I'm going to be starting little drabbles of Clarice and John. Just some random stories that pop into this brain of mine. This is something I came up with last night. Tell me if you guys like it. Enjoy!

Edited Note: I edited some stuff!

Clarice awoke to the familiar feeling of aggressive butterflies in her stomach. She groaned as sparks began to break out around her.

She frustratedly looked down at her swollen belly. "Why can't you let me sleep?"

As if she was expecting a response the stared at her stomach and in retaliation a series of kicks erupted in her lower abdomen.

"You just love to mock me, don't you." she sighed with defeat.

The purple haired woman slid out of bed and waddled outside to the main area of the Underground, her shoes smacking heavily on the wooden floor.

The rundown building was filled with a bunch of new people. They had just rounded up a new group from a Sentinel Service truck on the way to DC. The new mutants had been adapting well and have been easy to bear with.

Clarice walked down to the kitchen and started for the tea bags. John had been getting down on her about caffeine during the pregnancy. He came back with tea two weeks after the announcement and hid all the coffee from her sight.

She grabs a water bottle from the almost empty case and pours it into the mug Norah had found for her. It said "World's Best Dad" on the front in big bright blue letters but Clarice was grateful for the sudden gift.

Another wave of little kicks happened as Clarice placed the mug in the microwave to heat up the water. She glares at her tummy and switches the hibiscus bag for chamomile in hopes that the calming tea will quell the energetic baby within her.

She is now 7 months pregnant and exhausted. The baby would kick every 2 minutes hindering her sleep. Every time she was barely on the edge of sweet dreamy bliss a hard kick in the side reminded her that she isn't that lucky. The bags under her eyes were so very visible and the mood swings got even moodier.

Last week she almost portaled Marcos in the Pacific Ocean because he told her to calm down when the last of the oreos was eaten. That was when John and Caitlin sentenced her to bed rest.

Not to mention the pregnancy had been affecting her mutation. On some days, simply making one portal could tire her out completely. Others, she'd make at least 6 without noticing or even breaking a sweat. To say this pregnancy has been a hassle is an understatement.

In 8 days she had only gotten about 3 hours of sleep and she was wondering if there was a way she could move up the due date from April to tomorrow.

The beep goes off from the microwave and Clarice quickly takes out the mug and places two bags of chamomile into the water. She was just about to down it before John walked into the kitchen.

"Hey. You're supposed to be resting. What are you doing out of bed?" he asked while lifting his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow.

"Your kid won't leave me alone." she said, exasperation laced in her tone.

"Um, I'm pretty sure this was a two person job." John responded with one eyebrow raised.

"I've tried everything, John. I've talked to her, like you've said to do, I've sang to her even though I am a horrible singer, and I've tried to let her quit on her own but she just. Keeps. Kicking!"

John let out a low chuckle and walked over to his girlfriend—er partner? Girlfriend just seemed like such a mediocre term to describe their relationship. She was definitely more than that title to him.

John proceeded to wrap his masculine arms around Clarice, hugging her from behind in an effort to calm her.

"Mmm, your sweaty." Clarice said resting the back of her head on his chest.

"Yeah. I was helping around a bit." he replied.

He had been working on rebuilding parts of the Underground that have been destroyed by mutants who didn't really have a hold on their powers. He reassured them that it wasn't a big deal when they hurriedly apologized for the mess.

John could feel the small push against his hands as he lay them on her enlarged stomach. After a while John slides his hand up Clarice's arms and to her shoulders, giving them a firm massage.

She groaned at the contact. His fingers immediately melted away the tense muscles. He always had a knack for making a very pregnant Clarice stress free. She's told him multiple times that he's a just big massage chair.

The muscles finally loosened after about 5 minutes. John then turned Clarice around and stared at her. Her face became a lot more full compared to 7 months ago. He nearly winced at the deep, dark circles under her eyes. He could almost feel the exhaustion in her gaze.

This pregnancy hasn't been easy on her. There were many restless, uncomfortable nights where she had awoken him from his slumber because "if she couldn't sleep then he wasn't allowed to either." She had had to learn to have more control over her powers since they've been going haywire a lot more as the pregnancy progressed. Also the incessant kicking just made her angry at everyone and everything in life.

John broke eye contact with Clarice and suddenly dropped to his knees to put himself at eye level with the baby bump.

"Hey baby," he started, ignoring the look of confusion and amusement on Clarice's face, "Mommy needs to go to bed. But you're keeping her from having a good sleep so could you maybe pause on the kicking for a day or two and let our favorite woman relax?"

Miraculously, almost as soon as John finished his sentence, all the butterflies that Clarice has been feeling for 7 hours straight abruptly stopped.

"Are you," she begins "fucking kidding me!" She screams with pure relief, anger and happiness. A few heads in the facility turned towards the couple at her words.

"No swearing while pregnant!"

Clarice ignored him and continued. "All it took was a simple 'Hey baby' from you and she's all cooperative? Seriously?"

Suddenly the overwhelming sense of sleepiness came over Clarice. John could see the change in her features and started to lead her out of the kitchen and back to their shared room upstairs. "That is so not fair." Clarice yawned.

"So not fair." John agreed.

"It didn't take you long at all."

"It did not." John said as they approached the door.

Her sentences were starting to slur and slow down. "She must be a daddy's girl."

"Must be." John guided Clarice to the bed.

He pulled the covers back and laid her down. As soon as she hit the mattress, soft snores came out of her mouth. John kissed her forehead and whispered a quick "love you".

He then moved down to her stomach and Clarice swore she heard him mutter a "Sleep tight, daddy's girl" before he kissed the round area she calls a stomach and left the room.

I just didn't proof read at all. R&R please!