I do not own Harry Potter, The Hobbit, or The Lord of The Rings. There will be several original characters throughout this story. I sincerely hope you enjoy. ;)

The Last Valar's Champions

Ministry Invitation

Harry James Potter sat at the desk in the Black library surrounded by every tome with the mere mention of the "Veil". The many losses of the war were burdening Harry; Sirius' death however plagued him. Harry felt in his very being that there had been something he was missing. That there was a greater reason for fate to remove his Godfather from him after so many years of pain. There had to be a reason.

Harry had finally found, after days of research, a book that seemed to instantly answer his questions as he opened the cover and read the first page. He spent his days and nights for two weeks with this single book in hand. Kreature, with great protest, refused to allow him to take the book with him in the bath.

Finally he had his answer. He had been sitting for hours now staring at the final page of the most ancient of all the tomes in his library. Margin notes, of members in the Black family, had been on every page in plethora. The most helpful, however, were also the most troubling. Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black had put it all together years before. 'How could the Lieutenant of Voldermort be this same woman who wrote this brilliant conclusion?' But it all made sense. She had made sure he would find this tome. She was in utter glee in the death of Sirius because it would lead him here. This was more important than anything. This put everything in perspective and he had to prepare. 'Luna has never let me down. Never letting me stray with her almost indecipherable tales and comments of hidden wisdom. Dumbledore never new what hit him.' Harry thought after remembering the strange thing she said to him when he finally returned from his bed in Gryffindor tower and he had met her on the stairs.

Harry closes the tome after completing it to memory and casts incendio. Once the tome is completely gone he casts an aguamenti to put out the fire and then a tergio to clean the ashes from the desk. He could not take the risk of someone sneaking in and finding it. There were only two people on the face of the earth that he could trust with this information who weren't already dead and they would not be informed of until it was over. 'Too much is at stake.' But there was the family that still existed who could count Black as their ancestry. He had so much work ahead of him and he must be prepared. He immediately called Kreature and set him to task as then apporated and made his way to Gringotts.


Four months after the war and hide nor hair of Harry had been seen but for a few letters assuring them he was fine. Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley were beside theirselves. "Mione, Harry has never gone this long without telling us what he was up to. It's just not right!" Ron exclaims with righteous fury. He felt compassion for Harry, but fell short on his reasoning to blame himself for all the deaths of war. Nobody could possibly blame The-Boy-Who-Saved-All-Their-Asses for any of it. To his strategic mind it was barmy. "Ron, just because you have the largest case of emotional constipation that the least bit of feeling causes you physical pain, doesn't mean we all do. Harry was our leader. The great burden he carries on his shoulders is the sign of a true noble hero." Hermione glares at Ron with accusation. "You don't have to have feelings to know that Mione... and that really hurt!" Ron says back with his own playful accusing stare. "What?!, the little emotion you had to just feel?!" Hermione returns with a betraying laugh at the end of her statement. They had both been to the point of catatonic with grief for weeks after the final battle. Need of being reminded to eat and sleep; not being able to finish a sentence once started. They both knew it was even harder for Harry. Their constant bickering was a return to normalcy. A constant in their relationship. But how could they bring Harry back? Sure, Kreature was almost certainly making sure he ate, bathed, and slept... but how much could the crotchety house elf really do to ease the burden Harry was carrying?

Interrupting both Hermione and Ron's thoughts was a pecking sound coming from the Burrow's living room window. Ron reaches over and opens the window to allow what seems to be two Ministry owls carrying ornate envelopes. Each receiving their envelope, and opening it, read:

Dear Hermione J Granger / Ronald B Weasley

You are cordially invited to the meeting of the Wizongamot held at the Ministry located in White Hall. There must be carful actions taken at this time for the betterment of the people. We must have all the facts before we can make proper decisions on where to go from here. We understand that you are inseparable from one Harry J Potter Savior-Of-The-Wizarding-World and can give us a well rounded view of exactly what happened in the past several years in regards to You-Know-Who. Please join us at 7am in courtroom 7 on the 25th of August. Refreshment will be provided along with a luncheon. We expect to be through by early afternoon, but will provide a banquet for dinner regardless at 7pm in the Ministry Hall. Attire is formal.

Best Regards,

Lady Maphelda G Pyrethrum

Ministry of Magic Undersecretary

"Well that sounds all right, but how are we going to get Harry there?" Ron asks both himself and Hermione aloud. "I am sure we will have to drag him kicking and screaming the whole way. Do you think he has any formal robes since the Yule Ball during the Tri-Wizard tournament?" Hermione asks already knowing the answer to be in the negative and already wondering if it would be easier to measure him without his knowledge or just drag him to Madam Malkin's. "You don't happen to know the spell for getting measurements do you Mione?" Ron asks thinking along the lines of Hermione and answering her own question of best strategy. "Best go now before he has the chance to open his own invitation." Hermione responds while getting up and heading for the fireplace in the kitchen. Ron quickly follows suit and catches up with her as she says "Number Twelve Grimwald Place, Padfoot" and walks into the unearthly green fire. Ronald, who had been trying to guess the password for access to Grimwald Place for the last several days, began chastising himself for the obvious password as he grabbed a pinch of flue powder following Hermione through the green flames.


Harry Potter was sitting at the Kitchen Table reading his expected letter from the Ministry when his best friends exited the fireplace. Harry had Kreature prepare afternoon tea and biscuits for the expected pair. "Your new robes are in the sitting room. I ordered them yesterday and they arrived by owl just an hour ago. You can stay the night here and we can leave together first thing in the morning. Kreature has been kind enough to prepare you both rooms." Matching looks of dumbstruck and abject horror adorned Hermione and Ron's faces. Who was this person and what had they done with Harry?! Shaking themselves loose from their thoughts Hermione started casting every revealing spell she knew at the imposter while Ron was incessantly asking questions he thought only the real Harry would know.

Harry humored them, mostly, by letting this go on for well over 20 minutes. Eventually interrupting by mentioning the tea was getting cold again and poor Kreature had already reheated it twice since their arrival. Hermione quickly flung herself toward Kreature pulling him into a greatly fought away hug while she let out a stream of thanks and apologies. Kreature was both horrified and apoplectic. He had served the great house of Black for years uncountable and never had anything horrified him more. Ron very quickly clapped Harry on the back with silent praise and absolute adoration. Only the real Harry James Potter could misdirect Mione and pay Kreature his dues for what was most likely a very temperamental set of months with just the the two of them. Feeling the punishment had bordered on the line of cruelty, Ron pulled a still sobbing Hermione from Kreature and lead her to the sitting room. "Kreature... I believe you will need to warm the tea and biscuits again and move them to the sitting room table." Harry said with a smile that would make the hairs on even Voldermort's neck (if he had hair) stand on end. "Move it yourself!" Kreature bellowed as he blinked away to an undisclosed location, most likely to compose himself. Harry chuckled as he levitated the platter and headed towards the sitting room. He wasn't worried about Kreature because he had absolutely forbid the elf from punishing himself and knew that not following the order of his master was adding to the just punishment. Kreature would be cautious for years after this. He had assured the elf that he could find ways to correct his behavior if the elf didn't want to cooperate, without corporal punishment. How could anyone be surprised when the twins used to confide in him? He dearly missed Fred and the letters from George proved that he would never fully recover. There was just something special about twins. He knew they didn't actually share a soul; however, there wasn't a more apt description. He had to be strong and complete this mission. Everything would work out in the end.


Harry, Hermione, and Ron sat for several hours in the sitting room before retiring early to their rooms. Hermione had punched Harry in the shoulder once she had realized what he had done and then hugged him while sobbing into his shoulder with mumbles of thanks for the most beautiful robs she had ever seen. Ron just chuckled and wondered how lucky he was to have a friendship with Harry. He had screwed up so many times and Harry had not even let him apologize. He was just accepted back into the fold with no explanation necessary each time. What had started out as envy years before, has turned into absolute loyalty. Harry loved him truly as a brother in all but blood and nothing would ever come between them again. Ron would protect him with his life if need be. Nobody had ever shown so much faith in him but Harry. He made him want to be a better bloke with no judgment or guilt. For never having a friend before he met him; Ron felt that Harry was a master at friendships.


Early the next morning Kreature woke his master after preparing his bath. He made sure his master's orders from days previous were fulfilled to the letter. He would never show it; but he was proud to have his master and his master had shown to be a true Black at heart. He could remember how upset the family had been when master Arcturus Black had allowed his sister to marry a Potter. None of the family could comprehend it. Master Arcturus had told Kreature that it was a decision most important. The Black family had ancient obligations and duties. He confided in Kreature that the Future would depend on Kreature to respect an heir that would come from the House of Potter. That he would become the head of the Black family and erase the sins of the past and future. Kreature had not realized that his Master Harry was whom Master Arcturus spoke of until he had taken his role as head of the family with pride and honor. Kreature's heart truly broke at the revelation of the Tome his Miss Bella had spent hours upon hours studying. His family had bore the weight of the world and no house elf could be prouder to serve them than Kreature. Today was the day everything would change.

Hermione woke to her wand's vibration. It was a variation on the Tempus spell learned early in Hogwarts. Why Harry and Ron almost refused to use it on a daily basis; she had tired of arguing over it after third year. She had set her alarm in time for her to bathe and get ready before taking care of getting up her boys. She reached for her goblet on the night stand to find a letter. It had not been there the night before.


I have argued with myself over how much you should know about today's events. I came to the decision after talking to you and Ron. The Ministry cannot be trusted. The prophesy I was told by Dumbledore is incomplete. The prophesy is as old as the Black family. I cannot write it down, but you will here it before today is out if you can trust me. I need you to trust me and not ask questions Hermione. I need you to know that what we face today will not truly be the end and great measures have been taken to ensure our survival. You are my sister in all but blood. Please get ready and join me for breakfast. Do not worry about waking Ron and I; it has already been taken care of. Burn this letter as an oath and your mind will be protected from the Ministry as a precaution. It is bespelled with several ancient Black family spells that are all but lost now and untraceable. Just trust that our mission is not over and you and Ron will be coming with me if you burn this letter. Worry not who we leave behind because I promise as an oath we will see them again one day and it will be worth it all. There is a way out if you do not want to join me. Rip this letter and you will be put in a deep sleep that I will wake you from when I return. You cannot go with me to the Ministry unless you make the oath. Ron has been given a letter as well and is making his own decision.

I will love you regardless of your decision and will always protect you,

Lord Harrison James Potter-Black

Head of two Noble and Most Ancient Houses

Hermione read the letter four more times to be sure she was correct in her understanding. Harry did not mean this lightly and had used the power of his proper name on the letter; making the document an oath of his word. He was beyond serious. 'Well... not Sirius' she bemused to herself. It took little effort to make the decision. She already knew Ron would take the oath and knew that he would not doubt her for a second to follow Harry. Hermione pulled out her wand and Incendioed the letter. She then made her way to the attached bath. She would ask Harry no questions today and follow him faithfully into hell itself if need be. This was the ultimate test of trust.


Harry was not surprised when both Hermione and Ron started down the stairs in their robes. He had a goblet each for them to drink. It was to be taken and would make them his family magically. Their magical signature must match his before they went to the Ministry. "Bloody Hell Mate! You ARE serious!" Ron exclaimed seeing the to goblets as he entered the kitchen. "No! Sirius was my godfather. I'm Harry." Harry returns and both Ron and Hermione smile. They could still joke after everything that had happened and would continue in the face of death himself. "This potion will attune your magical signature to mine. You will still be you, it doesn't change you really at all." Harry started. "But it will make us siblings magically." Hermione finished with a smile. Both Hermione and Ron downed their goblets and their auras changed instantly. The three then sat down as if nothing had happened and had a light breakfast together. Silent conversations and assurances were spoken between the three during breakfast.

As they exited Grimwald Place Harry set the family spell to lock down all Black Property. He had set the Potter properties a month prior. Merlin himself could not break in. "I will apporate us there. He grabbed hold of an arm each and apporated in a snap."

Hermione would admit that she was questioning why Harry had volunteered to apporate them when both Ron and herself we more than capable and knew the location intimately. No. Harry had apporated them straight in front of the courtroom doors. She was surprised to see three chairs with chains as they entered together. The full body of the Wizongamot. Where was the Minister? Why wasn't he here? How were they going to get away with this? It hit Hermione and Ron around the same time. They were going to die today. They would never make it out of the Ministry alive. Harry had a plan though and they would trust him. Who else could save them from this ambush?

"Thank you for arriving on time Mr. Potter. We are sorry for the change in venue. We felt that privacy would be better for this conversation. Please sit down." An ancient looking auburn haired witch spoke in a voice that was too pleasant not to be disturbing in this setting. As the Golden Trio clad in the finest robes sat, great black chains rapped around them. Much to the dismay of the Wizongamot the three remained calm. "So sorry to bring you here under false pretenses but with the auror forces almost decimated we had no other way to bring you in peacefully." She stated as if hoping for a rise to response. None came. "Well, let us begin." Just then the room finished filling with many the three recognized intimately. Death eaters and Dark Lord sympathizers entered the room and were greeted as friends by the rest of the Wizongamot. Lucius Malfoy took the seat that the Minister would normally sit in while Deloris Umbridge took the seat that used to belong to Madam Bones. A toad like smile graced her face as she spoke in her sickly girlish voice. "I must say I am both disappointed and unsurprised to see these three former pupils of mine before us today. The recklessness in which each of them have shown throughout their educational years, and after, are most appalling and egregious. We must, as a governing body, make them an example to the community that we will not condone vigilanteism and acts of terrorism on the Ministry or the people we govern." Agreed nods came as she took her seat. All the trio could think was how similar it was to her speech in the great hall of Hogwarts years prior. Yet, the three remained silent. Lucious rose and took the stand with an arrogant sneer on his face. His eyes betrayed his personal amusement. "Mr. Harrison J Potter, Hermione J Granger, and Ronald B Weasley. The three of you are here to face sentencing for your crimes. Evidence has been given for your defense and found severely lacking. The evidence of your crimes are vast and this body has sentenced you to death. What say you?" The three remained silent still. "Come now, surely one of you would plead to the mercy of this great body?" Still, no answer came. "Acknowledged. We would normally sentence you to the kiss; however, the dementors have yet to be brought under control. You three will be sent henceforth through the vail at this body's convening and may Mother Magic have mercy on your souls." Still no response. The three sat in peace as if they had been told of the weather. The Wizongamot stirred uncomfortably. And low grumbles of conversation could be heard for a minute. "Aurors please escort the condemned to the death chamber." Six former death eaters released their shackles and led them from the chamber. It would be a short walk to the department of Mysteries and the body convened to the chamber that held the vail.

Hermione and Ron were both wondering what Harry's plan was, but knew the vail was part of it. Were they going to rescue Sirius? Did Harry know what was beyond? Why weren't they fighting this? Both however resigned themselves to ultimately trust Harry who seemed utterly unconcerned. As they entered the chamber they were met with an overwhelming aura of peace and affection. Likened to the presence of a beloved relative. All questions were instantly seized from Hermione and Ron's minds. They were going to be ok. They were positioned in front of the arch to wait for the rest of the body to gather. Their guards grew more and more uncomfortable in their presence. Their auras were singing back to the veil and it could almost be felt tangibly. "Please continue." Was all that was said from Lucius as he sealed the door to the chamber. Hermione was led first and pushed through the veil followed by Ron. A single tear from Harry's right eye fell slowly down his cheek. This gave Lucius and Deloris looks of satisfaction. They believed that they had finally broke him; that the rebellious teen could not hold in his anguish. In reality it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and was relieved as he voluntarily stepped through the vail.