Into the light Chapter 1

Molly's was pretty packed considering it was only Wednesday. I just needed to get out of my head for a few hours. It has been a week since we lost the baby. I've been staying with Kim temporarily to help her deal. It was only supposed to last a night, I insisted on staying longer Knowing it was more for me than her at the beginning. I don't think she is coping as well as she think she is. She refuses to talk about what happened when she lets slip that she's thinking about it she keeps going back-and-forth on what the right decision was about going into that room .

I see the rest of the team walking in after the case they've just been working. I wanted to be gone before they came.

Atwater walks up to me. "Hey man, Didn't think I'd see you here. Herman, Can I Get two beers over here?"
"No man, I'm good. "Adam replies. "Ah dawg, Come on we want to hear how you're doing? I know it's got to be rough man."
"Yeah it is but it's worse for Kim."
"Yeah, it was your baby too you need to grieve ."
"And I will once Kim gets through this. " Adam gets up to leave. "Sorry man,tell everyone else I had to go, have a good night. "

Kevin just watches as he walks out the door.

I unlocked the door to Kim's apartment, it's dark. I assume she's already in bed and sleeping but I see a Light underneath her door. I knock on her door, "Kim are you awake?" I get no response, This seems par for the course lately. I go to my room and close the door as I lay on the bed, I hear her crying. This is killing me, I know she needs me but I don't know why I keep doing this to myself.

I plug in my phone and check my Messages one last time. There is one from Hailey. "Hey wanted to see how you were doing?" Do I reply? Am I reading into this or is it strictly friendly? "Not great. How was the last case?" "Sorry to hear that. The usual stuff. If you ever want to talk feel free to reach out." "Thanks, I might take you up on that." "Anytime. Night Adam."

Would it be good to lose myself in this again? I don't think Kim would even notice.