Ch 1

Kid and Lou were in the early stages of wedding planning and tensions seemed to be running high. Kid was anxious and could hardly wait. Lou on the other hand seemed distant and apprehensive. Kid saw Lou walking back in from town.

"Where ya been?"


"Get anything for the wedding?"


"Lou, we have to pick a date and start planning sometime. You can't keep putting it off."

"I ain't putting it off Kid. I just don't like you rushing me into anything. I'll do it when I'm damn good and ready."

"Lou, I love you. I just can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm sorry if you feel I'm rushing it. I'll stop."

"No, I'm sorry. It's just such a big change. I'm excited too. I really am. Just let's not rush our wedding."

"No problem. I want it to be everything that you ever wanted." Said Kid smiling.

Lou smiled back.

"I got a run in a few. I need to go get ready. We'll talk more later."

Kid hugged her and walked on into town. Lou sighed and went on to the barn. Buck was in there putting down fresh straw.

"Hey Buck."

"Hey Lou."

Lou went about getting her tack. She tied Lightning in the aisle. She laid her head on his neck and smelled his mane.

"Lou, are you ok?" Asked Buck.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Buck, is Jimmy around?"

"Yeah he just walked over to Rachel's to work on her porch railing."

"Can I ask you a favor?"


"Can you get Lightning ready for me?"

"I'll be glad to. You sure you're ok?"

"Yeah. I just need a minute."

Buck watched as she left and walked straight over to Jimmy. He saw them talking. Jimmy walked over to the side of Rachel's house. Lou followed with her hands in her pockets. He watched as he tacked up her horse. Lou kept talking and looking at her feet while Jimmy listened intently. He saw Jimmy say something back to her. She nodded her head and gave him a hug. She started back toward the barn and Jimmy started back to work on the porch.

"I got him ready Lou. You just have to grab your bedroll."

"Thanks so much Buck."

He looked to Lou as she double checked that she had everything. He didn't know why she fought it. She clearly had a connection with Jimmy but yet chose Kid.

"Lou, have a safe ride."

"Rider comin!" Yelled Jimmy.

"Thanks Buck. See y'all soon."

Lou raced to meet Cody. She took the pouch and rode off.