This is just something I'm willing to experiment with. Been watching Puella Magi and got a bit into it so...yeah. Don't worry though I'm still working on Senran Kagura's Central Fiction.

P.S. Nothing here is owned by me.

Madoka Kaname. A girl with pastel pink hair tied into pigtails with eyes matching its color. Really, when one thinks about it, she's had an average family and and along that mediocrity came an average life as well. With her dad doing all the housekeeping while looking after her baby brother and her mother being a successful businesswoman, it was just a typical family household making an effort for themselves in Mitakihara City.

Donning her school uniform, she walked down the street on her way to school, with a piece of toast in her mouth. Like usual, she had to help her brother wake her mother up from her drunken stupor and get dressed for another day in class. The walk is always a refreshing experience. Between the number of trees and the tiled ground, it was and still is a tranquil sight to bask in.

"Hey, Madoka!" A familiar voice rang out, followed with a gentle slap to the back. Within her peripheral vision is a girl around her age slightly taller with shoulder length light blue hair and eyes of the same color. Like Madoka, she donned the school uniform and is grinning at her.

"Sayaka!" She smiles. A familiar face to be seen even before they even hit middle school, Sayaka's someone that always helped her out, even if her teasing gets to be a little too much.

"Looks like you've gotten here on time. How's the family been?" Madoka scratched her head sheepishly.

"Mom's out of it again. Seems she's had a little too much to drink." Sayaka chuckled, expecting such an answer.

"Yeah, seems she's like that ever since she's been promoted." As the two girls walk the path towards the school, the sound of rapid footsteps could be heard approaching.

"Ah, look who it is! The dude magnet himself!" Her blue-haired childhood friend laughed, with Madoka giggling. In comes a girl with dark green hair with a matching eye color and outfit. Her expression resembled that of a pout.

"It's not my fault I keep getting them, you know." Sayaka grinned at her response.

"Really Hitomi? So the past letters weren't someone you knew?" The now-named Hitomi shakes her head.

"Nope. Most of them came out of the blue and I didn't even meet some of the boys that confessed to me."

"If only everyone had your problem." Hitomi couldn't really do anything except give her friends a sheepish grin.

"With her popularity, it's kind of unavoidable." Admitted Madoka. "I wish I had someone send me a love letter, even if it's just once."

"Oh ho! Is that why you have those ribbons with you? To change your image and be like Hitomi now?" Madoka's face turned red at that question.

"N-No I..." Sayaka grinned at her flustered friend. Oh how she loves moments likes these.

"Come on, admit it! You've changed your image to be like your mom, huh?! Well I ain't letting that happen!" The pink-haired girl tried to escape her grasp, only to be caught by Sayaka.

"I'm not gonna let you be popular with the boys! You're mine, Madoka!" The bluenette teases, clinging onto her tightly. Madoka tried to escape her grasp but to no avail. Both girls heard someone clear their throat and see Hitomi with her hands on her hips.

"As amusing as this is, don't we gotta get to class?" Sayaka's face turned into one of horror.

"Oh, crap! I think we're late!" She then drags Madoka to class, much to her surprise.

"Hold on, Sayaka!"


Another failure. Yet another failure has occurred in saving her. It has been nothing more than an endless cycle and every attempt has been met with a bad ending, yet a small part of her shouldn't even be surprised. Countless attempts this has been done and all of them ended the same, but despite the circumstances, she would keep going for her sake. She could reset no matter how long it takes. It'll all be worth it in the end. No matter what it takes she 'll keep going.

The routine is same as always. Wake up, restore her eyes with magic, remove her glasses and get ready for school. Seeing this place brought back memories. Memories of the time she spent with her, only for it to be taken away and marred by tragedy.

She flips her long black hair, momentarily floating in the air before gravity took over, falling once more. She straightened out her skirt and adjusted her black headband before letting out a small sigh. Any time now...


"You can come in now!" The teacher called out from the other side of the sliding door. Without hesitation, she opens said door and walks in gracefully, catching the attention of her classmates.


"So cool!"

"She's so beautiful!" Ah, that last one came from her blue-haired friend. No matter, she was a mere student. Well, until she came across him.

Similar comments about her appearance has been made. They were met with nothing more than silence. None of them mattered.

"Please introduce yourself." Her teacher asked.

"I'm Homura Akemi. Nice to meet you." As usual, she's done this many times before. Her teacher start writing her name on the board, yet she was too slow, prompting her to swipe the marker from her hand and did the deed herself, much to the astonishment of her classmates. In no time, she gave the marker back to her teacher and was promptly met with applause.

"You can sit over there." A pity she wasn't close to her, but oh well. Pointless to start something minor. She did as asked and sat down on her directed seat.

"Now, normally we would begin class, but if anyone hasn't heard, we'll be having another transfer student coming!"

She blinked at that very moment. Never in any of the times she went back to this very month did another student come after her. She was the only sole one every time and every month. Yes, there were times that she wasn't in the same class but she was the sole one. It admittedly caught her somewhat off guard.

The rest of the student body, however, was more vocal about their thoughts.

"Whoa, another one?!" The blue-haired girl voiced out.

"Hell yeah, we can probably see another cute girl!" One of the boys replied, followed by a shout of joy from his fellow men.

"Oh my. It seems this school is attracting quite the number of people." The green-haired girl adds amusingly. None of the vocal thoughts seemed to be negative. Fair enough, having one student is already rare enough, but two's a high number in this case. A tall figure seemed to have appeared at the other side of the door.

"Ah, there he is! You can come in now!" The sliding door opened and everyone, including the recently entered transfer student has their eyes wide upon what they saw.

The newcomer's hair is the color of snow, styled in a spiky, somewhat wild manner. His height is utterly ridiculous for a middle schooler, being a little over six feet instead of the usual five feet and three to six inches, causing him to tower over everyone. Despite that, there isn't denying that his face is young enough to be a middle schooler's, if a little older thanks to his looks.

Speaking of his looks, he wore a black version of the school uniform and had on black gloves to hide his hands. Other than the color, everything looked rather similar to the standard uniform.

His eyes are a pair of emerald and ruby orbs, narrowed which gave him the appearance of a frown. Some of the students were caught off guard by that rather intimidating look.

"Those eyes, they're just like mine." Homura thought to herself. Like her, they held sorrow and pain within them, yet hidden underneath that frown. Most students, especially middle schoolers had wide eyes and happy expressions on their face, showing their enjoyment towards life and living it to the fullest and enjoying themselves thoroughly. This guy looks the exact opposite. She'd be lying if she wasn't the least bit intrigued for someone whose gaze held a similar glint to her own. While her safety takes first priority, of course, for someone to hold such an expression, adding in the fact that he wasn't here anytime until now...

"He's so cool!" Most of the boys said in excitement.

"Oh my, he's kinda cute." Some of the girls said. The blue and pink-haired girl had their eyes wide in seeing his appearance, though the latter is somewhat intimidated.

"Introduce yourself, please." The teacher called to him. He ran a hand through his white hair and sighed.

"The name's Ragna Kisaragi. Nice to meet you." Hearing his voice caught all the students off guard. It was gruff and somewhat deep for a middle schooler. The teacher wrote out his name, this time letting her finish his name.

"Sit next to Madoka Kaname over there." Hearing that made Homura grit her teeth slightly. This newcomer was allowed to sit by her and she wasn't?

The white-haired teen wordlessly plopped himself next to her, making Madoka yelp in surprise.

"My bad." He said to her before resting his head on his arm.

"I-it's okay." She stammered out.

They came sooner than expected. With the appearance of two transfer students, the students came quickly enough, with the girls going to Homura and the boys going to Ragna.

"Any sports you like to play?"

"What school did you go to?"

"Your hair's so white!"

"Cool, you've got two different eye colors!"

The male teen merely sat and did nothing as the boys crowded around him for questions. He put up a hand to stop the questions, but to no avail.

"Hey, can't you see you're bothering him with all these questions!" The blue-haired one said to the group surrounding Ragna. Eventually the crowd cleared with some muttering an apology.

"Transfer students are rare here, it's why everyone's so excited." She explained. Ragna nodded his head.

"I'm Sayaka Miki! Pleasure to meet you!" She reaches out for a hand to shake, which the dual-colored eyed teen did what was prompted.

"U-um, I'm Madoka Kaname. I-it's nice to get to know you." Ragna glances at the pink-haired girl, who somewhat shrunk underneath his stare. His hardened gaze softened slightly and he gave her a small nod.

"Likewise. You too, Sayaka." Even after hearing him speak, both girls aren't used to how deep his voice is for a middle schooler, not to mention his height.

"Nice, you actually made a male friend, Madoka!" Sayaka teased, much to her friend's chagrin.

"We're friends?" Ragna asked confusedly.

"Of course! You seem to be kind of approachable enough, despite how you look." Sayaka meekly replied, looking away in hope for not embarrassing him.

"I get that a lot, but thanks." He offhandedly replied. Sayaka then got too close and whispered in his ear.

"Hey, you can see that black-haired chick staring at you right?"

"I knew the moment she laid her eyes on me." The bluenette gave him a confused look.

"Why don't you address it?"

"And make a pointless scene in class?" Deadpanned the white-haired teen. She saw the point in that and backed off.

"Madoka, do you know that girl with the black hair?" He asked her. She shook her head, making him blink in confusion.

"Why the hell is she staring at us?" He thought.

"U-um, Ragna?" He looked at the pinkette.

"I'm the nurse's aide so if you need to go to the infirmary then you can tell me, okay?" The ruby/emerald eyed teen nodded once again.

"Thanks." With that, class proceeded to begin as usual. Predictably, the problems were easy enough and the two new transfer students held their ground with the material very well, despite Ragna looking somewhat bored as hell most of the time.

Though the teacher did legitimately talk about math, she also went in a tangent in how her recent boyfriend broke it off with her, with some of the class groaning in annoyance and others sweatdropping.

"Kisaragi, it seems you're a little out of it over there. Would you like to tell me what we're talking about?" Ragna gave her a blank stare.

"Your recently failed relationship and how your ex is too much of a picky eater." The blunt tone he used along with how straightforward he was with his answer made a few students snicker and even laugh. Sayaka and Madoka couldn't help but giggle a bit too. The white-haired teen sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Teach. I get that we've all had our fair share of shitty relationships. If you wanna bag a dude, improve on yourself. If he doesn't like you as a person, then too bad, but you gotta work on yourself too ya know instead of bitching about how your relationship went down the drain."

"Oh-how rude!" She said, her face blushing in embarrassment. Ragna saw his classmates outright laughing and some looking at him in surprise over his colorful language.

"This is math class, not home economics. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, teach but the class is kinda getting tired of this. Especially that Nakazawa kid over there." She couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed over getting called out like this, yet one of her newest student brought a fair point; she can't let the class be distracted over her love life so constantly.

"Although your language needs some improving, thank you, Mr. Kisaragi. I apologize for being off-topic." Ragna waves a hand nonchalantly.

"Call me Ragna, I don't do formalities well, and sure don't fret." Some of the class looked at him, being somewhat grateful in how he got her to stop, especially Nakazawa. On cue, the bell rang.

"Remember class, don't forget to do tonight's homework!" Ragna got off his seat, being followed by Sayaka and Madoka.

"That was kinda rude of you." He merely shrugged his shoulders.

"As if you weren't getting tired of it." Sayaka could not deny that.

"I-I think they're pretty entertaining." Madoka called out meekly.

"True in a way, but maybe she should look inward as well as outward. Probably why so many dudes are dumping her." Both girls could see his point. One should fix, or at least help mitigate, their flaws to improve your chances. Ragna suddenly stopped walking, much to the two girls' surprise.

"What's wrong?" The white-haired teen glanced back and towards Sayaka and Madoka.

"I'll meet you guys someplace else, I got stuff to do. Gotta get my schedule and everything." He said to them.

"Oh, okay. Come on, Madoka! I think they got rice bowl for lunch today!" The pinkette smiled happily as the two girls run towards the school cafeteria.

Ragna POV...

"Oh my god that was priceless! The way you got the teacher to stop!" Within the confines of his mind, he can hear a certain beast of destruction laughing his ass off over what happened.

"Ah, I forgot you're inside my mind Akuma."

"Don't forget that I'm a part of you, kid. Thank your right arm for that."

"Right. How long have we been here?"

"'Bout a few weeks at most. Especially fighting those freaks that make labyrinths of their own."

"Right, now to address another problem." The Grim Reaper glanced back.

"You can come out now. I know you're there." Not a moment too soon, he saw the other transfer student, Homura Akemi walking towards him with that stoic mask, trying to analyze him.

"How long did you know I was here?" She asked.

"From the moment you laid eyes on me. You know, give or take." He said offhandedly, looking at the ravenette in front of him.

"Her eyes, it's plenty obvious she's got something to hide." Ragna noted, seeing how focused they are, yet they too are ridden with pain and guilt underneath that stoic visage.

"And that ring on her finger. Feels like magic." Akuma adds.

"Now what the hell do you want, stalking me like this?" The Grim Reaper replied. Given his status as a criminal, people have stalked him in the past to find the right time to kill him. Most of the time it's his brother during what Ragna would like to call, "yandere phrase."

"Madoka Kaname, what do you wish to do with her?" He blinked, confused.

"I'm sorry, do you know her from somewhere?" Homura's face look conflicted, trying to find an answer.

"Ah, it seems she kind of does. Yet how odd, Madoka doesn't seem to remember her. Maybe loss of memory perhaps?"

"No, it's something more than that."

"I don't." Ragna can tell from her tense body language that she's hiding more that what's shown. Nevertheless, he knew getting answers out of her is pointless so he decided to play along for now.

"She didn't seem to know you either, so why in the hell are you butting in what I'm doing?" Ragna replied sharply. Despite Homura's visage remaining stoic as ever, he can see her eyebrows furrowing in irritation and annoyance.

"You shouldn't be here." She bluntly stated before turning around and flipping her hair once more before leaving. Both Akuma and his host just stood here, looking understandably puzzled.

"O...kay? That was weird."

"She's kinda like you, kid. With how her face looked, it seems you're not the only veteran around here anymore." The Grim Reaper looked towards the hallway, seeing her form disappearing in the distance.

"Just what the hell type of world did I end myself in?"