This story is a collaboration between me and a good friend of mine, NO. MCCXXII. We will be writing this story together from start to finish.

Important Details:

This story takes place after the cutscene in Metal Gear Solid V where all nukes are disarmed. The interdimensional rift from Survive is moved down the timeline to take place after that, with the entire Mother Base ending up in the rift.

On the Azur Lane side, this takes place in the mobile game timeline, shortly before the intro battle from the mobile game. There are no guarantees that we will include all the shipgirls, but we will make an attempt to have at least most of them have their five minutes of fame.

Without further ado, here is probably one of my most favorite ideas so far... Metal Gear Solid: The Azure War.

just like in Dragondimension, an optional soundtrack is here via a YouTube playlist: playlist?list=PLfUttKNcUeSbjeMmG9z98WlI5VDId3X0P


-Prologue: Mother Base's Catastrophe-

🎵 Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops - Mother Base theme 🎵

-Venom Snake's PoV-

'Military Without Borders'

This was the motto of Mother Base... that is, the Mother Base that belonged to Militaires Sans Frontières. They were the predecessor to the Diamond Dogs, who Venom Snake had founded himself. The motto was true for both of the Mother Base's - both had built up an enormous army of people who contracted themselves to the highest bidder. But that didn't mean that either weren't capable of doing the right thing.

In both cases, they had each fought giant robots that threatened the world. Metal Gear ZEKE had threatened MSF's Mother Base, and it was thwarted by Big Boss; The very same man who Venom Snake had found out was the man that he was based on.

But then ZEKE was outdone a decade later. Owned and built by Cipher... was Sahelanthropus. They had somehow managed to build him in such a way, that he could proficiently wield a giant sword as if he was as light as a feather. And he could disrupt the very ground by merely slamming the sword onto the ground like a hammer. But even that robotic monolith of a world-crippling threat was stopped by the one and only Diamond Dogs.

But that's where the similarities stopped.

Only just a few days ago, the brave soldiers of Mother Base 2.0 had managed to do the unthinkable, and seemingly unaccomplishable.

They had achieved Nuclear Disarmament.

On that day, he gathered every single one of the Mother Base soldiers, where Miller gave a speech that he personally thought was inspirational. The soldiers cheered, for they had truly done the impossible. And at the same time, Venom Snake had begun to feel like his own man, instead of just a doppelganger of Big Boss.

Fast forward to the present day. Venom Snake was going to be personally inspecting Mother Base, intending to see if it was rigid and versatile enough to continue service. He had gotten up sharp at 16:30 hours. 5 minutes later, he was brushing his teeth and taking a 10-minute shower, just like every day.

At 17:00 hours, he had some of his soldiers at a lesson on CQC. While watching a few of his soldiers sparring yesterday, he had noticed that their movements were sloppy. They weren't putting in enough effort as required by the advanced melee combat techniques. Several times throughout his time as the leader of Mother Base, he gave personal lessons to his men upon seeing their sloppy coordination - and every single one of those times, he saw those same men he trained go on to become esteemed soldiers within the ranks.

Some of the other soldiers got jealous about this, and singled out those men. At first, Snake ignored it. That is, until an incident occured the third time.

Snake was approached by Miller, who seemed rather crossed with the situation.

-3 Weeks Ago-


Miller opened the door to Snake's personal quarters, a sense of urgentness in his voice. Snake, reading a battle report from the Intel Division, he looked up from the thick stack of paper.

"What is it, Kaz?"

Miller limped over to Snake, his crutch making loud, clunky noises.

"You know what I saw when I was exiting the shitter?"

Snake looked up at him, his face remained unchanged. "What?"

"I saw three of our men ganging up on a single guy!" Miller yelled. Snake immediately stood up from his bed.

"What? Who was it?"

"I got their tags - the three guys were Richard, Marcus and Hudson. I had them moved to the brig for questioning and disciplinary action."

"Good." Snake replied with his gruff voice. "I might swing by their cells later... teach 'em a lesson on what it means to hurt their own."

Miller nodded, content with Snake's answer, He walked out of the room soon after, the sounds of his crutch loudly echoing in the hallway.


Snake grabbed the report and putted it into a folder labeled "Urgent". He would have to read it later; these three needed his attention more.

-Present Day-

Venom Snake's boots echoing through the hallway was a signature sound among those in Diamond Dogs. It's heavy and intimidating sound lets the men know that a man that means business was walking towards them. Several men bowed their heads, saying 'Boss!' as he passed by them.

He walked with a purpose down the steps, heading towards a nearby Jeep. Every Jeep on the base did not use a key - they all used a push start system. Snake knew that it was the R&D Team's doing, considering that they frequently came up with brilliant things.

Snake drove down the narrow, steel pathways that connected each of the platforms together. There was never any traffic, foot or motor. His vehicle's suspension hopped up and down as the vehicle rhythmically passes over the various bumps on the platform.

Suddenly, the base's alarms all went off at once. A voice soon followed on the intercom.

🎵 Metal Gear Solid V: FOB Combat Theme🎵

"All hands on deck, this is CP! A massive tsunami is incoming!"

Snake immediately slammed on the brakes, the tires skidding on the pathway and leaving black tire marks on it. He looked around, trying to look for the direction of the wave.

"The wave is reported to be coming from the Northeast! Everyone on the Combat Platform and the Base Development Platform are to evacuate the platforms immediately! Doctors on the Medical Platform are advised to take any paraplegic and unconscious patients to any available Jeep, and head to the Command Platform."

Snake immediately turned backwards. He had just come from the Combat Platform and taken a Jeep, so he decided to turn back around and pick up some men who were fast enough to reach him. As he was approaching the Combat Platform, the air raid siren also started to blare.

"All hands, this is CP! Weather sensors indicate a massive surge in static electricity in the air... Fuck, everyone in cars needs to gun it straight to the command platform! And to those transporting injured, take cover!"

Right as he was saying that, the clouds in the sky began to swirl around each other. Ominous bolts of lightning were cast around rods placed on the top of each building. Snake looked on in pure confusion; what the hell was going on and why?

Abruptly, all of them started to move up from the rods. They gradually moved towards one another, eventually centering onto a point in the sky. The epicenter of it flashed so bright, that it felt like a bunch of flashbang grenades were going off fast enough to completely blind everyone from watching.

Snake had to avert his eyes. He was especially vulnerable, as he was currently wearing his Solid Eye. it wasn't set to NV mode, but Snake had a feeling that exposing it to rapidly flashing light was a surefire way to kill the thing in a matter of milliseconds.

He quickly exited the vehicle, taking cover on the back of it. Grabbing his iDroid from his pocket, he brought up the weather screen.

Static electricity percentage in air was at 80%, and wind speeds at 160MPH... was there gonna be some sort of electric tornado that will end Mother Base as he knew it? The Jeep was struggling to stay parked, so Snake quickly made an attempt to run into the Combat Platform's main building. He was nearly blown straight onto his face, but he just barely managed to make it.

Soon after, he heard a loud crash soon after he entered the building. He assumed that the Jeep's parking brake had finally given up, and careened straight towards the wall.

And then the power cut out. Red lights shortly flickered on after. When they turned on, it was followed by a sound that unnerved snake.

The nuclear siren.

Snake took a wild guess that the people in the security rooms had just lost their collective minds, and decided to make the situation even worse. Once again, the intercom blared to life, this time in a somewhat more muffled quality.

"ALL HANDS! A blue rift has appeared above the Command Platform!"

A rift!? Snake looked out the window. As much as he didn't want to believe it... the officer was right. Hovering directly over the Command Platform was a sky blue rift, seemingly sustained by the lightning bolts - which helped the rift grow even bigger. It's size quickly grew to be large enough to span over the entirety of Mother Base.

"...Men. It was brave serving with you all."

The officer manning the intercom's voice was somber as he said that. Snake was no stranger to the feeling of uncertainty. But in this moment, when the weather was defying all possible logic...

...he hoped that he could make it out alive at the end of this.

As Snake was putting his iDroid back into his pocket, the gravity suddenly seemed to shift towards the rift. The Command Platform was brought through the rift, Snake looking in awe as it happened. One by one, the connecting platforms were swallowed up by it, and it gradually moved outwards towards the dedicated platforms.

The last thing Snake saw before he fell unconscious was a bright blue light falling in front of him.

The Prologue ends here. I have high hopes and ambitions for this story, so do tell me and NO. MCCXXII what you think of the story in a review - you'd be surprised just what a single one positive or negative review can to for a writer.