I plan on doing another "Bull" story as a direct sequel to "The Finding of Cable" to deal with her joining the team and adjusting to having Dr. Bull as part of her life. However, in the meantime, here is a short story (probably be six or seven short chapters) of Cable and Dr. Bull having a disagreement over a certain video game convention.

I do have a question for you readers. As Cable will possibly get in trouble (;D), how do you see Dr. Bull disciplining her? I can personally see it happening different ways. I would love to hear your suggestions. What do you see as realistic?

Anyway, enjoy! I'll try to update again in a week.


Cable crossed her arms and scowled at Bull. "Why not?!"

"Because!" Bull said simply, turning from his young, agitated, chosen charge back to the piles of unwanted paperwork that he needed to complete before leaving on threat of Marissa's censure.

"That's not an answer! Because why?!" Cable insisted, frustration thick in her voice.

"Not happening, Cable."

"Why not?!"

He closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, trying to calm his voice before answering Cable. However, she had been bothering him about it all day and, never one to be patient in the first place, he would have to settle for the least frustrated version of himself possible.

"Cable, you are not leaving ten days before your midterms start to go to a week-long video game conference..."


"... And in case this has not been clear the previous five times - or fifty, since I might be losing track - my answer is a permanent NO!"

Cable let out a frustrated huff. "I know the material. It's not like I'm going to spend the entire week studying non-stop for the midterms anyway!"

"That's an interesting opinion, because that's exactly what you're going to be doing. And when you're not studying, you will either in class learning the material or here - working and studying. Marissa and I will help with the classes that we can, and I'm sure that Benny and Danny could help you with anything that we can't. Your grades have been low lately - lower than what you are capable of achieving. You're going to those averages back up so that you can qualify to be in the higher-level courses that you want to take next year. You're a smart kid, Cable - I know that when you take a minute and think this through you will realize that studying needs to take precedence to video games. Now, it is late and I am tired. Go home."

Cable narrowed her eyes.

"I am NOT going to miss that convention! All of my gaming friends are going to be there..."

"Text them instead. Your books need your attention."

"You are so infuriating!" Cable gasped in frustration.

Bull leaned over and picked up his phone, snapped it open, dialed a number, and waited.

"Why won't you try to see my side?!" Cable grumbled. She glared as Bull held up his finger to get her to be quiet. He murmured a few words into his phone before hanging up and turning back to her.

"Cable, believe it or not, I had to go through a lot of schooling to get to this point. You are not alone in missing out on social gatherings for the sake of studying. I can also tell you that it is not as permanently scarring as you think in this moment. Now, my driver is waiting to take you home. Study. Go to bed. Get up in the morning. Study. Go to school. Come here for work and then study. Repeat. It's only for two and a half weeks and then you can take a bit of a break after your midterms. Trust me, Cable, I know what I'm saying. The hard work will be worth it and you'll thank me for it some day."

"I'm definitely not thanking you for it today!" she snapped, grabbing her bag from where she had dropped it on a chair while asking for time off work to go to the convention.

"Didn't expect you too," Bull called after her with a half-smile. As much as he understood that she was just blowing off steam, he still disliked when they ended a day like this - namely, with him having to lay down the law and Cable blaming him for ruining her life. She seemed to forget that he was trying to save it by helping her with her her college and board, but it would not do any good to bring that up to her. It was not as if that would magically make her grateful - and he could remember several times where he had not been as studious as he had just implied while scolding Cable. There had been times where he could have used a more mature mentor telling him that goofing off instead of studying was not an option. That was what he was trying to provide for her.

"I'll just have to hope that she'll see reason," Bull muttered to himself as he began on the pile of paperwork.

He was trying to hold on to hope, but he had a feeling that he had not heard that last of Cable's perspective on the limitations he was imposing, whether or not they were for her own good.