"Hmm... Roxanne... Roxanne!" Megamind groaned, rolling over in bed and poking his girlfriend in the cheek to try to wake her up.

"Ugh, what?" She flinched away from his finger and attempted to roll away from him.

"Pudding" He grabbed her arm to stop her roll "pudding and... Pickles" he told her


"She wants pudding with pickles I think"

"Pudding?" She questioned, waking up a little more.


"With pickles?" She struggled to sit up "Oh my god, that sounds amazing"

Megamind chuckled a little and helped her up.

It was the middle of the night, but when an almost six month old fetus starts yelling for pudding, you wake up and get it.

"How long has she been yelling?" Roxanne asked as she sat on a stool in she kitchen while Megamind got her pudding.

"Approximately two hours. I thought she'd eventually give it up, but no" He told her, yawning.

"I'm sorry, Megamind"

"Don't worry about it, my dear" He gently kissed her cheek as he presented her monstrosity of a snack; chocolate pudding and dill pickle spears. He wanted to think it was gross, but she just looked so happy eating it.

"Why're you lookin at me like that?" She asked around her mouthful of pudding. He had to smile

"You're just so beautiful" he told her. She grinned and licked some pickle juice from her lip

"You're only saying that so I don't feel like a fat cow" her cheeks were red and Megamind loved it.

"You are not bovine in any way"

"I feel like it"

"Well, cow or not, I love you just as much" Roxanne rolled her eyes at his corniness, but it made her so happy to hear him say that. The pregnancy hormones had given her insane anxiety and she was sure one day he would up and leave her.

"I love you too" she needed to change the subject before the anxiety took over "I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep for a while... Will you tell me more?"


"Yes, please"

"Pretty soon there will be nothing new to tell you"

"That's a good thing, I want to know everything"

"Okay, anything specific you want to know?" Megamind loved telling her about his people's pregnancy, and Roxanne loved hearing about it.


"Okay, let me see... well right now she should be about the size of an sweet potato. She's probably still all head, I'll check during Wednesday's ultrasound" Megamind explained little bits of info while Roxanne looked amazed. They did an ultrasound once a week to make sure she looked okay.

"She's been better understanding the connections between different things, which is how she was able to specifically ask for this awful meal" he had to laugh a little at the pudding on the corner of Roxanne's mouth, which he gently wiped away.

"That's amazing"

"It really is, since she didn't specifically request those items, but rather the nutrition acquired from them. Like I've told you, she's a genius like her mother" Megamind looked at her like she was a goddess again and Roxanne just melted... Literally "Wh-why are you crying!?"

"I just love you so much. You're the sweetest man in the world" Roxanne forced the words out between sobs. Her bowl lay forgotten while her boyfriend held her.

"Oh, dearest, you're the sweetest. But you must calm down, you're confusing her"

He placed a hand on her belly and she smiled at him, but the tears continued.

As always with her mood swings, he just held her until she was more stable. The baby still didn't understand what was happening, but she did know she wanted more pudding.