I wanted to write somethig about Ilvermorny and then I realised that there are barely any fanfics about Tina and Queenie at Ilvermorny - so I decided to write one by myself.

English isn't my native language, so forgive me for any minor mistakes.

Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. The Ilvermorny song written by Rowling and Alison Sudol. I don't own anything.

"Mazal tov Teenie! Happy birthday!" A blonde nine years old girl climbed on the bed. The other girl just rolled in it. "You're finally eleven Teen!"

"Queenie, I don't have power for this." The other girl in the bed muttered and burried her face in the pillow.

"Porpentina Esther Goldstien, You can't be in your bed all day long. It's your birthday!"

"Yes! It's my bithday! The first one without them!" Tina looked up at her sister. Queenie sat on the bed and lowered her head. They both sat quitley on the bed for a while.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." Queenie said. A tall girl was at the door. That was Sadie Wilson. She moved here after the sisters did, as the summer vacation started. Her parents were No-majs, and she got tired of lying to them every summer, so she decided to disconnect with them. In the USA you are not allowed to tell no-majs about the magical community, so some of the kids prefered to move to the orphanage and let the MACUSA cast memory spell on their parents. The orphanage wasn't only for orphan kids but also for kids of no-majs who prefered to stop living with their parents.

"So, are you coming for breakfast?" Sadie asked the sisters.

"We'll be there in a minute," Tina told her.

"OK, bye." Sadie left their room.

"You should be happy that you're eleven. That means you're going to learn magic in two weeks, I envy you," Queenie told her sister. Tina stared at the floor. "You don't need to worry for me. You need to go to Ilvermormy and have fun, I'll manage," Queenie tried to cheer up her sister.

"Queenie!" Tina called, staring at her little sister in anger.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have read your mind," Queenie said, not looking at her sister.

"Let's go to eat," Tina said. Queenie nodded and after they changed their pajamas they went down to eat. The dinning room were empty from people. "Where are everyone?" Tina asked her sister.

"I have no idea," Queenie shrugged.

Then everyone came out from under the tables and yelled, "Happy birthday, Tina!" Tina glared at her sister, and Queenie giggled.

"Tina! Wake up! You're going to Ilvermorny today!" Queenie jumped on Tina's bed. Tina groaned.

"Queenie, get off my bed!" Tina called. Queenie jumped off the bed. Tina sat on it and stared at the ceiling. Tears fell from her eyes.

"I'm sure they are proud in you," Queenie said from nowhere. She clearly read Tina's thoughts again.

"They should have been here today," Tina whispered.

"I know," Queenie came over to her sister's bed and hugged her. They sat like that for a couple of moments.

"Tina, I brought your stuff for Ilvermorny," a young woman got inside the room, holding a small trunk. Ilvermorny have started from two adopted boys, so orphan children was something that had always got a place. The orphanage was also set on Mount Greylock, only in a different area of the mountain. After the Rappaport's Law enacted, the idea of an orphanage for magical kids became more important, because if magical children find themselves in no-majs orphanages they can reveal the magical world. So since then the MACUSA funded the orphanage and all the stuff for Ilvermorny.

"Thanks, Ms. Juniper," Tina told the woman.

"Your welcome, and I have already told you, please call me Cornelia," the woman said. She was at the orphanage for years. Her parents died at the Great Sasquatch Rebellion when she was little and she stayed to work there after she finished Ilvermorny.

"Cornelia, could I come visit Queenie here at the weekends?" Tina asked.

"Sure, It's nearby, but not on the first week, it's too soon, but I'll talk to your professors after you adapt to Ilvermorny," the woman answered and smiled, "anyway, take your time to get ready, look if you have got everything you need." She left the girls room, leaving the trunk behind.

"I told you, don't worry about me! I'll manage, be in Ilvermorny, you don't need to come visit me," Queenie told her sister.

"But I want to. I'm doing this for me as well, don't you think I'm going to miss my sister?" Tina asked her and combed a curl from Queenie's hair. Queenie giggled.

Ilvermorny was a fifteen minutes walk from the orphanage, and Ms. Juniper led the kids to school. When they got to the front door with Isolt and James statues, Ms. Juniper went back to the orphanage. They were the first to arrive. The older students went to their houses rooms straight away. "You should get inside," Sadie told Tina and got inside the castle herself. Tina just stood there, staring at the marble statues. After a while, another group of students got there. Most of them got inside without noticing Tina.

"Are you also a first year?" Some girl with southern accent asked. She had brown hair and green eyes. Tina looked at the girl and nodded. "I'm Evelyn Ferlet, what's your name?"

"Tina Goldstien. Where are you from?"

"Texas, and you?"

"I'm originally from New York, but I live in Massachusetts now."

"Well, Tina, do you want to get inside?"

"Alright." The two girls got into the entrance hall. At the hall there were four wooden statues of the houses beasts. They sat on the floor and waited for all the students to arrive. On the middle of the floor there was a Gordian Knot. After two hours the hall was filled by first years waiting to be sorted. The older students were on the balcony, watching the first years.

"Dear students, I'm glad to see you all in Ilvermorny. I'm Headmistress Izora Marble. Now, without delays, we shall begin sorting you. Each one of you will stand on the Gordian Knot and wait for one of the statues to react. When one of the houses chooses you, stand near this statue. When the sorting ends you'll all choose your wands." The headmistress went to the balcony to watch the sorting. She called the names of the students. Each student stepped to the gordian knot and got sorted to one of the houses. "Goldstien, Porpentina!"

When Tina heard her name she walked to the gordian knot and stood on it. She waited some time until the thunderbird carving beated its wings. Tina went to stood near the others who have been sorted into Thunderbird. Evelyn was there too. After an hour or so, everyone got sorted and they were brought to a large hall to be chosen by their wands.

"Students, each house have their own wandmaker. Horned Serpent get Violetta Beauvais' wands, Thunderbird get Thiago Quintana's wands, Pukwudgie get their wands from Johannes Jonker and Wampus from Shikoba Wolfe. You are not allowed to take your wands out from the school until you get to seventeen years, because of the Rappaport's Law, they will be kept here during school breaks. Your wands are the keys to open the dormitories, the statues at the entry to your house rooms recognize the wand creators." The headmistress said. In the room there where four tables with hundrends of wands, the wandmakers waited near the tables. On the tables there were smaller carving statues of the animals houses.

The students approached their wand tables. "Hey, Thunderbirds, I'm Thiago Quintana, I'm a wandmaker from Arkansas. My wands contain a core of spine from the White River Monsters. The woods are diverse. So we should start. Recently our fellow wandmaker from the UK, Ollivander, found out that the wands are choosing their users and not the opposite, so alphabetically you'll come to try the wands. You need to wave the wand and see how it reacts to you." A man at the table of Thunderbirds said. On the table there were a lot of sleek and long wands. He read the names and each student waved the wand until they found their suitable wand. After a while there was Tina's turn. First she tried hornbeam wood, which didn't fit her, and then she tried a mahogany one, which did. It was a quite hefty and practical one. Tina looked at it and thought it really fit her personallity.

After everyone have been chosen by their wands, they arrived to the dinning room. At the room there were hundreds of tables, laden with food. The older students sat at the tables but didn't start eating. The first years were looking for empty tables to seat at. Tina and Evelyn just sat quietly. All of the first years were quiet as well. Starting Ilvermorny was an exciting thing and everyone needed a moment for themselves.

The Headmistress rose to her feet and everyone went silent at once. "Now that the feast is done, I'd like to remind you all that the creek near the mountain is completly forbidden. And for the end, let's sing the Ilvermorny school song!" Izora said solemnly and with no other needless introductions she let out some extremely weird animal noises. By that all the older students sarted to sing along, as if it was th most normal thing on earth:

"We stand as one united,
Against the Puritans.
We draw our inspiration
From good witch Morrigan.

All the first years looked at each other with confusion and join the singing reading the words that burst out of Izora's wand.

For she was persecuted
By common wandless man.
So she fled from distant Ireland,
And so our school began.

Oh! Ilvermorny-Massachusetts!
We choo-choose it!
We choo-choose it!
The wizard school supreme.

Once again the first years looked at each other with confusion, the words were a bit weird.

Your castle walls, they kept us safe.
The days with you, a dream
You taught us all our magic
And now one thing's quite clear.

Where'er we roam
Where'er we roam
Our one true home
Our one and own

Is Ilvermorny dear!"

After dinner, they were followed toward a metal thunderbird statue. One by one, they all put their wands in the beak of the thunderbird, and as exactly as they've been told, the statue scaned their wands and let them in. They got into a large room with a lot of sofas and armchairs. There were two doors in this room, one for the boys and the other for the girls.

Tina entered the girls hallway. There were five rooms in there. Each one's door had a list with names of five girls on it. At the end of the hallway there were stairs to the older girls bedrooms and a bathroom. Each year had their own bathroom. Tina got to her room. There were five beds inside. Three girls were already there, one of them was Evelyn. In the closet there were six robes, in three different types; red, blue and a combination of the these two colors. A minute later, Sadie got to the room with the fifth girl. The girl was short with hazel eyes and two brown braids on her hair. "Hey girls, I'm Sadie Wilson, I'm your charge. Each room gets a seventh-year student to supervise them. I'm a No-Maj-born, I lived in Pennsilvania until that year. I decided to leave my non-magical family-"

"What do you mean by that?! I'm a No-Maj-born too. We can't stay in contact with our parents?!" The girl who came with Sadie asked her, a bit nervous.

"No, no, it just that I didn't want to lie to them anymore, and I was planning a career in the magical world anyways, and we weren't very close, especially after I started Ilvermorny, because they couldn't understand me, so I told the MACUSA to obliviate them and I moved to the orphanage near Ilvermorny. Of course you don't have to do this, Hazel, everyone do what is right for them, but you should start to get to use to the fact that you can't tell them about your school at all in the vacations." Sadie answered. She knew exactly how this girl felt. Hazel just nodded. "Anyway, you should start introducing yourselves to each other."

"I'm Regina Calderon-Boot, I'm from New Mexico, or whatever the no-majs decided to call this area. I am a decendant of the founder of this house, Chadwick Boot, and Josefina Calderon, the highly skilled healer." The latin girl said. She had black curly hair and brown eyes, her skin were light brown.

"Do you know spanish?" Sadie asked.

"Si, claro," Regina answered, smugged.

"I am Hazel Dillon. I'm a No-Maj-born. I'm from Illinois. I'm new to this world and I don't really know about the wizarding world at all."

"You should all help Hazel adjust to our world," Sadie suggested and smiled solidarily at Hazel, recalling how hard her first year was, as a No-Maj-born, and how her roommates helped her so much with that.

"I'm Nella Everglade, I came from Florida. My family is magical, and they were the first magical family in Florida. I have five younger sibilings two girls and three boys." The blonde girl with blue eyes said, she had a flower in her hair.

"My name is Evelyn Ferlet, I'm from Texas. I come from a magical family and I have three sisters, I'm the oldest."

"I'm Tina Goldstien, I'm originaly from New York, but right now I live in the orphanage near Ilvermorny with my younger sister."

"What happened to your parents?" Regina asked with no needless tact.

"This is a private question, you don't have to answer, Tina," Sadie told Tina.

"They died in the last passover from Dragon Pox," Tina answered, looking at the floor.

"Passover? What is it?" Hazel asked Tina.

"This is a Jewish holiday," Tina answered, "I think it's pretty much like easter?"

"Since when religion is a matter in the wizarding world?" Regina asked.

"It's more like tradition," Tina said.

"That's cool," Nella said, excitedly.

"You should get ready for sleep, there are five showers in the bathroom, so each room has different bath time. You are the first in there, so you should hurry up. I'll come here in the morning to give you the timetables and to explain everything to you." Sadie said to the girls and left their room.

"Please turn the light off, Tina," Hazel asked Tina tirely, rubbing her eyes, after everyone got to their beds.

"In a minute," Tina answerd distractedly, wondering why Hazel said 'turn off' about the candle, thinking about little Queenie alone at the Orphanage and how this day would be so different if her parents were still alive. She sighed and blew her candle out. She closed her eyes, and with this thought she fell asleep.