Episode 2:

"C'mon, have a drink!" Alastor enticed. The demon across from him, a small fry who came to a hotel a week ago, stared at it with a nervous twitch.

"Are you sure Mr. deer guy?" he stammered. "I'm not really good when it comes to alcohol."

"Oh nonsense. It's just a glass of whiskey. It's even from my personal stock. Think of it as an award for a week of good behavior."

"Yeah don't be a pussy and drink it," Angel commented as he partook in some without asking.

His hand inched closer. The demon's eyes couldn't break from the sparkling chilled glass and sweet amber liquid. "A reward sounds nice. Alright then, I'll have some. What's the worst that could happen?"

He lifted the glass to his lips and took a big sip, savoring the harsh taste flowing through his system. For a second the demon was quiet. His mouth held a frozen grin and his eyes twitched, and then with immense force he took the table and flipped it, throwing Angel and Alastor back. The demon grew four times in size hulked out across the entire bar with nothing but drunken rage. Alastor couldn't stop laughing.

"What the hell happened here?" Vaggie asked, having heard the commotion from the other room. The demon lunged at her and swiped her with his massive hands, but she proved to be a hard target to hit. She reached behind her hair and summoned her spear with her powers. Another strike came in and missed, so with a fresh opening Vaggie made a piercing blow into the monster's chest. He roiled back in pain, clutching its wound and howling like a maniac. Just to make sure, Vaggie leaped onto his face and made a torrent of quick stabs to bring him to the ground. He rolled on the floor losing his goddamn mind.

"Now dear," Alastor grinned. "Is there any reason to be so severe?"

"He attacked me first!" she shouted. "Besides, I bet you did this on purpose didn't you? We leave you guys with them for five minutes and this happens."

"What could've possibly given you that idea?" Alastor snapped his fingers. The screaming demon bloated like a balloon and exploded into a bunch of tiny bloody bits. "There. That's better isn't it?"

Vaggie was speechless, both because of Alastor audacity and because of all of the meaty bits that was now caked on her. "I don't know what to do with you people."

Angel sat back up with a mist of red all over him as well. "'Ey I just cleaned myself this morning. Also, what's with you and that spear of yours? You bring it out every time someone looks at you funny and it leaves 'em in a big mess."

"Wait, you don't know what this is?" Vaggie blinked before a smirk grew on her. She took her spear and leaned on it. "No wonder you're so cocky around me. It'd almost be laughable if it wasn't so disappointing."

"Cocky is the right word. Look at you, actin' like you own the place you act like some demon killin' angel of dea- JEEZUS CHRIST!" Angel's brain connected the wires. "Hold up hold up hold up hold up." He got up and inspected it." Is this the real deal? You crazy bitch. Where in Hell did you grab an Exterminator Spear?"

"Oh? It's a secret." Vaggie said. Her shit eating grin was unable to be contained. "But yeah, this is an honest to goodness Exterminator Spear. You see, Exorcist Angels have been known to leave some of their equipment behind after an Extermination, and they're often picked up and sold on the black market."

"Oh, so you just found it."

Vaggie smacked her face. "Sure, whatever," she said, and got serious again. "This weapon has the power to kill any demon for good. If struck, the demon cannot heal from its wound, nor can it regenerate lost body parts. And if one is killed by an Exterminator Spear, there's no way to get back its soul. Most demons can take a lot of damage, and there are very few ways for a demon to kill another demon, but this weapon bypasses all defenses, and with the right owner it is undefeatable."

"So, let me get this straight," Angel asked, somehow getting a hold of the spear. "You have one of the most dangerous weapons in hell and, that's it? Just stab random folks who mess with ya? If it were me I'd sell the thing and buy actual important things in life."

"Give that back!" She snatched it out of his hands. "Yeah, I use it a lot, but Hell is a dangerous place full of all sorts of monsters and demons, and anything you can get your hands on can mean the difference between life and, well not death, but horrible, burning agonizing pain. This is just the best possible thing I could've gotten to myself safe, so that beats out any cash I can get otherwise."

"Alright alright. Not gonna stop me though from pissing you off though," Angel snickered and went back upstairs. "That's just as priceless."

Alastor wiped himself clean with a flick of his wrist and went back to drinking while Charlie came down to ask where her patient was. A thought crossed his mind so he pulled out an old book and flipped through the pages looking for something. He found it toward the front.

Later that night, Charlie and Vaggie were watching television with Charlie resting in her lap.

"As you can see," said an actor playing a detective. "Based on the autopsy the victim suffered several bullet wounds and slashes across the throat, then dumped out of the back of a hot rod. What do you think?"

"I went through several analysis reports," said the actress. "And if we cross-analyze with a simul-, uh, simultenny-, erm. Screw it." She stripped down to nothing and started making out with the actor. Then the body got up and joined in the action as well."

"Was television like this back on earth?" Charlie asked.

"Eh, its a bit dated." Vaggie replied. Not many people her age had died yet. "I'm hungry. You want me to get some snacks down the street?"

"Evil Donuts?"

"Evil Donuts."

"Can you get me the mystery meat? And the sweet stuff."

Vaggie left the hotel and took a quick walk down the street. The streets were alive with demons and imps scurrying everywhere. She brushed through the crowd and forced her way past the gangs that were blocking the side of the street.

"Hey one eye," one of them sneered. "Your other eye's looking pretty good? Why don't you come have some fun with us for a bit?"

Vaggie ignored them and pressed ahead. For a second she felt one of their hands come near and reached into her hair, but the moment passed before she needed to do anything. Still, she couldn't help but cover the X over her left eye.

She swung into the Evil Donuts store with a jingle. She was the only one in there so she ordered a dozen assorted donuts from the freakazoid behind the counter who blocked the rest of the store with his eldritch form. A moment of silence past. It was eerily quiet. Okay it wasn't quiet because of the abomination but quiet in every other way. Then suddenly the door opened and a lady with a long white coat and red glasses walked in. Vaggie caught her eyes instantly.

"Oh, you're Ms. Motha aren't you?" She asked as she stepped forward. "Excellent timing. I was on my way to the hotel. Dr. Morticia of VoxTech. Pleasure."

She offered her hand but Vaggie held back. "How do you know who I am?"

The doctor was cool, but had a robotic tinge to her voice. "I saw you on the television a couple of weeks ago. That bitchy goth style you're wearing is easy to pick out of a crowd." Vaggie squinted at her. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings I'm just honest." She walked past her and rang up the baker. "Assorted dozen. I'll pay for the one beforehand." The creature agreed and started making noise in the back.

"You think you can win me over with free donuts?" Vaggie asked.

"Of course not. I'm not a stupid woman and don't think like that again. Consider it a preemptive award."

"Award for what?"

"Your Exterminator Spear." The words had Vaggie ready to summon. "My team has been collecting angel weapons for decades now to study their components. I'd like to buy your weapon so that we may continue analyzing their powers.."

"It's not for sale."

"Are you sure about that?" She opened her jacket to reveal it to be overflowing with cash. "We take our research very seriously."

Vaggie hesitated for a second. "No, it's not for sale."

Both of their donuts arrived in their own boxes. Morticia paid for both of them. "Last chance," she said, but received no answer. She let out a shrug. "Suit yourself. Let it be known then that we'll do everything in our power to get that spear. Mark my words, except don't. I'm sorry I'm not supposed to tell you that. But yes, spear, important. Lots of stabbing."

The doctor took the snacks and left. Vaggie gave it a moment and planned out a contingency plan in case she had goons come in but when nothing happened she let her guard down. She'd have to watch out from now on lest her weapon be taken for good. It was also at that moment that Vaggie realized she took her donuts too. She had already gotten away with so much.

"So how much was she going to pay?" Charlie asked, munching on a separate order of donuts.

"A lot but, we're already taken care of with Alastor. I don't need the money right now."

"Still, can't believe you're already so famous."

"Says you Ms. Princess of Hell. I just have minor street cred."

The two laughed at each other and finished off the whole box that night.