
This story is not Canon compliant, I will try and get the facts right, but it's been quite a while since I've seen the movies and also this story will have its own creative twist. I do not own anything you recognize.. which is basically everything whaha. Please provide feedback so I can improve, I am not a native English speaker so I sometimes have trouble phrasing things.

Chapter 1: New Friendship

Harry gazed through the window of his bedroom at the house he was supposed to call home. He scoffed a little. Little Whinging was about as exciting as a dead flubber worm. It was the start of the Christmas holls and the next 3 weeks would be close to torture. Sighting again he brushed a hand trough his messy dark locks. At least he received Dudley's old bedroom, there was that, and he didn't have to do all those horrible chores anymore. Standing up briskly from behind his desk, nearly toppling his chair over and walking towards his dear owl "Hedwig" he murmured "You want to go out?" he asked and the bird chirped happily, playfully nipping at his finger.

Opening the window Hedwig took off quickly, quite pleased to be able to stretch her wings again and feel the chilly winter wind through her feathers. Harry stared at the white bird until she was nothing but a spec. It was getting late and the sun was setting, staring at the beautiful skies he frowned having an unsettling feeling in his gut. He would rather even face Voldemort again then face this boredom. His green eyes widening at the thought. What was he thinking, actually preferring fighting a psychotic killer over simply being bored.. "tsk" he hissed and shook his head.

After a few minutes of staring he decided to go and study, he survived his OWLs with surprisingly good grades and was determined to keep them up. He couldn't forever mooch of the -boy that lived- story. Turning around he was distracted by hissing. Looking around he frowned, what was Voldemort up to now. His heart rate increased, and he frantically looked around, cold sweat gathering all over his back as the hissing increased, not only in volume but also in urgency. It was scared?

$Cold… alone… Master gone.$

"Hey Duds, what are you rummaging trough the trash bro! looking for something for your freaky nephew? "Shut up Peter, I heard something" the chubby boy said and kept digging. Harry leaned over the railing of his window and looked around as the hissing suddenly seemed to stop.

"It's a snake! Awesome!" Peter shouted enthusiastically. That certainly got Harry's attention. "Tiny snake though, lets burn it!" Dudley said with a sadistic smirk on his face. Harry always suspected the boy was off his rockers and this only confirmed it.

$Be gone fat human.. .leave nagini be, I kills you and eats you..$ came the threatening hiss as she raised her head trying to be imposing. Unfortunately for her the size of her didn't quite relay the message.

"Look at the tiny snake trying to be all bad-ass. C'ome on Duds lets grab it and go to the hide out! I'll build a fire and we can spit roast it, I've always wanted to try that out, pretend like I'm surviving in the jungle. "Peter said slightly impatient but mostly annoyed as he didn't want to get caught rummaging trough trash.

Dudley snorted like a pig and with courage and speed that surprised Harry grabbed the head of the snake tightly before walking off. The snake struggling and trying to coil around the hand that was holding him. But she was cold, tired and weak so after a few tries she just hung still, her body dragging trough the snow.

Harry snapped out of his daze and quickly grabbed his wand and coat before running downstairs only to be blocked by his Uncle. "And where do you think you're going at this hour hmm?". Harry frowned and couldn't help but pull a face that portrayed his disgust at the man. He smelled like meat sweat and other unpleasant things. "I am going for a walk, I have trouble focusing on my homework" he said and tried to move past his tub of lard uncle. Vernon was not having it and turned slightly red faced at the dismissive tone of the boy. "You may have received additional benefits in our house boy, but that does not mean that you can disobey our rules!" Vernon hollered, spittle hitting Harry on his cheek. Harry however felt like he had to, no, needed to go outside and save the snake. His head was starting to hurt and his scar tingled a little.

"Let me pass" he warned his uncle. Vernon however was oblivious to the signs of the increasingly upset young wizard and just smirked, enjoying being a pain in the boys ass. "No" he said simply and put his arms in his sides.

Harry took a deep breath and clenched his fists, they were trembling as an emotion he didn't recognize course through his veins. His sorry excuse for a nephew was about to kill something that he felt he needed to save, that poor snake didn't deserve this fate. His scar tingled again and he felt a tug in his mind, nudging him to take action.

"I said MOVE" he snarled and grasped his wand digging it under one of the fat mans chins. He vaguely told himself to clean his wand later as the tip dug into the sweaty rolls. The man paled as he saw the look in Harry's eyes and the feeling of the wand digging into his skin, his retort of him not being allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts died on his lips as he saw the near crazed look in the boys eyes.

Swallowing nervously, he stepped aside allowing Harry to pass. The moment Harry walked through the door Vernon had gotten his bearings back. "Freak!" he spat and slammed the door closed.

Crossing the street, he felt a pull in his gut, he just knew what way to go and he knew time was running out for the poor snake. $I'm coming, hold on.. almost there$. He hissed even though there was no-one to hear him. His heart slammed in his rib-cage, his whole body pulsing, screaming at him to go faster, urging him on. Save Nagini…kill the boys kill.. a voice in the back of his head almost screamed.

In the meanwhile Peter had gotten a fire going and rubbed his hands, warming them over the fire. "You ready Duds?". Dudley frowned and looked at the snake in his hands, how were they going to do this, he certainly didn't want to get bitten. "That snake is going to bite me, how on earth do you want to spit roast it?" he asked. Peter rolled his eyes "I dunno, kill it first? "he grunted "it's not rocket science jo..just smash its head it with a rock or stab it or sumthing" he shrugged nodding at the knife in Dudley's pocket.

Dudley dug his hand in his pocket and pulled out the small pocket knife, flipping it open and looking at the now frantic snake who had seemingly understood the conversation between the boys. "haha look at it squirming!" he said and slammed the snake down on the cold muddy floor raising his arm to bring the knife down and pin the poor snake to the ground.

$master.. please help nagini!$ the snake hissed panicking and braced herself for the inevitable.

"Don't move Dudley".

Dudley froze as he felt a familiar poke in his neck. This was the second time he got threatened by Harry with his wand and it made his whole body paralyze in fear. Sweat gathering on his head as he breathed through his nose, nose wings flaring as he halted all movement in his body, knife still raised in the air, ready to strike.

"Release.. the snake" Harry growled digging the wand in a tad deeper into the boys skin. "s'just a snake P..potter.." came the stammered words. Peter frowned "hey, what do you think your doing, Duds kick his ass man!" he shouted and Dudley paled at his friends words. "He didn't mean it! here, take the fucking snake!" Dudley practically screamed and tossed the little snake towards Harry, the poor creature curled up in a little ball to protect itself.

$Don't be afraid little one, I can help you$. Harry hissedand lowered a hand to the cold floor, palm down beckoning the snake to slither to him. $You speak the tongue..?$. Harry gave the snake a kind smile and nodded. $I will not let any-one harm you, I swear it$.

Peter didn't quite understand what was going on, but the moment he heard Harry hissing and the snake responding he freaked out. "I'm out duds, see ya later bro!" he said and took off.

Nagini slowly unfurled herself from her position and slowly moved towards the hand, she seemed to hesitate for a second before moving forward and curling her body around the boys wrist, scales sliding over his skin reveling in the heat of his skin.

Harry shivered as he felt the cold scales move over his arm. Poor thing was freezing! Pulling back his wand from Dudleys neck he pocketed it. "Don't you dare mention this to uncle and aunt, do you understand?" he said coldly, his green eyes peering down at the fat excuse of a boy. "yeah.. sure no words" Dudley muttered and absently rubbed the spot on his neck where the wand had pressed down.

Harry got up and took a deep breath, all was ok, the snake was safe, he was successful. The throbbing in his head and tingling of his scar had disappeared and he felt lighter for some reason and cursed the rules of not being allowed to use Magic yet outside of Hogwarts.

Walking off he felt the snake slither up his arm towards his neck and it curled around it, not tight but tight enough to feel the silky scales move on his skin with each movement of the snake.

$Nagini was it.. familiar name $. Harry hissed softly. Nagini stayed silent. $You must be tired, I will take you home but you can't show yourself to any of my relatives, they are not kind.. actually the boy that tried to kill you is my nephew$. At this news he felt the coils of the snake tighten somewhat. $jussst stay close to me and you will be safe$.

Harry returned home quickly and ran upstairs slamming his door closed and locking it. He took off his coat and gently coaxed the snake off his neck so he could have a good look at her. His hand gently caressed the scales to check for injuries. The snake seemed to lean into the touch much like a cat would do and reared her head. She was definitely a constrictor, perhaps a royal python, seeing her size. Her markings where off so he got his phone and googled some photos of various snakes and held the phone next to her. $This one?$ Harry asked as he pointed at the royal python picture.

Nagini shook her head and her forked tongue flickered out to the screen. $Nagini big snake$ came the hiss. Harry chuckled and gently petted the snake on her head. $You sure are$.

Yawning he stretched and grunted as his vertebrae popped satisfyingly. "Time to get some rest, you can sleep with me if you want to keep warm" he whispered and winked. His uncle and aunt would shut down the heating of the house soon to save money and the nights in winter could be rather cold.

Undressing and changing to his dark green PJ's he chuckled to himself, Ron would clobber him if he ever saw Harry in Slytherin green PJ's. But in all honestly preferred the dark green color opposed to the royal red of Gryffindor. A stab of sadness made him rub his chest some as he thought about his friends.

$Young master is sick?$ came the curious inquiry from his new friend. $No Nagini, I just miss my friends.. life is not always easy… I wish I was just a normal boy.. no that's not true, I love Magic, just without always having to fear for my life would be nice"$. He hissed and stroked the lightning bolt scar before he quite realized what he was doing. Nagini slithered on his hand again as Harry moved to his bed and settled himself into the fluffy blankets.

$You knows name Nagini, what isss the name of young master?"$. Harry blinked and realized he hadn't even introduced himself " Harry.. " he muttered and felt his eyes start to droop. He felt so tired suddenly and before he knew it he fell asleep, the Snake he had rescued curled up on his chest under his PJ's.

$Hharry..Potter$ Nagini hissed and and settled down for rest as well. She wished her Master was here, having no idea what had happened to her, one moment she was about to enjoy a fresh kill, courtesy of her master and the next moment she saw a large flash and was flung so an unknown location, much and much smaller. The first thing she did was try and contact her master but when she tried she felt like she hit a mental wall. She felt she could send thoughts to her master but could not receive them. Or so it seemed. And now in a deranged twist of fate, she ended up being saved by none other then the boy who lived, Harry Potter himself. She wondered how it was that he didn't recognize who she was. She focused again and tried to reach for her master but running into the same wall, hissing in frustration Nagini closed her eyes and tried to rest while she could, she was a good snake and could always try later.

Little did they both know that the moment Harry had touched her, Nagini had successfully managed to open a link with her master providing the information needed.

One hour prior

Lord Voldemort sat on his throne, tapping a long thin finger on the arm rest. In front of him Malfoy sr. was kneeling in the cold dirt. His form trembling slightly and his normally impeccable platinum blond hair in disarray. "Why..have you not found her! Are you THAT incompetent!?" Voldemort roared and with a furious hiss fired another Crucio at the Malfoy taking great enjoyment in seeing him writhe in the mud. "P..please my lord!" came the scream.

After about 10 seconds he lifted the curse with an elegant flick of his wand leaving Malfoy sitting in a puddle of his own vomit, piss and mud. "You disgust me Luciussss.. Go away and do not bother to return unless you have news of my precious Nagini" he spat waving a hand dismissing the man.

Lucius got up, hurting and embarrassed. "Y-yes my L-lord" he said and bowed as graciously as his cruciatus affected body could handle before turning on his heel and disapparated from the location.

Voldemort clenched his fists, red eyes glinting in pure rage when he suddenly felt her. $Nagini..$ he hissed and leant forward in his throne. Where was she.. she was scared, and cold, and hurt. .then he felt warmth and the moment Nagini had touched Harry's skin, Voldemort's eyes rolled back in his head and a vision formed. He saw her being grabbed by a fat boy, they threatened to do unspeakable things to his precious one. Rage consumed him but left him all together when he saw who saved her, those cursed green eyes vividly burned into his mind. $Harry Potter…$ he hissed so stunned that he reverted to Parseltongue. The next few moments he saw flashes of the address, the house, the boys bedroom and him trying to identify what type of snake Nagini was.

An amused chuckle left him as he realized the boy who lived did not seem to recognize his precious. Perhaps that was for the best for now. The location of Harry's safehouse had always been an enigma for him, until now… his beautiful Horcrux had connected with Harry, how this was possible he did not know yet. Falling out of the vision Voldemort gasped as he returned to reality. Thank merlin he was alone, it wouldn't simply do to have to explain this to his followers. Panting from exertion he laughed, not a superficial chuckle but a full blown belly laugh as he finally had an opportunity to end it all! Tonight, he would kill his long-life nemesis, the one that took his life, his body and prevented him to fully executing his plans so far. "Yess… after tonight dear Harry, you will be no more!" he hissed sibilantly before gracefully standing up from his throne, his black robes flowing behind him. "There you..are" he almost purred and with a loud pang disaparated straight to Harrys bedroom.