Chapter one

"Dani come on now. You don't want to be late for your first day," Emily says.

"Just give me a sec."

"You have been telling me that a while ago," says the older brunette in a slightly annoyed tone.

Dani descends down the stairs and enters the kitchen where Emily is at. The teen is around 5,5 in height, with rather athletic toned body shape. The girl has dark brownish short hair, reaching down to her collarbone. Her soft tan skin combined well with her hazel eyes.

"Hey come on, you can't blame me. I need to look good for the first day," Dani tells Emily, giving her a wink. She is wearing a simple but yet nice white T-shirt, along with a pair of jeans and a nice black bomber jacket.

Emily chuckles giving Dani a breakfast sandwich. "Here, with this, you will feel very energized."

"You know, I would feel pretty good with an iced coffee."

"We talked about this, you are way too young to let your body run on caffeine," Emily says " An orange juice should do the trick."

"Fine," Dani responds slightly rolling her eyes, "But you can't stop me once they finish building that McDonald's down the street."

"Watch me," says Emily in a determined tone. She grabs her car keys and signals Dani to the door. "Let's go."

They head out and enter the car. The drive was uneventful with just small talk.

"You have your schedule ready?" Asked Emily, still staring at the road.

"Yep. It's on my phone. The classes look interesting. I'm not looking forward to Algebra."

"I remember those days. I wasn't fond of math either, but don't worry, you will get the hang of it." Emily tells her smiling.

They arrive at the school. A tall building with four floors that stretches out. There are 3 visible tennis courts at the front. The grass is cut and the bushes trimmed nicely. Crowds of students surrounding the building chattering. At the front, there is a banner that says "Welcome Freshmen to Benjamin Academy HS. Home of the Bulldogs!"

Dani looks at the building amused. "This is a high school? My god."

"It is pretty impressive." Emily nods. "Well, you better get going before the bell rings."

Dani gets her bookbag and quickly checks that she has everything she needs. Once she is done, she zips up her bag and looks at Emily. "Alright, I think I'm good."

Emily smiles and runs a palm over Dani's cheek. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. " Take care, have fun and don't forget to text me when you arrive back home, okay?"

"Yes, mam," Dani tells her smirking. She opens the door and steps out of the car.

"I love you," Emily tells her.

"Yo Tambien," Dani responds.

Emily watches as she sees Dani walk up to the entrance. Dani stops and heads towards a group of friends. They all greet each other and walk inside the building. Emily smiles and starts to drive.