(Team RWBY and the two girls of team RYPR walk within an abandoned town)

Roxxy: Out of all the places in 21st century Japan, we go to a ghost town…

Ripley: Ghost town?!

Petral: Are you saying that there are actual ghosts 'ere?!

Bridget: No!

Walter: Ghost town is just a fancy way of saying an abandoned town…

(Roxxy turns on her com link)

Roxxy: Doctor, you said that We'd be going to Tokyo, this isn't Tokyo!

TARDIS Interior

(The Doctor is standing at the console)

Doctor: Well, I got distracted…. Can't resist a huge surge of energy…

Roxxy (link): Yes you can…. You just act like a child…

Doctor: Well what's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?

Roxxy: How about the fact of having some restraint?

Doctor: Eh, I like being free to do what I want…

Yale: Is that the reason you wear the hoodie under a Victorian tailcoat?

Doctor: Hey!

Yale: You know I'm right…

Doctor: Yale Goka, how dare you!

Unknown Ghost town

(Yale laughs a bit)

Walter: How long do we have to be here? I'm starting to feel like we're being watched…

Bridget: Yeah me two…. I'm starting to feel like we're not alone…

Doctor (link): Until we find out what that surge of energy was and why is over here…

Ripley: Doctor, there's obviously nothing here…. So can we go?

TARDIS Interior

Doctor: Not yet…. Besides, complaining won't solve all you're problems…

Roxxy (link): Isn't helping that you're in the TARDIS while we're out here busting our asses trying to figure out what that surge was…

Doctor: Oh come off it…

(The TARDIS vorps and beeps)

Doctor: So you're siding with them now?!

Petral (link): Who ya talkin' to?

Doctor: The TARDIS, she's agreeing with what Roxxy said…

Roxxy: Well, women know each other, and know when one isn't being treated right…

Doctor: Oh come off it…. That is why ….

Roxxy: Why what, Doctor?

Doctor: …. Oh damn it…

(Roxxy laughs a little)

(The TARDIS engines start)

Doctor: Ok, that's not right…. Guys, the TARDIS is taking off on its own!!!

Unknown Ghost town

(The six teens hear the TARDIS dematerialize)

Roxxy: Doctor? DOCTOR?!

(The teens run over to the TARDIS)

(The six see the TARDIS dematerialize)

Roxxy: DOCTOR!!!!

(New Doctor Who Intro)

Episode 3: The hidden Festival

TARDIS Interior

Doctor: Guys, whatever is there, the TARDIS is scared of it!!

Petral: How can a machine be scared?!

Roxxy: If a machine has a powerful AI consciousness, it can be…. Can't you just land and put the handbrake on?

Doctor: Not while I'm in the Time Vortex, the TARDIS is obviously scared of what's in that Ghost town, investigate and neutralize the source of that power…

Roxxy: What are you gonna do, I mean, what can you do?

Doctor: I can track where you are so you won't get separated…

Roxxy: But what if we have to?

Doctor: Then I can track your com links and give you each other's location…

Yale: So solve the mystery, we go home, right?

Doctor: Yes!!!

Walter: Ok, no need to shout!

(The teens end communications)

Unknown Ghost town

Roxxy: Great, stuck here, again…

Petral and Ripley: Again?

Walter: Long story…

Yale: To make it short, The Master threw Roxxy back through time and space back to this century so Salem could destroy the future…

Ripley: The Master?

Bridget: Renegade Timelord…

Petral: So you've been here before?

Roxxy: In Tokyo…. Not this…. This…. Ok, Walter, Brig, you were right, now I'm starting to feel like we're being watched…

(Roxxy takes out her Sonic screwdriver and scans the area)

Roxxy: I think you two were right…

(The entire town starts glowing, figures start appearing)

Petral: Are we under attack?!

Roxxy: No…. It's like we're in the middle of a festival…

(The figures go through the teens)

Walter: Whoa…. It's like they're…

Bridget and Roxxy: Ghosts…

Ripley: So this really is a ghost town?!

Bridget: A literal Ghost town…. Must have been abandoned for that reason…

Roxxy: But that's not possible, this place would need a huge negatively charged Ion control field!!

Bridget: Not to mention a power source of immense energy!!

Roxxy: And a few hydrogen fusion dampeners!!

Yale: English please?

Roxxy: Yale, forget about simplifying this, this is a huge discovery!!!

Bridget: The discovery of a lifetime!!

Petral: Still doesn't explain what scared the TARDIS…

Ripley: Maybe it's not what's here, but what came here…

Roxxy: That settles it then, c'mon guys, let's go check this out…

(The teens walk within the brightly lit festival)

TARDIS Interior

Doctor: Roxxy, What are you doing?

Roxxy: Doctor, you wish you could see what we see…

Doctor: What is it, are you being attacked by Autons…. Daleks…. Vashta Nerada?!

Roxxy: No, no, and no, we're witnessing a whole spirit festival…. And it's beautiful…

Doctor: Oh now I want to see it…

Petral: 'ang on, I'll facetime you…

(Petral FaceTimes the Doctor)

(She turns her scroll around and shows the festival)

(The Doctor looks at the monitor)

Doctor: Oh that is brilliant!!

Ghost town

Roxxy: Cool huh?

Doctor: Whatever is over there is using a perception filter…

Roxxy: What?

(Roxxy looks over at Petral's scroll, and sees nothing on the little part of the screen)

Roxxy: How can you not see the festival?!

(Roxxy takes out her screwdriver and scans the area)

Roxxy: Definitely some paranormal signals…

Doctor: But there's nothing there…

Roxxy: Hang on, I'll tint the lens for ultraviolet…

(Roxxy sonics Petral's scroll, the lens tints to an ultraviolet lens)

(The Doctor sees the figures)

Doctor: … oh…

Walter: Yeah…. I know…. This is amazing…

Doctor: That is fascinating…. It's like a light show without any wires…

Ripley: But what's causing it?

(The teens see a brightly lit building)

Roxxy: Ok, what is that?

Walter: Is that a hotel?

Roxxy: Wally, this is a 16th century Japanese town…. Hotels were made in the 18th century…. In New York…

Doctor: Possibly a bath house…. Made later within the town…. possibly in the 1980's...

Roxxy: So someone built that bath house recently…. Let's go check it out…

Doctor: Be careful…

Roxxy: Where's the fun in that?

(The teens walk over to the bath house)

Yale: Huh…. Look…

Petral: Yeah, we're looking…

Yale: No I mean look…. The whole building looks brand new, the wood looks like it's been replaced several times, the paint looks fresh, and the windows look like they've been replaced once or twice since today…. In all aspects, there's no way nobody lives here, or at least visits very often…

(Roxxy looks at the exterior)

Roxxy: You're right…. This does look brand new…. Who could have done all this?

Walter: Yale, you might have a point with your daily visitor theory...

Bridget: So the spirits have a housekeeper?

Ripley: Who in their right mind would come out here everyday just to keep this place brand new?

Roxxy: Let's find out…

(The teens enter the bath house)

Bath house

(The teens look around the building)

Bridget: Whoa, ok, this is strange…

Petral: You could say that again…. Look at this place…. It's completely new…

Walter: This is almost too weird...

(Yale looks over near the top floors)

Yale: I think now this is more than a bath house…

(The rest look up)

Roxxy: Is that it, the thing that scaring the TARDIS?

Bridget: Looks like it…. But what do we do with it?

Roxxy: I'll worry about it…. You lot take a look around, let me or the Doctor know if anything turns up…

Yale: On it…

Walter: You sure you can figure this thing out?

Roxxy: You're looking at the girl who built a stasis field emitter, a temporal displacement gun disguised as a BFG, a portable Proton gun, and her own sonic screwdriver…. I'm pretty sure I can figure this thing out...

Walter: Ok, right guys, let's see if there's something else here…

(The other five leave Roxxy)

Roxxy: Ok, let's check you out…

Upper floors

(The teens look around the halls)

Petral: You know, I haven't been properly introduced to the Doctor…

Ripley: Me neither…. All I know is that he's an alien…

Doctor: Timelord!

Ripley: Same diff…. My point is, is that neither Petral or I have been properly introduced to you…

Bridget: We can tell you most of what we know…. He's from a planet called Gallifrey, in the constellation of kasterborous….

Walter: We also know that he's lived very many lives…

Yale: And he didn't used to look like he does now…

Petral: Whut?

Walter: The Doctor can change his body and form whenever he's dying…. Before he looked like how he is now, he was a woman…

Petral: I thought that was a joke!!

Doctor: 'fraid not…

Roxxy (com link): Can we focus on the situation? I just scanned this weird device, and it's not from this planet…

Ripley: What?

Roxxy: This thing apparently came from a system nearly 396 galaxies away…. Someone's retrofitted this so that it acts like a spectral anti-phaser…

Yale: A what?

Bridget: But that's not possible…. Even you couldn't do that, and you tried that once before…

Roxxy: The Signal Spectral Explosion…. Don't even remind me…

Doctor: What's this all about?

Roxxy: Nothing that needs to concern you right now, look, someone obviously found a way to make this happen…

Bridget: But how were they able to modify alien tech to do this?

Roxxy: This is some advance science, I'll see what I can do to shut it off…

Walter: Why?

Roxxy: Maybe this is what the TARDIS is scared of…

Petral: A thousands of years old spaceship scared of repurposed tech?

Doctor: Roxxy might have a point, if that tech was repurposed for something that could solidify a ghost, then someone is obviously trying to resurrect the dead…

Yale: Like Frankenstein?

Roxxy: More like The Monkey's Paw...

Petral: Whut?!

Bridget: Earth literature…

Petral: Ah…

Ripley: So you're saying someone is trying to bring back a lost one through the means of that tech?

Roxxy: Yes…

Walter: Meaning if we wanna get back, we need to shut off that machine…

Roxxy: Good thing I still have my screwdriver…

Main lobby

(Roxxy uses her Sonic screwdriver on the machine, it's still active)

Roxxy: Ah…. Ok, Houston, we have a problem…

Walter (link): What?

Roxxy: The controls are isomorphic…

Doctor (link): What?!

Roxxy: I can't turn it off, and if I mess with the wiring, I'm afraid I'll blow it up…

Ripley (link): Damn it…. We have to find the guy who repurposed the machine and make him turn it off…

Roxxy: Yep…. I'll catch up with you guys so we can do it together…

Doctor: Told you you'd need me to keep tabs on you lot…

Roxxy: Yeah, no need to rub it in my face…

Doctor: Oh come on, times like these happen so rarely…

Roxxy: And for good reasons…

(Roxxy runs over to the others)

TARDIS Interior

(The Doctor paces around the console)

Doctor: Whoever had repurposed the machine that's in that bath house has to be very intelligent…

(The TARDIS beeps and vorps at the Doctor)

Doctor: OI, don't get smiggy with me…. You're the one who ran away from where I want to be right now!

(The TARDIS beeps)

Doctor: Yes you did, the only technology that could scare you is Metu…

(The Doctor has an epiphany)

Doctor: Oh…. Ooooooooooooooh…. I am an IDIOT!!!!

Roxxy: What, what is it?

Doctor: Metulius technology is based off of spectral ionic energy…. It feeds off Artron energy, and anything powered by Artron energy!!!!

Roxxy: So that means the TARDIS took off without us because someone turned on the engine…

Upper halls

(Roxxy catches up with the five)

Doctor: Exactly!

Walter: So how do we find this guy?

Roxxy: We track him, using Artron energy scanning…

(Roxxy scans the area with her screwdriver)

(The screwdriver emits a high pitched screech over near the third left door)

Roxxy: Over there…

(The teens run over to the door)

Roxxy: Showtime…

(Roxxy slides open the door, the teens walk in)

Main office

(The six look around the room)

Yale: Whoa…

???: Visitors, my love, you never said anything about visitors…

(The six look at a man with a ghost wife)

Walter: Oh my god…

Ghost: My love, you brought children?

???: No I haven't…. GET OUT NOW!!!

Roxxy: Sorry, but we're stuck here until that machine downstairs is shut off…

???: Never…. LEAVE!!!!

Petral: Mate, are you deaf? She said we're stuck 'ere!

???: Leave or I'll make you!!

Yale: Not gonna happen…

???: Then you leave me no choice…

(The man pulls a knife on the six)

(Roxxy disarms the man with her Sonic)

Roxxy: Let's start over…. Hi, I'm Roxxy, and these are my friends…

Ghost: Hello…

???: Do not talk to them Kia…. They are here to separate us!!

Roxxy: Separate you? We just want that machine turned off so we can go home…

???: You lie!!!!

Ripley: She's not lying, were not lying!!

Kia: My love, hear them out…

???: No…. I will not let them take you away from me!!!

Walter: Dude, you seriously need to calm down, you are being very unreasonable and self destructive!!

???: I DON'T CARE!!!!

Bridget: Well, right now you need to, otherwise you're condemning us to an eternity on this planet!

Roxxy: Not to mention, that tech is very unstable right now…

Bridget: What?

Roxxy: He may have found a way to stabilize an apparition, but in order to do that, he destabilized the machine downstairs, and with every growing moment, that machine gets closer and closer to going nuclear!!

Walter: You're kidding me right?!

Roxxy: I wish, look, you need to shut off that machine before it destroys the planet…

???: Then I will be reunited with my Kia…

Yale: Yeah, but you'd be taking nearly 8.5 billion people with you…

???: That is the price I'll pay for love…

Roxxy: You'd condemn this planet to genocide, just to be with one person?!

???: That is what I will do to be with my wife once again…

Petral: Mate, I bet there are about 8.5 billion people who'd say otherwise!!

???: Leave!!!

Roxxy: No…. Not until you shut off that machine…

???: Never!!!


Yale: Roxxy…. If you have a plan, we could really use it right now!!

Roxxy (thought): I need to use this disadvantage into my advantage…. What would the Doctor do?

(Roxxy looks at Kia)

(Roxxy has an idea)

Roxxy: What about Kia?

???: What?

Roxxy: You heard me…. What about your wife?

???: Why is she important to you?

Roxxy: Because, if you destroy the world…. Your business would be finished, and you'd go to the spirit world…. Without her!

Roxxy: You destroy this world, you condemned her to stay on this planet, in this dimension, for eternity…

(The man looks over at his wife)

???: But I love her…

Roxxy: Sometimes, you have to let the ones you love go…. Even if you can keep them here, what's the point?

???: What do you mean?

Roxxy: Why keep them in the dimension, where they can witness you dying?

Yale: !!!

???: But I'm so close to bringing her back, I can't stop now!!

Roxxy: You can't bring back the people you love…. Believe me, I've tried…

???: What do you mean?

Roxxy: A long time ago, I tried to bring back my dad from the dead…. I was so desperate to see my dad again, I ignored the warnings people said to me…. "Don't play god, you end up paying for it…", I didn't care…. And I nearly got myself killed…. Please…. Don't make the same mistakes I did...

(The man looks at his wife)

???: Kia…

Kia: My Dimonji…. I will never leave you…. Please…. Let me go…

(The man looks at the teens and back to his wife)

Dimonji: I promise, I will see you again…

Kia: Go…

(The mann and the teens rush over to the machine)

Main lobby

(The seven look at the machine, it starts glowing)

Roxxy: Oh no…. We spent too long in the office…. It's gone critical!!

Petral: Meanin'?

Roxxy: One wrong move and the planet is incinerated!!!

Dimonji: I'm the only one who can stop it!!!

Roxxy: I know…. C'mon…. Think think think think think…

(Roxxy feels her hoodie pocket, she pulls out the copper and silver Sonic screwdriver)

Roxxy: Use this!!!

(Roxxy tosses over the screwdriver)

Dimonji: What do you want me to do with this?!

Roxxy: Get near it, point the emitter end at the machine, and click the button!!!

Dimonji: What?!

Roxxy: Hurry, we don't have much time!!!

(Dimonji climbs up and over)

(Dimonji crawls over to the machine, he activates the Sonic screwdriver and points it towards the machine)

Dimonji: C'mon, turn off!!!

(The machine deactivates, Dimonji falls into the floor)

(The teens help the man up)

Roxxy: You ok?

Dimonji: I'm fine…

(Roxxy looks over towards the machine)

Roxxy: We need to get rid of that thing…

(The teens and the man hear the TARDIS materialize)

Dimonji: What is that?

(The teens turn around, the TARDIS lands in front of them)

(The Doctor exits the TARDIS)

Doctor: You did it…. You saved the world…

Roxxy: Without you…. For once…

Doctor: Ok no need to rub it in my face…

(Roxxy giggles)

Ripley: What about you, Dimonji, what are you gonna do?

(Dimonji looks at the others, he smiles)

Dimonji: I think I'll catch up on my life that I've been neglecting…

Roxxy: Good luck…

Dimonji: Thank you…

(The man walks out of the building)

Roxxy: Doctor, c'mon, let's get this thing outta here…

(The seven pick up the machine and drag it into the TARDIS)

(The TARDIS dematerializes)

Deep space

(Roxxy and the Doctor push the machine out into space)

Roxxy: Bye bye awful machine…. Hope we never have to deal with you again…

(The Doctor shuts the doors)

TARDIS Interior

(The two rush over to the console)

Roxxy: So, where to next?

Doctor: Don't you want to go home?

Roxxy: It's not going anywhere…. And you always run, so, how about you show us some history…

Doctor: Well…. I was thinking…. Tell Tale Heart, Masque of the Red Death?

Roxxy: Edgar Allen Poe…. I love that…

Doctor: Then what are we waiting for?

(Roxxy walks over towards the handbrake, the Doctor walks over towards the Space Time throttle)

Roxxy: Off we go then…

(Roxxy looks at her friends)

Roxxy: You ready?

Walter: Always…

(Roxxy pulls the handbrake, the Doctor pulls the space time throttle)