A/n: Hello! nice of you to look into this. I began write this story when I was first introduce to Fan-fiction. So my user name is actually after her, hehe, love it. And to pronounce it you can say [ZY] + [UHN]. Hope you enjoy the pilot chapter!

There was a rising pressure in the air, and there was a density in it that was threatening the city of Kaon with a massive storm. The storm was likely going to spread its power over them any minute now as the clouds were rolling in over them thick as a blanket. Not that it would make any significant difference to the inhabitants of this city. It was always like they were under a thick blanket made of black smoke and fumes that came from the vast smelt factory in its center.

Everywhere one may look, they would be met with only gray, black, and a lot of dirt; even then, that was no telling how the fumes smelled. The walls had a different shade of dirty, as did the streets that were more broken down and full of holes and rust than the oldest cybetronian in this district would have in his tank. Every housing unit had windows that no one could even try and look out from as no one had bothered to clean them in eons. Pillar of old scraps was decorated most of the alley in these parts, making the whole picture of the slum a complete one.

In one of the old dirty windows that still had some cleanse in then, thanks to a small round face structure of a sparkling that was continually sitting in it, looking out. She sat there and watched every movement from a few cybetronian who were doing something not far from her residence. Her blue optics followed their actions; it was probably something illegal anyway. No one had been killed on her street... yet.

And to think that her sire in only a breem would walk down that exactly that path where the shady shapes were.

Heavy ventilation shook her frame as she sat on the window sill, her optics gazed up at the sky instead, trying to see what could be there behind the dense dark green clouds that were rolling in. The disappointment was not so great when she did not see anything unusual, as it always was like this. There had been only once as the sky had been clear in her existence, and she had seen the most amazing rising sun and all the beautiful colors it created in the air. The sparkling rested her helm at the metal behind her as she remembered the picture of the sun in her helm. Maybe the sun was alone where it floated in space? Maybe as lonely as she felt.

No, She could not be thinking that again, there was no idea to worry about something that she could not change.

The young female stretched her arms in the air, feeling the growing pain in her cables as she did so. She was small for her age and thinly built, a sign of too low nutrition input for over a long time. But her frame still had a clean surface and no damages, which testified that she was always taken care of to the extent that they could. Her eyes were in light blue, which was in contrast to her other pitch-black frame. But she had a roof over her head and a creator who loved her.

However, she did not like the acid season; it was that time that everyone stayed in their house units if they were not adequately dressed. And she was not decently dressed to get out in the acid rain.

"Zion, refueling time" her sires calling voice pierced through her musing

"Coming," Zion looked out one last time before she walked down to the refueling center where her creator put a warm cube energon on the table for her.

She jumped up on her chair and started to sip on the liquid as she looked her sire over. Her mood dropped even lower when she saw that he was already ready for work. Zion hated his job, she understood why he had to do it, but she hated it. Zion couldn't help the heavy feeling that was spreading within her as she sank a little bit more in the chair as she suddenly had lost the last of her appetite. Zion played with the cube in front of her, and she was silently counting the minute until her creator would leave her to go to work and leave her alone all night.

By now, she should be used to it, and she didn't blame him because he had to work, they needed the credits after all. Even at her young age, she does know the importance of credits. But that did not mean that she liked to be left alone when he worked for so long hours. And not only that, but she also had to worry every day about whether to come home or not, his job was dangerous.

"Come now, sparklet, drink up," Her sire said as he patted her on the helm with a small smile.

Zion stared up at him, how could he smile like that always? Like everything would be alright Like nothing was wrong. How could he know that at the end of his shift, how long it was now, he would come back to her and not leave her as an orphan? Zion was trying to contain her feelings and sadness. They were nothing new to her after all. And she knew that her creators felt such guilt that he had to leave her even if he didn't want to.

But no matter how much she tried, the anxiety and fear were too overwhelming for a little sparkling to handle by herself as it bubbled over the creators' bond. Her creator vented softly and sat down in front of her, stroking away the lubricate that had fallen on her cheeks.

"Come here," his arms closed around her smaller frame, completely blocking out the world around her as she started to cry even more in his embrace. He let all the safe and lovely feelings he could muster for her swell over the creation bond, he rocked her lightly in his arms, and his spark hummed low and steady. He closed his optics and tried to keep away the feelings of guilt that reminded him. He had no one but himself to blame as he let her calm down on her own accord as the sorrow shook her little frame. Sometimes he forgot how young his creation was as she acted so grown up and strong most of the time.

Zion had just been upgraded to her new frame and was still adjusting to it, so these emotions were too much for her to handle on her own right now. In another place or family, the carrier would be home with the young one at least until they hit their second youngling state. His femmling was still on her first, and they were on their own. He had no choice but to leave her.

Without credits, they would end up out in the street, Zion would likely not survive it, and then he would have nothing more to live for. But besides that, he had just started climbing ranks in the gladiator games he was working in. Soon he would be able to afford to take better care of her. She was worth so much more than he ever could give her. Every day he came home and had a chance to look at his creation, to touch her small frame and hear her laughing made it all worth it. She was still living. Soon they would be in a better place, he would make sure to change everything as soon as he could, but that was not that day.

"You know what?" He asked his sparkling as she had calmed down " why don't you try and call your uncle and talks to him for a few minutes? " he asked her and smiled; only a few hitches of her ventilation were heard now as she stared in his chassis.

"We do have to make sure that he is not buried under datapads and files in that research he is doing, right?" He smiled as she nodded and beeped an affirmative sound.

Her sire slowly released her now mush calmer body and kissed her helm as he caressed it "good femme."

He went up to the holophone and put in the right frequents of his brother. To use this phone cost a lot of credits, but he felt that his sparkling needed the cheer up his brother could give her. And a distraction, besides, she did love to hear about his work and the city he lived in. His red optics soften slightly as he looked down at the sparkling when he handled her the device. Seconds later, the device flared into life, and the image of a sizeable Tarnian mech was now visible in the blue shine of the projectors.

"Ah, Zion! what a lovely surprise," the mech said with a smile, "I was wondering when you would be calling me again."

"Uncle!" Zion squealed as she stood upon the stool to see him better, the sad feeling fast overridden by the simple one of joy.

"How are you? Are you all alright? Do you need us to come and look after you? Don't die under the data pads! Please don't die on us!" the sad feelings almost started to bubble up to the surface again as the terror of losing her uncle hit her. But as soon as they began to grow out of control, her sire holding them in check for her, and she smiled big up at him as she stood behind her.

The mech on the hologram chuckled. "Slow down there sparklet" her uncle shook his helm, and she could see how he held out his arm. "See here, I'm still whole, and no datapad had even landed on me this day! It is a complete success."

"Wow! that is good to hear," Zion grinned down at his image, "but do you know what Uncle?! guess what! Guess!"

"Guess what?" he asked and tilted his helm "you have a new..." he dragged out the words, even if he did know what she was referring to the sparkling would tell him by herself.

"I got my upgrades," the sparkling sheered, and her sire held her down as she started to dance around on the chair with a massive smile on her. " and I've already grown so much under this dark cycle. So I can open the door by myself! Soon I'll be as big as you and sire."

"Really? you that big already?" The mech asked in fake surprise as he smiled at the child's glee " if you are anything like your carrier and sire, you will be even bigger than me in no time."

"You think so?" asked Zion, that would be amazing!

Her sire chuckled as he petted her helm, "but until that, you are my little femmling" he tickled her small frame, and Zion broke down into giggles and tried to swat his arm away.

" We only wanted to say hello and see how you are," Her sire turned his attention to his brother and smiled at him, he did want to show his brother that he indeed was a huge help. He had helped to buy the upgrades for Zion after all.

"As I said, I'm fine, nothing too worrying about." There was shouting outside the screen, and Zion saw her uncle turn his helm, listening to what the other one said and nodded to someone. "I'm sorry, I have to cut this short," he said apologetically

"That's is alright, I will talk to you another cycle, be safe" the transmutation was cut off, and the sparkling vented out but smiled, she was in a much better mode now.

"Thank you, sire," she said, looking up at her. "And I'm sorry."

Her sire shook his helm and kissed her once again "never say you sorry, alright?, and I will see you in the morning; stay safe sparklet," he told her,

" love you too."

When the door closed behind him with a heavy noise, it felt as if all the sound had disappeared from the now almost empty house as it all began to quiet down. Zion stood on the chair and crawled up against the window to follow his form. She leaned so close to the glass that she risked to break it.

Zion watched as his form disappeared behind a corner, and she vented out slowly as she was once again lonely. She looked down at the sidewalk under the window for a second, but before she was going to sit back down. A sudden movement caught her attention from the outside.

She focused her gaze on the blurry creature that had run past her and tried to zoom in on the object. Whatever it was, it was tiny. As Zion saw the movement again, she tilted her head a little to the side; maybe it was a poor turbo dog? Or a steel cat?.

Oh no! Zion felt dread hit her, it would start raining soon! It was not good for them to have no protection; they would die then.

Zion jumped down from the window's edge and ran toward the door. She opened it slightly and gazed out carefully, afraid to walk out and get caught. She held the door open only by an inch, and even then, she could smell the horrible stench of the scraps that laid beside the house. But as she stood there, she could not see any movement. She knew very well that she was more or less forbidden to be out as soon it was dark, and she was not allowed to leave the safety of the house.

But it was still some light outside, so it was not quite dark yet, and that poor animal could be out in the stinging acid rain was nothing she wanted to torment herself with. Zion took a deep soothing breath as she felt her servos shake lightly as she was gripping the door handle.

Slowly Zion opened the door more and began to move outward carefully. She held her hand on it as long as she could., It was harder than she thought to release the handle, her spark pulsed hard in her chest, her optics darted around. Slowly she let go of one finger at a time, and soon she was at the first step, and she took a step down for it and was now on the path. Zion scanned the area, a low rumbling could be heard from the factory, and in the air was a burning scent from the smelter. Slowly, she moved across the quiet road and toward the alleyway where she had seen the movement last.

"Here kitty, kitty," she whispered as she crept closer to the alley, she could hear a metallic drag sound and a hissing.

The sound of something small and alive made, and she felt a little bit braver. It was an animal, a small and weak thing that probably was as lonely as she was. Zion tried to see it from the outside of the ally. She hoped that it was not hurt or wanted to hurt her for that matter.

Slowly Zion went past the vast scrap heap, and she shrank back with a gasp when an iron pipe suddenly whizzed past her helmet, just one inch from hitting her. She let out a frightened scream as she held her hand over her helm to protect it from hurt. Oh, scrap, scrap, her sire was going to be so furious with her if he found out she got hurt!

"D..dodon't ...come any c...c.. !" A small shaky voice was heard as the pipe was raised threatening against her and swung the pipe down at Zion's helm.


So what do you think? it is only the beginning, only two chapters of 'Sparklings' view and then they will be thrown in to the pit. But you can see this as some kind of Pilot chapter, if it is an interest in reading more, then tell me so and I will. Oh and the terror Twins will ofc be a huge part of the Gladiator pit Life ;)