A/N: Ah. My first story that's actually finished. I might occasionally add more chapters onto this story, just for the fun of it. Every couple of years or so, for the couple. To make this clear, year 8 means the eighth year that Dramione have been a couple, meaning 5 years after the previous chapter. Enjoy! Reviews appreciated..

"Daddy!" A small voice whispered. "You said we could make waffles!"

Draco opened his eyes from his place on the bed to the small girl and boy standing in front of him. Their eyes were wide with excitement as they waited for him to get up.

"Fine." He grumbled playfully yet quietly as he tried not to wake his sleeping wife. As he stood up and pulled on pants and a button-up shirt, he instructed, "Go down to the kitchen and wash your hands. With soap!" The two quickly complied, and running feet were the only noises that could be heard in the echoing hallways of the Malfoy Residence.

"Scorpius Malfoy! Get down from there!" Draco scolded his four year old son who was standing on top of the counter, rummaging through the cupboards. The boy himself looked slightly dismayed as he climbed down. "But Daddy, we need spinkles!" Draco smiled at him.

"If you need something from a high place, you ask for help. Don't worry, I'll get the sprinkles. And remember what Mommy and I said about practicing your 'r's."

The young boy nodded, but then went on to discussing what colour sprinkles to use with his younger sister, who just smiled and giggled, not paying attention at all.

"Okay, you two. We have two waffles!" Draco was proud of himself for figuring out the 'stupid muggle contraption' without barely any help! He was now swirling whipped cream onto the battered duo as he spoke to his children. "What colour sprinkles, Scorp? Have you and Leggy picked one yet?" He asked. Of course, Allegra, who was only 2 couldn't really voice her opinion, but both her brother and father knew what colour she would pick. "Yeah! Geen."

Draco smiled encouragingly at his son. "I'm sorry, I didn't understand."

Scorpius whined slightly. "G..awreen spawrinkles." He said, still with a whine in his voice. "Very good, bud!" Draco walked around the two sprawled on the floor and reached into the cupboard in search of sprinkles, specifically green. He finally found what he was looking for.

"Aha! Scorpius, do you want to help Allegra pour the sprinkles? Not too much though!" He lifted them both up to level with the counter, sitting them down both on top. "You can do that, and I'll brew the tea."

He turned his back on the toddlers as he filled the kettle with water and set in on the stove to boil. Draco Malfoy had gotten quite used to using muggle appliances and doing things without a house elf, and he found that he actually enjoyed cooking certain things, but only on his terms, not by the terms of some stupid waffle maker.

He turned his back and groaned. The waffled had been successfully doused in green, the sprinkles were now melting, causing both the waffles and the hands and faces of his children. The looked up at him, trying to hide the guilt on their faces.

"I think that's enough sprinkles." He told them, but couldn't help but chuckle a little at the scene. After he had managed to clean them up, the kettle sounded.

"Quick! Scorpius, go upstairs and wake Mommy up. Leggy and I will bring up the tray." Scorpius nodded, and for the second time that morning, attacked the stairs.

When Draco had finally made his way up the stairs watching his daughter climb up in front of him, Hermione was wide awake and waiting for the remainder of her family to enter the room with a smile on her face and Scorpius on her lap.

Her face brightened when she saw her daughter crawl in, followed by her husband carrying a tray with some green waffled with green-tinted syrup and some green whipped cream. She laughed when he noticed her looking at the green food and he grimaced slightly.

He brought the tray up to the bed, and set it down beside her, then leaned down and kissed his wife on the forehead. "Happy Birthday, babe." Hermione raised her head to him and kissed him. "Thank you." She said. She turned to her children and opened her arms, into which they ran into and embraced. "Thank you, my sweets! It looks delicious!"

They smiled at her, and Scorpius made sure to add in, "I made the waffles, and Leggy poured the spawrinkles. Daddy just made a mess." He smirked playfully at his father from his mothers arms. "Is that so?" Hermione questioned, laughing. "Well, then. I bet they're spectacular!"

Hermione made sure to take a big bite, appeasing her children. "Awr they yummy?" Scorpius asked inquisitively. "Yes! Very yummy. Would you like to try?" Scorpius nodded enthusiastically. Hermione cut a piece of green waffle for him, and then a smaller piece for Allegra. Allegra ate it well, with a continuous grin on her face, and Scorpius gave lots of emphasized sounds to indicate that they were indeed yummy.

"Wow! I'm a good cook!" Scorpius announced happily. Draco laughed along with his wife and ruffled his son's hair. "Yes you are, my little Slytherin."

The family laughed and ate the green waffles, and enjoyed basking in eachother's presence. And just being that way,

all was well.