Emma had lost count of how long they had been trekking the jungle, pain gnawing at her legs as she pushed on. She'd seen enough trees to last her a lifetime. The quizzical blonde glanced over at the woman walking beside her, their steps in sync with one another. But it was almost as though Regina was slowing her pace for the woman, the thought making Emma furrow her brows.

"You aren't slowing down for me now, are you?" Emma asked in curiosity, Regina rolled her eyes at the accusation.

"Do you really think I'd waste my time looking for our son, slowing down for you?" The woman retorted, arms swinging by her sides acting like a child throwing a toy out of their buggy. The truth was she was slowing down for Emma, she wasn't fond of leaving the woman to walk behind her, anything could happen. But she wasn't just going to admit that to Emma. "Use your magic, Swan. That's what it's for."

"You know I don't know how to use it."

Emma glowered in annoyance at the suggestion, she wasn't like Regina, no-one was teaching her, she didn't have Gold to push her to her limits. Regina sensed the saddened mood that had fell upon them and stopped in her tracks, releasing an irritated sigh. Emma had stopped instinctively paused when Regina had, she was glad to have the rest if she was honest.

"If you insist, then I shall teach you."

Emma raised an eyebrow in amusement at that, trying to recall her asking the dark haired woman to teach her magic. "I'm pretty sure I never aske- "

"With all the whining and complaining you do, you might as well had." She cut in, she was actually relieved when she'd found out Emma had magic. The only other person that had magic in their little town had been Rumple, and that wasn't exactly a good thing. If Emma was as powerful as she thinks she is, then it would be a good thing to help her control it. God knows that woman would probably accidentally blow up a building if she couldn't control it.

Emma felt the urge to argue back with that, knowing she'd only mentioned it a couple of times. She was still getting over the fact that she had these secret abilities hidden within her somewhere. Emma glanced at her surroundings, looking for a rock to rest on seem as standing wasn't exactly helping the ache in her legs.

"I want you to concentrate on something that angers you, or whatever feeling you feel most. I need you to feel it as strongly as possible. Understood?" The queen instructed, watching the woman before her hold out her hand. It was simple really, Regina wondered why Emma found it so hard. "Close your eyes and focus."

Emma did her best, trying to gather all the feelings she felt, loss, love, anger. All at once, she could feel it just on the tip of her fingers, but moments passed and it seemed to slip through her fingers. A frustrated growl leaving her as she opened her eyes to an emptiness in her hand. No magic. No fire. Regina didn't seem annoyed - for once - probably because she knew how difficult it could be learning something entirely new.

"Just breathe, Swan." The woman pushed, urging the woman to continue what she was doing, she'd saw a flicker of light from her palm before meaning she was close to grasping whatever power she needed. "And try again."

Emma let her eyes flutter shut once more, her lips pursing as she let out a light breath. Regina hadn't noticed her lingering gaze on the blonde, it made her feel strange, Emma was probably everything the opposite to what she was normally attracted to. Brunettes were the ones to catch her eye, dark eyed, tall - someone not particularly special looking, plain really, like her. Yet Emma was before her, taking her heart without even knowing, her blonde locks settled on her shoulders, calling for Regina to just step forward and brush the hair out of Emma's face. Of course, she resisted. But the thought was still there and Regina hated herself for not being able to shake it off.

It was infuriating for her to know that Emma had such a hold on her, just like her previous love. The saviour had managed to leave her a flustering mess on several occasions, made her blush furiously whenever she'd compliment her - even though knew the woman she was within. The horrible person she'd been in the past, Emma still smiled when they passed one another in the street, she still hugged her when she knew she needed it, she was unbelievably kind to someone who definitely didn't deserve such kindness.


Emma's gasp broke her from the trance she barely knew she was in, the woman's eyes wide as a bright light shone from the center of her hand. Her green eyes met brown. It was like no magic Regina had ever seen before, so unique that the brunette couldn't help but stare. The magic wavered, quickly vanishing as instantly as it had appeared. The blonde's emotions faltered at the sight.

"See," Regina smirked, "When you concentrate, you can do anything. Keep that in mind if I were you."

"Well, I was hoping you'd teach me how to find some way to stop this stupid aching in my legs." Emma mustered, hauling herself to her feet, wincing at the pain. With one wave of her hand, the pain coursing through Emma's body eased up, disappearing as though it was never there to start with. "Ugh, thank you. You couldn't have done that two miles back?"

"You should've asked and I would've." Regina shrugged, continuing on the trail they were following, using her magic to push all of the greenery in her way aside. Emma's mouth was agape in disbelief at the woman before her.

"Could you not tell by the lack of breath? It's a clear sign that someone is exhausted." Emma spoke as though the woman was an idiot for not seeing the signs.

"I just assumed you were naturally that slow." Regina let out a laugh, practically feeling Emma roll her eyes at the comment. Sometimes it gave her a thrill to annoy the blonde. "I was starting to feel bad for your past lovers... slow isn't exactly a good the bed anyway."

Emma wasn't sure if she'd actually heard Regina correctly, she knew for a fact that wasn't true seem as every man…or woman she'd slept with, had come running back for more not soon after.

"I'll have you know I am great in bed." Emma snapped back, earning herself a smirk from Regina. A thought was quick to cross her mind before she said her next comment, a playful smile finding it's way to her lips. "I can show you better than I can tell you...if you're down for it, madame mayor."

Regina would've choked if she'd had anything in her mouth in that moment, she hadn't been expecting the woman to be so forward with her. Especially with such a comment as that. It was the first time in an extremely long time that she'd found herself lost for words, a blush burning on her cheeks feeling as though they were on fire - in some ways they were. The mayor dared not to turn around knowing she resembled a tomato, she wasn't going to let Emma bask in the satisfaction of making the woman blush. She'd revel in it and Regina knew it.

Emma didn't need the queen to turn to know the affect she'd had on the woman, it was clear even from where she stood that she'd taken the woman aback with her words. If she was honest, she was surprised she'd plucked the courage to make such a comment to the fiery woman she admired so.