Chapter two

Disclaimer - I do not own the rights to Katekyo Hitman Reborn

"You want to come with me, Ebony?" Rakki said with a surprised look. "I don't know. I think you should go see a doctor to see if they can fix your memories."

"No," Ebony answered back and didn't say anymore.

Rakki gave a confused look at the man. "But they can help."

"No, I don't know why but I can't go to them," Ebony said. "So let me come with you."

Rakki stared at the man. "I guess…" He contemplated a bit before smiling brightly. "I know! I can hire you as a bodyguard!"


"Yeah!" Rakki nodded. "In exchange, I'll help you fix your memories-ah! But don't expect too much, I'm not as strong as my seniors."

Ebony didn't question him and patted him on the head, making the boy tilt his head in slight confusion.

"Ah! If it's money you want then I can pay you lots afterwards," Rakki said.

"No, it's fine," Ebony answered.

Rakki shook his head. "I have to! My seniors say that I have to reward people when given a big task."

"Oh, okay," Ebony says, not really sure what to say."

"Now let's go, I wanna make it to Marshal Tok!"

"That's a long way from here."

"I know, but it's the fastest way to get to the north border."

The castle was in an uproar. Everyone was bustling about as voices shouted and screamed and sometimes there would be explosions. Servants and soldiers hadn't had time to rest and panicked members of the council and court were unsure of what to do.

The youngest of the Saints, a brunet boy by the name of Tsunayoshi, had disappeared and had gone missing a few days ago. Only a note with the words 'I'm fine and don't come find me' was left behind. No one, not even the sentries, had seen where the boy had gone, which was kind of surprising as the boy had a streak of being clumsy, and for reasons unknown to them, the tracker that was on the boy was no longer working, meaning that he was untraceable for now.

Currently, four of the Saints were out searching the areas outside city limits and three of them managed the town below while keeping an eye out for their youngest. The remaining Saints were in the castle, trying to narrow down the search area.

Giotto, the oldest of all the Saints, was one of them. He was in control of this whole operation and was directing everyone on where to go and what to do. He was looking over a map of the city, crossing off areas that had been checked, and next to that was a map of the country.

He sighed when he felt another burst of magic and crossed off another spot on the city. Crossing off this mark would basically mean that their youngest was no longer in the city which meant that he was outside the city walls.

The thought of their youngest out there all alone while in the wild only made him worry. It only worsened as he thought of the boy being attacked and injured by something. Tsunayoshi would not survive long in the harsh place called the world. He was only seven and scared of everything in the world, even his own shadow.

"Giotto?" a voice called to him.

Looking up from the map, Giotto smiled slightly at the sight of dark haired male approaching him. He was dressed in black suit lined with golden accents and a small white cape hung off his left solder. Strapped around his waist was a sword embedded with jewels and cane with a large diamond shaped gem on top. He wore a worried look on his face and carried a tray of food in one hand, which only made Giotto blink in surprise.

Giotto hadn't realized lunch had passed. He was so engrossed in finding Tsuna, the boy preferred to be called that, that he hadn't realized it was getting close to dinner time.

"You missed lunch," the young man said, carrying the tray over to the table and placing it on the corner. "You also haven't slept in a few days. You're starting to worry me"

"I can't rest now," Giotto said. "Not knowing that Tsuna's out there."

"I know," the raven haired man said. "But not taking care of yourself will only hinder your search. Also Tsuna can take care of himself to some extent. He's not completely hopeless"

Giotto smiled a little at the reassurance. "But he's so young."

"And you taught him everything he needs to know," the younger said back. "He's not so hopeless despite what you think."


"Don't give me that," the young man said. "Tsuna's old enough to take care of himself now. Honestly because you dot on him so much that he's like this."

"I did that to all of you," Giotto pointed out. "You're all so cute when you guys were kids."

The younger rolled his eyes and moved the tray of food closer to Giotto. "Eat first and then get some rest. I'll take over for you while you take a nap." He held a finger up to silence Giotto, who was about to speak again. "If the others find anything, I'll wake you up."

He was ushered to the side while his junior took his place. Nibbling on the food that was brought, his mind had wander to the event that had happened only a few days prior to Tsuna's disappearance. He and the small brunet had gotten into a fight of some sort. The boy had wanted to go out hunting with them, but he had deemed Tsuna too young and not experienced enough. As if expecting that answer, the boy only threw a tantrum and refused to interact with him for several days, leaving him heart broken. The others had managed to calm Tsna down, but the boy continued to ignore Giotto in favor of bothering everyone else.

Everyone knew that the two were fighting but no one had expected the brunet to stay mad at Giotto for so long. Having enough of this, Giotto sat Tsuna down to try and make amends with the boy. To say, it did not go well and ended with Tsuna's feelings hurt and truths being said. A few days later, no one had seen the boy since he had locked himself in his room, and Giotto and the others were getting worried. They had knocked a few times, getting no answer, before busting the door down to find an empty room and windows open. A note was placed on the bed and a few of Tsuna's items were missing.

He was outraged by the note and he immediately threw himself into finding what happened to the brunet. Tsuna couldn't have gotten far was what he was thinking at the time. but he, and everyone else for that matter, had underestimated the boy for how long he's staying outsight and out of reach.

Having finished his food and standing from his spot, Giotto slowly turned towards a set door on his left. He gave one last look at the map on the table before looking up at his junior, who was shooing him away with his hands. Giotto gave a small smile, trying to reassure his junior but mostly himself, and opened the side door.

The door lead to a room that was furnished with a canopy bed and large windows off to the right. Giotto removed his cape and sat on the bed. He looked up towards the door he had just came through to see his junior taking his place at the map. His junior looked up a bit to see him still and gave a threatening smile. He gave a chuckle and laid on the bed.

The second he hit the bed, he realized how tired he was and went to sleep quickly.

A knock on the door caught his attention, making him look up from the map, and smile. Stepping through the door, a woman with black hair tied into a ponytail and a red tattoo that covered her face walked over to him. Her uniform was a red suit with white accents and ribbons and strapped to her back was a

In her hands, she held a few documents and papers. She carried them to the desk, spreading them out as much as possible before looking at him.

"Any new clues?" She asked, grabbing a few papers to read through them.

"No," he answered, shaking his head. "Nothing's changed, but I finally convinced Giotto to get some sleep. The man's been working like crazy since Tsuna's disappearance."

"Wouldn't blame him," she said back. "He feels like he's the reason Tsuna left. The reason any of this happened in the first place."

Both of them sighed. The last couple of days have been hectic for them with everyone running in and out of the castle. There was a moment of silence before either of them spoke. They read through papers and looked over the map. He was the first to speak, putting down the papers in his hands.

"I'm surprised that we haven't found him," he said, moving to cross off a spot on the map.

"Same. I always thought Tsuna would never step outside his comfort zone." She chuckled a little. "But I'm kinda glad."

He gave her a confused look while propping up his arm and leaning against it. "How so?"

"Tsuna's kinda weak," she answered. "I'm not sure if Giotto noticed or anything but Tsuna seems to have a spirit as strong as the rest of us. He's more.. fragile."

"Really?" He questioned. He hadn't noticed before. He just thought it was because Tsuna was young, and that his abilities were still weak and undeveloped. "Is that why Giotto dots on him so much?"

"Don't know," she said. "But according to our seniors, Tsuna was born with a weaker spirit than us. They say that when we were his age, we were already summoning creatures and casting spells. Tsuna has yet to summon a creature, even a small one."

He sat up and turned to look out the windows behind him. That made a lot of sense now that he thought about it. He had tried teaching Tsuna a few things but for some reason, the boy couldn't do them. He could clearly remember casting his first spell at the age of eight and summoning his first creature at the age of ten.

He sighed and couldn't help but think back to when Tsuna and Giotto were fighting. During that time, he was checking things out in the north and was unable to hear the exact reason why Tsuna and Giotto had gotten in a fight. The only thing he really knew was that Giotto had said some things that shouldn't have ever been said.

"Where do you think he went?" He said, attempting to change the conversation.

"Well, he's obviously not in the city or any of the surrounding towns. The only places left are those not within a day's travel," she said, pointing to the villages on the map that were far from the city. "I wouldn't be surprised if he found some way to be half way across the world by now. I mean he did learn from the best."

He sighed, burying his face into his hands, before groaning.

"Oh on come, it could be worse," she said, giving a grim laugh while implying that Tsuna could be dead.

"Don't think like that," he snapped. "You shouldn't think about that at all."

"Sorry, Timoteo," the woman said with a sad look. "I'm just worried."

"It's okay, Daniela," he said back. He tried his best to give a reassuring smile. "I hope he's alright."

"Waaahhhhh!" Rakki screamed as he ran, behind him a pack of wolves snapped their jaws. He would have tumbled into the ground if not for Ebony's quick reaction in picking him up. He was carelessly tossed over Ebony's shoulder like a sack of potatoes and was facing the wolves.

He bounded up and down on Ebony's shoulder, and tried his best to look up. Seeing the large pack of wolves behind him, Rakki almost let out a scream but didn't want to blow out Ebony's ear and held it back.

"Ebony, I think there's more than before!" he said. He was sure that the pack was smaller before, around six or seven wolves, but now there looked to be ten or eleven now. "This isn't looking good!"

"I can take them," Ebony answered, hiking Rakki a little higher than before.

"How!?" Rakki shouted, trying to look back at Ebony. He couldn't see the man's face but a bad feeling had weld up inside him. He quickly brushed the feeling off and looked back at the pack of wolves chasing them. "Ah! Ebony, behind us!"

Ebony whipped and leap backwards, just dodging the snarling wolf that landed where they were once standing. Rakki swallowed the lump in his throat and clung a little tighter to Ebony.

Out of nowhere, Rakki was thrown up into the air. He let out an ear piercing scream as he left the wind in his clothes, kicked his legs and waved his arms in panic. Below him, he could just barely hear the sound of wolves crying as if pain along with snarls. The noises were accompanied by a few flashes of light, but Rakki was still too busy panicking as he descended back down to the ground.

He let out another wail of terror and clenched his eyes tightly as he descended. I'm going to die! He thought and waited for impact… except it never came as he landed firmly in a pair of arms.

He slowly opened his eyes to come face to face with Ebony's black eyes looking down at him as if he just had not thrown him into the air. Blinking twice and feeling the adrenaline in his body, Rakki looked around in awe. There were wolves sprawled on the floor with pools of red beneath them with bleeding wounds and gashes, and the scent of blood in the air.

A sudden realization hit Rakki and he whipped around to look at Ebony. The man was partly covered in blood, mostly on his hands and parts of his clothes, and was giving Tsuna a curious look.

"Are you hurt?!" Rakki said, moving closer to the older male.

"It's not mine," Ebony answered. "I'm fine."

He looked back over to the carnage that the raven hair man had just caused. "Did you do this?"

"I think so… I'm not really sure. My body moved on its own." Ebony clenched and unclenched his hands multiple times.

"You're really strong," Rakki said slowly, turning away from the mess and looking at Ebony. Something inside him swirled and bundled into a knot. He didn't like this feeling but pushed down and gave a weak smile to the man, who was more dangerous than he thought.

Ebony looked at him. "I'm your bodyguard. It's my job."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Rakki nodded. "Right."

Introducing the Saints! They'll be important. Can you guess the rest of the Saints?