Summary/disclaimer: Time for another chapter of Fight or Flight. Enjoy the 900-word chapter. I don't own RWBY, Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth do.


Raven was one of the first people off the ship and down to the airport. Her teammate had to rush to catch up with her, it made them run to try and keep up with the speedster samurai.

Maize looked at his team leader before straightening up and brushing off his pants and cracking his neck.

"So besides rushing all of us off the plane, is there a good reason we rushed off the airship?" maize asked as he sighed and fixed his hat atop his head.

Raven pointed at the more retro old-world Mistral airport and started to lay down ground rules.

"1. Do not talk to anyone. Most people in Mistral live only to benefit themselves and they will not hesitate to rob you blind and leave you in the dust if they want to." Raven raised an armored finger.

If there was one thing her family and her own experiences taught her? it was to never keep anything important on her. she kept her Lien in her boot, which meant if someone was stupid enough to try and rob her? they'd give her time to break their teeth with her heel.

"2. We will report to Ozpin ever day at 8:30pm or later. I want to keep him informed at all times and if this is an escort mission? We need at the very least for one member of the team to try and keep things under wraps." Raven stated and raised another finger.

"And the third thing?" Raven heard from Maize as the gunslinger looked around.

He was used to people trying to rob and kill him, Vale and Atlas didn't have such strife, but Vacuo and Mistral? They were left to the mercy of thugs, criminals, thieves, murderers, terrorists.

"Keep close to me at all times. I lived in Mistral far longer than the rest of my family. I will keep us safe, but if you are going to be living in Mistral for more than a few hours?" Raven pulled her mask over her head.

"You need to be willing to fight dirty, fight fast, and not give the enemy any mercy. They aren't going to give you a single bit of mercy when it comes down to it." Raven turned and left to go and get her other bag as the rest of RUST shared looks at each other.

"Use violence against bad people? uh, we know what fighting is… does she think we're babies?" Maize said and followed after his leader.

He was too curious on what Raven seemed to be afraid of here. there was clearly something that bothered her more than anything.

If something bothered her? it was clearly worth being cautious towards. They needed to keep a low profile.

"So, she gives you the whole 'Mistral is crap rant?'" they turned to see Qrow as Raven slowed down to see why they slowed down.

"I'm sorry, would you like to recall the fact that the worst scum on Remnant live in Mistral and they all want to try and kill us? you used to go to Haven for a year before dropping out and just telling me to leave for no good reason." Raven hissed from under her mask.

She needed to mind her tone, but she and her brother NEVER got along and she wasn't going to currently let the mission get off track.

"Yeah, and you decided to stay for NO good reason. you want to tell me how many crime bosses want to cut your head off? I've heard about the 'Mistress of Misery' in Mistral, I know that's you." Qrow didn't betray the amount of anger within his words as he called his sister out.

Raven laughed and then turned to look at her younger twin sibling with sheer amusement.

"People hate both of us, Qrow. You should know that considering you went towards the Spiders for money years ago… who do you think saved your life?" Raven asked, clearly angry that her sibling would dig up her past.

Maize decided to stay out of the conflict, knowing there was history that was written all over their faces.

He wouldn't get in the middle of clear family issues. Raven would call on if she needed them.

It would help them down the road to not argue, however, but their business was their business. He would only get involved if they needed them to get involved in the first place.

"You have a team, sis. I think you should stop trying to do everything yourself like you've been doing for the last few years… might not get you killed if things are lucky for you." Raven growled, but decided to try and keep her mouth shut.

Raven did decide to outdo Summer's team on this op, though. she wanted answers and if that meant being petty? She wasn't above that to begin with.

Author notes

Phew, another chapter done! I want to point out that Maize and Raven are going to fight the White Fang soon. next chapter will be in a week and will show Raven and the others meeting the target. Until then, Lighting Wolf out!

Ps: Raven is 900 Tuesday; Penny is 900 next week. Weiss is 900 next Friday. Yang is 900-1200 Saturday. Neo might be next week.