AN: Okay guys, this is it. The last chapter. Once again, I am not quite satisfied with it, but I didn't want to keep y'all waiting any longer and I think it is about time that this story comes to an end. What a ride it has been, huh? ENJOY!

Rollins' residence, 2000 hours

It was precisely 2000 hours, when Steve got out of his car in front of the Rollins' residence. Of course he just had to be there on time. It was a habit he had picked up whilst being in the Navy and now he didn't really want to lose anymore anyway. He made his way through the entrance gate and towards the house. The last time he had been here, he had been nervous, anxious and confused. And now, he could barely stop himself from grinning. Even Danny had known immediately that something must have happened with Catherine, just because of the way Steve had smiled. He was over the moon that she was back (and for good this time), even though he still hadn't fully realized it yet. When he knocked on the door, he was feeling a bit nervous, but in a good way. And for the first time in a long time, he was actually feeling excited about what the future might hold in store for him. For them.

"Steve!" James said enthusiastically, when he opened the door, "Cathy, honey, your date is here." he shouted upstairs, before he turned towards Steve again. Catherine hadn't exactly told them about her and Steve reconciling, but after all James was her father and he knew her better than most people on this planet. The way she had smiled, the way her every move had been filled with love and kindness, the way she had joked. All of this had given her away, because it was so much like the Catherine he used to know.

"James, I..I didn't know you were back home. How are you doing?" Steve said with a small smile.

"I am as good as new." the older man replied and grinned happily. Though he didn't like that he had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks, he was now glad that everything had happened the way it had, because it had given Steve and Catherine the time to finally talk and work things out. If he had known that all it needed for them to get back together was a stupid car accident, he would have gladly made that happen even earlier.

"That's good to hear." Steve replied and nodded slighty. He nervously shifted his weight from one feet to the other and when he looked up again, he saw the same look on James' face Catherine always had when she was waiting for an explanation of some sort, "I..Thank you, for, uh, helping me clear my head. You know back in the hospital after I.." he trailed off, when he saw James nod.

"Anytime, son." James responded and he meant it, "You know I am just glad you two finally found your way back to each other." James had always liked Steve, especially because he saw how happy he made his daughter. And that was the only thing he expected from the men at Catherine's side.

"I am, too." Steve mumbled with a nod and James watched how something in Steve's face changed. The man's features softened and without turning around James knew that Catherine was approaching from behind.

"I will leave you two to it. Have a great evening." he excused himself and gave his daughter a soft peck on the cheek, before disappearing into the living room with his crutches.

Catherine came to an halt in the same spot her father had stood just mere seconds ago, a small smile on her face. She was wearing a casual summer dress in a soft cream color and her hair was tight into a loose pony tail. Though it wasn't particularly fancy, he had rarely ever seen her wearing a dress before and he couldn't stop staring, "Wow." Steve pressed out, as he looked Catherine up and down.

"Like what you see, sailor?" she replied teasingly and his eyes told her that he did, very much so actually. She had spent quite some time searching for the right outfit. She had wanted to sweep him off his feet, but she also didn't want to stand out wearing some fancy ass dress, so she had settled for some light, figure-hugging summer dress. And it proved to have been the right decision.

"I do." he answered honestly and pulled her closer with his arm around her waist, "You look beautiful, Cath." he whispered, before she leaned in to kiss him.

"Oh, would you look at that. You two are absolutely cute." Catherine's mom piped up, as she watched them with a smile from a few feet apart. Catherine and Steve almost jumped backwards in surprise, but that only made her smile grow. She had always had a lot of fun embarrassing her children in front of their significant other and vice versa.

"Mom!" Catherine exclaimed at the intervention and tried her best to sound annoyed.

"I am sorry, sweetie, I didn't mean to interrupt this," Ann said and pointed with her finger in their direction, "but I am just happy you two are finally back to doing just that." Steve could have sworn that his cheeks were dark red by now, because this absolutely wasn't something he wanted to discuss with Catherine's mom of all people, "Steve, you know that you are always welcome here. And I would really like it if we could all go out together sometime. I mean-"

"Mom, I love you, but we are taking it step by step, okay?" Catherine interrupted her mom. The only thing she wanted right now was spent some alone time with Steve and the last thing she wanted was Steve (and her) getting bombarded with questions by her mom, her dad and her brothers'. "And we have a reservation to get to." she added and took Steve's hand into her own.

"Ah, aloha." Steve mumbled and chuckled slightly, because this was so much like them. Even though he felt slightly embarrassed, he really appreciated that Ann was trying to include him into the family again. He really really loved the entire Rollins' clan. He snapped out of his thoughts, when Catherine softly nudged him into the direction of the car.

"Have fun guys!" Ann called after them, as they were making their way back to the car, their hands still intertwined. Catherine rolled her eyes, but when she turned her head to be able to look at him, a wide smile erupted on both their faces.

McGarrett residence, 2045 hours

"We somehow never quite make it to dinner, huh?" Catherine chuckled, as her hand was absentmindedly caressing his bare torso. They were lying in his bed, both of them were utterly naked and somewhat sweaty from the intense love making. Her head was resting on his chest listening to his still a little heightened heart beat.

"I never heard you complain." he replied, a broad grin plastered on his face, "And besides I like it much more if I have you all to myself."

"Oh, and why is that?" she replied in the same teasingly manner, as she lifted her head from his chest to be able to look at him. They had always been able to slip into this goofy banter and it was one of the things she had always enjoyed the most about their connection.

He leaned in slightly and brushed his nose against hers, "Because," he whispered and placed a soft peck on her lips, "I really, really," he continued and he could feel a big smile erupt on her face, "really missed you." For a few seconds their eyes met, before their lips crashed together again. She had missed him, too and she was determined to show him just how much by pouring all her feelings into that kiss.

"Well, I think you were trying to say that you missed me too?" he asked, when they broke the kiss. She just rolled her eyes, a big smile on her face. "And you know, we have to make up for all the time we lost." he added with a smirk.

"I guess we do." she replied, as she was tracing the features of his face with her fingertips. She felt a twinge of guilt arise inside of her and he used the moment of her being caught up in her own thoughts to turn her on her back and climb on top of her. When their eyes locked, the guilt disappeared as soon as it had come and Catherine chuckled slightly. Once again she was surprised, but definitely not complaining, "What are your plans, sailor?"

He bowed his head a little, until she could feel his hot breath against her skin and he started to leave little kisses all over her cleavage, "Hmm, what do you think about this? Or this?" he slowly kissed his way up again, causing her to moan slightly. She could feel him grin against her neck, before he continued placing soft kisses all over her cleavage until his mouth was on hers again. Yeah, he wouldn't waste a single minute to make up for all the time they had spent apart.

"So much for taking it step by step, huh?" Catherine chuckled in between the kisses.

"Well, we have never done this whole relationship stuff ordinarily."

"You got that right." she said and cupped his face with her hands, forcing him to look her in the eyes, "I have never liked ordinary anyway." And she meant it.

He smiled softly, "Me neither." he whispered and he couldn't believe how he got so lucky. It still felt so unreal to him that she was now here in his arms and that she had come to stay, "And I am really glad you are back."

"I am glad to be back." she admitted honestly. He smiled softly and placed another peck on her lips, before laying down beside her again. Right now all he wanted was to feel her close, he just wanted to hold her in his arms. He buried his face in the nape of her neck and breathed in her scent that was mixed with the salty smell of sweat. His hand found its way to her waist and his thumb started drawing little crescents on her soft skin. In that moment he was remembered of the baby they had almost had and he felt a slight sting in his heart. Over the past few days he had found himself wondering what their life would be like now, if she hadn't had a miscarriage. Would they be married? Would it have been a boy or a girl? Sadly enough, he would never find answers to those questions.

"I know." she whispered and intertwined her hand with his, "It hurts."

He could feel the tears brimming in his eyes, because she was right: it hurt. It hurt pretty damn much. And he knew it would continue to hurt like this for quite some time. And he also knew that no matter what the future would bring, they would never ever forget about their first baby. He pressed a soft kiss on her hair and pulled her even closer, before closing his eyes. He could hear the waves crashing in the distant and the birds zierping through the open window. It almost felt like they were singing a welcome home melody. Yeah, Catherine was home. He finally got his girl back. And no matter what the future had in store for them, they would get through it together. Together, they could walk through any storm.


AN: I am kind off sad that this is the end, because I really had a lot of fun writing this story. And I think I really improved my writing, so that's great. If you wanna read more McRoll stories, check out my profile haha. I am currently searching for a new show to write fanfictions about..we will see what series I will end up with.

But enough about me, I just wanted to thank y'all for reading and especially for taking the time to review. Your positive feedback kept me going, when I lost the motivation to continue. Because I honestly wasn't sure if I would get this far. And please know that I read all of your sweet comments and all of them made me smile, even if I didn't always reply. Anyway, a big thank you to everyone who got this far, I appreciate that more than I could ever put into words. And I wish y'all the best for the future. Stay strong, keep your head up and don't give up. It will get better. And in a situation like the one we are in right now, please remember to look after yourself and your (mental!) health. Stay safe and healthy!

Love always :)