by card access with their badges. But if the doors were to be locked from the outside… well.

She only hoped that would send Sakura the message, I know what you're doing, stay away from my husband or I'll make your life a living hell. She locked the front glass gate that stood between the lobby and the elevator, where the badge reader was located. Of course, she could still take the back stairs and get out of the building, but with it being a weekend the lights of the staircase would be off, lite only by the red glow of the emergency exit signs. The thought of a scared Pinkette, running down 20 flights of stairs in the dark amused her, reminiscent of the days she worked for Orochimaru. Terrifying people to do one's bidding was a habit she never quite got rid of.

Sakura continued her work, trying to get the image of Karin practically storming off on her. Was it something I said? She wondered. Once she completed the official counteroffer, she emailed it to Sasuke, Naruto, and Dr. Senju, along with the original proposal, explaining in the body of the email, how insulting the offer was, and that she had, of course, rejected it a soon as it came her way, listing in detail why it was unacceptable in the first place. She only hoped, Sasuke and Naruto wouldn't be upset at her taking the initiative, being a newly hired employee of the firm.

She then immersed herself into the documents that were required of her, as a newly hired attorney, thousands of pages of contracts, and confidentiality agreements, non-compete clauses that she had to read carefully and sign, and date, and initial, over and over again. Sakura continued up to the point that when raising her eyes, she saw lines of letters ingrained into her sight. The sunset disconcerted her, how many hours had she actually spent reading boring contracts if she arrived even before the sun had risen in the first place? This was supposed to be an in and out thing!

She saved her documents and shut down her computer, finally making her way home from her long and unexpected work hours. She dreaded the fact that she would have to walk back all the way to her apartment, deciding instead to call for a ride. She patted her body in search for her phone, freaking out for a millisecond before she remembered where it was, at home in the purse she failed to grab before going for a run. She sighed at her own forgetfulness, how she could memorize complete volumes of law and medical books but forget to do simple things like bringing her phone with her and locking doors was beyond her.

Turning off the lights, Sakura walked over to the elevator and tried to push open the glass panel doors that separated it from the lobby. It wouldn't bulge. What's going on?!

She walked over to the emergency exit to the stairs, resenting the additional physical activity on her already exhausted body. She tried to push the door open, and again it didn't move. What the actual FUCK! Emergency exits should never be bloqued! She thought. What am I going to do? Great day to forget you phone Sakura.


Sasuke woke up to a killer hangover, lips parched painfully, eyes refusing to adjust to the sunlight, his usual migraine amplified to the thousandth. He stood up from the living room couch where he had passed out the night before, his neck was sore from having slept in a weird position, as nice as the black leather couch was, an expensive purchase made by Karin, it didn't actually made a comfortable seat, let alone makeshift bed.

He marched to the kitchen, dragging his bare feet on the cherrywood floors, and drank as much water as he could stomach to soothe his hangover thirst. The apartment seemed eerily quiet. Although the flat was large enough for both of them to do their respective activities without interrupting the other's, he always managed to catch some kind of noise from his wife, be it the tv from her bedroom, or the inessive buzzing from her always incoming text messages and calls, still the apartment was completely silent, which meant she was not home.

Downing a couple aspirin for his headache and grabbing pajamas and fresh sheets from the linen closet, he went into his home office and laid down on the couch in there, much softer and comfortable than the living room's, but still not a bed. He thought it was about time he purchased a bed for himself, given they almost never sleep in the same one, even less willing now that he found out about her bedroom activities. He always thought it disrespectful, buying a second bed when his wife expected him on the same room, but he figured it didn't matter much now.

He looked up at the ceiling, trying and failing to close his eyes and go back to sleep. He remembered the night before with the kind of accuracy he could expect from how drunk he was. Still, a couple of things stood up, the soft touch of Sakura's fingers coating his cheek with ointment, the shy look in her eyes as she very unexpectedly apologized, her so very beautiful laugh when he, much to his own sober embarrassment, requested her to call him 'Sasuke-kun'.

She made him feel as if the last 10 years hadn't happened, like no time had passed and they were just two teenagers together. The feeling of a thousand birds in his stomach, brought by thinking of her, prevented him from relaxing and going to sleep like he initially wanted.

So, he undressed again, putting on a pair of jeans and t-shirt and made plans for his day, go out and get something to eat, call his trainer and get some much needed time at the gym, and then if he had the energy for it, get some work done. He grabbed his training bag and headed out from the apartment. The sun at its highest point indicated that he had sleep past noon, despite of how tired he actually felt.

By the time he was done training, martial arts being the only thing that ever truly relaxed him, he sat in the parking smoking a cigarette, the clock marking already 7 pm, and for the first time in the day looked over at his phone. Lot's text messages from Naruto, as he expected, mostly containing things like pictures from his baby boy doing something cute, an email from Sakura titled settlement offer and counteroffer and missed call from the office.

She must have some problem with the proposal and finally decided to get help… he thought. It wouldn't hurt to go into the office now and catch up with the case.

He didn't like to be out of the loop, especially considering how public this case already was. He drove to the building, expecting to find it dark and empty as it usually was during the weekends.

He nodded in greeting to the only security guard on site and made his way toward the firm. Walking out of the elevator and opening the locked glass gate, he noted how the only light on was coming from his own office, he didn't give it much thought before he went over and encountered a sight, he was sure to never forget.

Sakura was on the floor of his office, dressed in tight leggings and a lose shirt that hung loosely around her chest and revealed her stomach and tiny sports bra. She was bent over, pink locks hanging above her head and reaching the floor, legs straight displaying her backside to him, in a position he vaguely recognized as a yoga pose.

He almost choked on his own saliva at the sight. He coughed to clear his throat, causing the pinkette to lose balance and drop to the floor startled.

"Sasuke-kun! I'm so glad you're here!" She yelled, jumping back to her feet and readjusting her shirt, before she practically threw herself at him, hugging him in excitement, to which he only froze. He could feel the heat spreading to the back of his neck, needless to mention the heat in other areas at the contact.

"Sa.. sa… Sakura, what are you doing…" He stuttered, unable to gather his thoughts.

"Sorry, I took a nap and your office is the only one that has a couch, but it was so uncomfortable, I was just stretching now" She answered taking a step back in embarrassment at her own reaction. She was just so relieved to be saved from actually spending the night in.

Still unclear with that explanation, he asked, "But why are you here?"

"Am… I came over to do some work, but I was locked in… I couldn't leave… The emergency exit is locked too! Such a hazard by the way!" She offered in return.

"The front door doesn't lock from the inside" He asked in confusion, someone else had to lock the door from the outside for her to become trapped in.

"Yeah… Karin was here, she must have locked the door by mistake" Sakura explained, since it had happened to her a couple of times, locking doors by mistake when your head is somewhere else, was something that happened to Sakura all too often, especially on her car. Even so, she couldn't shake the feeling she had pissed off Karin for some reason, maybe Sasuke told her about how she punched him right in the face a couple of days ago, maybe she was annoyed because she was expecting an apology too.

Sasuke only sighed in response. He pinched the bridged of his nose in annoyance. Why his wife felt the need the need to do things like this he never knew.

"And you're okay?" He asked, bringing the subject back to the matter at hand. "Why didn't you call anyone?"

"I did! I called the security office, no one answered, it's terrible by the way if this were a real emergency, someone could've gotten hurt, lawsuit waiting to happen!" She responded, causing a confused look from Sasuke. "I called anyone whose phone I have memorized, but no answers, and I forgot my phone at home too"

Sasuke pulled out his phone, remembering the missed call he had from the office earlier. "You called me too?" He asked her.

"Yeah… I didn't actually have your cellphone so…." She said, and Sasuke noticed how her face went blue all of the sudden, sweat dropping off her forehead. "I found your card in one of your drawers" Sakura told him, pointing at his desk.

"You went through my desk?" Sasuke asked her, a small smile playing on his face that betrayed the annoyed tone he was trying to portray. She must have not noticed thought, since her cheeks blushed scarlet red as she fiddled with her thumbs and started to explain.

"Yes… Sorry I was desperate! I didn't know what else to do! It was the only thing I saw I promise!"

Sasuke was amused at her embarrassment, he couldn't look at her with a straight face as she was muttering excuses about how his business card was the first thing she saw when opening the desk drawer, and how she didn't look into anyone else's. It made him glad, since while it would've made much more sense to look into Yamanaka's desk for phone numbers, she only thought of him when she needed help, but he didn't voice those thoughts, instead he asked, "How long have you been here?"

"Since 6am… I didn't actually notice I was locked in until a few of hours ago thought, I was reading over some materials and got distracted"

It was so like Sakura to get engrossed in reading and forget about everything else. He couldn't remember how many times she was late to see him back in the day, because she forgot to get ready while reading some romantic novel she was so engaged in.

"Let's go then" He said, noticing how late it was.

"Yeah, yup, sure" She stuttered, walking out by his side, staying quiet to avoid embarrassing herself again. She always did say too much when she was with him. His presence completely intimidating as always.

Walking out to the parking lot, he looked around trying to find Sakura's car among the few left in the building. "How did you get here?" He asked her, already informed that she didn't bring her phone to call herself a ride.

"Am… I ran" She explained. "I was trying to get some exercise this morning, and I was closer here than to my apartment so…"

"You've had quite day" He said, trying to sound as uninterested as he could manage.

"Yeah, no, it wasn't so bad… I wasn't" Sakura began, but was interrupted by the loud growling of her empty stomach.

Sasuke chuckled quietly at the sound. "You haven't eaten" He said, again a statement not a question. He pulled her by the arm, taking her hostage to his car. "Let's go get you something to eat" He insisted when his pull met resistance.

"I'm fine! I had like 8 cups of coffee" She said.

"Sakura, you're a doctor, you know skipping meals isn't healthy" He reprimanded, speaking as if to a small child.

Sakura pouted her lips, she didn't like to be talked down to. Still she relented, walking over to the passenger side of Sasuke's car, before that last sentence really resonated in her head. "How did you know that?"

"Know what?" Sasuke asked, already getting inside of his car.

She got inside too, and continued in return, "That… I'm a doctor?"

"Oh… Naruto told me" He mentioned awkwardly. He didn't want to tell her that most of his conversations with Naruto, and late-night internet searches of late involved only a certain aggressive Pinkette. "When you got hired, for background proposes"

And that was the end of that conversation, with Sakura strangely engrossed in her thoughts while Sasuke mostly basked in the comfortable silent they fell in.

He took her to a fancy restaurant in the middle of downtown, with people mostly dressed in expensive looking dresses and suits. She felt terribly underdressed, with her leggings and lose shirt, that had not too long ago been drenched in sweat. She looked over at Sasuke, who just stood waiting for the maître d to get them to their seats, he was dressed casually in a white v neck shirt and jeans, but he looked stunning, like he someone you would see in the cover of some magazine.

The maître d and waitress definitely noticed, eyeing him down every chance they got, hearts practically shinning in their eyes, as they were handed the menu, which Sasuke took from her hands and returned it to the waitress without letting her look.

"The house steak and cherry tomato salad for the both of us, then the anmitsu for her" He told the waitress without ever looking at her.

"Yes sir" The waitress said, but not before over at Sakura with disgust on her face. Definitely wondering what I'm doing in the presence of someone as handsome as he. Sakura thought.

"Don't you think I might have wanted to order something different?" She told Sasuke in reproach.

"Do you not like what I ordered…?" He asked, his face completely bank of emotion. He specifically remembered anmitsu being her favorite food, if you could call a bunch of sugar actual food.

"That's not what I said… just why are you so… bossy?"

"Do you not like it that I'm bossy?" He asked in teasing, flashing her a dashing smirk that made her skin tingle. "Besides, aren't you the one who's always calling me Boss?"

"Well yeah…" She said, confused by Sasuke's actions. One day he is amicable but professional, the next day he's all angry and quiet, frankly an asshole, calling her names and accusing her of sleeping with Naruto, and then seems concerned about her, taking her out to eat and teasing her, some may even call it flirty.

"Have you been diagnosed with bipolar disorder?" Sakura asked suddenly, amazed at her own boldness.

"You're really annoying you know that?" He told her, "And rude, why would you even ask that"

"Well… because I'm a doctor, and your displaying symptoms commonly associated with multiple personalities" She explained, admittedly she was rude in asking, still his changes in mood definitely gave her whiplash.

"No" Sasuke answered seriously, then stop as the waitress brought down their meal, and asked in a much too friendly manner if there was anything else she could bring him, which he turned down without a pause.

"Eat" He ordered.

"Thanks…" She muttered taking a bite of a small piece of meat, before she glanced over at Sasuke starting with his salad.

"Here, let me" She took his plate from in front of him, and started to cut down the steak for him. She didn't even know why he'd order something he would have a hard time eating without even asking the waitress to bring it already cut.

"I can do that on my own" He protested but made no move to take the plate back from her.

"I know" She answered non chillingly. "But I want to help"

"Hn" was the only sound he made in return as she handed his plate back.

"So… how did you lose it?" Sakura asked quietly, busying her hands with her salad.

"Lose what?" Sasuke asked, expecting some snarky comment like 'your mind', he was well aware of how he'd treated her on the last few days.

"Your arm… I'm sorry, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, I was just curious" She said, waving her hand dismissively, noticing the change in Sasuke's expression.

He took a moment to consider if he wanted her know the whole story about his arm. Deciding instead to spear her the gory details of his tainted past, he said, "Motorcycle accident, 8 years ago"

Sakura figured that's all he wanted to say in the matter, so she didn't press. They continued eating in silence until they finished their dinner, with Sasuke observing Sakura attentively while she made pleasing faces and sounds at the taste of her desert.

Sasuke requested the check, which was promptly brought by the heart-eyed waitress. Sakura look at him with a smile on her face, sugar did put her in a much better mood, he noticed, and extended her hand to take the bill, Sasuke handed it without saying anything but still handed the waitress his credit card.

Sakura only shook her head in disapproval, she opened the check, mentally noting how much she owed for her meal, fully intending to pay Sasuke back for it, when she noted the phone number written down by the waitress. Bold she thought, took the piece of paper and placed in her pocket.

They both got back in the Sasuke's car and drove away to Sakura's place.

"You didn't have to do that you know" She said, trying to look at the road instead of looking at his handsome face.

"It's nothing" He muttered.

"You didn't even look at the bill… even after the waitress put so much thought in it" Sakura said in between giggles and placing the check in his hand.

"What?" Sasuke asked in confusion, parking in front of Sakura's building, taking the paper she was offering and looking at the loopy handwritten phone number. "Bold" He commented.

"Hahaha that's what I thought too… You're as popular as always" Sakura said, hand in her face trying to cover her giggles.

"I guess you would know" He told her, sporting his trademark smirk.

"You're right, maybe I should go back there and give her the link to your fan girl website, wouldn't want to leave her without the pleasure of your godly image"

He chuckled at her joke, Sasuke's laughs where rare and infrequent even when he was younger, and they never failed in giving Sakura goosebumps and butterflies in her stomach.

"I really like your laugh" She confessed. "It always does things to my stomach, maybe that's why I've never been able to forget about you"

He instinctively reached out for her arm, pulling her in and clashing his lips against hers. Sakura was stunned for a second before she returned his kiss, pressing gently against his lower lip, her mouth slightly open.

He took advantage to the parting of her lips to begin to kiss her more assertively, his tongue fighting hers for dominance. She reached to grab a handful of inky locks at the nape of Sasuke's neck and pulled, her kiss almost as aggressive as his.

It was as if he awoke a hunger that she didn't know still existed inside of her. She needed to get closer, closer until there was no more space between them. She bit his lower lip playfully, to which Sasuke responded only with a predatory growl.

He moved down to the crook of her neck, kissing and biting the tender skin, leaving his mark on her, encouraged by the pleasured gasps that escaped her lips.

"Sakura…" He whispered in her ear before leaving another love bite under it.

That brought her back to reality. She pushed him as hard as she could after she reprimanded with a strong "NO" and got down from the car, slamming the door loudly and running away to the protection of her apartment.

Thank you so much if you're reading this. Please don't forget to leave your thoughts in a review.

Longest chapter I've written! But it's been so long I didn't want to split it.

I also want to say, the Karin in my story is not a bad person! We'll explore her character growth in a bit.

Thank you again, stay safe!