"But now we have a future." Remy smiled.

"You do." Dumbledore nodded. "And I'm guessing that you're going to make the most of it." It wasn't a question.

"We are." The three spoke together.

Their school years passed quietly.

No prisoners escaped from Azkaban. No dementors. No Tri-Wizard Tournament. No dragons. No swimming in Black Lake in November. No maze. No portkeys. No graveyards. No sadistic toads from the Ministry. No inquisitorial squad.

By the time the majority of the Horde graduated, they'd had a lovely quiet time. No dramas, no panicked battles, nothing.

After everything they'd been through, Titan believed that Lady Magic was finally giving them their well-earned peace.

The triplets did exactly what they'd told Dumbledore they would do. Between them, they claimed the top three positions in every class they'd taken, causing their Headmaster to chuckle at the look of sheer confusion on McGonagall and Flitwick's faces. Snape just snorted and ignored the stunned silence, he was well aware of the triplets' capabilities and wasn't all that surprised to find that they'd down-played their intelligence. Privately, he wondered how they'd managed to avoid Slytherin.

After leaving Hogwarts, the three met with the rest of the Horde and laid all their options out. The discussion was long and loud, so much so, that Moody was rather grateful that the Horde, as a group, had decided to buy a remote property. Surprisingly, they'd decided on a two-hundred tract of land in Scotland, in the valley of Inchnabobart, which turned out to be less than ten miles from the Queen's Scottish residence of Balmoral Castle. Not that it made any difference to the Horde, other than making sure that their muggle-repelling notice-me-not wards were set as close to the borders of the property as they could get. With no trespass laws in Scotland, the only way to keep people out was to make them not want to be there.

For three days, they debated. Who was going to do what, and when? The outcome was that the quartet would hand over the trunk that Arthur had given them, right before they'd left, to the twins. They had no idea what they were going to do with its contents, or even if they would do anything, but after more discussions, Titan had managed to get them to take half of the ʛalleons it held. As he said, he'd only fronted them the start-up money, and hadn't done a single thing towards the ideas or running of the WWW.

But in the meantime, the twins were more than happy running 'Don't Forget The…?'. Maybe later, they would open a small prank department, but not yet. Lee planned to stay with his 'Desk Set', it was more than enough for him. Ken's father was now back on his feet was encouraging Ken to have a more permanent shop in the magical world, a trunk was all well and good, but there was little permanence to that. However, a store in Diagon or Hogsmeade was a different story. Alicia and Angelina's debate was the loudest, but eventually they came to an agreement. Alicia would have two years to try-out for a professional quidditch team, if at the end of that time she hadn't succeeded, she would return to the 'Young Witch's Friend' and Angelina. If successful, she would allow Angelina to buy out her share of the business, but she would keep her two shares in the Den.

While the triplets decided they were going to wait until the quartet graduated before making any permanent changes. At that point, Remy would apply to Hogwarts, to take on the History post and Paddrick would join the Aurors. Draco would take on Paddrick's 'Stellar Outfitter' and Hermione would run 'Insider Information'. How the two pairs and Luna had worked out the share situation, was never really disclosed, but all five were happy, so the rest of the Horde left them to it.

When Luna graduated it became clear what her plans were, she employed Lavender Brown as her wizarding world correspondent and Mandy Brocklehurst as her muggle world correspondent, while with the Headmaster's permission, Alys Belling, who was in her second year, when Luna graduated, would be her Hogwarts student contact. Luna would visit the school each week and get any updates directly from the staff.

Titan, being Titan and not having a massive draw on his time during term, would flit from business to business, assisting wherever he was needed, in addition to managing the Den's accounts and maintaining the infrastructure. But he felt no desire to leave the Den and either enter the Ministry or Hogwarts. Sure, he knew that eventually Dumbledore would convince him to return to Hogwarts, but that wasn't going to be any time soon, for now, he was happy just pottering about. Ironic given what his name used to be.

Titan and Draco married in 1999, at sunset on the summer solstice. They were content for the first year to just be together, but slowly the desire for children nagged at them. In December of 2000, they convinced Snape and Pomfrey to assist them in creating a child. Their first child had Titan as the genetic 'father', Draco as the genetic 'mother', while Angelina was their carrier. On the 11th of September, Titan and Draco welcomed their son, Hyperion Armand, and on the 17th of May 2002, their daughter, Amaryllis Florence joined them.

Winter solstice, 1999 saw Remy and Hermione marry. Over the next six years, they would have four children, Michael James, Juliet Elizabeth, Stuart Alexander and Laurence Christopher. Remy stayed as History Professor until his and the Horde's children graduated but swore that he wasn't going to teach his own grandchildren.

Paddrick and Fred somehow, and no one's quite certain how, managed to marry on the quiet, and kept it quiet, without telling anyone until they announced that they were expecting a baby, with Katie Bell as their surrogate. No one, not even the proud dads were expecting to get another set of triplets, but that's what they got. Corvus Fabian, Castor Gideon and Caldwell Altair. The stunned fathers decided that three was more than enough kids for them.

Luna and Neville married summer of 2000 and by 2010 had six children and Luna was pregnant with their seventh. Four daughters, Pandora Katherine, Miranda Alice, Jessica Lily and Amber Rose and two sons, Andrew Franklin and Matthew Harfang. And they were hoping the newest Longbottom would be another boy, Neville wanted to even out the numbers, there were times that he felt badly outnumbered.

Ken and Alicia married in 2003 and had one son, Kellan Lucas. Alicia joined the Kenmare Kestrels and was a starting chaser for four years, retiring from the playing, but signing on as a coach, when she found out she was pregnant.

Lee married Kingsley Shacklebolt's niece, Aruna in 2003, but neither were in a hurry to have children, and managed to wait until 2009 before announcing they were expecting. With the baby yet to arrive and the parents refusing to reveal the gender, or if they'd chosen a name, speculation and betting ran rampant.

Angelina ran George ragged before she agreed to marry him in 2007, they had two children Roxanne Louise and Alastor Arthur.

As he sat on the uncomfortable chairs in St. Mungo's maternity waiting room, waiting for Aruna to give birth, Titan looked back over his life. From a dearly loved baby to a barely tolerated child, to a revered or relived (depending on the day) saviour, to a complete unknown. The twists and turns of his life were enough to make him shake his head over. But one thing he knew for absolute certain.

He had no regrets in choosing the veil and entrusting himself to Lady Magic.

Looking around the room he saw brothers, by blood and by choice, and sisters, he saw children, enough to make even Molly Weasley happy, when she stopped bemoaning Fred's elopement, that is.

A world of peace and a family to love. That was all Harry Potter had ever wanted and it was a reality for Titan Grimm.

He had no regrets.