This is my first Haikyuu fanfic ever, so I'm a bit nervous to see how it turns out.

I should probably warn you that English isn't my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes I might make. On the other side though, I am a volleyball player myself so you can expect the description of games and practices to be fairly accurate (at least I hope they are. I leave the room open for mistakes to be made on that department as well)

Also, I have no idea how the Japannese culture really works. My only knowledge of it is what comes directly out of the few animes I've watched. Haikyuu included. So, if you find americanisms please try to overlook them. Remember this is a work of fiction.

IMPORTANT: this story will contain mature themes like sexual assault and the aftermath of it. If this is something that triggers you, please proceed with caution. I tend to make very detailed descriptions so the scenes will be explicit when they come. When they do, I'll make sure to change the rating of the story.

On another note: I am a total fan of KageHina but I'm not sure if this story is headed that way. I guess it will depend on how the events unfold and maybe on how many requests there are for them to end up together. Rest assured though that they'll be close in this story and if not on a romantic way (which, like I said, still remains to be seen) then KageHina will most definitely be present in a bromance sort of way.

And last, but not least: requests are always welcome! As much as comments and constructive criticism. Reviews will be much appreciated.

Sorry for the long note! I hope you like this chapter. It's only the prologue, so the chapters to come should be longer.



20 - 18

Karasuno was down by two points. The other team had just scored another point by blocking Hinata's attack. Again.

Too small.

Nishinoya apologized for not saving the ball on time.

Daichi clapped him on the back encouraging to try one more time.

Tanaka bumped him on the shoulder with a fist but said nothing as he resumed his position.

Asahi may have said something but Hinata wasn't paying attention to him. He had his eyes fixed on the other team's middle blocker who was high fiving the rest of his teammates with a smirk on his face.

Kageyama walked quickly over to him and apologized for not managing to open a hole in their rival's defense.

Hinata sighed.

Too small.

The whistle blew a high pitched signal and Hinata was ripped from his stupor when the new service came flying their way. It went straight to their libero's arms.

Good. It didn't come to me.

"Good receive!" someone yelled. Could've been their setter. Could've been their coach. Hinata didn't really care.

The ball was starting to reach Kageyama's hands, making Hinata take a couple of steps back to gain some momentum for his run. The movement was almost instinctual by now. Hinata didn't have to think about it to do it.

The toss went to Tanaka.


He'll be able to score.

20 - 19

One more point and they would reach the tie.

Hinata felt a pair of eyes on him and he locked his gaze on Kageyama, who wasn't celebrating Tanaka's incredible spike with the other guys but was instead looking at him with something aching to confusion in his eyes. Or maybe it was annoyance. It was hard to tell with him.

Hinata hadn't asked for the toss. He'd ran, he'd jumped but he hadn't asked for the ball.

Next time, he silently promised his setter.

It was Daichi's time to serve.

Hinata blew out an annoyed breath. He was waiting for the moment he had to serve so he could just switch places with Nishinoya. With the score as high as it was, it was unlikely he'd have time to come back to the game. Once he was out, he didn't think Tsukishima would have time to serve before the game was over. But there were still two rotations left for that.

That's when Hinata remembered that their libero had just switched places with Tsukishima, so it wouldn't be his turn to step out any time soon.

He sighed.

The whistle blew again and their captain served the ball right after Kageyama whispered to Hinata to be ready.

The other team received without difficulty and all their spikers got ready to jump. Hinata wasn't sure where the attack would come from.

He had to wait. Wait, wait and see where the toss would end up.

There! In the middle. The tall guy that had managed to block so many of his attacks was already jumping in the air.

He was so tall.

Too small.

The memory made him wince.

Hinata jumped but his fingers barely managed to touch the ball before it smashed into Karasuno's side of the court. Nishinoya didn't get there in time. Daichi was too far away. Asahi didn't even react.

It was Hinata's fault. He hadn't been able to block the ball.

21 - 19

The other team rotated.

One of them got ready to serve.

The whistle blew.

Hinata was blocked again.

They'd managed to receive and organize the play but he wasn't able to go through the defense on the other side of the net.

Hinata's heart wasn't even beating that fast, his breathing wasn't hard. He landed swiftly back on the floor to stare again at the smirk directed his way.

"Oi! Get out of your head! Work around the block" Kageyama ordered. Hinata just nodded.

The score was now 22 - 19. Things weren't looking up for them.

But the team had gotten out of tighter spots before, right? Hinata was sure his team would tip the score in their favor once Tsukishima came back to the court. He was sure of it.

22 - 20

Asahi got them a point with an attack from behind the attack line.

One more rotation and it'll be my turn to serve.

The next point lasted an eternity.

A powerful serve from Tanaka managed to reach the other's team setter, so their libero had to step in but his toss was slightly short and away from the net.

"Free ball!" Nishinoya yelled, getting quickly behind the ball to deliver it to Kageyama.

Asahi was now up front, asking for the ball and hitting it with incredible force.

The other team connected and organized their own attack.

Hinata couldn't reach the block this time either but Daichi was in the path of the attack and managed to keep it from hitting the ground.

Hinata started running. Avoid the block. Work around the block.

What if I just dink over the block?

But the toss went back to their Ace whose yell had convinced Kageyama to give him the ball again.

They won the point.

22 - 21



"Let's go! One more!"

His teammates were on fire.

Tanaka served again.

"Nice serve!"

The other team received and attacked the ball back to them. Daichi sent it flying towards their setter.

Hinata counted the seconds. He wanted to time his jump right.

Avoid the block.

Avoid the block.


He just needed to go behind Kageyama and make a wide jump near the right antenna.

Asahi asked for the ball again. So did Tanaka who wanted to attack from behind.

Kageyama went after the pass that hadn't quite reached his position near the net. This was a play they'd done thousands of time. It was actually their most efective one because no one ever believed Kageyama could deliver him the ball slightly from behind when he was already in the air. But it worked every time. It was their signature attack. Hinata was sure he would manage to score a point for their team this time.

He was still running, beginning to bend his body down to spike and jump into the air but a shadow crossed his vission and Hinata looked up sharply.

He had a two men block in front of him.

Work around the block.

Hinata had enough presence of mind still to realize that even though the defense had discovered their play, they were a few seconds late on their position. Hinata had encountered himself under similar circumstances before. He could, in fact, work around the block.

But the moment his eyes locked on the long arms reaching to interrupt his view, Hinata froze.

You're so small.

The words echoed in his mind.

Hinata didn't jump.

But Kageyama had already jumped himself, his hands posed to connect with the ball and send it towards him.

Everyone gasped as the ball sailed above his head to end up bouncing untouched to the floor.

This time Hinata was breathing heavily but it wasn't due to exhertion. He straightened up and faced the wall that still towered over him, the players too shoked themselves to put their arms down even thought the referee had already raised his arm towards their side of the court.

23 - 21

"Hinata, are you okay?"

Daichi asked, his face a mixture of anger and worry.

"You'll get the next one Hinata"

Nishinoya said in a small voice, still too shocked about what had happened.

"What on earth is wrong with you!"

Hinata flinched at hearing Kageyama's voice louder than everyone else's.

He turned around to see the setter murdering him with the way he was looking at him.

Hinata was sure Kageyama had a lot more he wanted to say but the setter got interrupted by the sound of a whistle. Hinata was ready to go back to his position to resume the game when he noticed his teammates' crestfallen expressions. They were looking dumbfounded at something behind him.

Hinata turned slowly and was greeted with the image of thick black numbers on a small white board.


His number.

Narita was waiting at the edge of the court for the exchange to be made.

Hinata let out a sigh and walked with heavy feet to the edge of the court where he took his number from Narita's hand and stepped beyond the white line that now separated him from the game.

The gym was in eerie silence before the referee blew the whistle again and the game was renewed.

But Hinata wasn't thinking about the game anymore.

He didn't hear the rest of his teammates offering encouragement when he joined them a few feet outside the court. He didn't feel Sugawara's hand on his shoulder or see the concerned look sent his way from the gray haired boy. He just took his place behind them all and focused his gaze on the ground.

Too small.

You're so, so small. The voice kept taunting him.

Hinata clenched his fists while everyone else went back to watching the game.

You're so small Hinata. So small.


And there's that!

I hope you guys liked the chapter and are maybe a bit curious of what the rest of the story will bring.

If you are, please let me know and, having already let out a few pointers as to what happens in this story, if there are any particular scenes you'd like to read, feel free to ask them and I'll do everything I can to make them fit the story so I can deliver.

If you decide to stick with me for the time being: welcome! Welcome to an emotional rollercoaster of angst and hurt/comfort. And thank you for giving this story a chance.