A/N: Having made it to Nevada City, we find our friends anxiously awaiting the introduction to Sarah's mother. Meeting the parents (or parent in this case) is never stressful. Right?

**Since many of you have asked, I would like to offer an explanation as to why I removed this chapter last week. It was brought to my attention that some themes or elements in this chapter were similar in nature to a chapter from another author. Out of respect, I took the chapter down so I could investigate further. Unfortunately, I was dealing with some personal/family issues at the time and, until now, I haven't had the mental, emotional or physical energy to deal with it.

I have prided myself on having somewhat original story ideas. Writing the stories I would like to read that I didn't see out in the community. From day one, my work has always been my own. Certainly, we all borrow from the show's writers, and certain ideas have made their way into lore for this fandom. Apart from that, all of my writing has come from my imagination, research that I have done, my own personal life experiences and family history, with some popular troupes from TV and movies thrown in for flavor. With that said, I can assure you that any similarities that my story may have with any other have evolved convergently. I have no wish to borrow anyone else's hard work, as I would like others to have that same respect for my creations.

In large part, this chapter has not changed much. There have been minor adjustments that I feel are relatively superficial in the grand scheme of the story, but I hope that those changes adequately distance this chapter from any other. I concede that there are still some similarities and that's just the fact of the matter. When going down some avenues, the pathway is rather narrow, so people are going to step on the same ground. That just can't be helped and I won't apologize for anything that I have written. I do however have respect for my fellow writers and don't wish for there to be any animosity. So I have compromised as much as I dare with staying true to my story and myself.

That is all I'll say on the matter and I thank all of you for your continued interest and support of this story. Without further ado, I give you chapter 27… again.

Disclaimer: Don't own Chuck

Chapter 27

Chuck nervously ran a hand through his hair, turning to look at Sarah. "Does my hair look alright? Do I have hat hair?" Sarah chuckled, running the fingers of her free hand through his now shorter hair. With the makeover he'd lost most of his curls, but there was still enough on top that she could run her fingers through it; something she found she liked to do a lot.

"You look perfect," she assured him, giving him a bright smile. The sound of the door knob turning drew their attention back to the door, Sarah's grip on Chuck's hand tightening. When the door opened, a beautiful woman with shoulder-length, dark blonde hair stood there, her steely blue eyes tracing up their bodies until her gaze finally met theirs. She looked to be in her mid to late forties, but the years had been kind to her, still possessing a youthful glow about her.

"Sarbear,"she whispered, gasping as she covered her mouth in surprise. Looking between Chuck and Sarah, her eyes seemed to widen even further.

"Hi Mom," Sarah said, giving her mother a shy smile. After a moment's hesitation, the older woman rushed forward, wrapping her daughter in a hug, swaying side to side.

"Oh, I missed you," she confessed, squeezing Sarah, who released Chuck's hand to hug her mother properly.

"Missed you too. Do you uh… do you mind if we go inside?" Sarah asked, pulling away from her mother slightly, glancing at the neighborhood around them.

"Oh, sure. Of course. Where are my manners?" Shaking her head at herself, Sarah's mother ushered them in, closing the door behind them.

"Mom," Sarah began tentatively, "I'd like you to meet Chuck Bartowski. Chuck, this is my mom, Emma Walker."

"I can't tell you what a privilege it is to meet you," Chuck declared, offering his hand to the shorter woman.

"Chuck…" Emma mused, thinking over the name as she shook his hand. "So you're a … friend of Sarah's then?" she asked, looking between Chuck and her daughter. Sarah let out an exasperated sigh, rolling her eyes, though the amusement on her face showed she wasn't angry. Chuck swallowed the lump in his throat, looking to Sarah for some sort of confirmation on how he was supposed to answer that question.

"Chuck's my boyfriend, Mom," Sarah admitted, taking Chuck's hand, almost possessively.

"Is that so?" Emma challenged, sending a glaring eye toward Chuck, her eyebrow arched toward her hairline. His eyes grew wide in both surprise and fear from the icy stare the older woman was giving. Slowly her countenance changed, revealing a joyful smile, as the corners of her mouth curled. "That's wonderful. Would you two like something to drink? I'm sure it's been a long drive. Sarah? Perhaps you can give me a hand in the kitchen?" Emma turned and headed out of the foyer and into the kitchen, leaving the other two behind.

"Sorry. She can seem intense sometimes," Sarah apologized, giving him a sheepish wince.

"Must be a family trait," Chuck teased, sticking his tongue out between his teeth. Sarah let out a chuckle, his joking softening the tension.

"This is where I get the third-degree from Mom about you and I. You can have a seat in the living room," Sarah offered as she gestured into the next room. Chuck gave Sarah's hand a small squeeze and nodded.

"Smile. It'll all be fine. I promise I'll be on my best behavior," he whispered, giving her a wink. Shaking her head in amusement, Sarah squeezed his hand in return, releasing it to go their separate ways. Once in the kitchen, her mother nearly pounced on her.

"Why didn't you tell me you were bringing someone? I must look a mess," she whispered loudly, smoothing out her clothes and hair.

"God Mom, you look better than I do! You're beautiful as always. Besides, Chuck wouldn't care," Sarah reassured her.

"He's the one from the show? The one with all the curls?" Emma asked, gesturing at her own head, wiggling her fingers. "Does that mean…?" she trailed off, looking past her daughter down the hall toward where Chuck was sitting. Returning her gaze to Sarah, she held it with a questioning expression.

"Yep," Sarah replied, nodding her head as the grin on her face grew wider.

"I don't understand. I watched this week's episode. He finished last, but my God was he something else though. The way he helped everyone, even that jackass." Emma paused, shaking her head with pursed lips as she recalled the events. "I'm glad you kicked that guy to the curb. OK… so… how does this all work? Did… did this Chuck end up winning or did you decide to just date him anyway? Is the show making you date him or…"

"No, Mom! It's nothing like that. Come on. Let's get some drinks and we can go in and sit down with him and talk about it." Sarah gave her mother a pleading look, causing Emma to huff in resignation.

"Fine. I have some iced tea in the fridge that I made this morning. Just tell me one thing… is this real? Are you… are you happy?" Sarah took her mother's hands in hers, looking down into her eyes.

"This is very real. I've never been happier, Mom." The smile on Sarah's face brought tears to her mother's eyes. Emma released her daughter's grip and started fanning her eyes.

"OK. OK. Let's get in there before I start blubbering all over the place," she chuckled at herself, sniffing as she pressed under her eyes with the back of her fingers. The two women collected the pitcher of iced tea and some glasses, along with a plate of Milano cookies she had on hand.

Entering the living room, Emma placed the plate of cookies on the table, 'Heeeere we are. I hope iced tea is OK? I brewed it fresh this morning. It's pretty sweet, so if it's too much I can make-"

"Ms. Walker, I'm sure it'll be perfect. Thank you," Chuck rushed out, trying to set the woman at ease.

"Alright then. But call me Emma. Please," the older woman corrected, pouring a glass of tea for each of them.

"If you insist. I have to say, you have a beautiful home… Emma," Chuck added, thanking her when she offered him his glass of tea.

"Thank you. It's not much but it's home." After a moment of awkward silence as they all sipped tea, Emma cleared her throat, turning to Sarah.

"So, how was the drive? All the way up from LA? That's quite the haul. " she commented, looking between Chuck and Sarah.

"It was goo-" the two responded simultaneously, stopping once they heard the other.

"Sorry," they replied in unison, gesturing for the other to proceed. This caused both of them to chuckle, shaking their heads. Emma just watched the two interact with amusement.

'It was a long drive, but it was good," Sarah offered, looking at Chuck to make sure he wasn't going to talk over her. "We stopped at this little museum place on the way. They had lots of fossils and skeletons of extinct animals from the area. It was really cool. And Chuck got me this beautiful necklace as a memento," Sarah beamed, holding the necklace out to show her mother.

"Oh, wow. That's beautiful! A fossil as jewelry. How fascinating," Emma stated, seeming impressed as she leaned forward to hold it in her hand. "So um… I was talking with Sarah and I mentioned I'd seen you on the show. You know, Off Screen Romance? I can only assume that's how you two met?" Emma asked, looking at Chuck, awkwardly trying to find a conversation starter.

"Right. Right. Well, I, of course, was familiar with Sarah, you know, from all her work. I've always been a huge fan. But to answer your question, yes. That-that's how we met," he replied, taking a drink of tea to keep from rambling further.

"I have to say, it was a bit of a surprise to see you. Sarah hadn't mentioned you, not that she talks much about the men she dates," she offered, giving her daughter a flat look. Before Sarah could protest, Emma continued, holding up her hands in surrender, "I know. I know. You don't like to talk about them. I get it. She thinks I don't watch TV or pay attention to social media," she continued, addressing Chuck directly. "Those brainless, pretty boys she paraded around with, no wonder they didn't work out. All of 'em combined didn't have the sense God gave a turnip." Chuck snorted nearly choked on the sip of iced tea he was trying to take. "Not one of them was good enough for you," she declared, pointing at her daughter. Sarah just sat, staring at the ceiling as if she'd heard this same speech a thousand times.

Emma leaned forward, taking a Milano cookie from the plate, using it to gesture at Chuck. "So, Chuck, do you suppose you're good enough for my daughter?" Sarah gasped in mortification that her mother would be so forward, but before she could protest Chuck replied.

"No, ma'am. I don't believe that there is any man good enough for her. All I can do is try to be the best person I can be, treat her with the love and respect she deserves and hope for the best," he stated matter-of-factly, giving a small shrug at the end. Both women sat in shocked silence at the honesty and sincerity of his words. His response wasn't forced or rehearsed, but rather, it clearly came from the heart. A blush began to creep up Sarah's neck, coloring her cheeks and ears as she averted her gaze to her lap. This didn't go unnoticed by her mother, a broad grin beginning to spread across Emma's face. Nodding approvingly, she took a bite of the cookie, humming her response.

"Good answer." Turning to her daughter, Sarah met her mother's gaze, exchanging a look. It was then that Emma's expression changed to one of confusion.

"I'm... I'm sorry. Could you back up?" Emma asked, shaking her head in disbelief. "Did… did you say…. 'Love'?" She looked between Chuck and Sarah, searching for an answer.

"Yeah, Mom. Love," Sarah confirmed, moving to sit beside Chuck, taking his hand in hers. "And before you start in on the lecture about how I just met him and we're moving too fast, or I just got out of a string of bad relationsh-" Sarah was stopped mid-sentence by her mother's squeal, nearly rivaling Ellie's. Emma had her hands pressed together, holding them against her mouth as tears began to cascade down her cheeks. Shaking her head from side to side, chuckling through her tears, she sniffed loudly.

"I knew it! I just knew it. When I watched that first episode, I saw the way he looked at you and then, when you shook hands… it was like … like a light turned on in both of you. I know it sounds crazy or like I'm projecting, but that's what I saw. And somehow, I just knew that he'd be the one. I'm so… " Emma trailed off, rising from her chair, crossing the distance to wrap Sarah in a hug. Both women were in tears, chuckling. It was heartwarming to watch, but Chuck felt a little like he was intruding on their moment, though he opted to just sit quietly so as not to interrupt.

Emma pulled away, wiping at the tears, letting out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry Chuck. I'm not usually a cryer, but I've waited a long time for this day. Would it be too awkward if I gave you a hug?" She asked, looking a bit sheepish.

"We Bartowskis are huggers," he declared, raising his chin in pride. "It would be an honor." Chuck stood to his full height, accepting the hug from Sarah's mother, which was a bit comical seeing as she was a full foot shorter than him.

"God, he's so tall," Emma exclaimed as she pulled away, staring up at him. "Sarah, it's a good thing you didn't get your height from me." All three chuckled at that, Chuck and Emma returning to their seats.

"OK. So I want to hear all about how this happened over dinner. Are you guys hungry?" Emma asked, looking between her daughter and her boyfriend.

"I'd hate to impose M- Emma. After all, you didn't know I was coming and I don't want to put you out." Emma just gave him a flat look, turning to face Sarah with an expression that begged the question "is this guy for real?" Sarah gave her mother a "what can ya do?" shrug.

"Chuck, honey," Emma began. "There will never be a shortage of food in this house. After Sarah texted me, I made a trip to the store. I thought about making pierogies, but I saw the kielbasa in the case and I couldn't resist. I just need to toss them in a pan for a little bit, throw some other stuff in the oven to go with it and we're good to go." The excited look on Chuck's face was reminiscent of a child being offered a cookie, with his wide eyes and mouth puckered as he sucked in a breath.

"Mmmm. Pierogies. Oh, but kielbasa sounds amazing too." he corrected quickly. "I'm a huge fan of most anything in the sausage family."

"Good to know. You're familiar with pierogies then, I take it?" Emma asked, chuckling at his antics.

"I haven't had any since I was little. I remember sitting on a stool watching my grandma make them. They were so good. Sometimes she'd even make ones with cheese in them, just for me and my sister." Chuck's eyes dimmed, his smile fading a bit as the memories flooded back. "When I was still pretty young, she had a stroke and lost a lot of the dexterity in her right hand. She couldn't cook like she used to. Ellie, my sister, she and I lived with her for a little while until she passed. I think Ellie still has my grandma's handwritten recipes in an old metal recipe box in her kitchen. We've never attempted to make her pierogies though. It just didn't seem… right, I guess." Chuck shook himself from his thoughts, glancing between the two women, who stood riveted by his story.

"I'm sorry. Rambling on is one of my many bad habits," he admitted sheepishly.

"Nonsense," Emma interjected. "Family and family traditions are important. I learned to cook by watching my mother, sitting on a stool, much the same as you. My mother learned from watching her mother and so on. Even Sarah used to pull a chair up to the counter and watch me cook at the old house when she was young. It might not be my place, but I suspect your grandmother would consider it an honor to use her recipes, to continue that tradition. It's a way of keeping her memory alive."

"Thank you. That… that makes a lot of sense. I guess I always thought that since I could likely never make them the way she did, it would be a dishonor to her memory. It's probably worse to just leave them to sit in a drawer, never to be used again. Thanks, Emma." The older woman waved him off.

"Pfft. I didn't do anything. But if I don't get in that kitchen to make dinner, we're all gonna starve," she chuckled, pushing herself out of the chair. As Sarah stood to follow, Chuck did likewise.

"Is there anything I can help with?" Chuck asked. "I'm not much of a cook, but I can wash dishes and clean with the best of them." Emma and Sarah chuckled at his comment, Sarah wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Sure. I have some vegetables you can wash while Sarah and I work on the rest." Emma motioned for them to follow as she headed into the kitchen.

"You don't have to do that you know," Sarah whispered, holding him back from following. He gave her a questioning look. "Help in the kitchen. You don't have to feel obligated."

"Oh yes I do! If Ellie ever found out I didn't offer to help, my ass would be toast. Besides that, it's just who I am. I enjoy being helpful; feeling like I'm being of use. I'll never be that Ward Cleaver type, sitting in my easy chair, reading the paper, smoking a pipe while my wife or whomever does all the work. Even if I tried, I'd feel too guilty to enjoy it," he admitted, chuckling.

Chuckling along with him, Sarah led them both toward the kitchen. "You're like ... a serial killer or something aren't you?"

"What?!" Chuck asked, barking out a laugh.

"There's gotta be something wrong with you," Sarah offered. 'You're too perfect. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop."

"Believe me, there are plenty of things wrong with me, but being a serial killer isn't one of them. Although, an online survey I took said I fit the profile. I dunno… I think I'd end up apologizing the whole time I was kidnapping someone," Chuck stated, with his self-deprecating shrug.

Bursting out in laughter, Sarah smacked him lightly on the chest. As they entered the kitchen, Emma was just standing there, watching them with a soft smile. Sarah noticed, sobering a bit, clearing her throat.

"What?" Sarah asked, trying to hide her smile at seeing the look her mother was giving her.

"Nothing. It's just good to hear you laugh. That's all." Chuckling to herself, Emma took in a deep breath and began looking around the kitchen.

"Well, Chuck, I have some Brussel sprouts in a bag on the counter," she pointed out. "Can you wash those in the sink for me? I'll get you a colander to drain them in. There's a vegetable brush in the drawer to the left of the sink."

"I'm on it," Chuck replied, giving a serious salute.

"Sarbear, can you get the block of Parmesan out of the fridge and grate about a quarter of a cup?"

"Sure, Mom." Sarah searched through the refrigerator, finding the block of cheese and bringing it to the counter.

From the sink where Chuck was washing the Brussel sprouts, he called over his shoulder, "I'm sorry if I'm prying, but I've heard you calling Sarah 'Sarbear'? I sense there's a story behind that?"

"Oh," Emma chuckled, seeing the embarrassed look on her daughter's face. "Sarah used to sleep like the dead. Whenever you woke her up, she'd frump and groan through the house like a grumpy old bear before she'd finally plop down on the couch in a huff. Sarah the Bear, which over time got shortened, thus the name 'Sarbear' came into being. She got better as she grew older, but never what I'd call a morning person. Still, the nickname stuck."

"Thanks for that, Mom. Nice of you to get the awkward childhood stories out of the way," Sarah deadpanned at her mother. Emma and Chuck couldn't contain their laughter, causing Sarah to crack a smile as she shook her head at the two of them.

"It's great how you two have all these…these… family stories and traditions that you can share in," Chuck responded, sounding a little wistful.

"I'm sure you have your own stories and traditions. What kinds of things did your parents share with you when you were growing up?" Emma asked, taking some of the cleaned Brussel sprouts, cutting off the ends and slicing them in half.

"Mom!" Sarah growled in warning, giving her a stern glare. Emma silently held her hands up in confusion, mouthing "what?".

"Sarah. I told you, it's OK," Chuck interjected with a calm, soothing tone.

"I know, but-"

"I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?" Emma interrupted, looking between the two.

"No, you didn't," Chuck stated, his voice sounding conciliatory. "Long story short, my mother left when I was young and my father passed only a few years after that. My grandparents on my mom's side died before my parents were married and my dad's father died before I was born. The only grandparent I ever knew was my grandma Lena. I don't know much about them, but I did find some old documents and pictures when Ellie and I cleaned out her house. I think her maiden name was Kowalczyk. She and my grandpa, Roland Bartowski, came to America just after the war and were married here. But some of the early documents have his last name as Bartkowski, with an extra 'k' in it. So maybe the name changed when he immigrated. I dunno. There's nobody left to answer those questions. Wow. I'm sorry. That 'long story short' thing didn't pan out so well." Chuck huffed in exasperation at himself, diving back in to finish cleaning the Brussel sprouts.

"I'm so sorry. This Ellie, you said she's your sister?" Emma asked, continuing her chopping.

"Yeah. Yeah, Ellie is my older sister. She practically raised me. After my parents were gone we went to stay with grandma Lena. It was the only way we could stay together. Grandma could barely take care of herself, much less us, so it was just Ellie and me. I tried to help where I could but…"

"She sounds like a pretty incredible young woman," Emma added, the respect evident in her voice.

"Oh, she is," Sarah chimed in. "She's a neurologist. I met her during the taping of the show…. accidentally… on purpose," Sarah murmured as she began to blush. Emma gave her a wide-eyed expression, prompting Sarah to rush on. "I'll tell you about that later." Emma shook her head and returned to her work. "Anyway, she's pretty amazing. You'll like her when you meet her." With that both Chuck and Emma slowly turned to face Sarah, surprised looks on their faces.


"No-nothing," Chuck answered quickly, holding up his hands in surrender, turning back around to hide the smile on his face. Emma was more candid about the smile on her face, not caring who saw it.

"Well, I look forward to meeting her," the older woman admitted. "Chuck, dear, would you hand me the rest of those Brussel sprouts?" Chuck dutifully obeyed, shaking the colander of sprouts to get off the excess water before taking it to the kitchen island where Emma was working.

"So, you and your sister must be really close," Emma continued. 'Do you have any traditions with her?"

"Well, yeah. I guess we do, now that I think about it. Thanksgiving we do a big spread; a huge turkey dinner with all the fixings. We invite our friends over, especially the ones that don't have any family in the area. On Christmas, we sit around in our PJs and have a Twilight Zone marathon. I'm not sure how that got started. I think it was just on TV one Christmas, one of the few channels we got at the time, so we just made the most of it. Then there's … there's Mother's Day. Well, not the actual Mother's Day, but we have our own 'celebration', if you want to call it that. When our mom left, my dad pretty much checked out too. So on that day, it meant that Ellie and I were on our own. To commemorate that day, Ellie and I started our own Mother's Day tradition. We celebrate each other; that we're always there for one another."

Both Sarah and Emma were in tears, having stopped what they were doing to listen. Sarah immediately rounded the island to wrap Chuck in a hug. Emma did likewise, placing one arm around him, giving him a side hug.

"Guys, it's OK. I'm alright. I mean, I'm not going to turn down hugs from two beautiful women, but …" Both Walker women chuckled, swatting him lightly on the chest. "OW! I see where Sarah gets it from," Chuck teased, the women pushing away from him, wiping at their cheeks.

"I'm sorry to bring everyone down. I know those stories aren't exactly cheerful. You did help to remind me that I still have some traditions to celebrate, even if they aren't old ones." Chuck smiled appreciatively at the two women, then went to work cleaning up around the sink.

"That's a good reminder, Chuck. Traditions don't have to be passed down between the generations to have meaning. I think that's a good lesson for all of us," Emma declared.

"I agree. I look forward to being part of some new traditions," Sarah confessed. Realizing the gravity of what she said, she felt a little embarrassed, her mother giving her an amused look.

Without missing a beat, Chuck jumped right in, "You'll love it. Ellie's a great cook. Oh, and on Christmas eve, we always get new Christmas pajamas for each other to wear for our Twilight Zone marathon. It's so - w-wait. Um.. you… you did mean with me… right?" Chuck asked sheepishly, turning around to look at her with a wince.

"Yes, I meant you, ya goof," she giggled, her embarrassment dispelled by Chuck so eagerly including her in his life. The fact that he was making plans, future plans, that included her felt really good.

"Well, now that's settled, Sarah, get me out a large metal bowl and the olive oil from the pantry," Emma instructed, smirking at her daughter.


"Oh… Ms. Walker. Emma! Sorry, Emma. That was simply amazing. One of the best meals I can remember. Ellie would be envious," Chuck confessed, leaning back in his chair, rubbing his round stomach.

"Oh, now. I'm sure that's not true, but I'm glad you enjoyed them." Emma beamed at the compliment, wiping her mouth with her napkin.

"And the Brussel sprouts… I'll admit, I'm generally not a fan, so I was a bit skeptical going in. But, oh man, those were fantastic. I really need to get that recipe. I'd eat those every week," Chuck professed, his smile reaching his eyes.

"I'll be sure to write it down for you before you leave." With that, everyone cleared the table, taking their plates to the kitchen. Chuck immediately started washing dishes while Emma and Sarah put away leftovers. Emma nudged Sarah, nodding toward Chuck, an unspoken discussion going on between them. Sarah could only give a shy smile in response, trying to busy herself to avoid her mother's silent inquiry.

The kitchen spotless, they retired to the living room with cups of coffee to sit and chat. It was largely quiet, letting their food settle, getting comfortable in their respective seats. Sarah and Chuck sat together on the sofa while Emma sat adjacent in a wingback chair. It was finally Emma that broke the silence, clearing her throat as a preamble.

"So, what are your plans?" Emma asked, looking between her daughter and her boyfriend. "Not that I haven't loved having you, but I suspect that coming here wasn't your only reason for such a long trip," she added, taking a sip of coffee.

"Well, no. Technically, coming here was Chuck's idea," Sarah confessed, glancing at Chuck. He immediately tried to wave it off, not wanting to take credit, but Sarah was having none of it. "No, it was your idea. When I realized, belatedly, that I hadn't called you to tell you about…. well, us, he immediately suggested we come and see you. Even when I told him where you lived, he was unfazed. So, here we are. Our main destination is a cabin near Mt. Shasta, a place his sister's boyfriend's family owns. It's supposed to be secluded," Sarah finished, giving her mother a shrug with a tight smile, realizing this would likely open the gates for a lot of other questions.

"You're not thinking of driving there tonight are you?" Emma asked with concern in her voice, sitting forward in her chair.

"No. That's at least another three and a half to four hours of driving. I think I've had enough for today. I saw that National Hotel downtown. I figured we could get rooms there for the night," Chuck interjected, trying to set Emma at ease. Sarah turned her head to give him an incredulous look at his last comment.

"That old musty place? The hell you will. No. You'll stay right here. The guest room upstairs is already made up," Emma stated, nodding her head in finality.

"Oh, but I… what I mean is …. " Chuck spluttered, his neck and cheeks starting to turn red. He began to look around, eyeing the couch he and Sarah were sitting on, pushing on the cushions with his hands. "I'd be fine right here. Really. This seems very comfortable." Chuck paused to swallow the lump in his throat, which gave an opening for the two women to begin giggling. He looked at the two women in confusion, not understanding what he'd said that was funny.

"Is he for real?" Emma questioned her daughter, ignoring Chuck completely.

"Right?" Sarah responded with faux exasperation. The two chuckled amongst themselves for a moment longer before they spared Chuck and brought him back into their conversation.

"I'll let you two work out the final sleeping arrangements," Emma conceded with a smirk on her face. "I will say that my bedroom is on the first floor and I'm a heavy sleeper."

"Mom," Sarah scolded, giving her mother a warning look, but the upturned corners of her mouth gave her away.

"What? I'm just throwing that out there. You know… in case you're up late…. talking…" she trailed off with a wry smile before taking a sip of coffee.

"Chuck, could you go out and get our bags from the car?" Sarah asked, placing a comforting hand on his knee. He looked down at her hand and then trailed up to her face, seeing her soft smile.

"Yeah. Sure. No problem. I'll… I'll be right back." With that, Chuck pushed himself up off the sofa and made his way out the front door, closing it behind him. As soon as the door closed, Emma spoke up.

"So…. um… just the two of you? In a secluded mountain cabin? That uh… that sounds… nice," she trailed off, taking another sip of coffee, swallowing with it whatever comment she was trying not to make. Sarah gave her mother another warning glare.

"Mom… I'm a grown woman. I'm perfectly capable of -"

"Oh, pfft. I'm not concerned," Emma interrupted, dismissing her daughter. "I've known since you were young that you could take care of yourself. You've always had a good head on your shoulders. Well… for the most part. No, my concern is how long you plan on being there. I assume the purpose of the seclusion is for privacy. You two have to lay low until the show finishes, right? If people saw the two of you together, that would be all over TMZ and ruin the show."

"Yeah, that's pretty much it," Sarah admitted. "I hate that we have to hide it, but it's what we have to do for now. It'll be several weeks before we can go public, so you can't tell any of your friends. And if the paparazzi come asking, you don't know anything."

"Like I'd tell them anything. I haven't so far," Emma replied, looking almost offended. "Several weeks huh? That's a lot of time alone, especially for a couple just starting out. Have you even slept in the same house together yet?"

"Before you go there, Chuck's a very kind and caring man. He would never do anything to-"

"Whoa. Whoa. Let me stop you there," Emma cut her off, holding up her hands in surrender. "I can tell, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he respects you immensely. But what you two have or haven't done is none of my business. Like you said, you're a grown woman. My only worry is that you're about to spend a LOT of time together; probably in very close quarters in that little cabin. Even in the best of relationships, that can be very trying. Just be patient with each other. OK? You're basically moving in together, at least temporarily. Normally people get months to learn all about each other before they take that kind of step. I just don't want it to put too much pressure on your relationship is all."

"I get it, Mom, and you're right. I've never really lived with anyone before. A drawer or a toothbrush at their place maybe, but that's it. To be honest, I was starting to freak out

about that, going into this trip."

"Really? Why?" Emma asked with surprise.

"I… I've never felt this way about anyone before. I was just so nervous that I was going to do or say something stupid or thoughtless and ruin it all. Like I was subconsciously sabotaging myself. I mean, what the hell do I know about a normal healthy relationship?" Sarah asked rhetorically as she ran a hand through her hair. Slowly a smile grew as she thought, her mother just watching and listening, sensing that Sarah was beginning to work some of this out for herself.

"But the more time I've spent with Chuck, with his friends and family, and then on this trip, the more I realize that I'm ready to learn," she admitted, a huge smile spreading across her face. "I'm ready to discover all of the little things he does that will both drive me crazy and drive me wild. And I hope that he's ready for those things too. Whatever it is, I have faith that we can work it out together. I just… I love him, Mom. I don't know how else to explain it other than I love him."

"Oh, baby, I'm so, so happy for you. I've wanted this for you for so long. For you to find someone that you can be yourself with. Someone who sees … 'my Sarah', not just the movie star. I think you found him," Emma admitted, reaching over and taking her daughter's hand as she sniffed from the welling up of emotions.

"So you like him?" Sarah asked, looking hopefully toward her mother.

"Sweetie, if you love him and he makes you happy, then how could I not? Those things aside, he is pretty great. Easy on the eyes too," she smirked, bouncing an eyebrow at her daughter. Sarah gave her mother a "tsk" as they chuckled together, Sarah shaking her head at her mother's comment. It was at that moment that the sound of Chuck clumsily trying to make his way through the front door with their bags broke them from their musings.

"You need some help?" Sarah called, wincing at the sounds of him bumping into things.

"Nope! Nope. I got it. Just… just the strap on my ... my duffel … got hung up on the door knob. There. Got it. We're all good," Chuck huffed, sounding slightly winded.

"Alright. Could you take those upstairs to the guest room?" Sarah asked, giving him her winning smile. "Second door on the right," she added.

"All… all of them?" he asked with some hesitation. Without responding, she simply gave him a flat look, which seemed to be all the answer he needed. Sarah and Emma exchanged a look, snorting in amusement as they watched him head up the stairs.


Chuck came back into the guestroom from his shower, knocking softly as he entered. When he tentatively peeked in, he saw Sarah laying on the bed, reading something on her phone. She looked up at him, smiling as she shook her head at him in amusement. He was thankful that she was dressed in a pair of cotton shorts and a t-shirt. The towel she had come back in from her visit to the shower had nearly been his undoing. He caught her smirk at the time, which made it clear she was, at least in part, intentionally trying to kill him.

"I appreciate your overabundance of respect, Chuck. But really…." she drawled out.

"I'm.. I'm sorry. I'm just … it's been a long time since I've slept with someone," Chuck confessed looking a bit sheepish. Almost immediately his eyes flew open wide as he scrambled to correct himself. "Not 'slept' slept. Just… you know… sleeping. Just sleeping." He reiterated, looking mortified. Sarah couldn't help but burst out in laughter, eventually calming to a chuckling hum under her breath.

"I don't think I've laughed more in my life than when I'm with you." She gave him a warm smile as she patted the bed beside her. "Come sit. We need to talk." Chuck's expression turned sober, nodding as he gently sat on the opposite side of the bed from her. "God, it's not that kind of talk. Jeez. Come over here," she coaxed, patting the bed near her. Chuck's worried expression seemed to soften as he scooted across the bed to sit only a foot away from her. She set her phone down on the nightstand, turning her entire focus on him.

"Chuck, I know that our relationship has progressed really quickly. And I can see that some things in the relationship, namely the … physical aspect, cause you a lot of stress. Now, before you try to say anything, just let me finish," Sarah preempted, as Chuck was taking a breath to speak. He nodded, deflating a bit, but letting her continue.

"I'm… I'm not much for words, or rather expressing myself with words. Give me a script and I'm fine, but trying to put my feelings into words is hard for me. That's why I struggled trying to tell you how I felt.

"I've always been a ... physical person. I don't mean…. Gah! I'm so bad at this," she grumbled to herself, blowing a stray hair out of her face in frustration. "What I mean is, I tend to rely on the physical to show how I feel. Like … like constantly holding your arm on our date, or smoothing down your shirt when there aren't any wrinkles. I like touching you, and to be honest, I like to be touched. Not… ugh. That sounds terrible," she groaned, rolling her eyes at herself. Feeling self-conscious, she looked at her hands as she fidgeted with the comforter on the bed.

"I just mean that the physical contact is reassuring to me. But with you, it's more than that. I feel this need to push the … intimacy of our relationship to the next level. I think that, in part, it's because I don't feel like I can adequately tell you how I feel; how much you really mean to me. So, I automatically resort to the physical instead of trying to work on my communication skills. You've been such a gentleman and helped me keep things in perspective. I'm not saying I'm not ready for that next step with you, but you've helped me stop and rethink my actions. Like that night in your room. God, that was embarrassing. I can't believe I was so forward as to… Well, anyway, thank you for being … for being you. Now, I know that whenever it does happen, it'll mean more because it's for all the right reasons." Sarah paused, looking up at Chuck, meeting his eyes for the first time since the talk began.

"Wow. That's… that's a lot to unpack there," Chuck admitted, looking and feeling a bit overwhelmed. "I'm going to leave some of that to address much… much later, but right now I want to thank you. I know that couldn't have been easy for you, especially with how you said you struggle with words. I get it now. The… the physical thing. I just thought you were a touchy feely kind of person. Not that there's anything wrong with that," he rushed out, "I rather enjoy the physical contact myself. I too find it reassuring; comforting. So please don't ever apologize for that.

"Perhaps tonight we could find some kind of middle ground?" Chuck asked, taking one of her hands that was still fidgeting with the comforter. "Since we both enjoy each other's company and the … physical contact, would you be opposed to say… a little snuggling as we go to sleep? Purely innocent, I assure you," he added, holding one hand up as if testifying.

"Really? Snuggling?" she asked incredulously.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I know it's not a lot but-"

"No! No. It's perfect. Really," she reassured him, with an excited look on her face. "Does… does it have to be purely innocent?" she asked, twisting her lips to the side to try and hide the mischief in her grin. He did his best to give her a flat look, but he couldn't keep his grin at bay either, the corners of his mouth turning up. "Alright. I think I can agree to that," she sighed, chuckling to herself.

"Alrighty then. Chop, chop. Let's get under these covers," Chuck teased, sliding off the bed to turn down the covers. Chuck turned off the overhead light, leaving only Sarah's bedside lamp to light the room in a soft, amber glow. Chuck practically jumping into the bed, Sarah barked out a laugh as she was nearly bounced out of bed, the covers the only thing holding her in place. Once Chuck scooted to the center, Sarah met him halfway after turning off her light.

The moonlight outside was bright enough that it offered some illumination in the room, just enough to make out basic shapes. The queen-sized bed was large enough for both of them to sleep comfortably, but much of that space wouldn't be necessary. Chuck was settling in near the center of the bed when he felt Sarah fidgeting beside him. She pulled up close to his side, laying an arm across him, then pulling it away, only to place her head on his shoulder and move it as well.

"Is everything OK? Do you need me to move or…"

"No. No. I just ... God. This is kind of embarrassing," she admitted with a huff. "I… I've never really … done this before," she uttered at just above a whisper.

"I'm sorry? You've… you've never done what before?" Chuck asked, sounding perplexed.

"I've never really … snuggled with someone before," she confessed shyly.

"I want to ask if you're joking but you definitely don't sound like you're joking. How.. how is that possible? I mean, it's not that I don't believe you but… I know that you've dated more than a few guys. You've never…" he trailed off, not certain how to approach the topic.

"Well, first, the media blows a lot of things out of proportion. I have dated a number of guys, but most of them never even got to a goodnight kiss, much less anything else. An-anyway… the few that were more … serious, they weren't exactly the … snuggling types," Sarah scoffed. "Bryce used to insist on thirty minutes of complete silence before going to sleep. No contact. Nothing."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Chuck exclaimed, sitting up in bed to face her. "What a complete and utter -"

"Shhhh. Sh-sh-sh," she hissed, trying to quiet his outburst, while chuckling to herself. "Calm down," she whispered, placing a hand on his chest. "Look, that's way in the past. He's out of my life for good. It's just you and only you." Chuck took a calming breath, clearing his throat before he continued.

"Tell you what. From now on, every night we're together, no matter what, there will be a mandatory thirty minutes of snuggle time before bed. How does that sound?" Sarah giggled as she grabbed his face and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"God, I love you! I think that sounds positively amazing," Sarah breathed out, practically on the verge of tears.

"It's settled then. Now, come here," he requested, laying down again, pulling her to him. "Think of it like … slow dancing." Sarah snuggled up against his left side, tentatively laying her head on his chest, just under his chin, her left arm draped across his body, curling around his right side. Pulling her left leg over his, she wiggled her body until she was comfortably nestled into him.

"Mmmmmm," she moaned, nearly a whimper. "This is so nice," she purred, rubbing her cheek against his shirt, nuzzling in even further.

"Mhmmm," he hummed along, wrapping his left arm around her to pull her in even closer. "Love you."

"Mmmm," she hummed in response, giggling under her breath. "Love you too. Night…" she trailed off, both of them slipping into a deep sleep within moments.


Chuck stirred, morning light spilling into the room through a slit in the curtains, bright enough to let him know it was morning, though his eyes were still closed. He was so incredibly comfortable, he didn't want to move. Faint wisps of hair brushed against his lips, the smell of vanilla and lavender married with a nutty aroma that permeated the air pulled him further from his slumber. The warmth he felt could only be Sarah, the memory of snuggling with her as they went to sleep still fresh in his mind. During the night they must have changed positions, because now he was the large spoon, enveloping her, their feet intertwined.

Chuck's right arm was draped around Sarah's stomach, pulling her in to form the perfect complement to his body. The feeling of her fingers caressing his, slowing and gently tracing patterns on his skin, was alighting a fire within him. When her fingers found a particularly sensitive spot on his wrist during their exploration, his breath hitched, causing him to exhale a ragged breath against her neck. He felt Sarah shiver against him, further exacerbating the heat he was feeling.

Sarah turned, just enough to be able to look back at him. They held each other's gaze, their eyes darting back and forth, searching the depths of the other's. His focus shifted momentarily to her lips, full and pink. Almost involuntarily, her tongue darted out, licking them ever so slightly, making them glisten in the early morning light. It was that simple action that caused the flood gates to burst in them both. Without warning, their lips crashed together with a hunger that neither of them had ever experienced.

Without separating, Sarah twisted to face him, her hands gripping and clawing at his body, the need to feel him, touch him, overwhelming her. At the same time, Chuck's large hands kneaded and massaged the muscles of Sarah's back, pulling her as close to him as she could get, adding to their shared moans. Sarah's hands found their way under his shirt, dragging her nails across his chest and stomach, causing him to gasp into her mouth, their lips only parting for an instant.

"Breakfast is ready!" came a knock on the door, causing them both to gasp, holding their breath, their faces still so close their lips brushed together. Sarah swallowed, turning her head toward the door. She took a ragged breath, trying to regain some composure.

'We'll… we'll be right down," Sarah called out, not moving from her current position. Chuck was frozen in place, fearful to move or breathe.

"Uh huh," came her mother's snarky reply, amusement in her voice. They listened as her footsteps descended the stairs and Sarah finally collapsed onto Chuck's chest, her face buried in his shirt. Chuck began to breathe again, trying to regain his faculties as he lay there staring at the ceiling. It was then that he felt Sarah shaking. His initial fear was that she was crying, either because what was about to happen didn't or what almost transpired would have been a mistake. It wasn't until she turned her head that he could hear her laughing. A wheezing, teary, convulsive laugh that soon became infectious. Soon the two were laughing, tears streaming down their faces, the situation just so quintessentially "them". All that they had been through, their confessions and revelations, all culminated in this perfect moment. That was until fate knocked on their door, declaring breakfast was ready. They were both supremely disappointed, but they could either laugh about it or cry. Perhaps they were doing a bit of both, but in the end, humor won out.

"Well," Chuck eked out, blowing out a breath. "I hope there's bacon at least." Both of them began to giggle, still wrapped in each other's arms.

A/N2: It's not Barstow, but it sure looks familiar. I know this is proceeding rather slowly, I mean a whole chapter for just meeting Mom? I hope you're all OK with the pace of the story. I'm sure you'd prefer faster updates and I'll see what I can do there. No guarantees with all the things going on. I'll do my best though.

It really helps to see the responses from all of you. If I've managed to take just a few minutes of your day and made them a little brighter, that's the best I can possibly hope for.

Thanks to all of you. Be safe and stay well.
