Brand new story that's been on my mind.

Disclaimer - I don't own the rights to Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Rain poured from above as he ran through the alleys, his cloak and shoes wet, as voices rang out behind him. I have to hurry, the boy thought to himself while ducking into the busy streets. Looking left and then right, he saw that the streets were sparse with people and carriages but enough to lose the people behind him.

He ran, crossing the cobblestone street, before following heading to the northern side of the town. There he ran along the walls that protected the city from danger before coming to a stop near a bridge. Beneath the bridge, a stream flowed from outside the walls and into the city. Metal bars blocked the entrance along with runes that kept out animals, but were wide enough that he could fit through them.

He had been planning this for weeks in secret. Not even his closest friends knew about this escape.

"It's all or nothing," the boy said to himself and approached the stream. Luckily the water wasn't deep, reaching about his waist, when he stepped in. He trudged closer to the bars before pulling a small bag from his waist.

He checked the runes before taking a handful of what was in the bag and throwing it at the bars. It was a dust of some kind and had almost instantly worked as the runes around the bars sparked with energy before fading away.

Quickly the boy slid between the bars easily, for once glad of his small stature, and dragged himself out of the stream. He was soaking wet, from the rain and stream, and dearly wanted to sleep, but he needed to get away first before all that.

Whining to himself, he stood from the side of the river and headed north where the forest began.

There was a village only a days walk from the city. He would be able to make it if he walked the rest of the day and through the night. The only problem was it was too close to the city, and it would surely be searched. He wanted to avoid causing trouble for the locals and didn't have plans for getting caught anytime soon.

His other choice would be to spend the night in the forest, which wasn't bad as he's been camping before. The risk of sleeping in the forest was that the large predators could attack him at night when he was asleep. It would be terrible if that happened because all his hard work would have been for nothing.

He weighed his options while he walked. Going to the village would mean certain safety and shelter but risked the chances of being caught. Staying in the forest risked the chances of being attacked by beasts and possibly death.

Well… he made it this far with all the risks, he might as well keep going.

Decision made, the boy trudged on to the forest, keeping an eye out for any pursuers or beast that could attack him.

It had gone wrong. Everything had gone wrong. They were supposed to leave undetected and without any problems but something had given their position away. As they were all in separate areas at the time, survival came before anything else, so they had decided to scatter before meeting up in a different location and time.

He was on the west side of the compound when everything went wrong. He along with his comrades were supposed to be gathering information. They were just about to discover something that seemed important when the guards came through the door.

He and his companion had split ways, knowing that staying together would only slow them down, before he smashed a window to escape. He landed in what appeared to be a courtyard of some sort before rushing towards the outwalls. Behind him, he heard some shouting but didn't need to look back to know that they were coming after him.

He dashed through the courtyard, tossing a smoke bomb behind him, before heading out the front of the fort. He heard the screams and shouts to go after him and couldn't help but smirk. He headed into the nearby forest as it would be easier to lose the men chasing him.

After a few minutes, he cursed a little as he hid behind a tree. These men were persistent and haven't given up on finding him. They had the surrounding area blocked off and were slowly closing in on him. He was getting limited on options on how to escape.

Faint voices caught his attention, forcing him to move from his spot as the the shouting got louder.

"There he is!"

"After him!"

They must have some sort of mage with them that allowed them to see in the dark. The shadows were his friends, and he could completely melt into them but for them to spot him while moving. Damn. This wasn't looking good for him.

He ran until the trees thinned and cleared and in front of him was a cliff side. Looking around he saw that the other side of the cliff was much too far for him to reach and the drop below was risky. There was a river below but it was pretty much impossible to survive as the rain from the other night had changed it from a calm river to some deadly rapids.

Out of nowhere, arrows flew from the forest. He barely dodged them and tumbled out of the way. One did nip at his side but it was shallow enough to not cause major bleeding. He jumped back as another volley of arrows landed where he once was.

They had found him and from what he could tell, he was most likely surrounded.

He stood his ground as a few men moved forward.

"You're under arrest for trespassing and stealing," one of the armed soldiers said. "Surrender now or we will use force!"

He didn't say anything as he lifted his arm up, index finger extended and thumb up. Magic gathered at the tip before it shot forward. A few of the men scattered, moving to dodge, while others hadn't expected the attack and were caught in the blast.

As if expecting them, he rolled out of the way as another volley of arrows flew at him, but he just barely saw the sight of a cloaked man gathering a magic around him. He cursed under his breath and stepped back closer to the cliff side.

The magic that had been gathered by the mage was launched forward towards him. He took another step and just out of the blast zone of the attack. He smirked at the mage as if mocking him but was caught by surprise when the ground cracked open and crumbled.

The ground broke apart, falling into the river below.

He was falling as well, arms grasping at nothing but turned himself to look at the rushing water below, but he wasn't equipped with the right gear to catch himself and silently sent a death threat to his comrades for taking his gear before crashing into the water.

He winced a little as coldness washed over him and gasped as he splashed about in the water before being dragged into the river as a wave . He fought against the current as best as he could and tried to make back to the surface. He was able to break through but only for a second before being pulled back in.

Shit! He struggled against the water, knowing he had been in for too long. Any longer and he might not survive. He felt his breath leave him and the darkness enveloped him.

It was a new day and the sun was shining brightly. It had been a few days since the boy escaped from the castle. Thanks to the rain that had lasted several days, he was able to make it to town before heading off to the forest, all without being discovered.

He also had thanked his grandpa on how to gather food and distinguish which foods were deadly and which were not. So far everything was going as planned. He hadn't really planned ahead and was thankful for those lessons.

Currently, he was camping near a river. He had a net set up to catch some fish while he was finishing up cleaning some of his clothes a bit further down the stream. When he returned to his camp and hung the clothes to dry, he had gone to check his net to see if he had caught anything. To his surprise, there was a man.

A man on the shore, soaking wet and looking to barely be alive.

"It seems he's made his escape."

"You mean both of them?"


"Does this change anything?"

"Not really." There was a pause. "But these two are going to shake the world."

What do you think?