Roman turned over in bed. He was done living the life of a lower gangster. He wanted a seat at the table, the same table with Garcia. He was the biggest Cartel boss in Mexico. He didn't need to lift a finger anymore, he had men to do that for him.

FBI couldn't catch him, leaving no trace of himself after runs his men did. They never snitched on him either, he took care of them on the inside and hired the best lawyers for them.

The table was surrounded by different bosses. Italians, Irish, Russians, Swiss. You name it, they sit there. Talking trades, drugs, and betrayals. His dad sat at the table, then his brother, but after Rosey passed, the seat was lost. His sister Nia tried, but the memories of being kidnapped haunted her then.

"You want it? Earn it son. It won't just be handed to you. I had to take it from my father, and Rosey had to take it from me.", his dad had said.

He and two of his best friends ran their small organization. Drugs, Prostitution, and Hitmen for hire. They made good money, but they wanted more and acquiring that seat, would promise that.

Someone knocked loudly on his door. He didn't bother to sit up. His eyes looked towards it.

"Yeah?", he called.

"Just checking if you're up. We've got a few collections to make this morning and bail outs. Some of our girls got locked up last night", Seth said.

Roman sighed. He rubbed his eyes.

"Alright, let me get in a quick shower", he said.

"Yup", Seth said, walking away.

Roman had met Seth when he was in high school. Clicking instantly over football and video games. Seth had heard the rumors about Roman's family. By junior year, Roman started pulling away and Seth didn't know why.

When he finally asked him, Roman confessed and confirmed the rumors. Seth promised never to tell, Roman was his best friend and his family took him in when he needed them.

Especially after Seth's step dad beat the shit out of him. Roman was worried and went to check on him. Finding Seth with a bruised up face and bruised ribs. What happened next should have frightened Seth, but it didn't.

Roman pulled a gun out and pointed it at his drunk step dad.

"You touch my friend again and I won't hesitate to shoot you in your God damn head, you fuck", Roman said.

Keeping the gun on his step dad, Roman told Seth to pack everything and anything important to him. Seth didn't hesitate as he gathered his things.

"You sure that's it?", Roman had asked him.

Seth nodded. Pictures of his mom, two pairs of Jeans, and four torn up band tshirts.

"You think I won't call the cops on you kid. Just watch me", Seth's step dad hiccupped.

"You do, my father will rain hell down on you", Roman smirked.

Roman nudged Seth. He followed Roman out to his new black SUV. Getting to his house, once his family saw Seth and how he was, they forbid him from returning to his step dad.

Sika had set a hand on his son's shoulder, pulling him away from Seth.

"Did you handle it?", his dad asked.

Roman swallowed. Knowing exactly what his dad meant by that.

"I'm going to", he replied.

His dad nodded.

"Before the end of today, son", his dad said.

Roman nodded. Seth knew Roman or someone Roman knew had killed his step dad. They had made it look like an accident. Finding drugs in his step dad's system, even though Seth knew he never did them, especially with the drug testing at work.

His step dad preferred alcohol as his poison. The cops told him his step dad had left the stove on. Fire engulfed some of the home, they had gotten his step father out.

"He didn't feel any pain. He overdosed before the fire and smoke got to him", they had said.

When Seth tried to ask Roman if he did it. Roman closed his eyes.

"You are my brother, Seth. We protect our family. Are we family, brother?", Roman had said, holding his arm out to Seth.

Seth took it and nodded.

"We are, brother", he replied.

Roman walked out of his room, freshly showered and changed. Dean sent him a nod.

"Sleep well?", Dean asked, turning the eggs over.

"Not as well as you", Roman smirked.

Dean chuckled and scratched his growing beard.

"What can I say, when a fat ass is bouncing in your face, you can't say no", Dean shrugged.

Roman laughed.

He had met Dean two years after graduating from high school. He and Seth had just started their own prostitution ring after learning the ropes from one of Roman's uncles.

A client was beating on one of their women, but before they could do anything to him, Dean jumped him and beat the man within an inch of his life.

"Are you guys cops?", Dean had asked.

Seth and Roman looked at each other before shaking their heads no.

"That's one of our girls. You just saved her life", Seth said.

Dean raised a brow, before it clicked. He nodded. Roman noticed the dirty clothes Dean had on.

"Where are you living?", he asked.

"What's it to you", Dean replied, before picking up his one bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

"We got an apartment, extra room", Roman shrugged before pushing his hands into his pockets.

Dean chuckled.

"Hey, look man, I don't swing that way and I'm not looking to whore myself out for cash. I'm just passing through", Dean said, hands raised.

Roman chuckled.

"And a job, working with us, not for", Roman finished.

Dean nodded.

"Like a bodyguard?", Dean asked.

"To start", Seth nodded.

"My name's Dean", he said.

Roman and Seth smiled. They found out Dean's parents had left him with his grandmother, living with her till she had died a year before he wondered into their town.

Slowly but surely, they trusted him. Small things at first, dropping the big bomb last. Dean had been surprised about who Roman's family was.

"You took me in and gave me my life back. So I'll have your backs till the very end, brothers", Dean said.

Roman wiped his mouth on a napkin.

"If you ever want to leave this life, become a chef. You are damn good at it", Roman said.

Dean chuckled.

"Nope, I like my life the way it is. I ain't going anywhere, my brother", Dean said.

Roman nodded.

"It was just a suggestion", Roman said.

"You tell me that every morning. You don't leave this life, neither will I", Dean said.

Roman smiled. His best friends were loyal and trusted them more than his own family, his blood.

"Rome, ready?", Seth called from the hall.

"Yup", he replied.

Seth grabbed some toast, smearing avocado on top, and then scooping some egg over it.

"Enjoy", Dean said.

"I will, thanks", Seth said, mouth full.

Meeting Roman in the black Audi, tinted windows. Their driver, asking where to.

"Let's bail out the girls first", Roman said, brushing the crumbs from his shirt.

Seth finishing his toast beside him. Roman held his hand out and Seth handed him their check book. They each had their own and then an extra for emergency funds.

Seth called Mickie.

"How many Mick?", Seth asked.

"Three, newbies. Sorry boss", she said.

"Teach them. Bring them by the strip club later", Seth said, before hanging up.

Roman wrote the check. Pulling up in front of the station. Mickie walked over to their car. Seth rolled the window down, handing her the check.

"Haven, I want those girls there. No later than eight", Seth said stern.

Mickie nodded.

"Yes sir", she said softly.

Haven was one of many strip clubs they owned. Giving them some competition, was Bullet Club. A bar for bikers and guys with old school cars, fixed up to their liking.

"How are our numbers?", Roman asked.

Seth was clicking away on his phone.

"Give me a second", Seth mumbled.

Dean called Roman.

"Hey man, what's up?", Roman asked as they pulled into the first club.

"Your dad called. Garcia is at his house", Dean said.

Roman's heart stopped for a second or two. He shifted in his seat, Seth noticed.

"Dean...", Roman said.

"I got it, I'll go", Dean said, before hanging up.

He didn't know why Garcia was here or what he wanted with this dad. His dad had gotten out a long time ago.

"Everything okay?", Seth asked.

"Garcia is in town, with my dad", Roman said.

"Should we go to pop's?", Seth asked worried.

Roman nodded. If Garcia wanted his dad to do something for him, Roman hoped his dad would decline. He wasn't as young as he use to be and he had to remind his dad of that often.

After his brother died, his dad took over again for a short time, till Roman talked some sense into him. His dad had grumbled about not being too old to kick his ass.

"I'm sure you still can dad", Roman had replied.

Getting to his parents house, he and Seth walked in. Dean was in the living room with Sika and Garcia. The Latino man stood and sent a nod to Roman and Seth.

Baron and Andrade behind him.

"You remember my other two sons, Roman and Seth. Say hello boys", Sika said.

"Hello", both Seth and Roman said.

Garcia smiled.

"I hear a great deal about you three from AJ. Your dad has talked nonstop about you as well.", Garcia said.

Roman and Seth sat across from him as he sat as well.

"If you came for my father's help, he's going to have to decline", Roman said.

Garcia smiled.

"Not his. Yours", Garcia said.

Roman looked at his brothers, and they nodded. Roman looked back at Garcia. He remembered something AJ told him awhile back.

This was the moment.

"What can we help you with?", Roman asked.

"I'm sure you know I have daughters.", he said.

"Melina is your oldest. Then it's the twins, Nikki and Brie. Bayley and then your youngest Veronica.", Dean said.

Garcia raised a brow.

"You've done your research", he said.

"You have to in our line of work, and also our mom talks about them often", Dean shrugged.

Garcia nodded.

"Completely agree", he said.

"Now back to why you are here", Roman said.

"Yes, of course. All of my daughters have followed my path, which I wouldn't have any other way. My oldest is married to Andrade here, Nikki has Baron.", he said, gesturing to the men behind him.

"Are you asking us to marry your last three?", Roman asked.

Garcia laughed.

"No. Besides, you three couldn't handle my girls", Garcia said.

Andrade and Baron chuckled. Roman rolled his eyes.

"Get to the point", Roman said.

"My youngest has chosen a different path. She promised that if I let her go, she would check in", he said sadly.

"And she hasn't", Seth said.

"She wants nothing to do with this life style. She thinks no one would hurt her to get to me", he said.

"You want us to scare her", Dean said.

He shook his head no.

"I want you to kidnap her", he said.

Roman laughed.

"Why not get one of your men to do it?", Roman asked.

"Because she knows all of them. I want to make it look like it was one of my enemies. Kill two birds with one stone, if you know what I mean", he replied.

Roman nodded.

"What do we get, besides money, if we do this?", Roman asked.

He caught a glimpse of his dad smiling. Take your seat. He could hear his dad say.

"What do you want?", Garcia asked.

"We want a seat at your table", Roman said.

Garcia seemed to be thinking this over. He met Roman's eyes again and nodded. Holding his hand out to him, Roman shook it.

"You will have it, if and only if you get her", he said.

The guys laughed.

"We'll get her", Dean said.

Garcia laughed and shook his head.

"Don't underestimate my girls. They've been trained to fight, to defend themselves against men.", he said.

"Sicarias", Baron said.

"You turned them into hitmen", Roman said.

Garcia nodded.

"I had too. I couldn't watch them all the time, especially when they went out. If their guards got killed, they had to be able to act quickly.", Garcia said.

"Smart", Sika said.

Garcia looked at the men.

"Don't underestimate Veronica", Garcia said.