All right so I've been tossing this idea around for a while now. Remember the last episode of season one? The scene with Peter and Stiles when Peter offers to give Stiles the bit? Well, I do, in fact its one of my favorite scenes in the show. So many different things could have happened there, Stiles could have said yes (he defiantly thought about it), Peter could have killed Stiles instead (we all know he considered it), or (as I think it would've happened) Peter would bite Stiles anyways. I mean think about it, he offered the bite to a teenage boy, after admitting that he liked Stiles. Peter wouldn't have offered Stiles the bit if he didn't think he was worthy of being in his pack right? And, if I was Peter I think I'd have been highly insulted that Stiles turned my offer down, now I think Peter (as unhinged as he is) would have gotten pissed. And then he probably would have bit Stiles anyways! And if Peter did bite Stiles think of everything that would have gone differently!

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf all rights go to the creators.

Chapter 1: The Bite

"So, you're not gonna kill me?"

Peter pulled his hand away from the car door, "don't you understand yet?" he was slow to turn around, voice steady when he spoke, "I'm not the bad guy here," he took a step closer; Stiles took a step back.

Looking at him now Peter looked just like anyone else. He wasn't crazed, there was no wild gleam in his eyes. His appearance was utterly normal, his façade eerily calm.

It made Stiles' stomach churn. He took another step back, feeling a sudden overwhelming need to put distance between them, and sucked in a deep breath, "you turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs and you're not the bad guy here?"

Peter was assessing him; he could practically feel his eyes wandering his lanky form. Then he smiled. It wasn't a happy smile. Not even a content one. Nowhere near sane either. It was more like a smile that someone wore when they'd just had an idea. Something that should cause everyone in the immediate vicinity to run very far way is they valued their safety.

It made Stiles' palms sweat, his head was spinning. He could feel his breath picking up and his heart felt as though it would beat out of his chest.

He needed to get out of here, he needed air, he couldn't breathe. Stiles took a step back, head darting from one side to the other. Peter took a step forward, he couldn't outrun a werewolf, he wouldn't make it to the other side of the car let alone the exit.

"I like you, Stiles," Peter smirked, "Since you've helped me," he leaned forward into Stiles' personal space, "I'm going to give you something in return," Stiles breath hitched, that couldn't be good.

When Peter spoke, his voice was barely above a whisper, "do you want the bite?"

Stiles' mind was racing.

No, no, he didn't want the bite. The bite had ruined Scott's life, it had ruined his life. The bite meant being in a pack with Peter. Peter would be his alpha. The bite meant monsters and chaos and hunters and… and… he didn't want to be a werewolf.

Get out!

That's what he wanted, (needed) to get out!


Peter was incredibly close now, face inches away from his own (when had that happened?) a predatory smirk on his face. He seemed so calm, (too calm) for a man who'd killed. For a man with a body in his trunk, a man on his way to commit (another) murder. Stiles could feel bile rising in the back of his throat. His eyes darted from one end of the parking garage to the other.

He went to take another step backward (he needed to get out!). His heal caught something slick on the cement and Stiles fell backward, arms flailing, looking for something to catch himself on. Peter's hand snapped out and grabbed hold of his wrist. He was yanked upright, Peter leaning down in his personal space, so they were nose to nose.

Stiles squeezed his eyes shut, hoping, (praying) that he hadn't just slipped on a puddle of blood. His mind wandered again to the nurse, dead, stuffed in the trunk of her own car, by Peter. Peter, who still hadn't let go of his wrist. Peter, who'd just offered him the bite. Crazy, insane, murderous Peter, who was still waiting for Stiles to answer his question.

(No, the answer was no, he didn't want it!)

Peter gave Stiles wrist a hard squeeze and the teen's eyes shot open.

(Spit it out, Stiles!)


Peter was getting annoyed now. Stiles could see it on his face.


His grip on Stiles' wrist tightened. (Let go!)


He tugged Stiles closer. (Getaway!)


He pushed the sleeve of Stiles jacket up with his free hand. (STOP!)


He turned Stiles' wrist over. (BREATHE!)


Peter's thumb ran over his pulse point. (NO!)

Stiles tugged at his arm trying to break the man's grip, but it was useless. He needed to let go so Stiles could GET OUT! (Let go! Let go! Let go!)

Peter only shook his head at the boy's struggles, "if it doesn't kill you," he spoke softly, "and it could," his thumb brushed over his pulse point again, "you'll become like us."

No! He didn't want it! He didn't want to be a werewolf!

(Just say it!)

"Like you?"

(No! Say! NO!)

"Yes, a werewolf. Would you like me to draw you a picture?" Stiles' head was spinning, he couldn't see straight. His stomach was rebelling against him, he didn't think his dinner would stay down much longer. He needed to find a way out of here, away from Peter and this entire situation. But to get out of the garage, he had to get around Peter. Peter still had a hold of his wrist, was still running his thumb along Stiles pulse point. The spot he wanted to sink his fangs into flesh.

"That first night in the woods, I took Scott because I needed a new pack," his grip tightened, eyes burning red, "it could've easily been you," he was much closer now, "you'd be every bit as powerful as him," Stiles' heart was hammering in his chest, "no more standing by his side," he was lifting Stiles wrist to his lips, "watching him become stronger, and quicker, more popular, watching him get the girl," he inhaled deeply through his nose, "you'd be equals. Maybe… even more."

Peter had Stiles' wrist at his lips, teeth extending, glancing at Stiles from the corner of his eye. Waiting. Expecting.

"Yes or no?"


Stiles stood petrified, head spinning, body shaking, heart hammering. Peter was just about to bite into the delicate flesh of his wrist. Stiles yanked backward and in the steadiest voice, he could manage.

"I don't wanna be like you."

Peter scowled; his hand still wrapped securely around Stiles' wrist.

"Do you know what I heard just now?" The blood in Stiles' veins turn to ice, "your heart beating slightly faster over the words 'I don't want' you may believe that you're telling me the truth, but you are lying to yourself."

Stiles yanked at his wrist again, a flash of anger flaring in his chest. Peter said it was his choice! It was an offer, not a demand! And he didn't want it! He said no! HE SAID NO!


"Yeah? Well, how about you stare down the face of a murderer and see how your heart handles it!"

Peter growled, "you know Stiles I was going to let you go."

He gave Stiles trapped wrist a rough pull. He crashed forward into Peter's chest, "but you lied to me," a hand came up to rest on the back of his neck (Let go!), "you lied to yourself," Peter pushed his head to the side (Getaway!), "to Scott," he leaned forward (STOP!), "to your father," hot breath on the side of his neck (BREATHE!), "to everyone."


Fangs brushed across the pulse point on his neck. Stiles couldn't breathe.

"I'm not going to let you lie to me."

Stiles screamed.

He remembered what Scott told him about the day he was bitten. How unbearable and overwhelming the pain had been. Then, within seconds, it dulled down to nearly nothing. It was a sign that his wolf was taking hold and beginning the healing process.

This was nothing like that.

This was a pain; unlike anything he'd ever felt before. Burning, searing, obliterating. He may have thrown up, he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure of anything at the moment.

With one last sharp sting, Peter removed his fangs and Stiles collapsed against his chest.

"I am sorry about this Stiles, but remember I tried to let you go…" he was dimly aware of being lifted, "…but I have been looking to rebuild my pack…" he was laying down now, "…you should know better by now…" a car engine starting, "…lying to a werewolf…" they were moving, "…go find Scott and my nephew."

Stiles was dead to the world.

All right so the conversation between Stiles and Peter at the beginning of the chapter in italics is all dialogue from the show. Most of the action that happened in between diverted from the show. But ultimately I think this is what would have happened if Peter had bitten Stiles instead. And I know maybe Stiles seems a bit too panicky but remember this is mostly his inner thoughts rather then outward actions. And I mean think about it if you were confronted by a mass murderer what would you do? I know I would've been much worse off then Stiles. So hope you liked it, next chapter we're gonna take a look at how Jackson would've faired if he hadn't run into Stiles at the hospital.