Greetings PokéFans! Azai here, with Chapter 5 of "Green Horizon!" Woohoo!

It's been a long while, compared to the time range of when I posted Chapters 3 and 4. Terribly sorry, I've been trying to prioritize my other FanFiction. But it's harder than I thought, to have two stories to make, while readers are eagerly waiting for you to just post another DAMN CHAPTER! It's also sad that I'm not even done with the chapter of the other FanFiction. So I suppose that I'll focus on this one first, maybe write up to Chapter 10 before doing the other.Now of course, I saw the reviews. And I am so proud of myself, and so grateful to you guys! I've also considered the Pokémon that you recommended Green to capture, but ultimately have to say no.

I apologize for this ShadyBlazin, but a male Nidoran IS NOT going to be a part of Green's main 6. He MIGHT catch one, but he won't be using it in the Indigo League.

And to Slaggedfire, who might be concerned about the Shiny Horsea, don't fret! Horsea will be the only Shiny that Green will catch in the entire Kanto-Johto trip. The Horsea has a chance of being the ONLY Shiny he'll ever catch, but I'm actually planning one Shiny catch every two regions, but that might be overkill, I dunno.

Anyways, before you start...

Disclaimer: Pokémon and any other reference I'll make do not belong to me.

"..." I waited for my Pokémon to be healed. It's a little boring though. So when a pink haired woman went towards me holding a tray that contained two Pokéballs, I stood up.

She had very beautiful features, and her hair was tied a little weirdly in my opinion. She was dressed as a typical nurse. This was Nurse Joy, the one stationed at Viridian's Pokémon Center.

"Here are your Pokémon Mr. Valis," she spoke, "All good to go!"

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," I took both Pokéballs and put them on my belt. The nurse smiled and said, "It's no problem, Mr. Valis. It's my job to take care of your Pokémon, after all!"

I went to call Professor Oak, and of course, when the screen showed his lab, he was facing the phone opposite to the one I'm calling, greeting me with a, "Hello?"

I crushed the urge to have my palm make love to my face, as I respond, "Uh Prof? You're using the wrong phone." He turned to me with a sheepish smile and said, "I apologize, young Green. I'm still not used to this," he was scratching his head, embarrassed.

"So Prof, I caught a Horsea," I stated. "Ah, I see. Great job on that young Green! Many do not even get the chance to encounter a Horsea in the route between Pallet and Viridian! You must be very lucky!" he said.

'... Does he even know...?'

He most likely did not. And I was right. When I said that it had a different coloration than a normal Horsea, his eyes were so wide they would have come out and his mouth was open wide, it could've dropped on the floor.

"You caught a SHINY?!" the Professor half-asked/half-shrieked as the information processed in his head. "What kind of luck do you have, boy?! No one, and I mean, NO ONE, has ever caught a Shiny as their first Pokémon on their journey!"

"... I dunno," I weakly answered, earning a deadpan from the Prof, "I just did."

"Green, my boy," Professor Oak finally said after fifteen seconds of silence, "You are an extremely lucky child." Of course, that what a given. I'm technically twenty four in mind right now.

The Professor and I had some small talk on how to raise a Horsea, and it was informative. I then said my goodbye, promising to call the next time I get into a bind.

Now, I'm on my way to Viridian Forest. Took me a few hours, but now I'm here. It's northeast of Viridian City, as my map says. Apparently, the games were absolutely wrong about their maps. They probably did it to make it easier for gamers not to get lost and stuff. But the map that I have looks very similar to that guy who made a map on Ash's Journey in Kanto. Farseer, if I'm not mistaken. Gotta hand it to them, they were right.

'Viridian Forest should be right about here,' I think, as I look up from my map, and see lots of trees over a large area. In the distance, I could see a hot-air balloon which reassembled a Meowth. 'So the Rocket Trio's there. Glad I missed them.'

I let out both Saur and the Horsea. Saur glanced at the Shiny, prepared to attack if necessary. The Horsea blinked, before staring at me with its wide, innocent looking, red eyes. It then bowed, most likely acknowledging me as its Trainer. "Hey Horsea," I weakly started, "I'm Green, and I'll be your Trainer. I'm gonna scan Delphi on you now, okay?" Horsea nodded, and I let out Delpi the Pokédex and scanned the Horsea.

"Horsea, the Dragon Pokemon. Known to shoot down flying bugs with precision blasts of ink from the surface of the water, if it senses any danger, it will vigorously spray water or a special type of ink from its mouth. This Horsea is male, and has the ability Swift Swim, which boosts its speed in the rain. It knows the moves Bubble, Smokescreen, Leer, and Twister. It has the egg move Muddy Water. This Horsea is two years and one month old." So he's two years old, huh... Wait a minute...

"Delphi, why did you not mention Saur's age last time?" The Pokédex lit up, "Saur's age is: Two years and ten months. It seems that I have forgotten to say this, how odd. Teehee!" I sweatdropped.'My Pokédex is being a Dere. What's next, it falls in love with me?' I shuddered at the thought.

Horsea stare intensifies. I had not yet given him a name. "Do you want a name?" He nods after putting it some thought.

"How about King?" A shake of his head.

I tried again, "Torrent?" Another shake.

"Twister?" Another shake.

"... Poseidon?" He paused at the name and looked at me in an inquisitive manner, "Poseidon is said to be the Greek god of the seas..."

His eyes sparkled, and nodded. "Horsea!" Saur stared at me like I was the most idiotic Trainer in the world. Then it hit me. I just gave a soon to be Dragon-Type Pokémon a name that would be equivalent to a god... And boosted its ego...

I made the same mistake as Jareth... (1)


The Viridian Forest gave this dark and gloomy atmosphere when it shouldn't... From what I've heard, it should just weird you out. I've gotten this weird feeling in my chest. Seeing that Bug-Types usually roam the area, I decided to return Saur. So I was walking around with Poseidon.

Walking my way through the Forest, I obviously didn't have a clue on where to go. Poseidon and I kept battling Caterpie and the occasional Metapod as if they were extra ExP. Well, I was the strategist, not the combatee, if you know what I mean.

Another Bubble, and the opposing Metapod was down. It was kinda easy because all they did was use Harden, which increases Defense, therefore not affecting Bubble, a Special Move.

It was at that point I hear voices ahead of me.

"I'm confused," a male voice said, "Why does the boss want Bug-Type Pokémon? Aren't they incredibly weak?"

A female voice replied, "We shouldn't question the Boss' orders, Biff! And besides, it might be because Bug-Types are abundant almost everywhere! You could say the same about Poison-Types! Which is why our Trainees usually get those!"

The man's voice increased in volume, "My name is Butch! And sure, whatever..."

When I walked straight ahead, I was surprised with who I saw. Clad in black outfits with a big red "R" on their shirts. The female wore a skirt, gloves and long boots were white with a red line on top. She had violet eyes and golden hair tied in a pigtail. The male however, wore black pants and shorter boots, but was essentially matching the girl's. He had brown eyes and dark green hair.

They both noticed Poseidon and I, and immediately did some weird poses.

"Is that a brat I see?" the girl asked. "Yeah, and the thought of stealing his Pokémon fills me with glee!" the guy responded.

"Prepare for trouble..." the girl posed dramatically.

"And make it double!" the boy posed dramatically.

"Here's our mission, so you better listen!" they both say.

"To infect the world with devastation!"

"To blight all people in every nation!"

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"

"Cassidy!"... Did she just pose like Jonathan Joestar from Jojo's?

"And Butch, of course!"... Jotaro?

"We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!" Cassidy dabbed.

"Surrender to us now, or you'll surely lose the fight!" Butch dabbed.


"Well brat, are you in awe of us now?" Cassidy asked.

"... No."

"What?!" They practically yelled.

"Listen, Cassidy and Bitch, right? Terribly pity you, Bitch. Your parents must've hated you," I couldn't control my mouth.

"My name is Butch!"

"Yeah, whatever, Butch."

"Stop it! It's Bitch, damn it!" he came to a halt. Once he realized his mistake, the damage was done, and Cassidy was snickering. "GAH! Give us your Pokémon or prepare to be defeated!" he ordered.

"Your Horsea will please the Boss!" Pigtails screeched. They both threw out their Pokéballs, which then released two Pokémon. The first was a bipedal monkey that has a round body covered in whitish, shaggy fur. Its nose is similar to a pig's snout, and it has narrow, red eyes and triangular ears with brown insides. Its three-fingered hands, two-toed feet, and the tip of its curved, prehensile tail are brown. This was a Mankey.

The next was a small, quadruped rodent Pokémon. It has purple fur with a cream-colored face, paws, and underbelly. It has narrow, red eyes, rounded ears with cream-colored insides, and a single whisker on each cheek. Its long tail is tightly curled at the end. Its most notable feature is its large teeth. This was a Rattata.

I was about to take Saur out of his ball, until I heard a feminine voice say, "Chuchu, wait!"

A short, chubby rodent Pokémon came out of a bush. It is covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back. It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears with black tips, and brown eyes. Each cheek is a red circle. It has short forearms with five fingers on each paw, and its feet each have three toes. At the base of its heart-shaped tail is a patch of brown fur. It had a slightly larger than average pink flower with three petals on its head, like an accessory.

A young blonde girl around my age wearing a straw sun hat came tumbling after. She wears a long sleeved black shirt under a yellow tunic dress that is edged with green, blue tights and purple ankle boots. Her eyes are a dark greenish yellow.

Now how did I know she was a girl? Because I read Pokémon Adventures. She always hid her Ponytail with that hat, but I knew better. This was Yellow Caballero. Resident "Healer" of the Adventures manga. The question still remains...

What the hell was she doing here, when this is the anime?


The board game failed. Dash accidentally set it on fire. It was then that I realized it was never gonna work anyway. But how can I make some moolah?

Eh, I'll just hang out with Red and Blue today.

10 minutes later...

"So... Wanna prank Professor Oak?"

"Oh yeah, let's do this!" "Yeah!"

And that's a wrap for this chapter! So did you expect the twists? Butch and Cassidy's arrival and Yellow's appearance will turn the tables from this point on!

And for those who want to know about Charmander:

Green's Journey: 1

Red's Journey: 0

(1) The main character in Locksoli's FanFiction, "Dance Dragon, Dance!"

Please vote in which journey should Charmander appear on! This is AzaiNagamasa, signing out!