Hey everyone! This is the last one to wrap up my little box of Valentine's Day love!

Thanks to everyone for the reviews, favs, and follows! You guys are awesome! And a special thank you to my beta SunshineMLB!

You know the drill, I don't own the characters, just the plot! Enjoy! ^-^

Flashback - Tuesday Feb.14, Valentine's Day

Chat had his hands on his knee's with his eyes closed, breathing heavily as he stood by Ladybug's side at the top of the Eiffel Tower. He could hear her heart still racing, her breathing just as labored as his. His miraculous beeped again, and Tikki said it quickly, "I'm ready!"

"Tikki, Spots On!" Ladybug said tiredly before letting out a deep breath a few seconds later, "Okay Chat."

He stood tall and opened his eyes, seeing her eyes closed already. Despite the fact that they both knew who the other was, Ladybug was insistent that their eyes stayed closed while they transformed, yet again. After yesterday's absolute disaster, he owed her that much.

He couldn't believe he screwed up so badly. His voice was lacking its usual flamboyancy as he said it calmly, "Plagg, Claws In." His transformation fell and Plagg said it barely concealing his groan, "Cheese. Dying. Need, a nap."

Ladybug sighed softly as he pulled out another wedge of cheese for Plagg. Plagg took it quickly as Adrien told him, "We don't have time for naps today."

"Clearly." Ladybug said bitterly.

"That's already akuma number ten! And it's not even noon!" Plagg whined.

Ladybug said it gently, "Sorry Plagg, I wish there was a way we could avoid all of this but,"

"You humans and your heartbreak. What's the big deal anyways? People get their hearts broken all the time, why does today make it any worse?" Plagg mused annoyed, throwing his cheese into the air and catching it whole in his mouth.

Adrien glanced at Ladybug, trying to explain his thoughts, "Today is supposed to be filled with love Plagg. We are supposed to be able to go up to the person we love, and show them how much they really mean to us. It's a day that inspires confidence to admit those feelings, because everyone realizes that there is someone they cherish above all the others. When those feelings are rejected, or go unspoken, today just, isn't the day to deal with it the way we normally would. Today it hurts like a fresh wound, like one that will never heal."

Plagg was staring at him sadly, looking between him and the frowning Ladybug with a questioning stare. Adrien nodded, but kept going, "It's too easy today to let those feelings overwhelm us, and leave us feeling hopeless and afraid that the person we love will never love us back."

Ladybug said it before he could try to apologize again, "Today, the pain of rejection is amplified, and those missed opportunities to be with the person you love are also heightened. That kind of truth hurts deeper, no matter how much we try to think of a way around it."

It came out of him from nowhere, "Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind, and therefore is winged cupid painted blind." Adrien couldn't help but take a small step in her direction, "Mari-,"

"No." She said instantly, taking a small step back, "We don't have time for this Chat. If Plagg is ready you need to change back."

He looked at Plagg who nodded, "Plagg, Claws Out." His transformation washed over him and he waited a second, closing the small gap between him and his lady. He lifted a clawed hand to her face, pausing just shy of touching her. His voice shook, "M'lady, I,"

She realized then how close he was because she backed up quickly, her eyes snapping open as she did, "What are you doing?"

He swallowed hard. This was the first time since midnight when the first Valentine akuma struck, that they had actually had a chance to have a real conversation, and it wasn't going to last forever. This might be the last chance he had.

He started to take a step towards her for every step back she took. Her back hit the rail and he put his hands on either side of her, caging her in the space of his arms. He held her eyes, begging her, "Please, please just hear me out. Yesterday,"

"Was the truth." She said without feeling. "You can't change that."

He dropped his arms and took a step back, realizing he could hear her heart beating wildly, nervous fear in her eyes. He wanted her to listen, but not at the cost of her being afraid of what he might do. He would never hurt her that way, and she needed to see that.

He took a deep breath to himself, his voice coming out softly, "Will you please just listen to me for five seconds? That's all I'm asking. I want to tell you what I really,"

"I heard enough." She said looking away from him.

"No, you didn't." He whispered, using a clawed finger to gently turn her face back to meet his gentle gaze, "You heard a truth yes, but you didn't even let me tell you why I said what I did."

"It won't change anything." She said as her eyes filled with tears.

"It can change everything." He promised, watching the tears fall down her face, crushing his heart even more.

"You don't love me Chat. So please, please just this go." She sobbed.

"Never." He said seriously, pulling her into his arms and holding her tight. "I can't do that. I won't. I'm not letting you go. I'm not ever going to let you go."

"Why," she said as she cried into his chest, "why do you have to be this way?"

"Because you deserve to know the whole truth." He ran his hands through her hair soothingly, "I've never been able to be anything but myself around you. If you let me explain, and you still don't want anything to do with me, I'll understand. Right now, you don't understand what I,"

"What didn't I understand?" She said, her tears renewed almost instantly as she looked up at him, taking a step back, "That I was right? That you would have never found me if I hadn't said something to you? That you would have never realized that the boy I was in love with for so long was the same boy I had fallen in love with after trying to deny my feelings? That the shy, genuinely kind, most hardworking boy I had ever met had never, and would never look at me the way he looked at the girl in the mask? That compared to her, I'm no one?"

"I don't think that!" He yelled, frustrated that they were in this position to begin with.

"THEN WHY DID YOU PUSH ME AWAY!" She screamed in hurt, tears relentlessly streaming down her face.

She wasn't going to listen to him right now, he knew that, so he did the only thing he could to show her how he felt. He pulled her flush up against his chest, kissing her as though it was his last act on earth. She stood nearly rigid, her arms pinned to her sides as she went completely still.

He pulled back, catching her eyes and searching for the warmth that he loved. Instead he didn't see anything. Nothing passed her features as her beautifully bright blue eyes dimmed right in front of him. Her voice was even, "Are you done?"

He finally let her go, her shoulder's falling slightly as he took a single step back and asked worried, "Are you?"

A loud crash echoed around them but neither of them so much as moved a muscle as they held eyes.

"I don't know." She finally said, "I really don't know."

Another crash sounded closer, shaking the tower and forcing them both to look out into the city. Ladybug moved first and jumped up on the railing without a word, taking off towards akuma number eleven. Chat Noir closed his eyes for a second before following her, not realizing that this was the last time his Lady was going to look him in the eyes for a long time.

...Thursday, midday break Feb.25, one week after Nightmare

He stared down at the single pink rose in his hand, twirling it absentmindedly as he walked back to class far too early. He wanted to leave the rose on her desk the way he had been and leave the room again before she got back from lunch.

He sighed heavily outside the classroom door and was suddenly yanked down, "Hey!"

Nino covered his mouth and shook his head quickly, putting a finger over his mouth to keep him quiet. He frowned but nodded, hearing someone arguing in the classroom.

"...even get me started again!" A familiar feisty voice said sternly.

"Alya please, just let it go." His lady's voice said tiredly, not at all bothered by Alya's tone.

Adrien stiffened, looking at Nino with wide eyes. Nino pointed to him and Adrien flinched. Alya was arguing with Marinette about him, again.

"No, I'm not letting this go! That Sunshine child loves you and you love him! Why are you making yourself miserable like this?"

Marinette sounded defeated, "You wouldn't understand."

"Then explain it to me!" Alya screeched, "He kissed you in front of the entire commons, and protected you from that Nightmare Lila-akuma. It's been a week and you haven't said two words to the boy! He has brought you a pink rose every day this week and,"

"What do you want me to say Alya?" Marinette said, cutting Alya's rant short, "You think I don't know how amazing he is? You think I don't know that? I know him better than anyone, inside and out, past the famous name, past the mask he thinks he has to wear every day. I've been in love with him for the better part of three years and they have been the best three years of my life despite the stuttering and falling, despite watching him go out with someone else and constantly telling myself that he would never look at me twice. You want to know so badly why I can't even look at him now? Fine, you want the truth?"

Marinette sounded like she was crying now, "I hurt him. I hurt him in the worst possible way and," he heard her sniffling, "I don't deserve to have him in my life anymore."

He got up, Nino trying to grab his arm to stop him, but he wasn't going to let this happen. He wasn't going to let her do this to herself.

Marinette sniffled again as he walked into the room. Her head was buried in her arms on her desk, Alya staring at her in shock before glancing over at him worried.

"No matter how much I wish I could, there is nothing I could ever do that will make up for the pain I put him through Alya, nothing." Marinette said as she let out a short sob. He walked up the steps quietly, Alya smiling at the rose in his hand before moving out of his way. He mouthed a sincere 'thank you' to her and sat down trying not to make any noise. Alya walked out of the room and he touched the top of her head softly, "Nothing, is a bit of a stretch."

She jumped up and moved out of his reach, "A-Adrien, when, when did you, Alya,"

"Switched places with me." He admitted.

She looked down away from him, wiping her eyes as he asked softly, "Would you, like me to go?"

She whispered it sadly, "No."

His heart skipped and he told her slowly, "Marinette," he couldn't help the way he caressed her name. He had missed saying her name. As silly as that sounded.

"You don't have anything to make up for." He really wished she would look at him, "I know that, we both needed time after our talk last week, especially with everything that happened."

She sniffled, "I'm so sorry."

He reached out to take her hand but stopped himself. He wouldn't touch her, in any way, not until she was ready. He had promised himself that. "I'm sorry too, more than I will ever be able to tell you. I thought," he stared down at the rose, "I thought I would be strong enough to give you the space you needed, but I'm not. I can't stand to see you upset, especially because of me, because you think you did something wrong."

She flinched, shrinking into herself. He told her again, "You didn't. I did. This, this is all my fault. I just," he sighed heavily, "I don't how to fix it, or how to begin trying to make it up to you."

He squeezed his eyes shut, they were burning, but he had run out of tears days ago. The burning was there, telling him he should be crying, but the tears that would ebb that pain refused to form.

His voice shook, getting it out one last time before he lost her for good, "I love you Marinette, more than I thought I could ever love anyone, but this time, the choice is completely up to you. You are the only person in the world who can bring the sun back into my night."

He laid the rose down next to her and leaned over. He was such a weakling. He kissed the side of her head, holding the kiss for a few seconds before moving back.

He stood and told her quietly, "I'm always going to love you my princess, and I'll wait for you for a lifetime if I have to. No one else will ever take my heart," he looked over and saw her finally looking at him, a beautiful blush on her cheeks, "because it's yours. It always has been."

He sat down in his usual seat in front of her, trying with the small amount of energy he had to force himself to not look back at her. Their class trickled in as lunch ended, everyone looking between them with the same worried expressions they had been wearing all week. When the day ended, Marinette rushed out without looking back.

He watched her disappear into the hall, Nino putting a comforting hand on my shoulder, "It's going to be all right my man."

Alya said it nodding, "That's right. She just, she does love you Adrien, and she knows that you love her too."

"I know." He whispered, "I just don't know if that is going to be enough this time."

He grabbed his bag and headed to fencing practice, knowing that all he could do now was wait.

...Friday, before school Feb.26

He rushed up the steps. Why, why was this his stupid luck? He was supposed to be here early to drop of Marinette's first rose of the day. Now he was pushing it because he had been up all night. He wasn't going to have as much time to make sure he was out of sight. It really shouldn't matter. His entire class knew that he had been giving Marinette a single rose twice a day, whether they had seen him leave the rose on her desk or not. Everyone knew that the roses on her desk were coming from him. And, he had for the first time yesterday, actually given her the rose himself instead.

He made a B-line for the stairs anyways, seeing Ivan and Mylene standing there talking. He really hoped Marinette's streak of being on time all week finally broke today.

Ivan saw him coming and blocked the stairs, smiling at him, "Hey Adrien." "Hi Adrien." Mylene said happily from next to him.

"Hey guys, good morning. Do you mind if I,"

Ivan pulled a sealed envelope out of his pocket, "Actually I have something for you."

He took the envelope and saw the green heart sticker sealing it shut. He said it worried, "Uh, Ivan,"

Mylene giggled, "Just open it Adrien. We can't let you pass until we know you've read it."

He flashed her a concerned look but opened the note, recognizing the handwriting immediately, "My dearest Adrien, Congratulations on winning the inter-city fencing tournament. I don't know a lot about fencing, but you made it look so easy. I know you must have worked hard, and I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry your father couldn't be there, he missed out, but I'm glad I was there to see it. I was rooting for you the whole time. I knew you would win. Maybe, I can take you out for an ice cream to celebrate? If you want. We'll talk soon. Lots of Love, Marinette." He smiled, but then frowned as he looked between them confused, "Wait, where did this come from? That tournament was almost a year ago."

Ivan smiled slightly, "Marinette just asked us to make sure you got it." Mylene nodded, and he smiled at them, "Oh, okay. Thanks guys. Have you seen her?"

Mylene smiled, "She's in homeroom already."

Ivan let him pass but he was stopped at the top of the stairs by Kim who held his arm out, "Not so fast Agreste."

He said it quickly, "Sorry, I just need to get to homeroom."

Alix snorted, "Oh yeah, I'm sure you want to, but first." She reached into her jacket and pulled out an envelope, sealed with another green heart. He asked confused, "What is going on?"

Kim laughed, "Just open the letter."

He took the note from Alix and read it quickly, "My dearest Adrien, I'm so sorry your father wouldn't let you have a party for your birthday. You deserve so much more, but I hope you like the gift. I hope it warms your heart and keeps you safe. It's not much, but I poured all my love into it for you. You are so special to me Adrien, I hope you know that. Happy Birthday, and many more. Lots of Love, Marinette."

He felt a prickling start in the corner of his eyes, asking them both, "What is she doing?"

Kim opened his mouth and Alix stomped on his foot hard, "Oh no you don't. Not a word dingus." Alix pointed to the left as Kim hopped up and down on one foot behind her, "I wasn't going to say anything!"

"Next stop is that way." Alix told him. He kept the letters in his hand as he walked down the hall, away from their homeroom.

He found Markov and Max, who had a tablet in his hand as he walked up to them. He asked nervously, "I take you guys have something for me too?"

Markov nodded, "Affirmative."

Max smiled and turned the tablet on before turning the screen to face him. A video was paused on Marinette's face. Max pushed play and Marinette was smiling shyly at the camera, "Adrien, I love you. I'll always be there if you need me." The video ended and his phone pinged. He saw a video file from Max who was telling him, "We sent you that video as a group a long time ago, but your cousin,"

"Deleted it." He said remembering, "This is from that day?"

Max nodded, "Marinette asked me to find a copy and thought you'd like to see it, but for this at least all you needed to see was her part for now."

He smiled at Max, "Thank you. I'll take a look at it when I get the chance. Where am I going now?"

Max pointed back down the hall where he had just come from, "To Rose and Juleka."

He saw the girls waving to him and rushed over, shaking his head with a smile. Rose had a large bouquet of fresh red roses tied with green and black ribbon around the stems in her hands, with a giant smile on her face, "These are for you!"

He asked as he took them, "What are these for?"

Rose said it happily, "There's a note!"

He saw the note attached to the stems, "A rose for every rose that has been shared between us."

He said it shakily, "She, she knew? She kept count."

Juleka smiled shyly with her hands behind her back, "She also wanted you to have this."

She handed him a small glass box where a beautiful red rose was frozen forever in clear resin. There was a small, frosted inscription on the front of the glass that was barely legible. It said simply, 'The First'.

He felt the tears welling up in his eyes, his sensitive eyes catching the smallest of designs etched into the glass at the bottom corner. It was faint, something no one else would notice who wasn't looking for it, but there was no mistaking it. It was his Chat Noir symbol, linked with her Ladybug one.

He asked shakily, "Where is she? I need to see her."

Rose beamed, "Nope, one more stop Monsieur Agreste." Rose pointed to the homeroom door, and he saw that all of the curtains had been drawn so no one could see inside. Alya and Nino were standing outside of the door, waiting for him in anticipation with bright smiles. Alya took the flowers and Nino took the glass box with the rose and the notes. They both set them down carefully before drawing him into a group hug.

He hugged them both, asking trying not to cry, "You guys, what,"

Alya hugged him tighter, "We both love you Adrien, you and Marinette. We have hated seeing how torn up you guys have been, and all we want is for you both to be happy again."

Nino was nodding, "Yeah dude. We know it is never going to be the same, especially because of your moms but, we are your family too."

Adrien found himself hugging them even tighter, finally letting the tears fall, "You guys have changed my life. I don't know what I'd do if I had never met you, either of you. You are the best family a guy could ask for."

Alya kissed his cheek and Nino bumped his fist before Alya handed him a small note, "One more note, and no more secrets."

He opened the small note, and saw that it was without a doubt one of Marinette's drawings. It had the word family elegantly written inside of a domino mask. Ladybugs symbol was on the bottom left, and Chat Noir's was on the bottom right. The top right corner had Carapace's symbol, and the top left had Rena Rouge's. He stared at it confused before looking up at them. The top corners were practically pointing at them. His voice dropped to a whisper, "Y-you, you're,"

Alya lifted the necklace from under her shirt, and Nino lifted his wrist to flash him the bracelet like he was adjusting his hat. He smiled brightly, hugging them both again, "Of course, I'm such an idiot."

"Well, the sun does blind you if you look too close Sunshine." Alya said with a small laugh before turning towards the door. Nino put a hand on his shoulder, "We've got your back. Go. Your lady awaits."

Alya cracked the door for him and then moved out of the way. He walked forward, his heart stopping as he entered the room. The door closed behind him, and he couldn't stop staring at her. "Ladybug."

She nodded, and he had to know, "The notes?"

"Written and never given." She explained.

"The video," he started but she explained that too, "I knew that day wasn't the best, but I wanted you to know that there was someone left in this world who loved you."

"What birthday gift were you talking about?" He asked curious.

She blushed, "The scarf, the blue one."

He let out a small sigh, but stopped as it dawned on him, "Of course it wasn't from him." "I'm sorry," "No," he said shaking his head, trying to smile, "thank you. That is one of the best gifts I've ever gotten."

"You're welcome." She said as she fidgeted with her fingers.

"You really kept count, of the roses?" He asked, taking an involuntary step towards her as she nodded, "Of course."

"And is that really," "The very first one." She said, really smiling this time, "I had put it in the clear resin and the glass box a few days after you gave it to me, but I did the inscriptions a few weeks ago. I was, going to give it to you for Valentine's day."

It clicked suddenly, "Did Lila really smash,"

"Yeah," she said looking down, "I had overheard her threatening to ruin whatever gift I was going to give you, as usual, so I made one she could destroy without losing the real one."

He said it relieved, "You are truly brilliant bugaboo."

She asked him softly before they could get trapped in awkward silence, "Can you ever forgive me Kitty, for everything?"

"Only if you can forgive me, m'lady." He said with a small smile. She smiled back before closing her eyes, "Spots Off."

He watched for the first time as her transformation fell, and felt his heart re-start, only to crash violently against his chest as it tried to burst out of him.

Marinette was in a soft green sun dress that no doubt matched his eyes. Black straps held the dress up and she turned to the side slightly, letting him see that the black straps went all the way down her back in a crossing pattern. She had a black choker ribbon around her neck that had a single small gold bell on it that tinkled softly as she turned.

And that did it.

He took a step to close the distance but she moved and was in his arms before he could take more than that one step. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he lifted her up, kissing her with everything he had without hesitation.

Her hands tangled in his hair, even as she pulled back slowly. She stayed in his arms, hers pulling him closer as she told him, "You told me the choice was mine, and I made it." She cupped his cheek, and he leaned into the touch of her small hand, "You are my choice. You, Adrien Agreste, it will always be you. I want to move forward, together, and be happy," she smiled teary eyed, "because you make me really, really happy."

He said lovingly in no more than a whisper as he finally set her down, feeling the weight of all his pain finally starting to ease, "I promise, you will know every day for the rest of your life how much you mean to me."

He rested his head on top of hers as she laid her head on his chest. "Marinette, will you do me the honor my princess, of being my girlfriend, and being my Valentine?"

She giggled softly, and the sound pushed back the last of the cold that had fallen over him, "Valentine's Day has already passed." She lifted her head to look at him, the sun was back to shining in her eyes as he cradled her cheek carefully, "I'm putting a claim through in advance."

She rolled her eyes, making him smirk, "What?"

"You don't have to put a claim through you dork. Being your girlfriend will be claim enough." She said teasing, smiling up at him. He hugged her tightly, just because he could and didn't ever want to let her go.

"I love you Marinette." He whispered into her hair.

She tightened her hold, "I love you Adrien."

He kissed her again, just pressing his lips to hers gently.

An eruption of applause came from behind them and they parted, smiling brightly at their friends who came rushing into the room towards them. Ivan lifted them both into a tight hug before setting them down. The girls were exclaiming excitedly as they hugged him and Marinette, the guys hugging Marinette and switching between fist bumps, high fives, and pats on the back for him. Everyone was congratulating them on finally being together, Alya telling Adrien seriously that he had better take care of her bestie.

He didn't have any arguments there. He was going to make sure that the smile on Marinette's face now never faded. He was going to make sure that she was happy, and work like hell to keep her that way.

No matter what it took.

He finally had his lady, his best friend, his princess, his heart, in his arms, and as she smiled up at him, he knew he would never want anything more than this.

Than her.

Thanks for reading and for sticking with me until the end! Happy Valentine's day again everyone! I hope it was filled with love and laughter!

Feel free to comment or review if you want!

Until next time! Au Revoir for now!