And now here season 2. This chapter follow right after Danny gets shot and the Four Guardians are down to three members for a few chapters. I'm also bring in a character from Mega Man Zero 2. I'm also going to bring in more Danny Phantom episodes as well. So then, start off season 2!

Leviathan's Love

The Fentons, Friestroms, and Whitewaters all sat in the main waiting room, waiting for the news about Danny. Shortly after Danny pass out, the medics came and try to stop the bleed long enough to get him to the hospital. They took to the ER room and everyone been waiting since. It wasn't long before Tucker and Sam rush in, finally getting away from their parents.

"Anything?!" Tucker asked only for Henry to shake his head no.

Sally look at the doors hoping that Danny was okay. He just save her life, he took a shot that was met for her. She look over to Jack and Maddie, both of them worry sick about their son. Even Jazz was trying to be still, but was growing worry each second.

"Mads, about Danny..." Sally started to say.

"No, it's fine. I'm not mad. I proud of him. Even if we spend too much time on ghosts, I'm proud of Danny doing the right thing." Maddie spoke up.

"I, for one, am very thankful for Danny saving Sally. He a strong boy, I know he'll fight through this." Victor said.

"You bet he will! I find out who try to hurt my son or my name isn't Jack Fenton!" Jack almost shouted.

Nicole sat down in a nearby chair and had some doctors look over her when they were inform about her illness. Nicole stated she was more worry about her son friend then her own well being at the moment, but did allow the doctors to do a check up on her.

"Excuse me."

Everyone look up and saw a tall, young man with a long, high-collared fuchsia coat with a cyan shirt and black tight pants completed by white gloves. He was wearing a helmet that covers half of his face and head featuring a fuchsia head light that bore some resemblance to a beret also combined with his long and blond curly hair.

"My apologies for interpreting, but I here about the assassination that took place earlier today?" He asked.

"And you are?" Sam asked.

"Oh yes, where are my manners, I'm Officer Elpizo. Lovely to meet you all." The man said and gave a small bow.

"What Elpizo? The same Elpizo that was once part of a group that rebel against Neo Arcadia?" Liv asked had hearing the name.

"Oh? You're from Neo Arcadia?" Elpizo asked surprise.

"Yes, I'm Sally Whitewater. I was the target." Sally spoke up.

"I see, are you alright my dear?" Elpizo asked.

"My wife is fine, but it was the Fentons Son that took the hit." Victor answer.

"Really, and how is the young man doing?" Elpizo asked.

"We don't know. We have heard anything yet." Henry said.

"Let's back up a bit. You rebel against Neo Arcadia?" Fred asked.

"It was a long time ago. I have change my ways. I'm now a new reploid, so to speak." Elpizo clear up.

Before anyone could say more, the doors open and the doctor step up. Liv, unable to stop herself, run up to him, hoping for good news.

"How is he?" She asked.

"The good news is, the boy alive." The Doctor said, making everyone sigh in relief.

"However, he shouldn't been." The Doctor added.

"What?" Jack asked surprise.

"The damage that done to him, he shouldn't survivre it. The shot was a plasma bolt, I realize the burn marks on him. The shot somehow just stop mere inches from his heart." The Doctor said.

"WHAT?!" Every adult shouted as Henry, Fred, and Liv look at each other.

"I can't explain it, but it appear he'll alive, but is in a coma. There no telling when he'll wake up." Doctor said, still wondering how a boy survivre a plasma shot.

"Can we see him?" Liv asked.

"I'm afraid you have to wait. It late and I think it better for you to all get some sleep. Don't worry, he'll still be here." The Doctor said.

Liv was about to argue, but Henry place his hand on her shoulder, shaking his head. Liv sigh and back away, but could tell Henry was thinking of something.

"I guess that true. I was hoping to ask you all questions, but you all had a long night. You can come down to the station in the morning and well talk about what happen." Elpizo said.

"Okay, we know Danny is okay and we can breath a bit easier at that. I know we all want to know what's going on, but let's get some sleep." Henry said look at Liv, and Fred.

Everyone had to agree, they were tired and need their sleep. However Jack and Maddie refuse to leave wanting to be near their son. Jazz was able to get them to sleep in a empty guest room that the hospital had. Henry look at his mom who nods back. Fred and his father head back home but Fred look back at the hospital. Liv and her parents got in their limbo, giving Sam and Tucker ride back home. But Liv was more worry about Danny.

All three had the same thought, whoever was behind the assassination, might try and finish the job and if they heard about Danny surviving the attack, they might and finish him before he could wake up.

Later that night...

Leviathan had the first watch. She saw on the roof of the hospital where Danny was resting. She couldn't believe what was happening. She was so happy to hear that her parents decided to stay in Amity Park, giving her more of a chance to tell Danny her feelings, but then the assassination appear. Her mother was the target and Danny save her, only to take the shot himself. He's alive, thanks goodness for that, thanks to what she and the other think was his armor. Leviathan sigh and floated down to the window towards the room Danny was in. Unable to stop herself, she open the window and climb in. She walk over to Danny and look over his records.

Thankfully, the staff didn't find any trace of his armor. When Leviathan decide to see the damage first hand, she gasp in shock and back away. The damage was really bad, the doctors were able to cover it up, but the wrapings were coming lose. She was going to change them when she saw it. There was a huge hole in Danny's chest, in fact just by looking in it, she could see Danny's heart, beating slowly to match his breath. Leviathan shook her head and finish putting on the clean bandages. Once she was done, she look at Danny sleeping face. She recalls that sometimes a person could hear them while they sleep.

"Danny? Can you hear me? It me, Liv." Leviathan whisper so no one could hear her.

"I glad you are alright. The Doctors said you were luckily. But me and the others think it was your armor that stop the shot. I'm here to thank for saving my mom life. And there's something I been wanting to tell you. I like you Danny. No I think the better word for it is, I love you Danny. It started when we first met, you know when you were sign as my tour guide back at school. Remember the maverick attack? Remember when you first save my life? I was upset at your action, but the more I thought about it, the more I started to see the real you. You treated me like a normal girl even when you had no idea who I was. And even after learning about who I was, you continue to do so. You were so brave, so funny and so cute. I been wanting to tell you for some time, but I was inform about you being clueless about a girl liking you. Most girls wouldn't like that, but me? I think you're cute when you are clueless. I been wanting to go on a date with you, but I was waiting for you to ask me first. All the times that my parents tease me was because they approve of you. Fred was just trying to get me to tell you my feelings, but I was too, well, old fashioned. I don't know if you will remember this when you wake up, but I thought it better to tell you now. I love you Danny, no matter what." Leviathan finally confess.

She careful lead over and give Danny a quick kiss on his lips. She back away and felt her lips. That was her first kiss and she had no idea what to feel. It felt like she had a small jolt travel through her and was begging for more. However before Leviathan could think of anything else, she could something heading for the hospital in the corner of her eye. She knew it wasn't Harpuia or Fefnir, they would have call her to let her know they were coming. So she decided to hide until the bed that Danny was in and wait to see who coming.

It wasn't long before she saw a Ninja Reploid enter the room and walk up towards Danny. Leviathan carefully crawl back to the other side, so the reploid didn't see her. She carefully peek over the side and saw the Reploid look over Danny's records like she did and then did some hand signs. She watch as a green glow appear and place them on Danny chest. She watch as the green glow seem to cover the hole in Danny chest and remain there for a few seconds, before the glow faded. The Ninja Reploid step back and gave a small bow to him before leaving.

Leviathan stood up and check Dany chest. To her surprise, the hole was mostly seal up, she couldn't see Danny's heart any more. She now a bigger question, who was that and why did they help Danny? She didn't understand but this was something that she had to tell the others.

"Fairy Leviathan?"

Leviathan turn and saw the Fentons standing out the door, shock to see her.

"What are you doing here?" Maddie asked.

"Me and the other Guardians heard what happen. We are looking for the person that's behind the assassination, however, we are also afraid whoever did this might come back and finish the job if they hear your son is still alive. I came in here to check on him myself, I didn't know you were here." Levithan quickly said.

Jack and Maddie accept that, but Jazz was wondering the real reason she was here. But because her parents where in the same room, she had to wait until it was safe.

"I had a look at the records and saw the damage myself. I'm quite surprised that he survive the attack." She said.

"Yes, the Doctors said that it was going to be long recovery for Danny. They're not such how long it would take." Jack asked and sat down in a nearby chair.

Leviathan was thinking about telling the Fentons about the Ninja Reploid, but didn't want to worry them any more. She then started to head towards the window and got ready to climb out.

"Wait, where are you going?" Jazz asked.

"I'm heading back to the roof. Me and the others are going to take turns watching. We are staying close by just incase." She answer.

"No please, stay here with us. It actually would be nice to talk with one of the Four Guardians." Maddie said.

"Are you sure? If you need some time with your son..." Leviathan asked.

"We're sure. Please sit." Maddie said offering her a chair.

Leviathan sigh, she wanted to refuse and head back to the roof. But if she and Danny get together, then she might as well get to know his parents a bit more.

'No that if we get together, when we get together, once Danny wakes up I'm telling him my feelings. Face to face and not when he's in a coma.' Leviathan thought and shut the window.

"Very well, I'm only able to stay until Harpuia or Fefnir relieved me, or there trouble that needs all of us." She said sitting down.

The Fentons smile and they started to talk with her. Leviathan smile as she listen to Jack and Maddie tell her about their lives a bit. She also had to remember that they don't know who she really is and had to act if she never knew, which wasn't too hard. One could say she learn a lot about Danny's family. Things that made her laugh or flinch on what she was told.

It was few hours later, when Jack and Maddie finally feel asleep. Jazz, who was still awake but very tired, decide to talk to Leviathan with her real questions.

"Okay, why are you really here?" She asked.

"I wasn't lying about watching over Danny. But I had to see him, I was worry about him. I even saw the damage, Jazz. It was way worse than it look back on the stage." Leviathan said.

"How bad?" Jazz asked worry.

"I could see Danny's heart. I could see it beating. The shot made a huge hole in his chest." She answered.

"My god..." Jazz gasp.

"There something else. When I was checking on Danny, I spotted someone heading this way. I hid and waiting for whoever was coming. I was surprise it was a Ninja Reploid. It did the same as me, check his records and look over Danny. Then it made some hand signs and they let out a green glow. It place them on Danny chest and I think it heal him. Once it left, I check on it to myself it didn't hurt Danny. However I was surprise that that the hole in Danny's chest was mostly seal up. I couldn't see his heart anymore." Leviathan said, leaving out her confession of her love towards Danny.

She knew she never live it down if Fred heard about this. However Jazz was smarter and knew she was hiding something.

"Is that all?" She asked, smirking.

"Yes, that's all." Leviathan said, not wanting to tell her.

"Are you you didn't come in here to get a kiss from him?" Jazz smirk seeing Leviathan face turn red.

"What!? How did you know?" She asked.

"You just told me." Jazz giggle.

"Jazz you can't tell anyone! If Fred hears about this, he'll never let me live it down! You can't tell!" Leviathan told her, trying not to shout.

"Don't worry your secret's safe with me. After all, Danny kept my love for Henry a secret it only fair I do the same." Jazz said.

"Thanks Jazz." Leviathan said, smiling.

"Sure, I think you make a great sister-in-law." Jazz tease.

"Not you too!" Leviathan groan.

The two girl talk a bit more before Leviathan got the message that Fefnir was on his way to take over. The noise woke up Jack and Maddie, they yawn and notices Leviathan getting up.

"Sorry, but Fefnir is on his way to take over. I have to head to the roof to inform him about what happen so far." She said.

"I see, let him know that he and other others are more then welcome to come down and talk to us." Maddie smile.

"I'll do that. Thank you for asking to join you. You are really going people and a great family." Leviathan said before opening the window and head back towards the roof.

Jazz knew that the others need to know what Leviathan told her. She could let Sam and Tucker know while Liv can inform Fred and Henry. Of course she couldn't anyone about her confession about her love for Danny. She promise after all. However she was worry about what Leviathan told her. Why would a Ninja Reploid help Danny? And what does it want?

And done! Here it is people! Season 2 of the Four Guardians. The next four to five chapters, is going be about everyone experiences about the shooting, and the Guardians look for clues to how was trying assassin Sally and why Danny took the hit instead. Now just because Liv confess her love, doesn't mean Danny and Liv are getting together just yet. Danny is in a coma and Jazz is the only one that know about it. I still plan on having them get together, but that will be later. Also the villains for this season, is going to be the Eight Gentle Judges, I know they are the main bosses in Mega Man Zero 3, but I decide to bring them in this season because I have a whole different idea for Season 3, which I save for that season. Please review!