Disclaimer: I own nothing in regard to GWTW

Author's Note: The second Butler baby girl acquires the nickname "Jade." I read that in someone else's fanfic. I planned to give that person credit but I can't find the story again. So whoever you are my hat's off to you.

Chapter Eight

Rhett would love to just sit and hold Bonnie. He could not believe he had her back and he had Scarlett very muchly in his life. He would work in the morning and then spend the rest of the day with his family. Scarlett had insisted on breast feeding Bonnie. It seemed to take a lot out of Scarlett with the sleepless nights and the constant feeding. Rhett helped all he could but there was only so much he could do. Scarlett finally told him she loved him and he shared his feelings. When Bonnie was six months old and the stress and strain of new motherhood was over. Rhett took his family on a tour of Europe. Scarlett was not sophisticated but that was okay. He had never wanted her to be sophisticated as much as he had mocked her for it. He loved her just as she was so stupid but so intelligent, so trashy but so classy, so loving and so cold. She was a study in contrast and he wanted to keep studying her forever.

Rhett loved being with his daughter but he loved being with his wife more. He thought this was a good balance. When Bonnie was a year old and Scarlett had weaned her off the breast Scarlett discovered she was pregnant again. Scarlett just laughed and said, "We will have all three children within five years at this rate and I will be done. If they are all three girls will you be happy?"

Rhett said, "I will be very happy. I am happy. Are you?"

Scarlett smiled and said, "I wished it hadn't happened so soon but you are insatiable."

There second daughter was born and she was named Elizabeth Anne but when her eyes turned green at six months, she became Jade. She looked like Rhett except she had Scarlett's pale skin and green eyes. Scarlett breast fed Jade because she enjoyed the closeness with her child. She liked the fact that only she could enjoy these special moments. Just like with Bonnie as soon as Jade was weaned off the breast Scarlett became pregnant again. Scarlett was not mad but she told Rhett he needed to fix this problem. Rhett told her after this child was born, he would have what was called a vasectomy. After he had the procedure, he could never father any more children. At first Scarlett did not understand what he meant and she was horrify that they would never have relations again and that made Rhett very happy. He explained the procedure and Scarlett was okay with it but only after this child was born healthy. When the third Butler girl baby was born healthy Rhett scheduled an appointment to get the procedure done. Scarlett was worried for his health and virility. Rhett with a smile assured Scarlett that their sex life would be as good or better than before and it was. There were no more Butler babies.

They named their last little girl Melanie Kate and they called her Melly. She was a cross between Rhett and Scarlett but she had his black eyes.

Rhett was now the one to wake up in the middle of the night shaking. He was so happy with his life but he was so afraid of it all disappearing in the blink of an eye. He was so afraid he would wake up in the night and find that it was all a dream. Or he would find that he had gone insane. If he had gone insane don't cure him. He liked his fantasy world better than reality. Rhett knew he was not insane. He had just been given a rare chance to change the mistakes of his life and he appreciated that chance.

Six months after Melly was born Scarlett agreed to go back to the South on the condition that if they were unhappy, they could leave. They settled in Charleston because it was close to Rhett's mother. Scarlett was happy. She was not considered a great lady but she had a secure spot in society. She was happily married to a renegade that the Old Guard thought she had reformed which gave her a kind of cult status, four beautiful children and a best friend that was the sweetheart of Atlanta society. Rhett and Scarlett again went through the painful process of finding a house and furnishing it. They squabbled. They fought. Rhett mocked. Scarlett pouted. When they moved into the house it was a home, they both were proud of. The couple were both happy with the results.

The June before Bonnie's 5th birthday Rhett turned into a nervous wreck. He had taught Bonnie to ride but not to jump but he was afraid fate would strike anyway. This was not the same willful Bonnie that had died last time. This child knew boundaries and knew what the word 'no' meant. But he could not keep himself from worrying. First, he thought to take the family away to Tara or Atlanta but then he decided that if fate was out to get Bonnie nothing he could do would prevent it. It was so out of character for Rhett to be this nervous about anything that Scarlett was worried about him. After the first week in June when Rhett wasn't sleeping and drinking more than normal Scarlett asked him about it. Rhett just brushed her off and said nothing was wrong. By the third week of June Scarlett had enough she wasn't getting much sleep because of Rhett's restlessness which was making her cross. Added to this mix Rhett's drinking was making him mean. He would always apologize after mocking her or saying something cruel but it still hurt. Finally, Scarlett sat on his lap and said, "We are not going anywhere until you tell me what has you so worried for Bonnie." At first Rhett got mad but then he saw the honest concern in her eyes and knew he had to tell her something. This was not the Scarlett from the first time. She was a good wife and mother. Rhett finally told her a version of the truth. He said, "I had a horrible nightmare that Bonnie was thrown from a horse and killed instantly. Then I had the same nightmare several days in a row," Rhett smiled sheepishly "I know it was just a nightmare but I kept feeling it was real. In the nightmare I know it happened in June. That's why I'm in such a nervous state." Scarlett didn't laugh or make fun of him. What she said was, "I knew you had been having nightmares and that they were affecting you. You should have shared this with me. There isn't anything I can say to make you less nervous because you already know you are acting irrationally. I'll just be more patient with you until July 1st." Rhett felt a little better having shared his fears with Scarlett but he would not be a peace until July 1st. When July 1st rolled around Rhett gave a big sigh of relief and took Bonnie out for a ride on her pony, Mr. Butler.

Rhett spent most nights at home but occasionally he went out to play cards and drink whiskey. When he would say he was going out to play cards Scarlett would always say, "Have fun, my love," then give him that sensual smile that most of the time made him change his mind.

Miss Elizabeth was so happy to have Rhett's children near her. Scarlett had cautioned her on spoiling the girls and Wade. It didn't do any good. Scarlett just shook her head and smiled. Scarlett wished she had Mammy to help her raise the children but Mammy was happy at Tara with Suellen. Scarlett often thanked the Lord that her children were basically good children because between Rhett and Miss Elizabeth spoiling them, they could have turned out pretty bad.

Rhett would take her and the children to Tara often enough that he had the O'Hara house renovated to fit his needs. All Scarlett said, "It's about time this place was modernized." After Suellen's little girl, Ellen Solange, was born Will started courting her. They ended up marrying more out of convenience than out of love but it worked. Suellen's true love was dead and Will's true love was in a convent. Rhett was pleased to see how much Suellen loved Ellen. Rhett could see that little girl was Ella.

Rhett thought he would show Bonnie favoritism but he didn't. He was equally devoted to all his daughters.

Rhett was grateful for his second chance at life. It was unbelievable how happy and compatible he and Scarlett were. She knew he was a marshmallow were the girls were concerned and she performed the duties of disciplinarian. Rhett was in trouble for breaking the rules more than Wade or the girls were. Rhett changed when Bonnie's first suitor came to the door. Suddenly Rhett was on the prowl making sure nobody stepped out of line with his daughters. Rhett watched his daughters like a hawk. Rhett had been a cad and a renegade in his youth and knew all the tricks. More often than not a potential suitor was shown the door before his daughter could say anything. No matter how much his daughters cried he would say, "He's not good enough for you." Scarlett just sat back and watched Rhett and his antics. When their daughters would ask her to intervene on their behalf she would smile and say, "No."

Wade ended up in Clayton County taking over management of Tara and being a lawyer part time. He married a Hamilton cousin but he was happy so Scarlett didn't say anything. Wade and his wife had three boys so the Hamilton name would live on.

Scarlett wanted Melanie to live with them but Melanie refused as long as Beau was in Atlanta. Rhett was relieved. If Melanie lived with them, he would have to always be on his best behavior. Melanie did come to Charleston to visit and always came with them when they went to Tara. Rhett still could not believe what strong friends the women were. They would often say they had been fellow soldiers in their own war.

The girls all married wonderful men. All were Southerners from the best families. All Rhett's son in laws were successful in their chosen careers. Rhett was happy he had gotten to walk his daughters down the aisle. But he was most proud about his relationship with Scarlett. They were happy. Rhett never took a day for granted. He had gotten a second chance at happiness and thankfully this time he hadn't blown it.