Arthur meets Looney Tunes

Clean version of the old one were he trains them in stuff like Marshal Arts and boxing. He will ask them what they eat and drink. He won't see them in the bath except for Kate. An enemy is coming and they will need help from them. So that includes them children in fact of course. They are at the party to celebrate them for they freed the woods from the bad guys. They know that they will have to see the trial to testify against them in fact of course. They will make it easier for the State in fact of course. They know that they put their lives at risk but it was worth it for it worked out well. We see them talking about stuff in fact of course.

"Now that the woods is safe we can rest easy for no worry about the hunters for to close to Elwood City," said Arthur, "We know that the woods is safe once again for they wanted to hunt down people who went there now we freed it in fact of course."

"You kids are good and glad we gave you kids the training in fact of course," said Bugs Bunny, "You kids will talk to the main District Attorney who is an Elected official in fact of course."

"The woods are now safer than it was before without the bad guys in fact," said Fern, "They are in the city jail waiting for the hearings and trials in fact of course."

"You kids are heroes and glad you are not bad guys and gals in fact of course," said Daffy Duck, "We will leave Elwood City soon for we will head back home."

"Now we can return to the woods without them bad guys for they made it dangerous," said Buster, "We might be Anthropomorphic animals but we are human like."

They know that this party is for them which will include presents for them for thanks from the people of Elwood City in fact of course. They know that they must say bye to Bugs Bunny and them. They know that they are going back home to were they came from in fact of course. That is at is were they went. We now head to the city jail with the bad guys in fact of course that are talking.

"We need to find a way to escape this place so I can hunt that wabbit in fact of course," said Elmer Fudd, "I want revenge on that Aardvark named Arthur who seems human like but he is an animal."

"I want revenge on his Girlfriend Francine she was the one who beat me up the most," said Yosemite Sam, "We can hire good Lawyers to make them find us Not Guilty."

"I wonder why he doesn't eat ants and termites for he is an Aardvark," said blue Aardvark, "And I want revenge against that dog girl named Fern Walters in fact of course."

"You won't have much of a chance of being found Not Guilty for the Jury is Anthropomorphic animals," said guard one, "Them kids will testify against all of you in fact of course."

"You was hunting ones that is human like that is Murder which will make you all serve Life in Prison without parole," said guard two, "I know that the District Attorney is my own brother."

I hoped you all liked this story for I enjoyed making it. I might make another one like this as in the sequel in fact of course the end.